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Example 1 with Statement

use of org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement in project legacy-jclouds-examples by jclouds.

the class MainApp method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length < PARAMETERS) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_SYNTAX);
    String provider = args[0];
    String identity = args[1];
    String credential = args[2];
    String groupName = args[3];
    Action action = Action.valueOf(args[4].toUpperCase());
    if ((action == Action.CHEF || action == Action.SOLO) && args.length < PARAMETERS + 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("please provide the list of recipes to install, separated by commas");
    String recipes = action == Action.CHEF || action == Action.SOLO ? args[5] : "apache2";
    String minRam = System.getProperty("minRam");
    // note that you can check if a provider is present ahead of time
    checkArgument(contains(allKeys, provider), "provider %s not in supported list: %s", provider, allKeys);
    LoginCredentials login = action != Action.DESTROY ? getLoginForCommandExecution(action) : null;
    ComputeService compute = initComputeService(provider, identity, credential);
    try {
        switch(action) {
            case ADD:
                System.out.printf(">> adding node to group %s%n", groupName);
                // Default template chooses the smallest size on an operating
                // system that tested to work with java, which tends to be Ubuntu
                // or CentOS
                TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = compute.templateBuilder();
                // can just tweak minRam
                if (minRam != null) {
                // note this will create a user with the same name as you on the
                // node. ex. you can connect via ssh publicip
                Statement bootInstructions = AdminAccess.standard();
                // to run commands as root, we use the runScript option in the
                // template.
                NodeMetadata node = getOnlyElement(compute.createNodesInGroup(groupName, 1,;
                System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", node.getId(), concat(node.getPrivateAddresses(), node.getPublicAddresses()));
            case SOLO:
                System.out.printf(">> installing [%s] on group %s as %s%n", recipes, groupName, login.identity);
                Iterable<String> recipeList = Splitter.on(',').split(recipes);
                ImmutableList.Builder<Statement> bootstrapBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
                bootstrapBuilder.add(new InstallGit());
                // Clone community cookbooks into the node
                for (String recipe : recipeList) {
                    bootstrapBuilder.add(CloneGitRepo.builder().repository("git://" + recipe + ".git").directory(//
                    "/var/chef/cookbooks/" + recipe).build());
                // Configure Chef Solo to bootstrap the selected recipes
                // Build the statement that will perform all the operations above
                StatementList bootstrap = new StatementList(;
                // Run the script in the nodes of the group
                runScriptOnGroup(compute, login, groupName, bootstrap);
            case CHEF:
                // Create the connection to the Chef server
                ChefService chef = initChefService(System.getProperty("chef.client"), System.getProperty("chef.validator"));
                // Build the runlist for the deployed nodes
                System.out.println("Configuring node runlist in the Chef server...");
                List<String> runlist = new RunListBuilder().addRecipes(recipes.split(",")).build();
                chef.updateRunListForGroup(runlist, groupName);
                Statement chefServerBootstrap = chef.createBootstrapScriptForGroup(groupName);
                // Run the script in the nodes of the group
                System.out.printf(">> installing [%s] on group %s as %s%n", recipes, groupName, login.identity);
                runScriptOnGroup(compute, login, groupName, chefServerBootstrap);
            case DESTROY:
                System.out.printf(">> destroying nodes in group %s%n", groupName);
                // you can use predicates to select which nodes you wish to
                // destroy.
                Set<? extends NodeMetadata> destroyed = //
                compute.destroyNodesMatching(Predicates.<NodeMetadata>and(not(TERMINATED), inGroup(groupName)));
                System.out.printf("<< destroyed nodes %s%n", destroyed);
    } catch (RunNodesException e) {
        System.err.println("error adding node to group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage());
        error = 1;
    } catch (RunScriptOnNodesException e) {
        System.err.println("error installing " + recipes + " on group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage());
        error = 1;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("error: " + e.getMessage());
        error = 1;
    } finally {
Also used : Statement(org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement) ImmutableList( TemplateBuilder(org.jclouds.compute.domain.TemplateBuilder) InstallGit(org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.git.InstallGit) ChefService(org.jclouds.chef.ChefService) ComputeService(org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService) RunNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException) RunScriptOnNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunScriptOnNodesException) NodeMetadata(org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata) Builder.overrideLoginCredentials(org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions.Builder.overrideLoginCredentials) LoginCredentials(org.jclouds.domain.LoginCredentials) RunNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException) StatementList(org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.StatementList) RunListBuilder(org.jclouds.chef.util.RunListBuilder) RunScriptOnNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunScriptOnNodesException)

