use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class NettyTransport method launch.
public void launch(final MessageInput input) throws MisfireException {
final LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> handlerList = getBaseChannelHandlers(input);
final LinkedHashMap<String, Callable<? extends ChannelHandler>> finalHandlers = getFinalChannelHandlers(input);
try {
bootstrap = getBootstrap();
// sigh, bindable bootstraps do not share a common interface
int receiveBufferSize;
if (bootstrap instanceof ConnectionlessBootstrap) {
acceptChannel = ((ConnectionlessBootstrap) bootstrap).bind(socketAddress);
final DefaultDatagramChannelConfig channelConfig = (DefaultDatagramChannelConfig) acceptChannel.getConfig();
receiveBufferSize = channelConfig.getReceiveBufferSize();
} else if (bootstrap instanceof ServerBootstrap) {
acceptChannel = ((ServerBootstrap) bootstrap).bind(socketAddress);
final ServerSocketChannelConfig channelConfig = (ServerSocketChannelConfig) acceptChannel.getConfig();
receiveBufferSize = channelConfig.getReceiveBufferSize();
} else {
log.error("Unknown Netty bootstrap class returned: {}. Cannot safely bind.", bootstrap);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown netty bootstrap class returned: " + bootstrap + ". Cannot safely bind.");
if (receiveBufferSize != getRecvBufferSize()) {
log.warn("receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input {} should be {} but is {}.", input, getRecvBufferSize(), receiveBufferSize);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MisfireException(e);