use of org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.ProxyObject in project core by weld.
the class ProxyClassConstructorInjectionPointWrapper method newInstance.
protected T newInstance(Object[] parameterValues) {
// Once the instance is created, a method handler is required regardless of whether
// an actual bean instance is known yet.
final T instance = super.newInstance(parameterValues);
if (decorator) {
BeanInstance beanInstance = null;
if (hasDelegateInjectionPoint()) {
Object decoratorDelegate = parameterValues[delegateInjectionPointPosition];
beanInstance = new TargetBeanInstance(decoratorDelegate);
ProxyFactory.setBeanInstance(contextId, instance, beanInstance, bean);
} else {
if (instance instanceof ProxyObject) {
((ProxyObject) instance).setHandler(new CombinedInterceptorAndDecoratorStackMethodHandler());
// Set method handler for private methods if necessary
return instance;
use of org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.ProxyObject in project core by weld.
the class InstanceImpl method destroy.
public void destroy(T instance) {
// Attempt to destroy instance which is either a client proxy or a dependent session bean proxy
if (instance instanceof ProxyObject) {
ProxyObject proxy = (ProxyObject) instance;
if (proxy.getHandler() instanceof ProxyMethodHandler) {
ProxyMethodHandler handler = (ProxyMethodHandler) proxy.getHandler();
Bean<?> bean = handler.getBean();
if (isSessionBeanProxy(instance) && Dependent.class.equals(bean.getScope())) {
// Destroy internal reference to a dependent session bean
} else {
// Destroy contextual instance of a normal-scoped bean
Context context = getBeanManager().getContext(bean.getScope());
if (context instanceof AlterableContext) {
AlterableContext alterableContext = (AlterableContext) context;
} else {
throw BeanLogger.LOG.destroyUnsupported(context);
// Attempt to destroy dependent instance which is neither a client proxy nor a dependent session bean proxy
use of org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.ProxyObject in project core by weld.
the class InterceptionFactoryImpl method createInterceptedInstance.
public T createInterceptedInstance(T instance) {
if (used) {
throw InterceptorLogger.LOG.interceptionFactoryNotReusable();
if (instance instanceof ProxyObject) {
return instance;
UnproxyableResolutionException exception = Proxies.getUnproxyableTypeException(annotatedType.getBaseType(), null, beanManager.getServices(), ignoreFinalMethods);
if (exception != null) {
throw exception;
used = true;
if (annotatedType.getJavaClass().isInterface()) {
throw InterceptorLogger.LOG.interceptionFactoryNotOnInstance(annotatedType.getJavaClass().getCanonicalName());
Optional<InterceptionFactoryData<T>> cached = beanManager.getServices().get(InterceptionFactoryDataCache.class).getInterceptionFactoryData(configurator != null ? configurator.complete() : annotatedType);
if (!cached.isPresent()) {
return instance;
InterceptionFactoryData<T> data = cached.get();
InterceptedProxyMethodHandler methodHandler = new InterceptedProxyMethodHandler(instance);
methodHandler.setInterceptorMethodHandler(new InterceptorMethodHandler(InterceptionContext.forNonConstructorInterception(data.getInterceptionModel(), creationalContext, beanManager, data.getSlimAnnotatedType())));
T proxy = (System.getSecurityManager() == null) ? data.getInterceptedProxyFactory().run() : AccessController.doPrivileged(data.getInterceptedProxyFactory());
((ProxyObject) proxy).setHandler(methodHandler);
return proxy;
use of org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.ProxyObject in project core by weld.
the class SessionBeanInjectionTarget method produce.
public T produce(CreationalContext<T> ctx) {
T result = super.produce(ctx);
if (result instanceof ProxyObject) {
// if decorators are applied, use SessionBeanViewMethodHandler
ProxyObject proxy = (ProxyObject) result;
proxy.setHandler(new SessionBeanViewMethodHandler(bean.getTypes(), (CombinedInterceptorAndDecoratorStackMethodHandler) proxy.getHandler()));
return result;
use of org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.ProxyObject in project core by weld.
the class DecoratorInjectionTarget method inject.
public void inject(T instance, CreationalContext<T> ctx) {
super.inject(instance, ctx);
if (accessibleField != null && instance instanceof DecoratorProxy) {
// this code is only applicable if the delegate is injected into a field
// as the proxy can't intercept the delegate when setting the field
// we need to now read the delegate from the field
// this is only needed for fields, as constructor and method injection are handed
// at injection time
Object delegate;
try {
delegate = accessibleField.get(instance);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw UtilLogger.LOG.accessErrorOnField(accessibleField.getName(), accessibleField.getDeclaringClass(), e);
final ProxyMethodHandler handler = new ProxyMethodHandler(beanManager.getContextId(), new TargetBeanInstance(delegate), getBean());
((ProxyObject) instance).setHandler(handler);