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Example 1 with RectangleEdge

use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.

the class TextTitle method drawVertical.

 * Draws a the title vertically within the specified area.  This method
 * will be called from the {@link #draw(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) draw}
 * method.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param area  the area for the title.
protected void drawVertical(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area) {
    Rectangle2D titleArea = (Rectangle2D) area.clone();
    TextBlockAnchor anchor = null;
    float y = 0.0f;
    VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = getVerticalAlignment();
    if (verticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.TOP) {
        y = (float) titleArea.getY();
        anchor = TextBlockAnchor.TOP_RIGHT;
    } else if (verticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM) {
        y = (float) titleArea.getMaxY();
        anchor = TextBlockAnchor.TOP_LEFT;
    } else if (verticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.CENTER) {
        y = (float) titleArea.getCenterY();
        anchor = TextBlockAnchor.TOP_CENTER;
    float x = 0.0f;
    RectangleEdge position = getPosition();
    if (position == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
        x = (float) titleArea.getX();
    } else if (position == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
        x = (float) titleArea.getMaxX();
        if (verticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.TOP) {
            anchor = TextBlockAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT;
        } else if (verticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.CENTER) {
            anchor = TextBlockAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
        } else if (verticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM) {
            anchor = TextBlockAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT;
    this.content.draw(g2, x, y, anchor, x, y, -Math.PI / 2.0);
Also used : Rectangle2D(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) VerticalAlignment(org.jfree.chart.api.VerticalAlignment) TextBlockAnchor(org.jfree.chart.text.TextBlockAnchor) RectangleEdge(org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge)

Example 2 with RectangleEdge

use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.

the class XYPolygonAnnotation method draw.

 * Draws the annotation.  This method is usually called by the
 * {@link XYPlot} class, you shouldn't need to call it directly.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param plot  the plot.
 * @param dataArea  the data area.
 * @param domainAxis  the domain axis.
 * @param rangeAxis  the range axis.
 * @param rendererIndex  the renderer index.
 * @param info  the plot rendering info.
public void draw(Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, Rectangle2D dataArea, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, int rendererIndex, PlotRenderingInfo info) {
    // if we don't have at least 2 (x, y) coordinates, just return
    if (this.polygon.length < 4) {
    PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();
    RectangleEdge domainEdge = Plot.resolveDomainAxisLocation(plot.getDomainAxisLocation(), orientation);
    RectangleEdge rangeEdge = Plot.resolveRangeAxisLocation(plot.getRangeAxisLocation(), orientation);
    GeneralPath area = new GeneralPath();
    double x = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(this.polygon[0], dataArea, domainEdge);
    double y = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(this.polygon[1], dataArea, rangeEdge);
    if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
        area.moveTo((float) y, (float) x);
        for (int i = 2; i < this.polygon.length; i += 2) {
            x = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(this.polygon[i], dataArea, domainEdge);
            y = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(this.polygon[i + 1], dataArea, rangeEdge);
            area.lineTo((float) y, (float) x);
    } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
        area.moveTo((float) x, (float) y);
        for (int i = 2; i < this.polygon.length; i += 2) {
            x = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(this.polygon[i], dataArea, domainEdge);
            y = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(this.polygon[i + 1], dataArea, rangeEdge);
            area.lineTo((float) x, (float) y);
    if (this.fillPaint != null) {
    if (this.stroke != null && this.outlinePaint != null) {
    addEntity(info, area, rendererIndex, getToolTipText(), getURL());
Also used : PlotOrientation(org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation) GeneralPath(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath) Paint(java.awt.Paint) RectangleEdge(org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge)

Example 3 with RectangleEdge

use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.

the class XYBarRenderer method drawItem.