Example 2 with Statement

use of org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement in project legacy-jclouds-examples by jclouds.

the class MainApp method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length < PARAMETERS)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_SYNTAX);
    String provider = args[0];
    String identity = args[1];
    String credential = args[2];
    String groupName = args[3];
    Action action = Action.valueOf(args[4].toUpperCase());
    if (action == Action.EXEC && args.length < PARAMETERS + 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("please quote the command to exec as the last parameter");
    String command = (action == Action.EXEC) ? args[5] : "echo hello";
    if (action == Action.RUN && args.length < PARAMETERS + 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("please pass the local file to run as the last parameter");
    File file = null;
    if (action == Action.RUN) {
        file = new File(args[5]);
        if (!file.exists())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("file must exist! " + file);
    String minRam = System.getProperty("minRam");
    String loginUser = System.getProperty("loginUser", "toor");
    // note that you can check if a provider is present ahead of time
    checkArgument(contains(allKeys, provider), "provider %s not in supported list: %s", provider, allKeys);
    LoginCredentials login = (action != Action.DESTROY) ? getLoginForCommandExecution(action) : null;
    ComputeService compute = initComputeService(provider, identity, credential);
    try {
        switch(action) {
            case ADD:
                System.out.printf(">> adding node to group %s%n", groupName);
                // Default template chooses the smallest size on an operating system
                // that tested to work with java, which tends to be Ubuntu or CentOS
                TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = compute.templateBuilder();
                // just tweak minRam
                if (minRam != null)
                // note this will create a user with the same name as you on the
                // node. ex. you can connect via ssh publicip
                Statement bootInstructions = AdminAccess.standard();
                // to run commands as root, we use the runScript option in the template.
                if (provider.equalsIgnoreCase("virtualbox"))
                NodeMetadata node = getOnlyElement(compute.createNodesInGroup(groupName, 1,;
                System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", node.getId(), concat(node.getPrivateAddresses(), node.getPublicAddresses()));
            case EXEC:
                System.out.printf(">> running [%s] on group %s as %s%n", command, groupName, login.identity);
                // when you run commands, you can pass options to decide whether to
                // run it as root, supply or own credentials vs from cache, and wrap
                // in an init script vs directly invoke
                Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> responses = //
                compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(// predicate used to select nodes
                inGroup(groupName), // what you actually intend to run
                exec(command), // use my local user &
                overrideLoginCredentials(login).runAsRoot(// don't attempt to run as root (sudo)
                false).wrapInInitScript(// run command directly
                for (Entry<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> response : responses.entrySet()) {
                    System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", response.getKey().getId(), concat(response.getKey().getPrivateAddresses(), response.getKey().getPublicAddresses()));
                    System.out.printf("<<     %s%n", response.getValue());
            case RUN:
                System.out.printf(">> running [%s] on group %s as %s%n", file, groupName, login.identity);
                // when running a sequence of commands, you probably want to have jclouds use the default behavior, 
                // which is to fork a background process.
                responses = //
                compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(inGroup(groupName), // passing in a string with the contents of the file
                Files.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8), overrideLoginCredentials(login).runAsRoot(false).nameTask(// ensuring task name isn't
                "_" + file.getName().replaceAll("\\..*", "")));
                for (Entry<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> response : responses.entrySet()) {
                    System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", response.getKey().getId(), concat(response.getKey().getPrivateAddresses(), response.getKey().getPublicAddresses()));
                    System.out.printf("<<     %s%n", response.getValue());
            case DESTROY:
                System.out.printf(">> destroying nodes in group %s%n", groupName);
                // you can use predicates to select which nodes you wish to destroy.
                Set<? extends NodeMetadata> destroyed = //
                compute.destroyNodesMatching(Predicates.<NodeMetadata>and(not(TERMINATED), inGroup(groupName)));
                System.out.printf("<< destroyed nodes %s%n", destroyed);
    } catch (RunNodesException e) {
        System.err.println("error adding node to group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage());
        error = 1;
    } catch (RunScriptOnNodesException e) {
        System.err.println("error executing " + command + " on group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage());
        error = 1;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("error: " + e.getMessage());
        error = 1;
    } finally {
Also used : ExecResponse(org.jclouds.compute.domain.ExecResponse) Statement(org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement) TemplateBuilder(org.jclouds.compute.domain.TemplateBuilder) ComputeService(org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService) RunScriptOnNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunScriptOnNodesException) RunNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException) NodeMetadata(org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata) LoginCredentials(org.jclouds.domain.LoginCredentials) Builder.overrideLoginCredentials(org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions.Builder.overrideLoginCredentials) RunNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException) File( RunScriptOnNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunScriptOnNodesException)

