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Example 1 with UserAlreadyExistsException

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class UserServiceLegacy method userSerivceRequest.

public Response userSerivceRequest() throws IOException {
    // Printwriter for writing out responses to browser
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    if (!plugin.getAllowedIPs().isEmpty()) {
        // Get client's IP address
        String ipAddress = request.getHeader("x-forwarded-for");
        if (ipAddress == null) {
            ipAddress = request.getHeader("X_FORWARDED_FOR");
            if (ipAddress == null) {
                ipAddress = request.getHeader("X-Forward-For");
                if (ipAddress == null) {
                    ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr();
        if (!plugin.getAllowedIPs().contains(ipAddress)) {
            Log.warn("User service rejected service to IP address: " + ipAddress);
            replyError("RequestNotAuthorised", response, out);
            return Response.status(200).build();
    String username = request.getParameter("username");
    String password = request.getParameter("password");
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    String email = request.getParameter("email");
    String type = request.getParameter("type");
    String secret = request.getParameter("secret");
    String groupNames = request.getParameter("groups");
    String item_jid = request.getParameter("item_jid");
    String sub = request.getParameter("subscription");
    // Check that our plugin is enabled.
    if (!plugin.isEnabled()) {
        Log.warn("User service plugin is disabled: " + request.getQueryString());
        replyError("UserServiceDisabled", response, out);
        return Response.status(200).build();
    // Check this request is authorised
    if (secret == null || !secret.equals(plugin.getSecret())) {
        Log.warn("An unauthorised user service request was received: " + request.getQueryString());
        replyError("RequestNotAuthorised", response, out);
        return Response.status(200).build();
    // Some checking is required on the username
    if (username == null && !"grouplist".equals(type)) {
        replyError("IllegalArgumentException", response, out);
        return Response.status(200).build();
    if ((type.equals("add_roster") || type.equals("update_roster") || type.equals("delete_roster")) && (item_jid == null || !(sub == null || sub.equals("-1") || sub.equals("0") || sub.equals("1") || sub.equals("2") || sub.equals("3")))) {
        replyError("IllegalArgumentException", response, out);
        return Response.status(200).build();
    // Check the request type and process accordingly
    try {
        if ("grouplist".equals(type)) {
            String message = "";
            for (String groupname : userServiceController.getAllGroups()) {
                message += "<groupname>" + groupname + "</groupname>";
            replyMessage(message, response, out);
        } else {
            username = username.trim().toLowerCase();
            username = JID.escapeNode(username);
            username = Stringprep.nodeprep(username);
            if ("add".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.createUser(username, password, name, email, groupNames);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("delete".equals(type)) {
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("enable".equals(type)) {
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("disable".equals(type)) {
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("update".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.updateUser(username, password, name, email, groupNames);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("add_roster".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.addRosterItem(username, item_jid, name, sub, groupNames);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("update_roster".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.updateRosterItem(username, item_jid, name, sub, groupNames);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("delete_roster".equals(type)) {
                userServiceController.deleteRosterItem(username, item_jid);
                replyMessage("ok", response, out);
            } else if ("usergrouplist".equals(type)) {
                String message = "";
                for (String groupname : userServiceController.getUserGroups(username)) {
                    message += "<groupname>" + groupname + "</groupname>";
                replyMessage(message, response, out);
            } else {
                Log.warn("The userService servlet received an invalid request of type: " + type);
            // TODO Do something
    } catch (UserAlreadyExistsException e) {
        replyError("UserAlreadyExistsException", response, out);
    } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
        replyError("UserNotFoundException", response, out);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        replyError("IllegalArgumentException", response, out);
    } catch (SharedGroupException e) {
        replyError("SharedGroupException", response, out);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.error("Error: ", e);
        replyError(e.toString(), response, out);
    return Response.status(200).build();
Also used : UserNotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException) SharedGroupException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.SharedGroupException) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException) IOException( UserNotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException) SharedGroupException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.SharedGroupException) PrintWriter( Path( GET(

Example 2 with UserAlreadyExistsException

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class UserServiceController method addRosterItem.