 * Draws the visual representation of a single data item.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param state  the renderer state.
 * @param dataArea  the area within which the plot is being drawn.
 * @param info  collects information about the drawing.
 * @param plot  the plot (can be used to obtain standard color
 *              information etc).
 * @param domainAxis  the domain axis.
 * @param rangeAxis  the range axis.
 * @param dataset  the dataset.
 * @param series  the series index (zero-based).
 * @param item  the item index (zero-based).
 * @param crosshairState  crosshair information for the plot
 *                        ({@code null} permitted).
 * @param pass  the pass index.
public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) {
    if (!getItemVisible(series, item)) {
    IntervalXYDataset intervalDataset = (IntervalXYDataset) dataset;
    double value0;
    double value1;
    if (this.useYInterval) {
        value0 = intervalDataset.getStartYValue(series, item);
        value1 = intervalDataset.getEndYValue(series, item);
    } else {
        value0 = this.base;
        value1 = intervalDataset.getYValue(series, item);
    if (Double.isNaN(value0) || Double.isNaN(value1)) {
    if (value0 <= value1) {
        if (!rangeAxis.getRange().intersects(value0, value1)) {
    } else {
        if (!rangeAxis.getRange().intersects(value1, value0)) {
    double translatedValue0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value0, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
    double translatedValue1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
    double bottom = Math.min(translatedValue0, translatedValue1);
    double top = Math.max(translatedValue0, translatedValue1);
    double startX = intervalDataset.getStartXValue(series, item);
    if (Double.isNaN(startX)) {
    double endX = intervalDataset.getEndXValue(series, item);
    if (Double.isNaN(endX)) {
    if (startX <= endX) {
        if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(startX, endX)) {
    } else {
        if (!domainAxis.getRange().intersects(endX, startX)) {
    // is there an alignment adjustment to be made?
    if (this.barAlignmentFactor >= 0.0 && this.barAlignmentFactor <= 1.0) {
        double x = intervalDataset.getXValue(series, item);
        double interval = endX - startX;
        startX = x - interval * this.barAlignmentFactor;
        endX = startX + interval;
    RectangleEdge location = plot.getDomainAxisEdge();
    double translatedStartX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(startX, dataArea, location);
    double translatedEndX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(endX, dataArea, location);
    double translatedWidth = Math.max(1, Math.abs(translatedEndX - translatedStartX));
    double left = Math.min(translatedStartX, translatedEndX);
    if (getMargin() > 0.0) {
        double cut = translatedWidth * getMargin();
        translatedWidth = translatedWidth - cut;
        left = left + cut / 2;
    Rectangle2D bar = null;
    PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();
    if (orientation.isHorizontal()) {
        // clip left and right bounds to data area
        bottom = Math.max(bottom, dataArea.getMinX());
        top = Math.min(top, dataArea.getMaxX());
        bar = new Rectangle2D.Double(bottom, left, top - bottom, translatedWidth);
    } else if (orientation.isVertical()) {
        // clip top and bottom bounds to data area
        bottom = Math.max(bottom, dataArea.getMinY());
        top = Math.min(top, dataArea.getMaxY());
        bar = new Rectangle2D.Double(left, bottom, translatedWidth, top - bottom);
    boolean positive = (value1 > 0.0);
    boolean inverted = rangeAxis.isInverted();
    RectangleEdge barBase;
    if (orientation.isHorizontal()) {
        if (positive && inverted || !positive && !inverted) {
            barBase = RectangleEdge.RIGHT;
        } else {
            barBase = RectangleEdge.LEFT;
    } else {
        if (positive && !inverted || !positive && inverted) {
            barBase = RectangleEdge.BOTTOM;
        } else {
            barBase = RectangleEdge.TOP;
    if (state.getElementHinting()) {
        beginElementGroup(g2, dataset.getSeriesKey(series), item);
    if (getShadowsVisible()) {
        this.barPainter.paintBarShadow(g2, this, series, item, bar, barBase, !this.useYInterval);
    this.barPainter.paintBar(g2, this, series, item, bar, barBase);
    if (state.getElementHinting()) {
    if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) {
        XYItemLabelGenerator generator = getItemLabelGenerator(series, item);
        drawItemLabel(g2, dataset, series, item, plot, generator, bar, value1 < 0.0);
    // update the crosshair point
    double x1 = (startX + endX) / 2.0;
    double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item);
    double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, location);
    double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
    int datasetIndex = plot.indexOf(dataset);
    updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, datasetIndex, transX1, transY1, plot.getOrientation());
    EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection();
    if (entities != null) {
        addEntity(entities, bar, dataset, series, item, 0.0, 0.0);
Also used : PlotOrientation(org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation) EntityCollection(org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection) IntervalXYDataset( Rectangle2D(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) XYItemLabelGenerator(org.jfree.chart.labels.XYItemLabelGenerator) Paint(java.awt.Paint) RectangleEdge(org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge)

Example 4 with RectangleEdge

use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.

the class XYBoxAndWhiskerRenderer method drawHorizontalItem.

