use of org.jdom2.Namespace in project scylla by bptlab.
the class SimulationConfigurationParserPluggable method runPlugins.
public static void runPlugins(SimulationManager simEnvironment, SimulationConfiguration simulationConfiguration, Document document) throws ScyllaValidationException {
Namespace simNamespace = document.getRootElement().getNamespace();
List<Element> simElements = document.getRootElement().getChildren("simulationConfiguration", simNamespace);
Element sim = simElements.get(0);
String processRef = sim.getAttributeValue("processRef");
ProcessModel processModel = simEnvironment.getProcessModels().get(processRef);
runPluginsPerSC(simEnvironment, simulationConfiguration, processModel, sim);
use of org.jdom2.Namespace in project scylla by bptlab.
the class GlobalConfigurationParser method parse.
public GlobalConfiguration parse(Element rootElement) throws ScyllaValidationException {
Iterator<EventOrderType> eventOrderTypesIterator = PluginLoader.dGetPlugins(EventOrderType.class);
// ServiceLoader.load(EventOrderType.class).iterator();
// Get all event order type plugins and store them in eventOrderTypes
Map<String, EventOrderType> eventOrderTypes = new HashMap<String, EventOrderType>();
while (eventOrderTypesIterator.hasNext()) {
EventOrderType eot =;
eventOrderTypes.put(eot.getName(), eot);
Namespace bsimNamespace = rootElement.getNamespace();
List<Element> globalConfigurationElements = rootElement.getChildren(null, bsimNamespace);
String globalConfId = rootElement.getAttributeValue("id");
Long randomSeed = null;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("UTC");
Map<String, Resource> resources = new HashMap<String, Resource>();
List<EventOrderType> resourceAssignmentOrder = new ArrayList<EventOrderType>();
// resourceId:[instanceName:timetableId]
Map<String, Map<String, String>> resourcesToTimetableIds = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
Map<String, List<TimetableItem>> timetables = new HashMap<String, List<TimetableItem>>();
for (Element el : globalConfigurationElements) {
String elementName = el.getName();
if (isKnownElement(elementName)) {
if (el.getText().isEmpty()) {
if (elementName.equals("resourceAssignmentOrder")) {
String resourceAssignmentOrderString = el.getText();
String[] orderTypeArray = resourceAssignmentOrderString.split(",");
for (String orderTypeName : orderTypeArray) {
if (orderTypeName.isEmpty()) {
EventOrderType eventOrderType = eventOrderTypes.get(orderTypeName);
if (eventOrderType == null) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Event order type " + orderTypeName + " for resource assignment is unknown.");
} else if (elementName.equals("randomSeed")) {
randomSeed = Long.parseLong(el.getText());
} else if (elementName.equals("zoneOffset")) {
zoneId = ZoneId.of("GMT" + el.getText());
} else if (elementName.equals("resourceData")) {
List<Element> rDataElements = el.getChildren();
for (Element elem : rDataElements) {
String resourceId = elem.getAttributeValue("id");
String rDataElementName = elem.getName();
if (rDataElementName.equals("dynamicResource")) {
String resourceName = elem.getAttributeValue("name");
Integer defaultQuantity = Integer.valueOf(elem.getAttributeValue("defaultQuantity"));
Double defaultCost = Double.valueOf(elem.getAttributeValue("defaultCost"));
TimeUnit defaultTimeUnit = TimeUnit.valueOf(elem.getAttributeValue("defaultTimeUnit"));
DynamicResource dynamicResource = new DynamicResource(resourceId, resourceName, defaultQuantity, defaultCost, defaultTimeUnit);
String defaultTimetableId = elem.getAttributeValue("defaultTimetableId");
if (resourcesToTimetableIds.containsKey(resourceId)) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Multiple resource definitions: " + resourceId);
resourcesToTimetableIds.put(resourceId, new HashMap<String, String>());
Map<String, DynamicResourceInstance> resourceInstances = dynamicResource.getResourceInstances();
List<Element> instanceElements = elem.getChildren("instance", bsimNamespace);
// fill up list of resource instances if not explicitly defined
if (instanceElements.size() > defaultQuantity) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Too many instances defined for resource " + resourceId);
