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Example 1 with MediaType

use of org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType in project jitsi by jitsi.

the class SdpUtils method createSessionUpdateDescription.

     * Creates and returns a new <tt>SessionDescription</tt> that is supposed to
     * update our previous <tt>descToUpdate</tt> and advertise the brand new
     * <tt>newMediaDescriptions</tt>. The method also respects other 3264
     * policies like reusing the origin field and augmenting its version number,
     * for example.
     * @param descToUpdate the <tt>SessionDescription</tt> to update.
     * @param newConnectionAddress the <tt>InetAddress</tt> to use in the new
     * <tt>c=</tt> field.
     * @param newMediaDescriptions the descriptions of the new streams to have
     * in the updated session.
     * @return a new <tt>SessionDescription</tt> that updates
     * <tt>descToUpdate</tt>
     * @throws OperationFailedException if the SDP creation failed
public static SessionDescription createSessionUpdateDescription(SessionDescription descToUpdate, InetAddress newConnectionAddress, List<MediaDescription> newMediaDescriptions) throws OperationFailedException {
    SessionDescription update = createSessionDescription(newConnectionAddress, null, newMediaDescriptions);
    //RFC 3264 says we must use it in the update and only change the ver
    try {
        Origin o = (Origin) descToUpdate.getOrigin().clone();
        long version = o.getSessionVersion();
        o.setSessionVersion(version + 1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // can't happen, ignore
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
  "Something very odd just happened.", e);
    //now, RFC 3264 says all previous m= fields must be present and new ones
    //added at the end. We should also disable all m= fields that are not
    //present in the new version. We therefore loop through the previous m=s
    //update them along the way and then add our new descs (if any).
    Vector<MediaDescription> prevMedias = extractMediaDescriptions(descToUpdate);
    Vector<MediaDescription> completeMediaDescList = new Vector<MediaDescription>();
    //we'll be modifying the newMediaDescs list so let's make sure we don't
    //cause any trouble and clone it.
    newMediaDescriptions = new Vector<MediaDescription>(newMediaDescriptions);
    //description. this loop also guarantees we keep the order of streams
    for (MediaDescription medToUpdate : prevMedias) {
        MediaDescription desc = null;
        try {
            MediaType type = getMediaType(medToUpdate);
            desc = removeMediaDesc(newMediaDescriptions, type);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        //remote party offers a stream of a type that we don't support.
        //leave desc to null so that we'll disable it and move on.
        if (desc == null) {
            //a stream that was in the old description seems to be no longer
            //there in the new one. We need to create the SDP necessary to
            //explicitly disable it then.
            desc = createDisablingAnswer(medToUpdate);
    //now add whatever's left;
    for (MediaDescription medToAdd : newMediaDescriptions) {
    try {
    } catch (SdpException e) {
        // can't be since we just created it.
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
  "A crazy thing just happened.", e);
    return update;
Also used : MediaType(org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType)

Example 2 with MediaType

use of org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType in project jitsi by jitsi.

the class SdpUtils method createMediaDescription.

