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Example 1 with SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster.SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class MultiUserChatServiceImpl method joinedCluster.

public void joinedCluster() {
    final String fullServiceName = chatServiceName + "." + XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();
    Log.debug("Cluster event: service {} joined a cluster - going to restore {} rooms", fullServiceName, localMUCRoomManager.size());
    // The local node joined a cluster.
    // Upon joining a cluster, clustered caches are reset to their clustered equivalent (by the swap from the local
    // cache implementation to the clustered cache implementation that's done in the implementation of
    // org.jivesoftware.util.cache.CacheFactory.joinedCluster). This means that they now hold data that's
    // available on all other cluster nodes. Data that's available on the local node needs to be added again.
    final Set<OccupantManager.Occupant> occupantsToSync = localMUCRoomManager.restoreCacheContentAfterJoin(occupantManager);
    Log.debug("Occupants to sync: {}", occupantsToSync);
    // cluster (OF-2224) and should tell its local users that new occupants have joined (OF-2233).
    if (!occupantsToSync.isEmpty()) {
        CacheFactory.doClusterTask(new SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask(this.chatServiceName, occupantsToSync));
// TODO does this work properly when the rooms are not known on the other nodes?
Also used : SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster.SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask)

Example 2 with SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster.SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class MultiUserChatServiceImpl method joinedCluster.

public void joinedCluster(byte[] nodeID) {
    final String fullServiceName = chatServiceName + "." + XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();
    Log.debug("Cluster event: service {} got notified that node {} joined a cluster", fullServiceName, new String(nodeID));
    // Another node joined a cluster that we're already part of.
    // Let the new node know about our local occupants, as it needs this information when it might leave the cluster
    // again (OF-2224). The data is also needed for the joined node to be able to tell its local users that other
    // occupants have now joined a MUC room that they're in (OF-2233). To generate these stanzas, the receiving node
    // will probably need additional information. It can obtain this from the clustered cache. Even though we can't
    // be sure if that node has fully added _its own_ data to that cache (we don't know if restoreCacheContent()
    // has finished execution), we can be sure that the cache already holds data as provided by _us_.
    final Set<OccupantManager.Occupant> localOccupants = occupantManager.getLocalOccupants();
    CacheFactory.doClusterTask(new SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask(this.chatServiceName, localOccupants), nodeID);
Also used : SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster.SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask)


SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask (org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster.SyncLocalOccupantsAndSendJoinPresenceTask)2