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Example 1 with JBossServletsMetaData

use of org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData in project wildfly by wildfly.

the class WarJACCService method createPermissions.

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void createPermissions(WarMetaData metaData, PolicyConfiguration pc) throws PolicyContextException {
    JBossWebMetaData jbossWebMetaData = metaData.getMergedJBossWebMetaData();
    HashMap<String, PatternInfo> patternMap = qualifyURLPatterns(jbossWebMetaData);
    List<SecurityConstraintMetaData> secConstraints = jbossWebMetaData.getSecurityConstraints();
    if (secConstraints != null) {
        for (SecurityConstraintMetaData secConstraint : secConstraints) {
            WebResourceCollectionsMetaData resourceCollectionsMetaData = secConstraint.getResourceCollections();
            UserDataConstraintMetaData userDataConstraintMetaData = secConstraint.getUserDataConstraint();
            if (resourceCollectionsMetaData != null) {
                if (secConstraint.isExcluded() || secConstraint.isUnchecked()) {
                    // Process the permissions for the excluded/unchecked resources
                    for (WebResourceCollectionMetaData resourceCollectionMetaData : resourceCollectionsMetaData) {
                        List<String> httpMethods = new ArrayList<>(resourceCollectionMetaData.getHttpMethods());
                        List<String> ommisions = resourceCollectionMetaData.getHttpMethodOmissions();
                        if (httpMethods.isEmpty() && !ommisions.isEmpty()) {
                        List<String> urlPatterns = resourceCollectionMetaData.getUrlPatterns();
                        for (String urlPattern : urlPatterns) {
                            PatternInfo info = patternMap.get(urlPattern);
                            info.descriptor = true;
                            // Add the excluded methods
                            if (secConstraint.isExcluded()) {
                            // SECURITY-63: Missing auth-constraint needs unchecked policy
                            if (secConstraint.isUnchecked() && httpMethods.isEmpty()) {
                                info.isMissingAuthConstraint = true;
                            } else {
                } else {
                    // Process the permission for the resources x roles
                    for (WebResourceCollectionMetaData resourceCollectionMetaData : resourceCollectionsMetaData) {
                        List<String> httpMethods = new ArrayList<>(resourceCollectionMetaData.getHttpMethods());
                        List<String> methodOmissions = resourceCollectionMetaData.getHttpMethodOmissions();
                        if (httpMethods.isEmpty() && !methodOmissions.isEmpty()) {
                        List<String> urlPatterns = resourceCollectionMetaData.getUrlPatterns();
                        for (String urlPattern : urlPatterns) {
                            // Get the qualified url pattern
                            PatternInfo info = patternMap.get(urlPattern);
                            info.descriptor = true;
                            HashSet<String> mappedRoles = new HashSet<String>();
                            List<String> authRoles = secConstraint.getAuthConstraint().getRoleNames();
                            for (String role : authRoles) {
                                if ("*".equals(role)) {
                                    // The wildcard ref maps to all declared security-role names
                                } else {
                            info.addRoles(mappedRoles, httpMethods);
                            // Add the transport to methods
                            if (userDataConstraintMetaData != null && userDataConstraintMetaData.getTransportGuarantee() != null)
                                info.addTransport(userDataConstraintMetaData.getTransportGuarantee().name(), httpMethods);
    JBossServletsMetaData servlets = jbossWebMetaData.getServlets();
    List<ServletMappingMetaData> mappings = jbossWebMetaData.getServletMappings();
    if (servlets != null && mappings != null) {
        Map<String, List<String>> servletMappingMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (ServletMappingMetaData mapping : mappings) {
            List<String> list = servletMappingMap.get(mapping.getServletName());
            if (list == null) {
                servletMappingMap.put(mapping.getServletName(), list = new ArrayList<>());
        if (!jbossWebMetaData.isMetadataComplete()) {
            for (JBossServletMetaData servlet : servlets) {
                ServletSecurityMetaData security = servlet.getServletSecurity();
                if (security != null) {
                    List<String> servletMappings = servletMappingMap.get(servlet.getServletName());
                    if (servletMappings != null) {
                        if (security.getHttpMethodConstraints() != null) {
                            for (HttpMethodConstraintMetaData s : security.getHttpMethodConstraints()) {
                                if (s.getRolesAllowed() == null || s.getRolesAllowed().isEmpty()) {
                                    for (String urlPattern : servletMappings) {
                                        // Get the qualified url pattern
                                        PatternInfo info = patternMap.get(urlPattern);
                                        if (info.descriptor) {
                                        // Add the excluded methods
