use of org.jclouds.compute.domain.ExecResponse in project whirr by apache.
the class RunScriptCommand method handleScriptOutput.
private int handleScriptOutput(PrintStream out, PrintStream err, Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> responses) {
int exitStatus = 0;
for (Map.Entry<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> entry : responses.entrySet()) {
out.printf("** Node %s: %s%n", entry.getKey().getId(), Iterables.concat(entry.getKey().getPrivateAddresses(), entry.getKey().getPublicAddresses()));
ExecResponse response = entry.getValue();
if (response.getExitStatus() != 0) {
exitStatus = response.getExitStatus();
out.printf("%s%n", response.getOutput());
err.printf("%s%n", response.getError());
return exitStatus;
use of org.jclouds.compute.domain.ExecResponse in project whirr by apache.
the class CdhHadoopServiceTest method testVersion.
@Test(timeout = TestConstants.ITEST_TIMEOUT)
public void testVersion() throws Exception {
Statement checkVersion = Statements.exec("cat /usr/lib/hadoop/cloudera/");
Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> responses = controller.runScriptOnNodesMatching(clusterSpec, ALL, checkVersion);
printResponses(checkVersion, responses);
assertResponsesContain(responses, checkVersion, "cdh4");
use of org.jclouds.compute.domain.ExecResponse in project legacy-jclouds-examples by jclouds.
the class MainApp method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length < PARAMETERS)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_SYNTAX);
String provider = args[0];
String identity = args[1];
String credential = args[2];
String groupName = args[3];
Action action = Action.valueOf(args[4].toUpperCase());
if (action == Action.EXEC && args.length < PARAMETERS + 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("please quote the command to exec as the last parameter");
String command = (action == Action.EXEC) ? args[5] : "echo hello";
if (action == Action.RUN && args.length < PARAMETERS + 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("please pass the local file to run as the last parameter");
File file = null;
if (action == Action.RUN) {
file = new File(args[5]);
if (!file.exists())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("file must exist! " + file);
String minRam = System.getProperty("minRam");
String loginUser = System.getProperty("loginUser", "toor");
// note that you can check if a provider is present ahead of time
checkArgument(contains(allKeys, provider), "provider %s not in supported list: %s", provider, allKeys);
LoginCredentials login = (action != Action.DESTROY) ? getLoginForCommandExecution(action) : null;
ComputeService compute = initComputeService(provider, identity, credential);
try {
switch(action) {
case ADD:
System.out.printf(">> adding node to group %s%n", groupName);
// Default template chooses the smallest size on an operating system
// that tested to work with java, which tends to be Ubuntu or CentOS
TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = compute.templateBuilder();
// just tweak minRam
if (minRam != null)
// note this will create a user with the same name as you on the
// node. ex. you can connect via ssh publicip
Statement bootInstructions = AdminAccess.standard();
// to run commands as root, we use the runScript option in the template.
if (provider.equalsIgnoreCase("virtualbox"))
NodeMetadata node = getOnlyElement(compute.createNodesInGroup(groupName, 1,;
System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", node.getId(), concat(node.getPrivateAddresses(), node.getPublicAddresses()));
case EXEC:
System.out.printf(">> running [%s] on group %s as %s%n", command, groupName, login.identity);
// when you run commands, you can pass options to decide whether to
// run it as root, supply or own credentials vs from cache, and wrap
// in an init script vs directly invoke
Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> responses = //
compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(// predicate used to select nodes
inGroup(groupName), // what you actually intend to run
exec(command), // use my local user &
overrideLoginCredentials(login).runAsRoot(// don't attempt to run as root (sudo)
false).wrapInInitScript(// run command directly
for (Entry<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> response : responses.entrySet()) {
System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", response.getKey().getId(), concat(response.getKey().getPrivateAddresses(), response.getKey().getPublicAddresses()));
System.out.printf("<< %s%n", response.getValue());
case RUN:
System.out.printf(">> running [%s] on group %s as %s%n", file, groupName, login.identity);
// when running a sequence of commands, you probably want to have jclouds use the default behavior,
// which is to fork a background process.
responses = //
compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(inGroup(groupName), // passing in a string with the contents of the file
Files.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8), overrideLoginCredentials(login).runAsRoot(false).nameTask(// ensuring task name isn't
"_" + file.getName().replaceAll("\\..*", "")));
for (Entry<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> response : responses.entrySet()) {
System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", response.getKey().getId(), concat(response.getKey().getPrivateAddresses(), response.getKey().getPublicAddresses()));
System.out.printf("<< %s%n", response.getValue());
System.out.printf(">> destroying nodes in group %s%n", groupName);
// you can use predicates to select which nodes you wish to destroy.
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> destroyed = //
compute.destroyNodesMatching(Predicates.<NodeMetadata>and(not(TERMINATED), inGroup(groupName)));
System.out.printf("<< destroyed nodes %s%n", destroyed);
} catch (RunNodesException e) {
System.err.println("error adding node to group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage());
error = 1;
} catch (RunScriptOnNodesException e) {
System.err.println("error executing " + command + " on group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage());
error = 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("error: " + e.getMessage());
error = 1;
} finally {
use of org.jclouds.compute.domain.ExecResponse in project camel by apache.
the class JcloudsComputeProducer method runScriptOnNode.
* Runs a script on the target node.
protected void runScriptOnNode(Exchange exchange) throws CamelException {
String script = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
String nodeId = getNodeId(exchange);
String user = getUser(exchange);
LoginCredentials credentials = null;
if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(user)) {
credentials = LoginCredentials.builder().user(user).build();
ExecResponse execResponse = null;
if (credentials == null) {
execResponse = computeService.runScriptOnNode(nodeId, script);
} else {
execResponse = computeService.runScriptOnNode(nodeId, script, RunScriptOptions.Builder.overrideLoginCredentials(credentials).runAsRoot(false));
if (execResponse == null) {
throw new CamelExchangeException("Failed to receive response for run script operation on node: " + nodeId + " using script: " + script, exchange);
exchange.setProperty(JcloudsConstants.RUN_SCRIPT_ERROR, execResponse.getError());
exchange.setProperty(JcloudsConstants.RUN_SCRIPT_EXIT_CODE, execResponse.getExitStatus());
use of org.jclouds.compute.domain.ExecResponse in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class JcloudsContainerProvider method start.
public void start(Container container) {
CreateContainerMetadata metadata = container.getMetadata();
if (!(metadata instanceof CreateJCloudsContainerMetadata)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Container doesn't have valid create container metadata type");
} else {
CreateJCloudsContainerMetadata jCloudsContainerMetadata = (CreateJCloudsContainerMetadata) metadata;
CreateJCloudsContainerOptions options = jCloudsContainerMetadata.getCreateOptions();
ComputeService computeService = getOrCreateComputeService(options);
try {
String nodeId = jCloudsContainerMetadata.getNodeId();
Optional<RunScriptOptions> runScriptOptions = ToRunScriptOptions.withComputeService(computeService).apply(jCloudsContainerMetadata);
String script = buildStartScript(container.getId(), options);
ExecResponse response;
if (runScriptOptions.isPresent()) {
response = computeService.runScriptOnNode(nodeId, script, runScriptOptions.get());
} else {
response = computeService.runScriptOnNode(nodeId, script);
if (response == null) {
jCloudsContainerMetadata.setFailure(new Exception("No response received for fabric install script."));
} else if (response.getOutput() != null && response.getOutput().contains(ContainerProviderUtils.FAILURE_PREFIX)) {
jCloudsContainerMetadata.setFailure(new Exception(ContainerProviderUtils.parseScriptFailure(response.getOutput())));
} catch (Throwable t) {