use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class X509KeySelector method select.
* Finds a key from the keystore satisfying the specified constraints.
* <p>This method compares data contained in {@link KeyInfo} entries
* with information stored in the <code>KeyStore</code>. The implementation
* iterates over the KeyInfo types and returns the first {@link PublicKey}
* of an X509Certificate in the keystore that is compatible with the
* specified AlgorithmMethod according to the following rules for each
* keyinfo type:
* X509Data X509Certificate: if it contains a <code>KeyUsage</code>
* extension that asserts the <code>digitalSignature</code> bit and
* matches an <code>X509Certificate</code> in the <code>KeyStore</code>.
* X509Data X509IssuerSerial: if the serial number and issuer DN match an
* <code>X509Certificate</code> in the <code>KeyStore</code>.
* X509Data X509SubjectName: if the subject DN matches an
* <code>X509Certificate</code> in the <code>KeyStore</code>.
* X509Data X509SKI: if the subject key identifier matches an
* <code>X509Certificate</code> in the <code>KeyStore</code>.
* KeyName: if the keyname matches an alias in the <code>KeyStore</code>.
* RetrievalMethod: supports rawX509Certificate and X509Data types. If
* rawX509Certificate type, it must match an <code>X509Certificate</code>
* in the <code>KeyStore</code>.
* @param keyInfo a <code>KeyInfo</code> (may be <code>null</code>)
* @param purpose the key's purpose
* @param method the algorithm method that this key is to be used for.
* Only keys that are compatible with the algorithm and meet the
* constraints of the specified algorithm should be returned.
* @param an <code>XMLCryptoContext</code> that may contain additional
* useful information for finding an appropriate key
* @return a key selector result
* @throws KeySelectorException if an exceptional condition occurs while
* attempting to find a key. Note that an inability to find a key is not
* considered an exception (<code>null</code> should be
* returned in that case). However, an error condition (ex: network
* communications failure) that prevented the <code>KeySelector</code>
* from finding a potential key should be considered an exception.
* @throws ClassCastException if the data type of <code>method</code>
* is not supported by this key selector
public KeySelectorResult select(KeyInfo keyInfo, KeySelector.Purpose purpose, AlgorithmMethod method, XMLCryptoContext context) throws KeySelectorException {
SignatureMethod sm = (SignatureMethod) method;
try {
// return null if keyinfo is null or keystore is empty
if (keyInfo == null || ks.size() == 0) {
return new SimpleKeySelectorResult(null);
// Iterate through KeyInfo types
Iterator i = keyInfo.getContent().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
XMLStructure kiType = (XMLStructure);
// check X509Data
if (kiType instanceof X509Data) {
X509Data xd = (X509Data) kiType;
KeySelectorResult ksr = x509DataSelect(xd, sm);
if (ksr != null) {
return ksr;
// check KeyName
} else if (kiType instanceof KeyName) {
KeyName kn = (KeyName) kiType;
Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(kn.getName());
if (cert != null && algEquals(sm.getAlgorithm(), cert.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm())) {
return new SimpleKeySelectorResult(cert.getPublicKey());
// check RetrievalMethod
} else if (kiType instanceof RetrievalMethod) {
RetrievalMethod rm = (RetrievalMethod) kiType;
try {
KeySelectorResult ksr = null;
if (rm.getType().equals(X509Data.RAW_X509_CERTIFICATE_TYPE)) {
OctetStreamData data = (OctetStreamData) rm.dereference(context);
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(data.getOctetStream());
ksr = certSelect(cert, sm);
} else if (rm.getType().equals(X509Data.TYPE)) {
X509Data xd = (X509Data) ((DOMRetrievalMethod) rm).dereferenceAsXMLStructure(context);
ksr = x509DataSelect(xd, sm);
} else {
// skip; keyinfo type is not supported
if (ksr != null) {
return ksr;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new KeySelectorException(e);
} catch (KeyStoreException kse) {
// throw exception if keystore is uninitialized
throw new KeySelectorException(kse);
// return null since no match could be found
return new SimpleKeySelectorResult(null);