                                        if (s.getEmptyRoleSemantic() == null || s.getEmptyRoleSemantic() == EmptyRoleSemanticType.PERMIT) {
                                        } else {
                                        // Add the transport to methods
                                        if (s.getTransportGuarantee() != null)
                                            info.addTransport(s.getTransportGuarantee().name(), Collections.singletonList(s.getMethod()));
                                } else {
                                    for (String urlPattern : servletMappings) {
                                        // Get the qualified url pattern
                                        PatternInfo info = patternMap.get(urlPattern);
                                        if (info.descriptor) {
                                        HashSet<String> mappedRoles = new HashSet<String>();
                                        List<String> authRoles = s.getRolesAllowed();
                                        for (String role : authRoles) {
                                            if ("*".equals(role)) {
                                                // The wildcard ref maps to all declared security-role names
                                            } else {
                                        info.addRoles(mappedRoles, Collections.singletonList(s.getMethod()));
                                        // Add the transport to methods
                                        if (s.getTransportGuarantee() != null)
                                            info.addTransport(s.getTransportGuarantee().name(), Collections.singletonList(s.getMethod()));
                        if (security.getRolesAllowed() == null || security.getRolesAllowed().isEmpty()) {
                            for (String urlPattern : servletMappings) {
                                // Get the qualified url pattern
                                PatternInfo info = patternMap.get(urlPattern);
                                if (info.descriptor) {
                                // Add the excluded methods
                                if (security.getEmptyRoleSemantic() == null || security.getEmptyRoleSemantic() == EmptyRoleSemanticType.PERMIT) {
                                    info.isMissingAuthConstraint = true;
                                } else {
                                    Set<String> methods = new HashSet<>(WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHODS);
                                    if (security.getHttpMethodConstraints() != null) {
                                        for (HttpMethodConstraintMetaData method : security.getHttpMethodConstraints()) {
                                    info.addExcludedMethods(new ArrayList<>(methods));
                                // Add the transport to methods
                                if (security.getTransportGuarantee() != null)
                                    info.addTransport(security.getTransportGuarantee().name(), Collections.emptyList());
                        } else {
                            for (String urlPattern : servletMappings) {
                                // Get the qualified url pattern
                                PatternInfo info = patternMap.get(urlPattern);
                                if (info.descriptor) {
                                HashSet<String> mappedRoles = new HashSet<String>();
                                List<String> authRoles = security.getRolesAllowed();
                                for (String role : authRoles) {
                                    if ("*".equals(role)) {
                                        // The wildcard ref maps to all declared security-role names
                                    } else {
                                info.addRoles(mappedRoles, Collections.emptyList());
                                // Add the transport to methods
                                if (security.getTransportGuarantee() != null)
                                    info.addTransport(security.getTransportGuarantee().name(), Collections.emptyList());
    // Create the permissions
    for (PatternInfo info : patternMap.values()) {
        String qurl = info.getQualifiedPattern();
        if (info.isOverridden) {
        // Create the excluded permissions
        String[] httpMethods = info.getExcludedMethods();
        if (httpMethods != null) {
            // There were excluded security-constraints
            WebResourcePermission wrp = new WebResourcePermission(qurl, httpMethods);
            WebUserDataPermission wudp = new WebUserDataPermission(qurl, httpMethods, null);
        // Create the role permissions
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> roles = info.getRoleMethods();
        Set<String> seenMethods = new HashSet<>();
        while (roles.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> roleMethods =;
            String role = roleMethods.getKey();
            Set<String> methods = roleMethods.getValue();
            httpMethods = methods.toArray(new String[methods.size()]);
            pc.addToRole(role, new WebResourcePermission(qurl, httpMethods));
        //there are totally 7 http methods from the jacc spec (See WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHOD_NAMES)
        final int NUMBER_OF_HTTP_METHODS = 7;
        // JACC 1.1: create !(httpmethods) in unchecked perms
        if (jbossWebMetaData.getDenyUncoveredHttpMethods() == null) {
            if (seenMethods.size() != NUMBER_OF_HTTP_METHODS) {