Example 3 with Statement

use of org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement in project legacy-jclouds-examples by jclouds.

the class NodeManager method createNodeWithAdminUserAndJDKInGroupOpeningPortAndMinRam.

public NodeMetadata createNodeWithAdminUserAndJDKInGroupOpeningPortAndMinRam(String group, int port, int minRam) {
    ImmutableMap<String, String> userMetadata = ImmutableMap.<String, String>of("Name", group);
    // we want everything as defaults except ram
    Template defaultTemplate = compute.templateBuilder().build();
    Template minecraft = compute.templateBuilder().fromTemplate(defaultTemplate).minRam(minRam).build();
    // setup the template to customize the node with jdk, etc. also opening ports.
    Statement bootstrap = newStatementList(AdminAccess.standard(), InstallJDK.fromOpenJDK());
    minecraft.getOptions().inboundPorts(22, port).userMetadata(userMetadata).runScript(bootstrap);
    // example of using a cloud-specific hook
    if (minecraft.getOptions() instanceof AWSEC2TemplateOptions)
        minecraft.getOptions().as(AWSEC2TemplateOptions.class).enableMonitoring();">> creating node type(%s) in group %s, opening ports 22, %s with admin user and jdk", minecraft.getHardware().getId(), group, port);
    try {
        NodeMetadata node = getOnlyElement(compute.createNodesInGroup(group, 1, minecraft));"<< available node(%s) os(%s) publicAddresses%s", node.getId(), node.getOperatingSystem(), node.getPublicAddresses());
        return node;
    } catch (RunNodesException e) {
        throw destroyBadNodesAndPropagate(e);
Also used : NodeMetadata(org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata) RunNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException) Statement(org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement) AWSEC2TemplateOptions( Template(org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template)

Example 4 with Statement

use of org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement in project gora by apache.

the class ChefSoftwareProvisioning method performChefComputeServiceBootstrapping.