 * Draws the visual representation of a single data item.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param dataArea  the area within which the plot is being drawn.
 * @param info  collects info about the drawing.
 * @param plot  the plot (can be used to obtain standard color
 *              information etc).
 * @param domainAxis  the domain axis.
 * @param rangeAxis  the range axis.
 * @param dataset  the dataset (must be an instance of
 *                 {@link BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset}).
 * @param series  the series index (zero-based).
 * @param item  the item index (zero-based).
 * @param crosshairState  crosshair information for the plot
 *                        ({@code null} permitted).
 * @param pass  the pass index.
public void drawHorizontalItem(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) {
    // setup for collecting optional entity info...
    EntityCollection entities = null;
    if (info != null) {
        entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection();
    BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset boxAndWhiskerData = (BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset) dataset;
    Number x = boxAndWhiskerData.getX(series, item);
    Number yMax = boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxRegularValue(series, item);
    Number yMin = boxAndWhiskerData.getMinRegularValue(series, item);
    Number yMedian = boxAndWhiskerData.getMedianValue(series, item);
    Number yAverage = boxAndWhiskerData.getMeanValue(series, item);
    Number yQ1Median = boxAndWhiskerData.getQ1Value(series, item);
    Number yQ3Median = boxAndWhiskerData.getQ3Value(series, item);
    double xx = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x.doubleValue(), dataArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge());
    RectangleEdge location = plot.getRangeAxisEdge();
    double yyMax = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yMax.doubleValue(), dataArea, location);
    double yyMin = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yMin.doubleValue(), dataArea, location);
    double yyMedian = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yMedian.doubleValue(), dataArea, location);
    double yyAverage = 0.0;
    if (yAverage != null) {
        yyAverage = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yAverage.doubleValue(), dataArea, location);
    double yyQ1Median = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yQ1Median.doubleValue(), dataArea, location);
    double yyQ3Median = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(yQ3Median.doubleValue(), dataArea, location);
    double exactBoxWidth = getBoxWidth();
    double width = exactBoxWidth;
    double dataAreaX = dataArea.getHeight();
    double maxBoxPercent = 0.1;
    double maxBoxWidth = dataAreaX * maxBoxPercent;
    if (exactBoxWidth <= 0.0) {
        int itemCount = boxAndWhiskerData.getItemCount(series);
        exactBoxWidth = dataAreaX / itemCount * 4.5 / 7;
        if (exactBoxWidth < 3) {
            width = 3;
        } else if (exactBoxWidth > maxBoxWidth) {
            width = maxBoxWidth;
        } else {
            width = exactBoxWidth;
    g2.setPaint(getItemPaint(series, item));
    Stroke s = getItemStroke(series, item);
    // draw the upper shadow
    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(yyMax, xx, yyQ3Median, xx));
    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(yyMax, xx - width / 2, yyMax, xx + width / 2));
    // draw the lower shadow
    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(yyMin, xx, yyQ1Median, xx));
    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(yyMin, xx - width / 2, yyMin, xx + width / 2));
    // draw the body
    Shape box;
    if (yyQ1Median < yyQ3Median) {
        box = new Rectangle2D.Double(yyQ1Median, xx - width / 2, yyQ3Median - yyQ1Median, width);
    } else {
        box = new Rectangle2D.Double(yyQ3Median, xx - width / 2, yyQ1Median - yyQ3Median, width);
    if (this.fillBox) {
        g2.setPaint(lookupBoxPaint(series, item));
    g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(series, item));
    g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(series, item));
    // draw median
    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(yyMedian, xx - width / 2, yyMedian, xx + width / 2));
    // draw average - SPECIAL AIMS REQUIREMENT
    if (yAverage != null) {
        double aRadius = width / 4;
        // before drawing it...
        if ((yyAverage > (dataArea.getMinX() - aRadius)) && (yyAverage < (dataArea.getMaxX() + aRadius))) {
            Ellipse2D.Double avgEllipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(yyAverage - aRadius, xx - aRadius, aRadius * 2, aRadius * 2);
    // add an entity for the item...
    if (entities != null && box.intersects(dataArea)) {
        addEntity(entities, box, dataset, series, item, yyAverage, xx);
Also used : Stroke(java.awt.Stroke) Shape(java.awt.Shape) Rectangle2D(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) Line2D(java.awt.geom.Line2D) Paint(java.awt.Paint) Ellipse2D(java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D) EntityCollection(org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection) BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset( RectangleEdge(org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge)

Example 5 with RectangleEdge

use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.

the class XYDifferenceRenderer method createPolygon.