                WebResourcePermission wrpUnchecked = new WebResourcePermission(qurl, "!" + getCommaSeparatedString(seenMethods.toArray(new String[seenMethods.size()])));
        if (jbossWebMetaData.getDenyUncoveredHttpMethods() == null) {
            // Create the unchecked permissions
            String[] missingHttpMethods = info.getMissingMethods();
            int length = missingHttpMethods.length;
            roles = info.getRoleMethods();
            if (length > 0 && !roles.hasNext()) {
                // Create the unchecked permissions WebResourcePermissions
                WebResourcePermission wrp = new WebResourcePermission(qurl, missingHttpMethods);
            } else if (!roles.hasNext()) {
                pc.addToUncheckedPolicy(new WebResourcePermission(qurl, (String) null));
            // SECURITY-63: Missing auth-constraint needs unchecked policy
            if (info.isMissingAuthConstraint) {
                pc.addToUncheckedPolicy(new WebResourcePermission(qurl, (String) null));
            } else if (!info.allMethods.containsAll(WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHODS)) {
                List<String> methods = new ArrayList<>(WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHODS);
                pc.addToUncheckedPolicy(new WebResourcePermission(qurl, methods.toArray(new String[methods.size()])));
            if (!info.missingAuthConstraintMethods.isEmpty()) {
                pc.addToUncheckedPolicy(new WebResourcePermission(qurl, info.missingAuthConstraintMethods.toArray(new String[info.missingAuthConstraintMethods.size()])));
        // Create the unchecked permissions WebUserDataPermissions
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> transportConstraints = info.getTransportMethods();
        while (transportConstraints.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> transportMethods =;
            String transport = transportMethods.getKey();
            Set<String> methods = transportMethods.getValue();
            httpMethods = new String[methods.size()];
            WebUserDataPermission wudp = new WebUserDataPermission(qurl, httpMethods, transport);
            // with the url pattern and null
            if ("NONE".equals(transport)) {
                WebUserDataPermission wudp1 = new WebUserDataPermission(qurl, null);
            } else {
                // JACC 1.1: Transport is CONFIDENTIAL/INTEGRAL, add a !(http methods)
                WebUserDataPermission wudpNonNull = new WebUserDataPermission(qurl, "!" + getCommaSeparatedString(httpMethods));
    Set<String> declaredRoles = jbossWebMetaData.getSecurityRoleNames();
         * Create WebRoleRefPermissions for all servlet/security-role-refs along with all the cross product of servlets and
         * security-role elements that are not referenced via a security-role-ref as described in JACC section
    JBossServletsMetaData servletsMetaData = jbossWebMetaData.getServlets();
    for (JBossServletMetaData servletMetaData : servletsMetaData) {
        Set<String> unrefRoles = new HashSet<String>(declaredRoles);
        String servletName = servletMetaData.getName();
        SecurityRoleRefsMetaData roleRefsMetaData = servletMetaData.getSecurityRoleRefs();
        // Perform the unreferenced roles processing for every servlet name
        if (roleRefsMetaData != null) {
            for (SecurityRoleRefMetaData roleRefMetaData : roleRefsMetaData) {
                String roleRef = roleRefMetaData.getRoleLink();
                String roleName = roleRefMetaData.getRoleName();
                WebRoleRefPermission wrrp = new WebRoleRefPermission(servletName, roleName);
                pc.addToRole(roleRef, wrrp);
                // Remove the role from the unreferencedRoles
        // in a security-role-ref within the servlet element.
        for (String unrefRole : unrefRoles) {
            WebRoleRefPermission unrefP = new WebRoleRefPermission(servletName, unrefRole);
            pc.addToRole(unrefRole, unrefP);
    // such permission must be the role-name of the corresponding role.
    for (String role : declaredRoles) {
        WebRoleRefPermission wrrep = new WebRoleRefPermission("", role);
        pc.addToRole(role, wrrep);
Also used : JBossWebMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossWebMetaData) SecurityRoleRefsMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.SecurityRoleRefsMetaData) WebResourcePermission( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JBossServletMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletMetaData) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ServletSecurityMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.ServletSecurityMetaData) SecurityConstraintMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.SecurityConstraintMetaData) WebResourceCollectionsMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.WebResourceCollectionsMetaData) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) UserDataConstraintMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.UserDataConstraintMetaData) JBossServletsMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData) WebUserDataPermission( HttpMethodConstraintMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.HttpMethodConstraintMetaData) ServletMappingMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.ServletMappingMetaData) SecurityRoleRefMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.SecurityRoleRefMetaData) WebRoleRefPermission( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) WebResourceCollectionMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.WebResourceCollectionMetaData)

