use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.ListView in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class AnalysisCollectorPluginTest method should_set_warnings_count_in_list_view_column.
* Sets up a list view with a warnings column. Builds a job and checks if the column shows the correct number of
* warnings and provides a direct link to the actual warning results. Also verifies that the mouse-over tooltip will
* show the correct number of warnings per checked plugin.
public void should_set_warnings_count_in_list_view_column() {
FreeStyleJob job = createFreeStyleJob();
ListView view = jenkins.views.create(ListView.class, "list");
WebElement warningsCell = view.find(by.xpath(XPATH_LISTVIEW_WARNING_TD));
assertThat(warningsCell.getText(), is(String.valueOf(TOTAL)));
String tooltip = warningsCell.getAttribute("tooltip");
assertThat(tooltip, allOf(containsString("<a href=\"view/list/job/" + + "/checkstyle\">" + CHECKSTYLE_ALL + "</a>"), containsString("<a href=\"view/list/job/" + + "/findbugs\">" + FINDBUGS_ALL + "</a>"), containsString("<a href=\"view/list/job/" + + "/pmd\">" + PMD_ALL + "</a>"), containsString("<a href=\"view/list/job/" + + "/warnings\">" + WARNINGS_ALL + "</a>")));
AnalysisCollectorColumn column = view.getColumn(AnalysisCollectorColumn.class);
column.checkPlugin(PMD, false);;;
// check that PMD warnings are not collected to total warning number and tooltip
warningsCell = view.find(by.xpath(XPATH_LISTVIEW_WARNING_TD));
assertThat(warningsCell.getText(), is(String.valueOf(TOTAL - PMD_ALL)));
tooltip = warningsCell.getAttribute("tooltip");
assertThat(tooltip, not(containsString("<a href=\"job/" + + "/pmd\">" + PMD_ALL + "</a>")));
use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.ListView in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class JobDslPluginTest method job_filters_status_failed_exclude_unmatched.
* This test creates a job and runs a build which fails. Afterwards 4 new jobs get created as well as a listView.
* The job filter of the listView is set to not show jobs which build status is not 'FAILED'.
public void job_filters_status_failed_exclude_unmatched() {
Job failedJob = createJobThatFails();
List<Job> jobs = createAmountOfJobs(4, true);
String jobDslScript = "listView('" + LIST_VIEW_NAME + "') {\n" + " columns {\n" + " name()\n" + " }\n" + " jobs{\n" + " names('" + + "','" + jobs.get(0).name + "','" + jobs.get(1).name + "','" + jobs.get(2).name + "','" + jobs.get(3).name + "')\n" + " }\n" + " jobFilters {\n" + " status {\n" + " matchType(MatchType.EXCLUDE_UNMATCHED)\n" + " status(Status.FAILED)\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}";
View view = openNewlyCreatedListView(jobDslScript, LIST_VIEW_NAME);
assertThat(view, containsJob(failedJob));
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(jobs.get(0))));
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(jobs.get(1))));
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(jobs.get(2))));
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(jobs.get(3))));
use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.ListView in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class JobDslPluginTest method job_filters_regex_name_include_unmatched.
* This test creates a listView and 4 jobs. The job filters are checking the name with a regex and
* jobs not matching the regex are included in the listView.
public void job_filters_regex_name_include_unmatched() {
Job job1 = createJobWithName(EXAMPLE_DISABLED_NAME);
Job job2 = createJobWithName(EXAMPLE_ENABLED_NAME);
List<Job> jobs = createAmountOfJobs(2, false);
String jobDslScript = "listView('" + LIST_VIEW_NAME + "') {\n" + " columns {\n" + " name()\n" + " }\n" + " jobFilters {\n" + " regex {\n" + " matchType(MatchType.INCLUDE_UNMATCHED)\n" + " matchValue(RegexMatchValue.NAME)\n" + " regex('" + LIST_VIEW_REGEX + "')\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}";
View view = openNewlyCreatedListView(jobDslScript, LIST_VIEW_NAME);
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(job1)));
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(job2)));
assertThat(view, containsJob(jobs.get(0)));
assertThat(view, containsJob(jobs.get(1)));
use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.ListView in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class JobDslPluginTest method job_filters_status_failed_include_unmatched.
* This test creates a job and runs a build which fails. Afterwards 4 new jobs get created as well as a listView.
* The job filter of the listView is set to show jobs which build status is not 'FAILED'.
public void job_filters_status_failed_include_unmatched() {
Job failedJob = createJobThatFails();
List<Job> jobs = createAmountOfJobs(4, true);
String jobDslScript = "listView('" + LIST_VIEW_NAME + "') {\n" + " columns {\n" + " name()\n" + " }\n" + " jobFilters {\n" + " status {\n" + " matchType(MatchType.INCLUDE_UNMATCHED)\n" + " status(Status.FAILED)\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}";
View view = openNewlyCreatedListView(jobDslScript, LIST_VIEW_NAME);
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(failedJob)));
assertThat(view, containsJob(jobs.get(0)));
assertThat(view, containsJob(jobs.get(1)));
assertThat(view, containsJob(jobs.get(2)));
assertThat(view, containsJob(jobs.get(3)));
use of org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.po.ListView in project acceptance-test-harness by jenkinsci.
the class JobDslPluginTest method job_filters_regex_name_include_matched.
* This test creates a listView and 4 jobs. The job filters are checking the name with a regex and
* jobs matching the regex are included in the listView.
public void job_filters_regex_name_include_matched() {
Job job1 = createJobWithName(EXAMPLE_DISABLED_NAME);
Job job2 = createJobWithName(EXAMPLE_ENABLED_NAME);
List<Job> jobs = createAmountOfJobs(2, false);
String jobDslScript = "listView('" + LIST_VIEW_NAME + "') {\n" + " columns {\n" + " name()\n" + " }\n" + " jobFilters {\n" + " regex {\n" + " matchType(MatchType.INCLUDE_MATCHED)\n" + " matchValue(RegexMatchValue.NAME)\n" + " regex('" + LIST_VIEW_REGEX + "')\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}";
View view = openNewlyCreatedListView(jobDslScript, LIST_VIEW_NAME);
assertThat(view, containsJob(job1));
assertThat(view, containsJob(job2));
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(jobs.get(0))));
assertThat(view, not(containsJob(jobs.get(1))));