 * Draws the visual representation of a polygon
 * @param x_graphics  the graphics device.
 * @param x_dataArea  the area within which the data is being drawn.
 * @param x_plot  the plot (can be used to obtain standard color
 *                information etc).
 * @param x_domainAxis  the domain (horizontal) axis.
 * @param x_rangeAxis  the range (vertical) axis.
 * @param x_positive  indicates if the polygon is positive (true) or
 *                    negative (false).
 * @param x_xValues  a linked list of the x values (expects values to be
 *                   of type Double).
 * @param x_yValues  a linked list of the y values (expects values to be
 *                   of type Double).
private void createPolygon(Graphics2D x_graphics, Rectangle2D x_dataArea, XYPlot x_plot, ValueAxis x_domainAxis, ValueAxis x_rangeAxis, boolean x_positive, LinkedList x_xValues, LinkedList x_yValues) {
    PlotOrientation l_orientation = x_plot.getOrientation();
    RectangleEdge l_domainAxisLocation = x_plot.getDomainAxisEdge();
    RectangleEdge l_rangeAxisLocation = x_plot.getRangeAxisEdge();
    Object[] l_xValues = x_xValues.toArray();
    Object[] l_yValues = x_yValues.toArray();
    GeneralPath l_path = new GeneralPath();
    if (PlotOrientation.VERTICAL == l_orientation) {
        double l_x = x_domainAxis.valueToJava2D(((Double) l_xValues[0]), x_dataArea, l_domainAxisLocation);
        if (this.roundXCoordinates) {
            l_x = Math.rint(l_x);
        double l_y = x_rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(((Double) l_yValues[0]), x_dataArea, l_rangeAxisLocation);
        l_path.moveTo((float) l_x, (float) l_y);
        for (int i = 1; i < l_xValues.length; i++) {
            l_x = x_domainAxis.valueToJava2D(((Double) l_xValues[i]), x_dataArea, l_domainAxisLocation);
            if (this.roundXCoordinates) {
                l_x = Math.rint(l_x);
            l_y = x_rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(((Double) l_yValues[i]), x_dataArea, l_rangeAxisLocation);
            l_path.lineTo((float) l_x, (float) l_y);
    } else {
        double l_x = x_domainAxis.valueToJava2D(((Double) l_xValues[0]), x_dataArea, l_domainAxisLocation);
        if (this.roundXCoordinates) {
            l_x = Math.rint(l_x);
        double l_y = x_rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(((Double) l_yValues[0]), x_dataArea, l_rangeAxisLocation);
        l_path.moveTo((float) l_y, (float) l_x);
        for (int i = 1; i < l_xValues.length; i++) {
            l_x = x_domainAxis.valueToJava2D(((Double) l_xValues[i]), x_dataArea, l_domainAxisLocation);
            if (this.roundXCoordinates) {
                l_x = Math.rint(l_x);
            l_y = x_rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(((Double) l_yValues[i]), x_dataArea, l_rangeAxisLocation);
            l_path.lineTo((float) l_y, (float) l_x);
    if (l_path.intersects(x_dataArea)) {
        x_graphics.setPaint(x_positive ? getPositivePaint() : getNegativePaint());
Also used : PlotOrientation(org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation) GeneralPath(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath) Paint(java.awt.Paint) RectangleEdge(org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge)


RectangleEdge (org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleEdge)87 Rectangle2D (java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D)47 PlotOrientation (org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation)44 Paint (java.awt.Paint)40 EntityCollection (org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection)33 Stroke (java.awt.Stroke)18 Line2D (java.awt.geom.Line2D)17 Shape (java.awt.Shape)16 AxisSpace (org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisSpace)12 CategoryItemLabelGenerator (org.jfree.chart.labels.CategoryItemLabelGenerator)11 ValueAxis (org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis)10 GeneralPath (java.awt.geom.GeneralPath)9 IntervalXYDataset ( Point2D (java.awt.geom.Point2D)7 GradientPaint (java.awt.GradientPaint)6 RectangleInsets (org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleInsets)6 CrosshairState (org.jfree.chart.plot.CrosshairState)6 Ellipse2D (java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D)5 AxisState (org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisState)5 AxisLocation (org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation)4