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Example 1 with ArtifactRepository

use of in project pnc by project-ncl.

the class RepositoryManagerDriver method setupBuildRepos.

 * Create the hosted repository and group necessary to support a single build. The hosted repository holds artifacts
 * uploaded from the build, and the group coordinates access to this hosted repository, along with content from the
 * product-level content group with which this build is associated. The group also provides a tracking target, so
 * the repository manager can keep track of downloads and uploads for the build.
 * @param execution The execution object, which contains the content id for creating the repo, and the build id.
 * @param packageType the package type key used by Indy
 * @throws IndyClientException
private void setupBuildRepos(BuildExecution execution, String packageType, Indy indy, Map<String, String> genericParameters, boolean brewPullActive) throws IndyClientException {
    String buildContentId = execution.getBuildContentId();
    String id = execution.getId();
    BuildType buildType = execution.getBuildType();
    // if the build-level group doesn't exist, create it.
    StoreKey groupKey = new StoreKey(packageType,, buildContentId);
    StoreKey hostedKey = new StoreKey(packageType, StoreType.hosted, buildContentId);
    if (!indy.stores().exists(groupKey)) {
        // if the product-level storage repo (for in-progress product builds) doesn't exist, create it.
        boolean tempBuild = execution.isTempBuild();
        if (!indy.stores().exists(hostedKey)) {
            HostedRepository buildArtifacts = new HostedRepository(packageType, buildContentId);
            buildArtifacts.setDescription(String.format("Build output for PNC %s build #%s", packageType, id));
            indy.stores().create(buildArtifacts, "Creating hosted repository for " + packageType + " build: " + id + " (repo: " + buildContentId + ")", HostedRepository.class);
        Group buildGroup = new Group(packageType, buildContentId);
        String adjective = tempBuild ? "temporary " : "";
        buildGroup.setDescription(String.format("Aggregation group for PNC %sbuild #%s", adjective, id));
        // build-local artifacts
        // [MMENG-1262] set if brew pull is active or not via group metadata
        buildGroup.setMetadata(BREW_PULL_ACTIVE_METADATA_KEY, Boolean.toString(brewPullActive));
        // Global-level repos, for captured/shared artifacts and access to the outside world
        addGlobalConstituents(buildType, packageType, buildGroup, tempBuild);
        // add extra repositories removed from poms by the adjust process and set in BC by user
        List<ArtifactRepository> extraDependencyRepositories = extractExtraRepositoriesFromGenericParameters(genericParameters);
        if (execution.getArtifactRepositories() != null) {
        addExtraConstituents(packageType, extraDependencyRepositories, id, buildContentId, indy, buildGroup);
        String changelog = "Creating repository group for resolving artifacts in build: " + id + " (repo: " + buildContentId + ")";
        indy.stores().create(buildGroup, changelog, Group.class);
Also used : GlobalModuleGroup( Group(org.commonjava.indy.model.core.Group) BuildType( ArtifactRepository( StoreKey(org.commonjava.indy.model.core.StoreKey) HostedRepository(org.commonjava.indy.model.core.HostedRepository)

Example 2 with ArtifactRepository

use of in project pnc by project-ncl.

the class RepositoryManagerDriver method addExtraConstituents.

 * Adds extra remote repositories to the build group that are requested for the particular build. For a Maven build
 * these are repositories defined in the root pom removed by PME by the adjust process.
 * @param packageType the package type key used by Indy
 * @param repositories the list of repositories to be added
 * @param buildId build ID
 * @param buildContentId build content ID
 * @param indy Indy client
 * @param buildGroup target build group in which the repositories are added
 * @throws IndyClientException in case of an issue when communicating with the repository manager
private void addExtraConstituents(String packageType, List<ArtifactRepository> repositories, String buildId, String buildContentId, Indy indy, Group buildGroup) throws IndyClientException {
    if (repositories != null && !repositories.isEmpty()) {
        StoreListingDTO<RemoteRepository> existingRepos = indy.stores().listRemoteRepositories(packageType);
        for (ArtifactRepository repository : repositories) {
            StoreKey remoteKey = null;
            for (RemoteRepository existingRepo : existingRepos) {
                if (StringUtils.equals(existingRepo.getUrl(), repository.getUrl())) {
                    remoteKey = existingRepo.getKey();
            if (remoteKey == null) {
                // this is basically an implied repo, so using the same prefix "i-"
                String remoteName = "i-" + convertIllegalCharacters(repository.getId());
                // find a free repository ID for the newly created repo
                remoteKey = new StoreKey(packageType, StoreType.remote, remoteName);
                int i = 2;
                while (indy.stores().exists(remoteKey)) {
                    remoteKey = new StoreKey(packageType, StoreType.remote, remoteName + "-" + i++);
                RemoteRepository remoteRepo = new RemoteRepository(packageType, remoteKey.getName(), repository.getUrl());
                remoteRepo.setDescription("Implicitly created " + packageType + " repo for: " + repository.getName() + " (" + repository.getId() + ") from repository declaration removed by PME in build " + buildId + " (repo: " + buildContentId + ")");
                indy.stores().create(remoteRepo, "Creating extra remote repository " + repository.getName() + " (" + repository.getId() + ") for build: " + buildId + " (repo: " + buildContentId + ")", RemoteRepository.class);
Also used : RemoteRepository(org.commonjava.indy.model.core.RemoteRepository) ArtifactRepository( StoreKey(org.commonjava.indy.model.core.StoreKey)


StoreKey (org.commonjava.indy.model.core.StoreKey)2 ArtifactRepository ( Group (org.commonjava.indy.model.core.Group)1 HostedRepository (org.commonjava.indy.model.core.HostedRepository)1 RemoteRepository (org.commonjava.indy.model.core.RemoteRepository)1 GlobalModuleGroup ( BuildType (