use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.SessionPacketRouter in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class XmppWebSocket method processStanza.
// helper/utility methods
* Process stream headers/footers and authentication stanzas locally;
* otherwise delegate stanza handling to the session packet router.
private void processStanza(Element stanza) {
try {
String tag = stanza.getName();
if (STREAM_FOOTER.equals(tag)) {
} else if ("auth".equals(tag)) {
// User is trying to authenticate using SASL
startedSASL = true;
// Process authentication stanza
saslStatus = SASLAuthentication.handle(xmppSession, stanza);
} else if (startedSASL && "response".equals(tag) || "abort".equals(tag)) {
// User is responding to SASL challenge. Process response
saslStatus = SASLAuthentication.handle(xmppSession, stanza);
} else if (STREAM_HEADER.equals(tag)) {
// restart the stream
openStream(stanza.attributeValue(QName.get("lang", XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI), "en"), stanza.attributeValue("from"));
} else if (Status.authenticated.equals(saslStatus)) {
if (router == null) {
if (isStreamManagementAvailable()) {
router = new StreamManagementPacketRouter(xmppSession);
} else {
// fall back for older Openfire installations
router = new SessionPacketRouter(xmppSession);
} else {
// require authentication
Log.warn("Not authorized: " + stanza.asXML());
sendPacketError(stanza, PacketError.Condition.not_authorized);
} catch (UnknownStanzaException use) {
Log.warn("Received invalid stanza: " + stanza.asXML());
sendPacketError(stanza, PacketError.Condition.bad_request);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.error("Failed to process incoming stanza: " + stanza.asXML(), ex);
closeStream(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.internal_server_error));
use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.SessionPacketRouter in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class MultiplexerPacketHandler method route.
* Processes a route packet that is wrapping a stanza sent by a client that is connected
* to the connection manager.
* @param route the route packet.
public void route(Route route) {
StreamID streamID = route.getStreamID();
if (streamID == null) {
// No stream ID was included so return a bad_request error
Element extraError = DocumentHelper.createElement(QName.get("id-required", ""));
sendErrorPacket(route, PacketError.Condition.bad_request, extraError);
LocalClientSession session = multiplexerManager.getClientSession(connectionManagerDomain, streamID);
if (session == null) {
// Specified Client Session does not exist
sendErrorPacket(route, PacketError.Condition.item_not_found, null);
SessionPacketRouter router = new SessionPacketRouter(session);
// Connection Manager already validate JIDs so just skip this expensive operation
try {
} catch (UnknownStanzaException use) {
Element extraError = DocumentHelper.createElement(QName.get("unknown-stanza", ""));
sendErrorPacket(route, PacketError.Condition.bad_request, extraError);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.error("Error processing wrapped packet: " + route.getChildElement().asXML(), e);
sendErrorPacket(route, PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error, null);