	 * Adds the roster item.
	 * @param username
	 *            the username
	 * @param rosterItemEntity
	 *            the roster item entity
	 * @throws ServiceException
	 *             the service exception
	 * @throws UserAlreadyExistsException
	 *             the user already exists exception
	 * @throws SharedGroupException
	 *             the shared group exception
	 * @throws UserNotFoundException
	 *             the user not found exception
public void addRosterItem(String username, RosterItemEntity rosterItemEntity) throws ServiceException, UserAlreadyExistsException, SharedGroupException, UserNotFoundException {
    Roster roster = getUserRoster(username);
    if (rosterItemEntity.getJid() == null) {
        throw new ServiceException("JID is null", "JID", "IllegalArgumentException", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    JID jid = new JID(rosterItemEntity.getJid());
    try {
        throw new UserAlreadyExistsException(jid.toBareJID());
    } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
    // Roster item does not exist. Try to add it.
    if (roster != null) {
        RosterItem rosterItem = roster.createRosterItem(jid, rosterItemEntity.getNickname(), rosterItemEntity.getGroups(), false, true);
Also used : UserNotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException) RosterItem(org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.RosterItem) Roster(org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.Roster) ServiceException( JID(org.xmpp.packet.JID) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException)

Example 3 with UserAlreadyExistsException

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class UserServiceLegacyController method addRosterItem.

	 * Add new roster item for specified user.
	 * @param username            the username of the local user to add roster item to.
	 * @param itemJID            the JID of the roster item to be added.
	 * @param itemName            the nickname of the roster item.
	 * @param subscription            the type of subscription of the roster item. Possible values
	 *            are: -1(remove), 0(none), 1(to), 2(from), 3(both).
	 * @param groupNames            the name of a group to place contact into.
	 * @throws UserNotFoundException             if the user does not exist in the local server.
	 * @throws UserAlreadyExistsException             if roster item with the same JID already exists.
	 * @throws SharedGroupException             if roster item cannot be added to a shared group.
public void addRosterItem(String username, String itemJID, String itemName, String subscription, String groupNames) throws UserNotFoundException, UserAlreadyExistsException, SharedGroupException {
    Roster r = rosterManager.getRoster(username);
    JID j = new JID(itemJID);
    try {
        throw new UserAlreadyExistsException(j.toBareJID());
    } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
    // Roster item does not exist. Try to add it.
    if (r != null) {
        List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (groupNames != null) {
            StringTokenizer tkn = new StringTokenizer(groupNames, ",");
            while (tkn.hasMoreTokens()) {
        RosterItem ri = r.createRosterItem(j, itemName, groups, false, true);
        if (subscription == null) {
            subscription = "0";
Also used : UserNotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException) RosterItem(org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.RosterItem) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) Roster(org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.Roster) JID(org.xmpp.packet.JID) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException)

Example 4 with UserAlreadyExistsException

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class LocalMUCRoom method joinRoom.