int numberOfDefaultInstances = defaultQuantity - instanceElements.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDefaultInstances; i++) {
String name = "#" + i;
DynamicResourceInstance instance = new DynamicResourceInstance(defaultCost, defaultTimeUnit);
resourceInstances.put(name, instance);
if (defaultTimetableId != null) {
resourcesToTimetableIds.get(resourceId).put(name, defaultTimetableId);
// parse defined resource instances
for (Element element : instanceElements) {
String name = element.getAttributeValue("name");
if (name == null) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Resource instance of type " + resourceId + " does not have name.");
Double cost;
if (element.getAttributeValue("cost") == null) {
cost = defaultCost;
} else {
cost = Double.valueOf(element.getAttributeValue("cost"));
TimeUnit timeUnit;
if (element.getAttributeValue("timeUnit") == null) {
timeUnit = defaultTimeUnit;
} else {
timeUnit = TimeUnit.valueOf(element.getAttributeValue("timeUnit"));
DynamicResourceInstance instance = new DynamicResourceInstance(cost, timeUnit);
if (resourceInstances.containsKey(name)) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Duplicate resource instance: " + name);
resourceInstances.put(name, instance);
String timetableId = element.getAttributeValue("timetableId");
if (timetableId != null) {
resourcesToTimetableIds.get(resourceId).put(name, timetableId);
resources.put(resourceId, dynamicResource);
} else {
DebugLogger.log("Element " + elem.getName() + " of resource data is expected to be known, but not supported.");
} else if (elementName.equals("timetables")) {
List<Element> tElements = el.getChildren("timetable", bsimNamespace);
for (Element tElement : tElements) {
String timetableId = tElement.getAttributeValue("id");
List<TimetableItem> items = new ArrayList<TimetableItem>();
List<Element> tItemElements = tElement.getChildren("timetableItem", bsimNamespace);
for (Element tItemElement : tItemElements) {
DayOfWeek weekdayFrom = DayOfWeek.valueOf(tItemElement.getAttributeValue("from"));
DayOfWeek weekdayTo = DayOfWeek.valueOf(tItemElement.getAttributeValue("to"));
LocalTime beginTime = LocalTime.parse(tItemElement.getAttributeValue("beginTime"));
LocalTime endTime = LocalTime.parse(tItemElement.getAttributeValue("endTime"));
// TODO check for overlapping timetable items and handle them
if (DateTimeUtils.compareWeekdayTime(weekdayFrom, beginTime, weekdayTo, endTime) != 0) {
if (weekdayFrom.compareTo(weekdayTo) > 0) {
// e.g. FRIDAY to MONDAY
TimetableItem item = new TimetableItem(weekdayFrom, DayOfWeek.SUNDAY, beginTime, LocalTime.MAX);
item = new TimetableItem(DayOfWeek.MONDAY, weekdayTo, LocalTime.MIN, endTime);
} else {
TimetableItem item = new TimetableItem(weekdayFrom, weekdayTo, beginTime, endTime);
timetables.put(timetableId, items);
} else {
DebugLogger.log("Element " + el.getName() + " of global configuration is not supported.");
// match timetables (if any available) and resource data (if any available)s
for (String resourceId : resourcesToTimetableIds.keySet()) {
Map<String, String> resourceInstanceIdToTimetableIds = resourcesToTimetableIds.get(resourceId);
for (String resourceInstanceName : resourceInstanceIdToTimetableIds.keySet()) {
String timetableId = resourceInstanceIdToTimetableIds.get(resourceInstanceName);
if (!timetables.containsKey(timetableId)) {
DebugLogger.log("Timetable " + timetableId + " not found.");
List<TimetableItem> timetable = timetables.get(timetableId);
Resource resource = resources.get(resourceId);
if (resource instanceof DynamicResource) {
DynamicResource dResource = (DynamicResource) resource;
if (resources.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("No resource data definitions in file.");
if (randomSeed == null) {
Random random = new Random();
randomSeed = random.nextLong();
DebugLogger.log("Random seed for whole simulation (if not overriden by simulation configuration): " + randomSeed);
GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration = new GlobalConfiguration(globalConfId, zoneId, randomSeed, resources, resourceAssignmentOrder);
return globalConfiguration;
use of org.jdom2.Namespace in project scylla by bptlab.