Example 2 with JBossServletsMetaData

use of org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData in project wildfly by wildfly.

the class AbstractMetaDataBuilderPOJO method getServletClassMappings.

     * Returns servlet name to servlet class mappings.
     * @param jbossWebMD jboss web meta data
     * @return servlet name to servlet mappings
private Map<String, String> getServletClassMappings(final JBossWebMetaData jbossWebMD, final List<POJOEndpoint> pojoEndpoints) {
    final Map<String, String> mappings = new HashMap<String, String>();
    final JBossServletsMetaData servlets = WebMetaDataHelper.getServlets(jbossWebMD);
    for (final POJOEndpoint pojoEndpoint : pojoEndpoints) {
        final String pojoName = pojoEndpoint.getName();
        final String pojoClassName = pojoEndpoint.getClassName();
        mappings.put(pojoName, pojoClassName);
        if (!pojoEndpoint.isDeclared()) {
            final String endpointName = pojoEndpoint.getName();
            final String endpointClassName = pojoEndpoint.getClassName();
            WebMetaDataHelper.newServlet(endpointName, endpointClassName, servlets);
    return mappings;
Also used : JBossServletsMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) POJOEndpoint(

Example 3 with JBossServletsMetaData

use of org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData in project wildfly by wildfly.

the class WebMetaDataHelper method getServlets.

     * Gets servlets meta data from jboss web meta data. If not found it creates new servlets meta data and associates them
     * with jboss web meta data.
     * @param jbossWebMD jboss web meta data
     * @return servlets meta data
public static JBossServletsMetaData getServlets(final JBossWebMetaData jbossWebMD) {
    JBossServletsMetaData servletsMD = jbossWebMD.getServlets();
    if (servletsMD == null) {
        servletsMD = new JBossServletsMetaData();
    return servletsMD;
Also used : JBossServletsMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData)

Example 4 with JBossServletsMetaData

use of org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData in project wildfly by wildfly.

the class WarJACCService method qualifyURLPatterns.

     * JACC url pattern Qualified URL Pattern Names.
     * The rules for qualifying a URL pattern are dependent on the rules for determining if one URL pattern matches another as
     * defined in Section, Servlet URL-Pattern Matching Rules, and are described as follows: - If the pattern is a path
     * prefix pattern, it must be qualified by every path-prefix pattern in the deployment descriptor matched by and different
     * from the pattern being qualified. The pattern must also be qualified by every exact pattern appearing in the deployment
     * descriptor that is matched by the pattern being qualified. - If the pattern is an extension pattern, it must be qualified
     * by every path-prefix pattern appearing in the deployment descriptor and every exact pattern in the deployment descriptor
     * that is matched by the pattern being qualified. - If the pattern is the default pattern, "/", it must be qualified by
     * every other pattern except the default pattern appearing in the deployment descriptor. - If the pattern is an exact
     * pattern, its qualified form must not contain any qualifying patterns.
     * URL patterns are qualified by appending to their String representation, a colon separated representation of the list of
     * patterns that qualify the pattern. Duplicates must not be included in the list of qualifying patterns, and any qualifying
     * pattern matched by another qualifying pattern may5 be dropped from the list.
     * Any pattern, qualified by a pattern that matches it, is overridden and made irrelevant (in the translation) by the
     * qualifying pattern. Specifically, all extension patterns and the default pattern are made irrelevant by the presence of
     * the path prefix pattern "/*" in a deployment descriptor. Patterns qualified by the "/*" pattern violate the
     * URLPatternSpec constraints of WebResourcePermission and WebUserDataPermission names and must be rejected by the
     * corresponding permission constructors.
     * @param metaData - the web deployment metadata
     * @return HashMap<String, PatternInfo>
static HashMap<String, PatternInfo> qualifyURLPatterns(JBossWebMetaData metaData) {
    ArrayList<PatternInfo> prefixList = new ArrayList<PatternInfo>();
    ArrayList<PatternInfo> extensionList = new ArrayList<PatternInfo>();
    ArrayList<PatternInfo> exactList = new ArrayList<PatternInfo>();
    HashMap<String, PatternInfo> patternMap = new HashMap<String, PatternInfo>();
    PatternInfo defaultInfo = null;
    List<SecurityConstraintMetaData> constraints = metaData.getSecurityConstraints();
    if (constraints != null) {
        for (SecurityConstraintMetaData constraint : constraints) {
            WebResourceCollectionsMetaData resourceCollectionsMetaData = constraint.getResourceCollections();
            if (resourceCollectionsMetaData != null) {
                for (WebResourceCollectionMetaData resourceCollectionMetaData : resourceCollectionsMetaData) {
                    List<String> urlPatterns = resourceCollectionMetaData.getUrlPatterns();
                    for (String url : urlPatterns) {
                        int type = getPatternType(url);
                        PatternInfo info = patternMap.get(url);
                        if (info == null) {
                            info = new PatternInfo(url, type);
                            patternMap.put(url, info);
                            switch(type) {
                                case PREFIX:
                                case EXTENSION:
                                case EXACT:
                                case DEFAULT:
                                    defaultInfo = info;
    JBossServletsMetaData servlets = metaData.getServlets();
    List<ServletMappingMetaData> mappings = metaData.getServletMappings();
    if (!metaData.isMetadataComplete() && servlets != null && mappings != null) {
        Map<String, List<String>> servletMappingMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (ServletMappingMetaData mapping : mappings) {
            List<String> list = servletMappingMap.get(mapping.getServletName());
            if (list == null) {
                servletMappingMap.put(mapping.getServletName(), list = new ArrayList<>());
        for (JBossServletMetaData servlet : servlets) {
            ServletSecurityMetaData security = servlet.getServletSecurity();
            if (security != null) {
                List<String> servletMappings = servletMappingMap.get(servlet.getServletName());
                if (servletMappings != null) {
                    for (String url : servletMappings) {
                        int type = getPatternType(url);
                        PatternInfo info = patternMap.get(url);
                        if (info == null) {
                            info = new PatternInfo(url, type);
                            patternMap.put(url, info);
                            switch(type) {
                                case PREFIX:
                                case EXTENSION:
                                case EXACT:
                                case DEFAULT:
                                    defaultInfo = info;
    // Qualify all prefix patterns
    for (int i = 0; i < prefixList.size(); i++) {
        PatternInfo info = prefixList.get(i);
        // Qualify by every other prefix pattern matching this pattern
        for (int j = 0; j < prefixList.size(); j++) {
            if (i == j)
            PatternInfo other = prefixList.get(j);
            if (info.matches(other))
        // Qualify by every exact pattern that is matched by this pattern
        for (PatternInfo other : exactList) {
            if (info.matches(other))
    // Qualify all extension patterns
    for (PatternInfo info : extensionList) {
        // Qualify by every path prefix pattern
        for (PatternInfo other : prefixList) {
            // Any extension
        // Qualify by every matching exact pattern
        for (PatternInfo other : exactList) {
            if (info.isExtensionFor(other))
    // Qualify the default pattern
    if (defaultInfo == null) {
        defaultInfo = new PatternInfo("/", DEFAULT);
        patternMap.put("/", defaultInfo);
    for (PatternInfo info : patternMap.values()) {
        if (info == defaultInfo)
    return patternMap;
Also used : JBossServletsMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JBossServletMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletMetaData) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ServletSecurityMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.ServletSecurityMetaData) SecurityConstraintMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.SecurityConstraintMetaData) WebResourceCollectionsMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.WebResourceCollectionsMetaData) ServletMappingMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.ServletMappingMetaData) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) WebResourceCollectionMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.WebResourceCollectionMetaData)

