use of org.jboss.netty.handler.execution.ExecutionHandler in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class ServerPipelineFactory method getPipeline.
public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline channelpipeline = Channels.pipeline();
channelpipeline.addLast("pipelineExecutor", new ExecutionHandler(orderedmemoryawarethreadpoolexecutor));
channelpipeline.addLast("handler", new RtmfpChannelUpstreamHandler(sessions));
return channelpipeline;
use of org.jboss.netty.handler.execution.ExecutionHandler in project camel by apache.
the class DefaultServerPipelineFactory method getPipeline.
public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline channelPipeline = Channels.pipeline();
SslHandler sslHandler = configureServerSSLOnDemand();
if (sslHandler != null) {
// must close on SSL exception
LOG.debug("Server SSL handler configured and added as an interceptor against the ChannelPipeline: {}", sslHandler);
addToPipeline("ssl", channelPipeline, sslHandler);
List<ChannelHandler> encoders = consumer.getConfiguration().getEncoders();
for (int x = 0; x < encoders.size(); x++) {
ChannelHandler encoder = encoders.get(x);
if (encoder instanceof ChannelHandlerFactory) {
// use the factory to create a new instance of the channel as it may not be shareable
encoder = ((ChannelHandlerFactory) encoder).newChannelHandler();
addToPipeline("encoder-" + x, channelPipeline, encoder);
List<ChannelHandler> decoders = consumer.getConfiguration().getDecoders();
for (int x = 0; x < decoders.size(); x++) {
ChannelHandler decoder = decoders.get(x);
if (decoder instanceof ChannelHandlerFactory) {
// use the factory to create a new instance of the channel as it may not be shareable
decoder = ((ChannelHandlerFactory) decoder).newChannelHandler();
addToPipeline("decoder-" + x, channelPipeline, decoder);
if (consumer.getConfiguration().isOrderedThreadPoolExecutor()) {
// this must be added just before the ServerChannelHandler
// use ordered thread pool, to ensure we process the events in order, and can send back
// replies in the expected order. eg this is required by TCP.
// and use a Camel thread factory so we have consistent thread namings
ExecutionHandler executionHandler = new ExecutionHandler(consumer.getEndpoint().getComponent().getExecutorService());
addToPipeline("executionHandler", channelPipeline, executionHandler);
LOG.debug("Using OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor with core pool size: {}", consumer.getConfiguration().getMaximumPoolSize());
// our handler must be added last
addToPipeline("handler", channelPipeline, new ServerChannelHandler(consumer));
LOG.trace("Created ChannelPipeline: {}", channelPipeline);
return channelPipeline;
use of org.jboss.netty.handler.execution.ExecutionHandler in project camel by apache.
the class HttpServerPipelineFactory method getPipeline.
public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {
// Create a default pipeline implementation.
ChannelPipeline pipeline = Channels.pipeline();
SslHandler sslHandler = configureServerSSLOnDemand();
if (sslHandler != null) {
// must close on SSL exception
LOG.debug("Server SSL handler configured and added as an interceptor against the ChannelPipeline: {}", sslHandler);
pipeline.addLast("ssl", sslHandler);
pipeline.addLast("decoder", new HttpRequestDecoder(4096, configuration.getMaxHeaderSize(), 8192));
List<ChannelHandler> decoders = consumer.getConfiguration().getDecoders();
for (int x = 0; x < decoders.size(); x++) {
ChannelHandler decoder = decoders.get(x);
if (decoder instanceof ChannelHandlerFactory) {
// use the factory to create a new instance of the channel as it may not be shareable
decoder = ((ChannelHandlerFactory) decoder).newChannelHandler();
pipeline.addLast("decoder-" + x, decoder);
pipeline.addLast("aggregator", new HttpChunkAggregator(configuration.getChunkedMaxContentLength()));
pipeline.addLast("encoder", new HttpResponseEncoder());
List<ChannelHandler> encoders = consumer.getConfiguration().getEncoders();
for (int x = 0; x < encoders.size(); x++) {
ChannelHandler encoder = encoders.get(x);
if (encoder instanceof ChannelHandlerFactory) {
// use the factory to create a new instance of the channel as it may not be shareable
encoder = ((ChannelHandlerFactory) encoder).newChannelHandler();
pipeline.addLast("encoder-" + x, encoder);
if (supportCompressed()) {
pipeline.addLast("deflater", new HttpContentCompressor());
if (consumer.getConfiguration().isOrderedThreadPoolExecutor()) {
// this must be added just before the HttpServerMultiplexChannelHandler
// use ordered thread pool, to ensure we process the events in order, and can send back
// replies in the expected order. eg this is required by TCP.
// and use a Camel thread factory so we have consistent thread namings
ExecutionHandler executionHandler = new ExecutionHandler(consumer.getEndpoint().getComponent().getExecutorService());
pipeline.addLast("executionHandler", executionHandler);
LOG.debug("Using OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor with core pool size: {}", consumer.getConfiguration().getMaximumPoolSize());
int port = consumer.getConfiguration().getPort();
ChannelHandler handler = consumer.getEndpoint().getComponent().getMultiplexChannelHandler(port).getChannelHandler();
pipeline.addLast("handler", handler);
return pipeline;
use of org.jboss.netty.handler.execution.ExecutionHandler in project bagheera by mozilla-metrics.
the class AccessFilterTest method setup.
public void setup() throws IOException {
String[] namespaces = new String[] { "foo_*", "bar" };
WildcardProperties props = new WildcardProperties();
String propsFileStr = "foo_*.allow.delete.access=false\n" + "foo_*.id.validation=true\n" + "bar.allow.delete.access=true\n" + "";
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(propsFileStr.getBytes("UTF-8"));
filter = new AccessFilter(new Validator(namespaces), props);
remoteAddr = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved("", 51723);
Channel channel = createMock(Channel.class);
expect(channel.getCloseFuture()).andReturn(new DefaultChannelFuture(channel, false));
OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor executor = new OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor(10, 0L, 0L);
final ExecutionHandler handler = new ExecutionHandler(executor, true, true);
ctx = new FakeChannelHandlerContext(channel, handler);
use of org.jboss.netty.handler.execution.ExecutionHandler in project bagheera by mozilla-metrics.
the class ContentLengthFilterTest method setup.
public void setup() {
Channel channel = createMock(Channel.class);
expect(channel.getCloseFuture()).andReturn(new DefaultChannelFuture(channel, false));
expect(channel.getRemoteAddress()).andReturn(InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved("", 51723));
OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor executor = new OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor(10, 0L, 0L);
final ExecutionHandler handler = new ExecutionHandler(executor, true, true);
ctx = new FakeChannelHandlerContext(channel, handler);