the class SimulationConfigurationParser method parseSimulationConfiguration.
private SimulationConfiguration parseSimulationConfiguration(Element sim, Namespace simNamespace, String processIdFromSimElement, ProcessModel processModel, Long randomSeed) throws ScyllaValidationException {
Map<String, Resource> resources = simulationEnvironment.getGlobalConfiguration().getResources();
if (processModel == null) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Simulation configuration is for (sub)process '" + processIdFromSimElement + "', which is not found in the simulation environment.");
String processRef = processIdFromSimElement;
String simId = null;
Integer numberOfProcessInstances = null;
ZonedDateTime startDateTime = null;
ZonedDateTime endDateTime = null;
if (processModel.getParent() == null) {
List<Element> startEvents = sim.getChildren("startEvent", simNamespace);
if (startEvents.size() == 0)
throw new ScyllaValidationException("No definition of start event in simulation scenario.");
else {
for (Element el : startEvents) {
// it is sufficient if at least one of the start events has an arrival rate defined
if (el.getChild("arrivalRate", simNamespace) != null) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("No arrival rate defined in any of the start events in simulation scenario.");
// store identifier of simulation configuration only if it is for top level process
simId = sim.getAttributeValue("id");
numberOfProcessInstances = Integer.valueOf(sim.getAttributeValue("processInstances"));
startDateTime = DateTimeUtils.parse(sim.getAttributeValue("startDateTime"));
String endDateTimeString = sim.getAttributeValue("endDateTime");
if (endDateTimeString != null) {
endDateTime = DateTimeUtils.parse(endDateTimeString);
String randomSeedString = sim.getAttributeValue("randomSeed");
if (randomSeedString != null) {
randomSeed = Long.valueOf(sim.getAttributeValue("randomSeed"));
DebugLogger.log("Random seed for simulation configuration " + processRef + ": " + randomSeed);
Map<Integer, TimeDistributionWrapper> arrivalRates = new HashMap<Integer, TimeDistributionWrapper>();
Map<Integer, TimeDistributionWrapper> durations = new HashMap<Integer, TimeDistributionWrapper>();
Map<Integer, TimeDistributionWrapper> setUpDurations = new HashMap<Integer, TimeDistributionWrapper>();
Map<Integer, Set<ResourceReference>> resourceReferences = new HashMap<Integer, Set<ResourceReference>>();
// gateways and events
// Map<Integer, BranchingBehavior> branchingBehaviors = new HashMap<Integer, BranchingBehavior>();
Map<Integer, SimulationConfiguration> configurationsOfSubProcesses = new HashMap<Integer, SimulationConfiguration>();
// take resource definitions from process model
Map<Integer, Set<String>> resourceReferencesFromProcessModel = processModel.getResourceReferences();
for (Integer nodeId : resourceReferencesFromProcessModel.keySet()) {
Set<String> resourceRefFromModel = resourceReferencesFromProcessModel.get(nodeId);
Set<ResourceReference> resourceRefs = new HashSet<ResourceReference>();
for (String resourceId : resourceRefFromModel) {
int amount = 1;
Map<String, String> assignmentDefinition = new HashMap<String, String>();
ResourceReference resourceReference = new ResourceReference(resourceId, amount, assignmentDefinition);
resourceReferences.put(nodeId, resourceRefs);
for (Element el : sim.getChildren()) {
String elementName = el.getName();
if (isKnownElement(elementName)) {
if (elementName.equals("resources")) {
// in parent process
String identifier = el.getAttributeValue("id");
if (identifier == null) {
DebugLogger.log("Warning: Simulation configuration definition element '" + elementName + "' does not have an identifier, skip.");
// no matching element in process, so skip definition