     * Creates a new <tt>MediaDescription</tt> instance according to the
     * specified <tt>formats</tt>, <tt>connector</tt> and <tt>direction</tt>,
     * and using the <tt>dynamicPayloadTypes</tt> registry to handle dynamic
     * payload type registrations. The type (e.g. audio/video) of the media
     * description is determined via from the type of the first
     * <tt>MediaFormat</tt> in the <tt>formats</tt> list.
     * @param transport the profile name (RTP/SAVP or RTP/AVP)
     * @param formats the list of formats that should be advertised in the newly
     * created <tt>MediaDescription</tt>.
     * @param connector the socket couple that will be used for the media stream
     * which we are advertising with the media description created here.
     * @param direction the direction of the media stream that we are describing
     * here.
     * @param rtpExtensions a list of <tt>RTPExtension</tt>s supported by the
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> that we will be advertising.
     * @param dynamicPayloadTypes a reference to the
     * <tt>DynamicPayloadTypeRegistry</tt> that we should be using to lookup
     * and register dynamic RTP mappings.
     * @param rtpExtensionsRegistry a reference to the
     * <tt>DynamicRTPExtensionRegistry</tt> that we should be using to lookup
     * and register URN to ID mappings.
     * @return the newly create SDP <tt>MediaDescription</tt>.
     * @throws OperationFailedException in case we fail to get payload type
     * numbers for dynamic payload types or in case our SDP generation fails for
     * some other reason.
public static MediaDescription createMediaDescription(String transport, List<MediaFormat> formats, StreamConnector connector, MediaDirection direction, List<RTPExtension> rtpExtensions, DynamicPayloadTypeRegistry dynamicPayloadTypes, DynamicRTPExtensionsRegistry rtpExtensionsRegistry) throws OperationFailedException {
    int[] payloadTypesArray = new int[formats.size()];
    Vector<Attribute> mediaAttributes = new Vector<Attribute>(2 * payloadTypesArray.length + 1);
    MediaType mediaType = null;
    // a=sendonly|sendrecv|recvonly|inactive
    if (direction != MediaDirection.SENDRECV)
    for (int i = 0; i < payloadTypesArray.length; i++) {
        MediaFormat format = formats.get(i);
        MediaType fmtMediaType = format.getMediaType();
        // determine whether we are dealing with audio or video.
        if (mediaType == null)
            mediaType = fmtMediaType;
        byte payloadType = format.getRTPPayloadType();
        // is this a dynamic payload type.
        if (payloadType == MediaFormat.RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
            try {
                payloadType = dynamicPayloadTypes.obtainPayloadTypeNumber(format);
            } catch (IllegalStateException exception) {
                //means we ran out of dynamic rtp payload types.
                throw new OperationFailedException("Failed to allocate a new dynamic PT number.", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, exception);
        // a=rtpmap:
        String numChannelsStr = "";
        if (format instanceof AudioMediaFormat) {
            int channels = ((AudioMediaFormat) format).getChannels();
            if (channels > 1)
                numChannelsStr = "/" + channels;
        Attribute rtpmap = sdpFactory.createAttribute(SdpConstants.RTPMAP, payloadType + " " + format.getEncoding() + "/" + format.getClockRateString() + numChannelsStr);
        // a=fmtp:
        if (format.getFormatParameters().size() > 0) {
            Attribute fmtp = sdpFactory.createAttribute("fmtp", payloadType + " " + encodeFmtp(format));
        /* add extra attributes */
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = format.getAdvancedAttributes().entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, String> ntry =;
            Attribute adv;
            switch(ntry.getKey()) {
                // RFC7587, Sect. 7 says there's no payload number for ptime
                case "ptime":
                case "maxptime":
                    adv = sdpFactory.createAttribute(ntry.getKey(), ntry.getValue());
                    adv = sdpFactory.createAttribute(ntry.getKey(), payloadType + " " + ntry.getValue());
        payloadTypesArray[i] = payloadType;
    // rtcp: (only include it if different from the default (i.e. rtp + 1)
    int rtpPort = connector.getDataSocket().getLocalPort();
    int rtcpPort = connector.getControlSocket().getLocalPort();
    if ((rtpPort + 1) != rtcpPort) {
        Attribute rtcpAttr = sdpFactory.createAttribute(RTCP_ATTR, Integer.toString(rtcpPort));
    // extmap: attributes
    if (rtpExtensions != null && rtpExtensions.size() > 0) {
        for (RTPExtension extension : rtpExtensions) {
            byte extID = rtpExtensionsRegistry.obtainExtensionMapping(extension);
            String uri = extension.getURI().toString();
            MediaDirection extDirection = extension.getDirection();
            String attributes = extension.getExtensionAttributes();
            //this is what our extmap value should look like:
            //extmap:<value>["/"<direction>] <URI> <extensionattributes>
            String attrValue = Byte.toString(extID) + ((extDirection == MediaDirection.SENDRECV) ? "" : ("/" + extDirection.toString())) + " " + uri + (attributes == null ? "" : (" " + attributes));
            Attribute extMapAttr = sdpFactory.createAttribute(EXTMAP_ATTR, attrValue);
    MediaDescription mediaDesc = null;
    try {
        mediaDesc = sdpFactory.createMediaDescription(mediaType.toString(), connector.getDataSocket().getLocalPort(), 1, transport, payloadTypesArray);
        // add all the attributes we have created above
    } catch (Exception cause) {
        // this is very unlikely to happen but we should still re-throw
        ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl.throwOperationFailedException("Failed to create a media description", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, cause, logger);
    return mediaDesc;
Also used : MediaType(org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType)

