use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleInsets in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.
the class ChartFactory method createRingChart.
* Creates a ring chart with default settings.
* <P>
* The chart object returned by this method uses a {@link RingPlot}
* instance as the plot.
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset for the chart ({@code null} permitted).
* @param legend a flag specifying whether or not a legend is required.
* @param tooltips configure chart to generate tool tips?
* @param locale the locale ({@code null} not permitted).
* @return A ring chart.
public static JFreeChart createRingChart(String title, PieDataset dataset, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, Locale locale) {
RingPlot plot = new RingPlot(dataset);
plot.setLabelGenerator(new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(locale));
plot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(0.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0));
if (tooltips) {
plot.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardPieToolTipGenerator(locale));
JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, legend);
return chart;
use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleInsets in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.
the class ChartFactory method createPieChart.
* Creates a pie chart with default settings that compares 2 datasets.
* The colour of each section will be determined by the move from the value
* for the same key in {@code previousDataset}. ie if value1 >
* value2 then the section will be in green (unless
* {@code greenForIncrease} is {@code false}, in which case it
* would be {@code red}). Each section can have a shade of red or
* green as the difference can be tailored between 0% (black) and
* percentDiffForMaxScale% (bright red/green).
* <p>
* For instance if {@code percentDiffForMaxScale} is 10 (10%), a
* difference of 5% will have a half shade of red/green, a difference of
* 10% or more will have a maximum shade/brightness of red/green.
* <P>
* The chart object returned by this method uses a {@link PiePlot} instance
* as the plot.
* <p>
* Written by <a href="">Benoit
* Xhenseval</a>.
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset for the chart ({@code null} permitted).
* @param previousDataset the dataset for the last run, this will be used
* to compare each key in the dataset
* @param percentDiffForMaxScale scale goes from bright red/green to black,
* percentDiffForMaxScale indicate the change
* required to reach top scale.
* @param greenForIncrease an increase since previousDataset will be
* displayed in green (decrease red) if true.
* @param legend a flag specifying whether or not a legend is required.
* @param tooltips configure chart to generate tool tips?
* @param locale the locale ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param subTitle displays a subtitle with colour scheme if true
* @param showDifference create a new dataset that will show the %
* difference between the two datasets.
* @return A pie chart.
public static JFreeChart createPieChart(String title, PieDataset dataset, PieDataset previousDataset, int percentDiffForMaxScale, boolean greenForIncrease, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, Locale locale, boolean subTitle, boolean showDifference) {
PiePlot plot = new PiePlot(dataset);
plot.setLabelGenerator(new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(locale));
plot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(0.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0));
if (tooltips) {
plot.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardPieToolTipGenerator(locale));
List keys = dataset.getKeys();
DefaultPieDataset series = null;
if (showDifference) {
series = new DefaultPieDataset();
double colorPerPercent = 255.0 / percentDiffForMaxScale;
for (Iterator it = keys.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Comparable key = (Comparable);
Number newValue = dataset.getValue(key);
Number oldValue = previousDataset.getValue(key);
if (oldValue == null) {
if (greenForIncrease) {
plot.setSectionPaint(key, Color.GREEN);
} else {
plot.setSectionPaint(key, Color.RED);
if (showDifference) {
// suppresses compiler warning
assert series != null;
series.setValue(key + " (+100%)", newValue);
} else {
double percentChange = (newValue.doubleValue() / oldValue.doubleValue() - 1.0) * 100.0;
double shade = (Math.abs(percentChange) >= percentDiffForMaxScale ? 255 : Math.abs(percentChange) * colorPerPercent);
if (greenForIncrease && newValue.doubleValue() > oldValue.doubleValue() || !greenForIncrease && newValue.doubleValue() < oldValue.doubleValue()) {
plot.setSectionPaint(key, new Color(0, (int) shade, 0));
} else {
plot.setSectionPaint(key, new Color((int) shade, 0, 0));
if (showDifference) {
// suppresses compiler warning
assert series != null;
series.setValue(key + " (" + (percentChange >= 0 ? "+" : "") + NumberFormat.getPercentInstance().format(percentChange / 100.0) + ")", newValue);
if (showDifference) {
JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, legend);
if (subTitle) {
TextTitle subtitle = new TextTitle("Bright " + (greenForIncrease ? "red" : "green") + "=change >=-" + percentDiffForMaxScale + "%, Bright " + (!greenForIncrease ? "red" : "green") + "=change >=+" + percentDiffForMaxScale + "%", new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10));
return chart;
use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleInsets in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.
the class Axis method drawLabel.
* Draws the axis label.
* @param label the label text.
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param plotArea the plot area.
* @param dataArea the area inside the axes.
* @param edge the location of the axis.
* @param state the axis state ({@code null} not permitted).
* @return Information about the axis.
protected AxisState drawLabel(String label, Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge, AxisState state) {
// it is unlikely that 'state' will be null, but check anyway...