Integer nodeId = processModel.getIdentifiersToNodeIds().get(identifier);
if (nodeId == null) {
DebugLogger.log("Simulation configuration definition for process element '" + identifier + "', but not available in process, skip.");
// no matching element in process, so skip definition
if (elementName.equals("startEvent")) {
Element elem = el.getChild("arrivalRate", simNamespace);
if (elem != null) {
TimeDistributionWrapper distribution = getTimeDistributionWrapper(elem, simNamespace);
arrivalRates.put(nodeId, distribution);
} else if (elementName.equals("task") || elementName.endsWith("Task") || elementName.equals("subProcess")) {
Element durationElem = el.getChild("duration", simNamespace);
if (durationElem != null) {
TimeDistributionWrapper distribution = getTimeDistributionWrapper(durationElem, simNamespace);
durations.put(nodeId, distribution);
Element setUpDurationElem = el.getChild("setUpDuration", simNamespace);
if (setUpDurationElem != null) {
TimeDistributionWrapper distribution = getTimeDistributionWrapper(setUpDurationElem, simNamespace);
setUpDurations.put(nodeId, distribution);
Element resourcesElem = el.getChild("resources", simNamespace);
if (resourcesElem != null) {
List<Element> resourceElements = resourcesElem.getChildren("resource", simNamespace);
// process model)
if (resourceElements.size() > 0) {
Set<ResourceReference> resourceRefs = new HashSet<ResourceReference>();
Set<String> resourceIdentifiers = new HashSet<String>();
for (Element elem : resourceElements) {
String resourceId = elem.getAttributeValue("id");
if (resources.get(resourceId) == null) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Simulation configuration " + simId + " refers to unknown resource " + resourceId + ".");
if (resourceIdentifiers.contains(resourceId)) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Simulation configuration " + simId + " defines multiple resources for task / subprocess " + identifier);
// XXX implementation currently supports more than one instance per resource. however
// BPMN standard does not support that.
// int amount = 1;
int amount = Integer.parseInt(elem.getAttributeValue("amount"));
Map<String, String> assignmentDefinition = new HashMap<String, String>();
Element assignmentDefinitionElement = elem.getChild("assignmentDefinition", simNamespace);
if (assignmentDefinitionElement != null) {
List<Element> adElements = assignmentDefinitionElement.getChildren(null, simNamespace);
for (Element adElem : adElements) {
assignmentDefinition.put(adElem.getName(), adElem.getText());
ResourceReference resourceReference = new ResourceReference(resourceId, amount, assignmentDefinition);
resourceReferences.put(nodeId, resourceRefs);
if (elementName.equals("subProcess")) {
ProcessModel subProcess = processModel.getSubProcesses().get(nodeId);
String subProcessIdFromSimElement = el.getAttributeValue("id");
SimulationConfiguration simulationConfiguration = parseSimulationConfiguration(el, simNamespace, subProcessIdFromSimElement, subProcess, randomSeed);
configurationsOfSubProcesses.put(nodeId, simulationConfiguration);
} else {
DebugLogger.log("Element " + el.getName() + " of simulation scenario is expected to be known, but not supported.");
} else {
DebugLogger.log("Element " + el.getName() + " of simulation scenario not supported.");
SimulationConfiguration simulationConfiguration = new SimulationConfiguration(simId, processModel, numberOfProcessInstances, startDateTime, endDateTime, randomSeed, arrivalRates, durations, setUpDurations, resourceReferences, configurationsOfSubProcesses);
return simulationConfiguration;
use of org.jdom2.Namespace in project scylla by bptlab.
the class SimulationConfigurationParser method getDistribution.