Example 3 with MediaType

use of org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType in project jitsi by jitsi.

the class CallSipImpl method createCallPeerFor.

     * Creates a new call peer associated with <tt>containingTransaction</tt>
     * @param containingTransaction the transaction that created the call peer.
     * @param sourceProvider the provider that the containingTransaction belongs
     * to.
     * @return a new instance of a <tt>CallPeerSipImpl</tt> corresponding
     * to the <tt>containingTransaction</tt>.
private CallPeerSipImpl createCallPeerFor(Transaction containingTransaction, SipProvider sourceProvider) {
    CallPeerSipImpl callPeer = new CallPeerSipImpl(containingTransaction.getDialog().getRemoteParty(), this, containingTransaction, sourceProvider) {

             * A place where we can handle any headers we need for requests
             * and responses.
             * @param message the SIP <tt>Message</tt> in which a header change
             * is to be reflected
             * @throws ParseException if modifying the specified SIP
             * <tt>Message</tt> to reflect the header change fails
        protected void processExtraHeaders(javax.sip.message.Message message) throws ParseException {
    boolean incomingCall = (containingTransaction instanceof ServerTransaction);
    callPeer.setState(incomingCall ? CallPeerState.INCOMING_CALL : CallPeerState.INITIATING_CALL);
    // new and we also need to notify everyone of its creation.
    if (getCallPeerCount() == 1) {
        Map<MediaType, MediaDirection> mediaDirections = new HashMap<MediaType, MediaDirection>();
        mediaDirections.put(MediaType.AUDIO, MediaDirection.INACTIVE);
        mediaDirections.put(MediaType.VIDEO, MediaDirection.INACTIVE);
        boolean hasZrtp = false;
        boolean hasSdes = false;
        //this check is not mandatory catch all to skip if a problem exists
        try {
            // lets check the supported media types.
            // for this call
            Request inviteReq = containingTransaction.getRequest();
            if (inviteReq != null && inviteReq.getRawContent() != null) {
                String sdpStr = SdpUtils.getContentAsString(inviteReq);
                SessionDescription sesDescr = SdpUtils.parseSdpString(sdpStr);
                List<MediaDescription> remoteDescriptions = SdpUtils.extractMediaDescriptions(sesDescr);
                for (MediaDescription mediaDescription : remoteDescriptions) {
                    MediaType mediaType = SdpUtils.getMediaType(mediaDescription);
                    mediaDirections.put(mediaType, SdpUtils.getDirection(mediaDescription));
                    // hasZrtp?
                    if (!hasZrtp) {
                        hasZrtp = (mediaDescription.getAttribute(SdpUtils.ZRTP_HASH_ATTR) != null);
                    // hasSdes?
                    if (!hasSdes) {
                        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector<Attribute> attrs = mediaDescription.getAttributes(true);
                        for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
                            try {
                                if ("crypto".equals(attr.getName())) {
                                    hasSdes = true;
                            } catch (SdpParseException spe) {
                                logger.error("Failed to parse SDP attribute", spe);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.warn("Error getting media types", t);
        fireCallEvent(incomingCall ? CallEvent.CALL_RECEIVED : CallEvent.CALL_INITIATED, this, mediaDirections);
        if (hasZrtp) {
        if (hasSdes) {
    return callPeer;
Also used : MediaType(org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType) javax.sip(javax.sip)