Args.nullNotPermitted(state, "state");
if ((label == null) || (label.equals(""))) {
return state;
Font font = getLabelFont();
RectangleInsets insets = getLabelInsets();
FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
Rectangle2D labelBounds = TextUtils.getTextBounds(label, g2, fm);
if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle(), labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
double labelx = labelLocationX(this.labelLocation, dataArea);
double labely = state.getCursor() - insets.getBottom() - labelBounds.getHeight() / 2.0;
TextAnchor anchor = labelAnchorH(this.labelLocation);
TextUtils.drawRotatedString(label, g2, (float) labelx, (float) labely, anchor, getLabelAngle(), TextAnchor.CENTER);
state.cursorUp(insets.getTop() + labelBounds.getHeight() + insets.getBottom());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.BOTTOM) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle(), labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
double labelx = labelLocationX(this.labelLocation, dataArea);
double labely = state.getCursor() + insets.getTop() + labelBounds.getHeight() / 2.0;
TextAnchor anchor = labelAnchorH(this.labelLocation);
TextUtils.drawRotatedString(label, g2, (float) labelx, (float) labely, anchor, getLabelAngle(), TextAnchor.CENTER);
state.cursorDown(insets.getTop() + labelBounds.getHeight() + insets.getBottom());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle() - Math.PI / 2.0, labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
double labelx = state.getCursor() - insets.getRight() - labelBounds.getWidth() / 2.0;
double labely = labelLocationY(this.labelLocation, dataArea);
TextAnchor anchor = labelAnchorV(this.labelLocation);
TextUtils.drawRotatedString(label, g2, (float) labelx, (float) labely, anchor, getLabelAngle() - Math.PI / 2.0, anchor);
state.cursorLeft(insets.getLeft() + labelBounds.getWidth() + insets.getRight());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle() + Math.PI / 2.0, labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
double labelx = state.getCursor() + insets.getLeft() + labelBounds.getWidth() / 2.0;
double labely = labelLocationY(this.labelLocation, dataArea);
TextAnchor anchor = labelAnchorV(this.labelLocation);
TextUtils.drawRotatedString(label, g2, (float) labelx, (float) labely, anchor, getLabelAngle() + Math.PI / 2.0, anchor);
state.cursorRight(insets.getLeft() + labelBounds.getWidth() + insets.getRight());
return state;
use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleInsets in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.
the class Axis method drawAttributedLabel.
* Draws the axis label.
* @param label the label text.
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param plotArea the plot area.
* @param dataArea the area inside the axes.
* @param edge the location of the axis.
* @param state the axis state ({@code null} not permitted).
* @return Information about the axis.
protected AxisState drawAttributedLabel(AttributedString label, Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge, AxisState state) {
// it is unlikely that 'state' will be null, but check anyway...
Args.nullNotPermitted(state, "state");
if (label == null) {
return state;
RectangleInsets insets = getLabelInsets();
TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(this.attributedLabel.getIterator(), g2.getFontRenderContext());
Rectangle2D labelBounds = layout.getBounds();
if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle(), labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
double labelx = labelLocationX(this.labelLocation, dataArea);
double labely = state.getCursor() - insets.getBottom() - labelBounds.getHeight() / 2.0;
TextAnchor anchor = labelAnchorH(this.labelLocation);
AttrStringUtils.drawRotatedString(label, g2, (float) labelx, (float) labely, anchor, getLabelAngle(), TextAnchor.CENTER);
state.cursorUp(insets.getTop() + labelBounds.getHeight() + insets.getBottom());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.BOTTOM) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle(), labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
double labelx = labelLocationX(this.labelLocation, dataArea);
double labely = state.getCursor() + insets.getTop() + labelBounds.getHeight() / 2.0;
TextAnchor anchor = labelAnchorH(this.labelLocation);
AttrStringUtils.drawRotatedString(label, g2, (float) labelx, (float) labely, anchor, getLabelAngle(), TextAnchor.CENTER);
state.cursorDown(insets.getTop() + labelBounds.getHeight() + insets.getBottom());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle() - Math.PI / 2.0, labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
double labelx = state.getCursor() - insets.getRight() - labelBounds.getWidth() / 2.0;
double labely = labelLocationY(this.labelLocation, dataArea);
TextAnchor anchor = labelAnchorV(this.labelLocation);
AttrStringUtils.drawRotatedString(label, g2, (float) labelx, (float) labely, anchor, getLabelAngle() - Math.PI / 2.0, anchor);
state.cursorLeft(insets.getLeft() + labelBounds.getWidth() + insets.getRight());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle() + Math.PI / 2.0, labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
double labelx = state.getCursor() + insets.getLeft() + labelBounds.getWidth() / 2.0;
double labely = labelLocationY(this.labelLocation, dataArea);
TextAnchor anchor = labelAnchorV(this.labelLocation);
AttrStringUtils.drawRotatedString(label, g2, (float) labelx, (float) labely, anchor, getLabelAngle() + Math.PI / 2.0, anchor);
state.cursorRight(insets.getLeft() + labelBounds.getWidth() + insets.getRight());
return state;
use of org.jfree.chart.api.RectangleInsets in project ES-LEI-2Sem-2022-Grupo-1 by tmrbo-iscte.
the class BlockBorderTest method testSerialization.
* Serialize an instance, restore it, and check for equality.
public void testSerialization() {
BlockBorder b1 = new BlockBorder(new RectangleInsets(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), new GradientPaint(1.0f, 2.0f, Color.RED, 3.0f, 4.0f, Color.YELLOW));
BlockBorder b2 = TestUtils.serialised(b1);
assertEquals(b1, b2);