use of org.jfree.chart.entity.AxisLabelEntity in project graphcode2vec by graphcode2vec.
the class Axis method drawLabel.
* Draws the axis label.
* @param label the label text.
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param plotArea the plot area.
* @param dataArea the area inside the axes.
* @param edge the location of the axis.
* @param state the axis state (<code>null</code> not permitted).
* @param plotState the plot state (<code>null</code> permitted).
* @return Information about the axis.
protected AxisState drawLabel(String label, Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge, AxisState state, PlotRenderingInfo plotState) {
// it is unlikely that 'state' will be null, but check anyway...
if (state == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'state' argument.");
if ((label == null) || (label.equals(""))) {
return state;
Font font = getLabelFont();
RectangleInsets insets = getLabelInsets();
FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
Rectangle2D labelBounds = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(label, g2, fm);
Shape hotspot = null;
if (edge == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle(), labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
float w = (float) labelBounds.getWidth();
float h = (float) labelBounds.getHeight();
float labelx = (float) dataArea.getCenterX();
float labely = (float) (state.getCursor() - insets.getBottom() - h / 2.0);
TextUtilities.drawRotatedString(label, g2, labelx, labely, TextAnchor.CENTER, getLabelAngle(), TextAnchor.CENTER);
hotspot = new Rectangle2D.Float(labelx - w / 2.0f, labely - h / 2.0f, w, h);
state.cursorUp(insets.getTop() + labelBounds.getHeight() + insets.getBottom());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.BOTTOM) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle(), labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
float w = (float) labelBounds.getWidth();
float h = (float) labelBounds.getHeight();
float labelx = (float) dataArea.getCenterX();
float labely = (float) (state.getCursor() + insets.getTop() + h / 2.0);
TextUtilities.drawRotatedString(label, g2, labelx, labely, TextAnchor.CENTER, getLabelAngle(), TextAnchor.CENTER);
hotspot = new Rectangle2D.Float(labelx - w / 2.0f, labely - h / 2.0f, w, h);
state.cursorDown(insets.getTop() + labelBounds.getHeight() + insets.getBottom());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle() - Math.PI / 2.0, labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
float w = (float) labelBounds.getWidth();
float h = (float) labelBounds.getHeight();
float labelx = (float) (state.getCursor() - insets.getRight() - w / 2.0);
float labely = (float) dataArea.getCenterY();
TextUtilities.drawRotatedString(label, g2, labelx, labely, TextAnchor.CENTER, getLabelAngle() - Math.PI / 2.0, TextAnchor.CENTER);
hotspot = new Rectangle2D.Float(labelx - w / 2.0f, labely - h / 2.0f, w, h);
state.cursorLeft(insets.getLeft() + labelBounds.getWidth() + insets.getRight());
} else if (edge == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
AffineTransform t = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(getLabelAngle() + Math.PI / 2.0, labelBounds.getCenterX(), labelBounds.getCenterY());
Shape rotatedLabelBounds = t.createTransformedShape(labelBounds);
labelBounds = rotatedLabelBounds.getBounds2D();
float w = (float) labelBounds.getWidth();
float h = (float) labelBounds.getHeight();
float labelx = (float) (state.getCursor() + insets.getLeft() + w / 2.0);
float labely = (float) (dataArea.getY() + dataArea.getHeight() / 2.0);
TextUtilities.drawRotatedString(label, g2, labelx, labely, TextAnchor.CENTER, getLabelAngle() + Math.PI / 2.0, TextAnchor.CENTER);
hotspot = new Rectangle2D.Float(labelx - w / 2.0f, labely - h / 2.0f, w, h);
state.cursorRight(insets.getLeft() + labelBounds.getWidth() + insets.getRight());
if (plotState != null && hotspot != null) {
ChartRenderingInfo owner = plotState.getOwner();
if (owner != null) {
EntityCollection entities = owner.getEntityCollection();
if (entities != null) {
entities.add(new AxisLabelEntity(this, hotspot, this.labelToolTip, this.labelURL));
return state;