use of in project kotlin by JetBrains.
the class ControlFlowGraph method create.
* Creates a new {@link ControlFlowGraph} and populates it with the flow
* control for the given method. If the optional {@code initial} parameter is
* provided with an existing graph, then the graph is simply populated, not
* created. This allows subclassing of the graph instance, if necessary.
* @param initial usually null, but can point to an existing instance of a
* {@link ControlFlowGraph} in which that graph is reused (but
* populated with new edges)
* @param classNode the class containing the method to be analyzed
* @param method the method to be analyzed
* @return a {@link ControlFlowGraph} with nodes for the control flow in the
* given method
* @throws AnalyzerException if the underlying bytecode library is unable to
* analyze the method bytecode
public static ControlFlowGraph create(@Nullable ControlFlowGraph initial, @NonNull ClassNode classNode, @NonNull MethodNode method) throws AnalyzerException {
final ControlFlowGraph graph = initial != null ? initial : new ControlFlowGraph();
final InsnList instructions = method.instructions;
graph.mNodeMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(instructions.size());
graph.mMethod = method;
// Create a flow control graph using ASM5's analyzer. According to the ASM 4 guide
// ( there are faster ways to construct
// it, but those require a lot more code.
Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(new BasicInterpreter()) {
protected void newControlFlowEdge(int insn, int successor) {
// Update the information as of whether the this object has been
// initialized at the given instruction.
AbstractInsnNode from = instructions.get(insn);
AbstractInsnNode to = instructions.get(successor);
graph.add(from, to);
protected boolean newControlFlowExceptionEdge(int insn, TryCatchBlockNode tcb) {
AbstractInsnNode from = instructions.get(insn);
graph.exception(from, tcb);
return super.newControlFlowExceptionEdge(insn, tcb);
protected boolean newControlFlowExceptionEdge(int insn, int successor) {
AbstractInsnNode from = instructions.get(insn);
AbstractInsnNode to = instructions.get(successor);
graph.exception(from, to);
return super.newControlFlowExceptionEdge(insn, successor);
analyzer.analyze(, method);
return graph;
use of in project kotlin by JetBrains.
the class ControlFlowGraph method exception.
/** Adds an exception try block node to this graph */
protected void exception(@NonNull AbstractInsnNode from, @NonNull TryCatchBlockNode tcb) {
// Add tcb's to all instructions in the range
LabelNode start = tcb.start;
// exclusive
LabelNode end = tcb.end;
// Add exception edges for all method calls in the range
AbstractInsnNode curr = start;
Node handlerNode = getNode(tcb.handler);
while (curr != end && curr != null) {
// A method can throw can exception, or a throw instruction directly
if (curr.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.METHOD_INSN || (curr.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.INSN && curr.getOpcode() == Opcodes.ATHROW)) {
// Method call; add exception edge to handler
if (tcb.type == null) {
// finally block: not an exception path
curr = curr.getNext();