private static void performChefComputeServiceBootstrapping(Properties properties) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    // Get the credentials that will be used to authenticate to the Chef server
    String rsContinent = DataStoreFactory.findProperty(properties, MemStore.class.newInstance(), RS_CONTINENT, "rackspace-cloudservers-us");
    String rsUser = DataStoreFactory.findProperty(properties, MemStore.class.newInstance(), RS_USERNAME, "asf-gora");
    String rsApiKey = DataStoreFactory.findProperty(properties, MemStore.class.newInstance(), RS_APIKEY, null);
    String rsRegion = DataStoreFactory.findProperty(properties, MemStore.class.newInstance(), RS_REGION, "DFW");
    String client = DataStoreFactory.findProperty(properties, MemStore.class.newInstance(), CHEF_CLIENT, System.getProperty(""));
    String organization = DataStoreFactory.findProperty(properties, MemStore.class.newInstance(), CHEF_ORGANIZATION, null);
    String pemFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.chef/" + client + ".pem";
    String credential = Files.toString(new File(pemFile), Charsets.UTF_8);
    // Provide the validator information to let the nodes to auto-register themselves
    // in the Chef server during bootstrap
    String validator = organization + "-validator";
    String validatorPemFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.chef/" + validator + ".pem";
    String validatorCredential = Files.toString(new File(validatorPemFile), Charsets.UTF_8);
    Properties chefConfig = new Properties();
    chefConfig.put(ChefProperties.CHEF_VALIDATOR_NAME, validator);
    chefConfig.put(ChefProperties.CHEF_VALIDATOR_CREDENTIAL, validatorCredential);
    // Create the connection to the Chef server
    ChefContext chefContext = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("chef").endpoint("" + organization).credentials(client, credential).overrides(chefConfig).buildView(ChefContext.class);
    // Create the connection to the compute provider. Note that ssh will be used to bootstrap chef
    ComputeServiceContext computeContext = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(rsContinent).endpoint(rsRegion).credentials(rsUser, rsApiKey).modules(ImmutableSet.<Module>of(new SshjSshClientModule())).buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class);
    // Group all nodes in both Chef and the compute provider by this group
    String group = "jclouds-chef-goraci";
    // Set the recipe to install and the configuration values to override
    String recipe = "apache2";
    JsonBall attributes = new JsonBall("{\"apache\": {\"listen_ports\": \"8080\"}}");
    // Check to see if the recipe you want exists
    List<String> runlist = null;
    Iterable<? extends CookbookVersion> cookbookVersions = chefContext.getChefService().listCookbookVersions();
    if (any(cookbookVersions, CookbookVersionPredicates.containsRecipe(recipe))) {
        runlist = new RunListBuilder().addRecipe(recipe).build();
    for (Iterator<String> iterator = runlist.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        String string = (String);;
    // Update the chef service with the run list you wish to apply to all nodes in the group
    // and also provide the json configuration used to customize the desired values
    BootstrapConfig config = BootstrapConfig.builder().runList(runlist).attributes(attributes).build();
    chefContext.getChefService().updateBootstrapConfigForGroup(group, config);
    // Build the script that will bootstrap the node
    Statement bootstrap = chefContext.getChefService().createBootstrapScriptForGroup(group);
    TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = computeContext.getComputeService().templateBuilder();
    // Run a node on the compute provider that bootstraps chef
    try {
        Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes = computeContext.getComputeService().createNodesInGroup(group, 1,;
        for (NodeMetadata nodeMetadata : nodes) {
  "<< node %s: %s%n", nodeMetadata.getId(), concat(nodeMetadata.getPrivateAddresses(), nodeMetadata.getPublicAddresses()));
    } catch (RunNodesException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
    // Release resources
Also used : Statement(org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement) BootstrapConfig(org.jclouds.chef.domain.BootstrapConfig) TemplateBuilder(org.jclouds.compute.domain.TemplateBuilder) ComputeServiceContext(org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContext) Properties(java.util.Properties) ChefProperties(org.jclouds.chef.config.ChefProperties) NodeMetadata(org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata) ChefContext(org.jclouds.chef.ChefContext) MemStore( RunNodesException(org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException) SshjSshClientModule(org.jclouds.sshj.config.SshjSshClientModule) RunListBuilder(org.jclouds.chef.util.RunListBuilder) Module( SshjSshClientModule(org.jclouds.sshj.config.SshjSshClientModule) JsonBall(org.jclouds.domain.JsonBall) File(


RunNodesException (org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException)4 NodeMetadata (org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata)4 Statement (org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement)4 TemplateBuilder (org.jclouds.compute.domain.TemplateBuilder)3 File ( RunListBuilder (org.jclouds.chef.util.RunListBuilder)2 ComputeService (org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService)2 RunScriptOnNodesException (org.jclouds.compute.RunScriptOnNodesException)2 Builder.overrideLoginCredentials (org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions.Builder.overrideLoginCredentials)2 LoginCredentials (org.jclouds.domain.LoginCredentials)2 ImmutableList ( Module ( Properties (java.util.Properties)1 MemStore ( AWSEC2TemplateOptions ( ChefContext (org.jclouds.chef.ChefContext)1 ChefService (org.jclouds.chef.ChefService)1 ChefProperties (org.jclouds.chef.config.ChefProperties)1 BootstrapConfig (org.jclouds.chef.domain.BootstrapConfig)1 ComputeServiceContext (org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContext)1