use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.Job in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class GitPluginNoDockerTest method generateJobWithRemoteName.
private Job generateJobWithRemoteName(GIT_IMPL type) {
Job job = generateJob(type);
GitScm scm = generateSCM(job).remoteName("custom_origin");
useJGitIfNeccesary(type, scm);
return job;
use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.Job in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class AbstractAnalysisTest method should_store_trend_selection_in_cookie.
* Runs the test case {@link #should_have_trend_graph_with_relative_links_in_freestyle_job()} with a job that
* contains a space in the name. Then the trend is deactivated in the trend configuration view: now the trend should
* be replaced with a link to re-enable the trend. Finally, this link is clicked in order open the trend
* configuration again.
@Issue({ "JENKINS-25917", "JENKINS-32377" })
public void should_store_trend_selection_in_cookie() {
Job job = buildFreestyleJobTwoTimesInARow();
assertThat(, containsString("_"));
job = job.renameTo("_", " "));
AnalysisAction action = createProjectAction(job);
verifyTrendGraphOverview(job, action, getNumberOfWarnings());
deactivateTrendGraph(job, action);
use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.Job in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class AbstractAnalysisTest method should_have_trend_graph_with_relative_links_in_pipeline.
* Builds a pipeline with an enabled publisher of the plug-in under test two times in a row. Verifies that
* afterwards a trend graph exists that contains 6 relative links to the plug-in results (one for each priority and
* build).
public void should_have_trend_graph_with_relative_links_in_pipeline() {
Job job = runTwoTimesInARow(createPipeline());
verifyTrendGraph(job, getNumberOfWarnings());
use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.Job in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class AbstractAnalysisTest method should_have_trend_graph_with_relative_links_in_freestyle_job.
* Builds a freestyle job with an enabled publisher of the plug-in under test two times in a row. Verifies that
* afterwards a trend graph exists that contains 6 relative links to the plug-in results (one for each priority and
* build).
@Issue({ "JENKINS-21723", "JENKINS-29900" })
public void should_have_trend_graph_with_relative_links_in_freestyle_job() {
Job job = buildFreestyleJobTwoTimesInARow();
verifyTrendGraph(job, getNumberOfWarnings());
use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.Job in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class AnalysisCollectorPluginTest method should_set_build_result_to_unstable.
* Verifies that a build should become status unstable when a warning threshold is exceeded.
public void should_set_build_result_to_unstable() {
FreeStyleJob job =;
job.copyResource(ANALYSIS_COLLECTOR_PLUGIN_RESOURCES + "/findbugs.xml");
AnalysisCollectorSettings analysis = job.addPublisher(AnalysisCollectorSettings.class);
AnalysisConfigurator<AnalysisCollectorSettings> configurator = settings -> settings.setBuildUnstableTotalAll("5");