Example 4 with MediaType

use of org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType in project Spark by igniterealtime.

the class MediaPreferencePanel method scanDevices.

public void scanDevices() {
    // Remove all Items
    // FMJ
    System.setProperty(ConfigurationService.PNAME_SC_HOME_DIR_LOCATION, Spark.getUserHome());
    System.setProperty(ConfigurationService.PNAME_SC_HOME_DIR_NAME, ".");
    System.setProperty(ConfigurationService.PNAME_SC_CACHE_DIR_LOCATION, Spark.getUserHome());
    System.setProperty(ConfigurationService.PNAME_SC_LOG_DIR_LOCATION, Spark.getUserHome());
    MediaType[] mediaTypes = MediaType.values();
    MediaService mediaService = LibJitsi.getMediaService();
    for (MediaType mediaType : mediaTypes) {
        System.err.println("MediaType: " + mediaType);
        MediaDevice device = mediaService.getDefaultDevice(mediaType, MediaUseCase.CALL);
        if (device != null) {
        System.err.println("Device: " + device);
    vectorAudioDevices = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.LINEAR));
    for (CaptureDeviceInfo infoCaptureDevice : vectorAudioDevices) {
        String protocol = infoCaptureDevice.getLocator().getProtocol();
        audioDevice.addItem("[" + protocol + "]" + convertSysString(infoCaptureDevice.getName()));
    vectorVideoDevices = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new AVFrameFormat());
    for (CaptureDeviceInfo infoCaptureDevice : vectorVideoDevices) {
    AudioSystem mediaAudioSystem = ((MediaServiceImpl) LibJitsi.getMediaService()).getDeviceConfiguration().getAudioSystem();
    for (AudioSystem system : AudioSystem.getAudioSystems()) {
    for (CaptureDeviceInfo2 device : mediaAudioSystem.getDevices(DataFlow.PLAYBACK)) {
Also used : CaptureDeviceInfo( CaptureDeviceInfo2(org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.device.CaptureDeviceInfo2) MediaService(org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaService) AVFrameFormat( AudioSystem(org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.device.AudioSystem) MediaType(org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType) MediaDevice(org.jitsi.service.neomedia.device.MediaDevice) AudioFormat(

Example 5 with MediaType

use of org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType in project Spark by igniterealtime.

the class AudioChannel method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    InetAddress localhost;
    try {
        MediaType[] mediaTypes = MediaType.values();
        MediaService mediaService = LibJitsi.getMediaService();
        Vector<CaptureDeviceInfo> vectorAudioDevices = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.LINEAR));
        for (CaptureDeviceInfo infoCaptureDevice : vectorAudioDevices) {
        localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
        byte format = 3;
        AudioChannel audioChannel0 = new AudioChannel(vectorAudioDevices.get(0).getLocator(), localhost.getHostAddress(), localhost.getHostAddress(), 7002, -1, 7020, -1, MediaUtils.getMediaFormat(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.GSM_RTP)));
        AudioChannel audioChannel1 = new AudioChannel(vectorAudioDevices.get(0).getLocator(), localhost.getHostAddress(), localhost.getHostAddress(), 7020, -1, 7002, -1, MediaUtils.getMediaFormat(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.GSM_RTP)));
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
Also used : UnknownHostException( CaptureDeviceInfo( MediaService(org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaService) MediaType(org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType) AudioFormat( InetAddress(


MediaType (org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaType)5 CaptureDeviceInfo ( AudioFormat ( MediaService (org.jitsi.service.neomedia.MediaService)2 InetAddress ( UnknownHostException ( javax.sip (javax.sip)1 AVFrameFormat ( AudioSystem (org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.device.AudioSystem)1 CaptureDeviceInfo2 (org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.device.CaptureDeviceInfo2)1 MediaDevice (org.jitsi.service.neomedia.device.MediaDevice)1