use of in project databus by linkedin.
the class DummySuccessfulErrorCountingConsumer method testInStreamTimeOut.
* Tests the logic of the client to handle Timeout that comes while processing stream request.
* the script:
* setup client and connect to one of the servers
* wait for /sources and register call and replay
* save the 'future' of the write operation for the /stream call. Replace this future down the stream with the fake one,
* so the notification of write completion will never come
* make server send only headers info first
* make server send data, but intercept the message before it reaches the client. At this moment fire WriteTimeout
* exception from a separate thread.
* Make sure PullerThread doesn't get two error messages (and as a result tries to setup up two new connections)
public void testInStreamTimeOut() throws Exception {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestDatabusHttpClient.testInStreamTimeout");
// log.setLevel(Level.DEBUG);
final int eventsNum = 20;
DbusEventInfo[] eventInfos = createSampleSchema1Events(eventsNum);
// simulate relay buffers
DbusEventBuffer relayBuffer = new DbusEventBuffer(_bufCfg);
writeEventsToBuffer(relayBuffer, eventInfos, 4);
// prepare stream response
Checkpoint cp = Checkpoint.createFlexibleCheckpoint();
final DbusEventsStatisticsCollector stats = new DbusEventsStatisticsCollector(1, "test1", true, false, null);
// create ChunnelBuffer and fill it with events from relayBuffer
ChannelBuffer streamResPrefix = NettyTestUtils.streamToChannelBuffer(relayBuffer, cp, 20000, stats);
// create client
final DatabusHttpClientImpl client = new DatabusHttpClientImpl(;
final TestConsumer consumer = new TestConsumer();
client.registerDatabusStreamListener(consumer, null, SOURCE1_NAME);
// connect to a relay created in SetupClass (one out of three)
// wait until a connection made
try {
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return client._relayConnections.size() == 1;
}, "sources connection present", 100, log);
// get the connection
final DatabusSourcesConnection clientConn = client._relayConnections.get(0);
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return null != clientConn.getRelayPullThread().getLastOpenConnection();
}, "relay connection present", 100, log);
// figure out connection details
final NettyHttpDatabusRelayConnection relayConn = (NettyHttpDatabusRelayConnection) clientConn.getRelayPullThread().getLastOpenConnection();
final NettyHttpDatabusRelayConnectionInspector relayConnInsp = new NettyHttpDatabusRelayConnectionInspector(relayConn);
// wait until client is connected
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return null != relayConnInsp.getChannel() && relayConnInsp.getChannel().isConnected();
}, "client connected", 200, log);
// figure out which port we got connected to on the server side
Channel clientChannel = relayConnInsp.getChannel();
InetSocketAddress relayAddr = (InetSocketAddress) clientChannel.getRemoteAddress();
int relayPort = relayAddr.getPort();"relay selected: " + relayPort);
// add our handler to the client's pipeline which will generate the timeout
MockServerChannelHandler mock = new MockServerChannelHandler();
clientChannel.getPipeline().addBefore("inflater", "mockServer", mock);
Map<String, ChannelHandler> map = clientChannel.getPipeline().toMap();
boolean handlerFound = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, ChannelHandler> m : map.entrySet()) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug(m.getKey() + "=>" + m.getValue());
if (m.getKey().equals("mockServer"))
handlerFound = true;
Assert.assertTrue(handlerFound, "handler added");
SimpleTestServerConnection relay = null;
// Find the relay's object
for (int i = 0; i < RELAY_PORT.length; ++i) {
if (relayPort == RELAY_PORT[i])
relay = _dummyServer[i];
assertTrue(null != relay);
SocketAddress clientAddr = clientChannel.getLocalAddress();
final SocketAddress testClientAddr = clientAddr;
final SimpleTestServerConnection testRelay = relay;
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return null != testRelay.getChildChannel(testClientAddr);
}, "relay detects new connection", 1000, log);
Channel serverChannel = relay.getChildChannel(clientAddr);
assertTrue(null != serverChannel);
ChannelPipeline serverPipeline = serverChannel.getPipeline();
SimpleObjectCaptureHandler objCapture = (SimpleObjectCaptureHandler) serverPipeline.get("3");
// process the /sources request
NettyTestUtils.waitForHttpRequest(objCapture, SOURCES_REQUEST_REGEX, 1000);
// send back the /sources response
HttpResponse sourcesResp = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK);
sourcesResp.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE);
sourcesResp.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.TRANSFER_ENCODING, HttpHeaders.Values.CHUNKED);
HttpChunk body = new DefaultHttpChunk(ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(("[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"" + SOURCE1_NAME + "\"}]").getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())));
NettyTestUtils.sendServerResponses(relay, clientAddr, sourcesResp, body);
// make sure the client processes the response correctly
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
String idListString = clientConn.getRelayPullThread()._currentState.getSourcesIdListString();
return "1".equals(idListString);
}, "client processes /sources response", 100, log);
log.debug("process the /register request");
NettyTestUtils.waitForHttpRequest(objCapture, "/register.*", 1000);
String msgHistory = clientConn.getRelayPullThread().getMessageHistoryLog();
log.debug("MSG HISTORY before: " + msgHistory);
// make sure our handler will save the 'future' of the next write operation - 'stream'
log.debug("send back the /register response");
RegisterResponseEntry entry = new RegisterResponseEntry(1L, (short) 1, SOURCE1_SCHEMA_STR);
String responseStr = NettyTestUtils.generateRegisterResponse(entry);
body = new DefaultHttpChunk(ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(responseStr.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())));
NettyTestUtils.sendServerResponses(relay, clientAddr, sourcesResp, body);
log.debug("make sure the client processes the response /register correctly");
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
DispatcherState dispState = clientConn.getRelayDispatcher().getDispatcherState();
return null != dispState.getSchemaMap() && 1 == dispState.getSchemaMap().size();
}, "client processes /register response", 100, log);
log.debug("process /stream call and return a response");
NettyTestUtils.waitForHttpRequest(objCapture, "/stream.*", 1000);
// disable save future as it should be saved by now
final HttpResponse streamResp = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK);
streamResp.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE);
streamResp.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.TRANSFER_ENCODING, HttpHeaders.Values.CHUNKED);
// timeout for local netty calls (in test only)
int timeout = 1000;
// send header info
relay.sendServerResponse(clientAddr, sourcesResp, timeout);
// when write data arrives from the server - we want to simulate/throw WriteTimeoutException
// send data
relay.sendServerResponse(clientAddr, new DefaultHttpChunk(streamResPrefix), timeout);
relay.sendServerResponse(clientAddr, HttpChunk.LAST_CHUNK, timeout);
// make sure close channel event and future failure are propagated
// get the history and validate it
msgHistory = clientConn.getRelayPullThread().getMessageHistoryLog().trim();"MSG HISTORY: " + msgHistory);
Assert.assertEquals(msgHistory, expectedHistory, "Puller thread message history doesn't match");
} finally {
use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class AbstractTcpTransport method getBaseChannelHandlers.