Example 5 with JBossServletsMetaData

use of org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData in project wildfly by wildfly.

the class WebMetaDataCreator method createServlets.

     * Creates servlets part of web.xml descriptor.
     * <p/>
     * <pre>
     * &lt;servlet&gt;
     *   &lt;servlet-name&gt;EJBEndpointShortName&lt;/servlet-name&gt;
     *   &lt;servlet-class&gt;EJBEndpointTargetBeanName&lt;/servlet-class&gt;
     * &lt;/servlet&gt;
     * </pre>
     * @param dep        webservice deployment
     * @param jbossWebMD jboss web meta data
private void createServlets(final Deployment dep, final JBossWebMetaData jbossWebMD) {
    WSLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.trace("Creating servlets");
    final JBossServletsMetaData servlets = WebMetaDataHelper.getServlets(jbossWebMD);
    for (final Endpoint endpoint : dep.getService().getEndpoints()) {
        final String endpointName = endpoint.getShortName();
        final String endpointClassName = endpoint.getTargetBeanName();
        WSLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.tracef("Servlet name: %s, class: %s", endpointName, endpointClassName);
        WebMetaDataHelper.newServlet(endpointName, endpointClassName, servlets);
Also used : JBossServletsMetaData(org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData) HttpEndpoint(org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.HttpEndpoint) Endpoint(org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.Endpoint)


JBossServletsMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 List (java.util.List)2 JBossServletMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletMetaData)2 SecurityConstraintMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.SecurityConstraintMetaData)2 ServletMappingMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.ServletMappingMetaData)2 ServletSecurityMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.ServletSecurityMetaData)2 WebResourceCollectionMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.WebResourceCollectionMetaData)2 WebResourceCollectionsMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.WebResourceCollectionsMetaData)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Set (java.util.Set)1 WebResourcePermission ( WebRoleRefPermission ( WebUserDataPermission ( POJOEndpoint ( SecurityRoleRefMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.SecurityRoleRefMetaData)1 SecurityRoleRefsMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.SecurityRoleRefsMetaData)1 JBossWebMetaData (org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossWebMetaData)1