public static Distribution getDistribution(Element element, Namespace simNamespace, String fieldType) throws ScyllaValidationException {
Distribution distribution;
if (element.getChild("arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution", simNamespace) != null && fieldType.equals("string")) {
Element el = element.getChild("arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution", simNamespace);
// changed name here but now in the whole project
EmpiricalStringDistribution dist = new EmpiricalStringDistribution();
List<Element> entries = el.getChildren("entry", simNamespace);
if (entries.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify pairs of a vaule and a frequency for arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
double sum = 0;
try {
for (Element entry : entries) {
// normalize frequency to 1.0
sum += Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("frequency"));
for (Element entry : entries) {
dist.addEntry(entry.getAttributeValue("value"), Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("frequency")) / sum);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify pairs of a vaule and a frequency for arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
distribution = dist;
} else if (element.getChild("arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution", simNamespace);
// changed name here but now in the whole project
EmpiricalDistribution dist = new EmpiricalDistribution();
List<Element> entries = el.getChildren("entry", simNamespace);
if (entries.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify pairs of a vaule and a frequency for arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
double sum = 0;
try {
for (Element entry : entries) {
// normalize frequency to 1.0
sum += Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("frequency"));
for (Element entry : entries) {
dist.addEntry(Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("value")), Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("frequency")) / sum);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify pairs of a vaule and a frequency for arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
distribution = dist;
} else if (element.getChild("binomialDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("binomialDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double probability = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("probability", simNamespace));
int amount = Integer.valueOf(el.getChildText("amount", simNamespace));
distribution = new BinomialDistribution(probability, amount);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a probability and an amount for binomialDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("constantDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("constantDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double constantValue = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("constantValue", simNamespace));
distribution = new ConstantDistribution(constantValue);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a constantValue for constantDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("erlangDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("erlangDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
long order = Long.valueOf(el.getChildText("order", simNamespace));
double mean = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("mean", simNamespace));
distribution = new ErlangDistribution(order, mean);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a order and a mean for erlangDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("exponentialDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("exponentialDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double mean = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("mean", simNamespace));
distribution = new ExponentialDistribution(mean);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a mean for exponentialDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("triangularDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("triangularDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double lower = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("lower", simNamespace));
double upper = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("upper", simNamespace));
double peak = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("peak", simNamespace));
distribution = new TriangularDistribution(lower, upper, peak);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a lower, a upper and a peak for triangularDistribution at" + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("normalDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("normalDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double mean = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("mean", simNamespace));
double standardDeviation = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("standardDeviation", simNamespace));
distribution = new NormalDistribution(mean, standardDeviation);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a mean and a standardDeviation for normalDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("poissonDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("poissonDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double mean = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("mean", simNamespace));
distribution = new PoissonDistribution(mean);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a mean for poissonDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("uniformDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("uniformDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double lower = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("lower", simNamespace));
double upper = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("upper", simNamespace));
distribution = new UniformDistribution(lower, upper);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a lower and an upper for uniformDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Distribution definition at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + " not found or not supported. Check spelling!");
return distribution;
use of org.jdom2.Namespace in project scylla by bptlab.
the class SimulationConfigurationParser method parse.
public SimulationConfiguration parse(Element rootElement) throws ScyllaValidationException {
Namespace simNamespace = rootElement.getNamespace();
List<Element> simElements = rootElement.getChildren("simulationConfiguration", simNamespace);
if (simElements.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("No simulation configuration in file.");
} else if (simElements.size() > 1) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Multiple simulation configurations in file. If you want to simulate mulitple scenarios, then store them in separate simulation configuration files.");
Element sim = simElements.get(0);
String processRef = sim.getAttributeValue("processRef");
ProcessModel processModel = simulationEnvironment.getProcessModels().get(processRef);
Long randomSeed = simulationEnvironment.getGlobalConfiguration().getRandomSeed();
SimulationConfiguration simulationConfiguration = parseSimulationConfiguration(sim, simNamespace, processRef, processModel, randomSeed);
// }
return simulationConfiguration;