protected LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> getBaseChannelHandlers(MessageInput input) {
final LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> baseChannelHandlers = super.getBaseChannelHandlers(input);
final LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> handlerList = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
baseChannelHandlers.put("connection-counter", Callables.returning(connectionCounter));
if (!tlsEnable) {
return baseChannelHandlers;
if (!tlsCertFile.exists() || !tlsKeyFile.exists()) {
LOG.warn("TLS key file or certificate file does not exist, creating a self-signed certificate for input [{}/{}].", input.getName(), input.getId());
final String tmpDir = System.getProperty("");
checkState(tmpDir != null, "The temporary directory must not be null!");
final Path tmpPath = Paths.get(tmpDir);
if (!Files.isDirectory(tmpPath) || !Files.isWritable(tmpPath)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't write to temporary directory: " + tmpPath.toAbsolutePath());
try {
final SelfSignedCertificate ssc = new SelfSignedCertificate(configuration.getString(CK_BIND_ADDRESS) + ":" + configuration.getString(CK_PORT));
tlsCertFile = ssc.certificate();
tlsKeyFile = ssc.privateKey();
} catch (CertificateException e) {
LOG.error(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Problem creating a self-signed certificate for input [%s/%s].", input.getName(), input.getId()), e);
return baseChannelHandlers;
if (tlsCertFile.exists() && tlsKeyFile.exists()) {
handlerList.put("tls", buildSslHandlerCallable());
}"Enabled TLS for input [{}/{}]. key-file=\"{}\" cert-file=\"{}\"", input.getName(), input.getId(), tlsKeyFile, tlsCertFile);
return handlerList;
use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class HttpTransport method getFinalChannelHandlers.
protected LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> getFinalChannelHandlers(MessageInput input) {
final LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> handlers = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
handlers.put("http-handler", () -> new Handler(enableCors));
return handlers;
use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class UdpTransportTest method launchTransportForBootStrapTest.
private UdpTransport launchTransportForBootStrapTest(final ChannelHandler channelHandler) throws MisfireException {
final UdpTransport transport = new UdpTransport(CONFIGURATION, throughputCounter, new LocalMetricRegistry()) {
protected LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> getBaseChannelHandlers(MessageInput input) {
final LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> handlers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
handlers.put("counter", Callables.returning(channelHandler));
return handlers;
final MessageInput messageInput = mock(MessageInput.class);
return transport;
use of in project camel by apache.
the class DefaultServerPipelineFactory method getPipeline.
public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline channelPipeline = Channels.pipeline();
SslHandler sslHandler = configureServerSSLOnDemand();
if (sslHandler != null) {
// must close on SSL exception
LOG.debug("Server SSL handler configured and added as an interceptor against the ChannelPipeline: {}", sslHandler);
addToPipeline("ssl", channelPipeline, sslHandler);
List<ChannelHandler> encoders = consumer.getConfiguration().getEncoders();
for (int x = 0; x < encoders.size(); x++) {
ChannelHandler encoder = encoders.get(x);
if (encoder instanceof ChannelHandlerFactory) {
// use the factory to create a new instance of the channel as it may not be shareable
encoder = ((ChannelHandlerFactory) encoder).newChannelHandler();
addToPipeline("encoder-" + x, channelPipeline, encoder);
List<ChannelHandler> decoders = consumer.getConfiguration().getDecoders();
for (int x = 0; x < decoders.size(); x++) {
ChannelHandler decoder = decoders.get(x);
if (decoder instanceof ChannelHandlerFactory) {
// use the factory to create a new instance of the channel as it may not be shareable
decoder = ((ChannelHandlerFactory) decoder).newChannelHandler();
addToPipeline("decoder-" + x, channelPipeline, decoder);
if (consumer.getConfiguration().isOrderedThreadPoolExecutor()) {
// this must be added just before the ServerChannelHandler
// use ordered thread pool, to ensure we process the events in order, and can send back
// replies in the expected order. eg this is required by TCP.
// and use a Camel thread factory so we have consistent thread namings
ExecutionHandler executionHandler = new ExecutionHandler(consumer.getEndpoint().getComponent().getExecutorService());
addToPipeline("executionHandler", channelPipeline, executionHandler);
LOG.debug("Using OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor with core pool size: {}", consumer.getConfiguration().getMaximumPoolSize());
// our handler must be added last
addToPipeline("handler", channelPipeline, new ServerChannelHandler(consumer));
LOG.trace("Created ChannelPipeline: {}", channelPipeline);
return channelPipeline;