public LocalMUCRole joinRoom(String nickname, String password, HistoryRequest historyRequest, LocalMUCUser user, Presence presence) throws UnauthorizedException, UserAlreadyExistsException, RoomLockedException, ForbiddenException, RegistrationRequiredException, ConflictException, ServiceUnavailableException, NotAcceptableException {
    if (((MultiUserChatServiceImpl) mucService).getMUCDelegate() != null) {
        if (!((MultiUserChatServiceImpl) mucService).getMUCDelegate().joiningRoom(this, user.getAddress())) {
            // Delegate said no, reject join.
            throw new UnauthorizedException();
    LocalMUCRole joinRole = null;
    boolean clientOnlyJoin = false;
    // A "client only join" here is one where the client is already joined, but has re-joined.
    try {
        // If the room has a limit of max user then check if the limit has been reached
        if (!canJoinRoom(user)) {
            throw new ServiceUnavailableException();
        final JID bareJID = user.getAddress().asBareJID();
        boolean isOwner = owners.includes(bareJID);
        // If the room is locked and this user is not an owner raise a RoomLocked exception
        if (isLocked()) {
            if (!isOwner) {
                throw new RoomLockedException();
        // Check if the nickname is already used in the room
        if (occupantsByNickname.containsKey(nickname.toLowerCase())) {
            List<MUCRole> occupants = occupantsByNickname.get(nickname.toLowerCase());
            MUCRole occupant = occupants.size() > 0 ? occupants.get(0) : null;
            if (occupant != null && !occupant.getUserAddress().toBareJID().equals(bareJID.toBareJID())) {
                // Nickname is already used, and not by the same JID
                throw new UserAlreadyExistsException();
            if (occupant.getUserAddress().equals(user.getAddress())) {
                // This user is already an occupant. The client thinks it isn't. (Or else this is a broken gmail).
                clientOnlyJoin = true;
        // Unauthorized exception
        if (isPasswordProtected()) {
            if (password == null || !password.equals(getPassword())) {
                throw new UnauthorizedException();
        // raise a ConflictException
        if (members.containsValue(nickname.toLowerCase())) {
            if (!nickname.toLowerCase().equals(members.get(bareJID))) {
                throw new ConflictException();
        if (isLoginRestrictedToNickname()) {
            String reservedNickname = members.get(bareJID);
            if (reservedNickname != null && !nickname.toLowerCase().equals(reservedNickname)) {
                throw new NotAcceptableException();
        // Set the corresponding role based on the user's affiliation
        MUCRole.Role role;
        MUCRole.Affiliation affiliation;
        if (isOwner) {
            // The user is an owner. Set the role and affiliation accordingly.
            role = MUCRole.Role.moderator;
            affiliation = MUCRole.Affiliation.owner;
        } else if (mucService.isSysadmin(bareJID)) {
            // The user is a system administrator of the MUC service. Treat him as an owner
            // although he won't appear in the list of owners
            role = MUCRole.Role.moderator;
            affiliation = MUCRole.Affiliation.owner;
        } else if (admins.includes(bareJID)) {
            // The user is an admin. Set the role and affiliation accordingly.
            role = MUCRole.Role.moderator;
            affiliation = MUCRole.Affiliation.admin;
        } else // explicit outcast status has higher precedence than member status
        if (outcasts.contains(bareJID)) {
            // The user is an outcast. Raise a "Forbidden" exception.
            throw new ForbiddenException();
        } else if (members.includesKey(bareJID)) {
            // The user is a member. Set the role and affiliation accordingly.
            role = MUCRole.Role.participant;
            affiliation = MUCRole.Affiliation.member;
        } else // this checks if the user is an outcast implicitly (via a group)
        if (outcasts.includes(bareJID)) {
            // The user is an outcast. Raise a "Forbidden" exception.
            throw new ForbiddenException();
        } else {
            // The user has no affiliation (i.e. NONE). Set the role accordingly.
            if (isMembersOnly()) {
                // "Registration Required" exception.
                throw new RegistrationRequiredException();
            role = (isModerated() ? MUCRole.Role.visitor : MUCRole.Role.participant);
            affiliation = MUCRole.Affiliation.none;
        if (!clientOnlyJoin) {
            // Create a new role for this user in this room
            joinRole = new LocalMUCRole(mucService, this, nickname, role, affiliation, user, presence, router);
            // Add the new user as an occupant of this room
            List<MUCRole> occupants = occupantsByNickname.get(nickname.toLowerCase());
            if (occupants == null) {
                occupants = new ArrayList<>();
                occupantsByNickname.put(nickname.toLowerCase(), occupants);
            // Update the tables of occupants based on the bare and full JID
            List<MUCRole> list = occupantsByBareJID.get(bareJID);
            if (list == null) {
                list = new ArrayList<>();
                occupantsByBareJID.put(bareJID, list);
            occupantsByFullJID.put(user.getAddress(), joinRole);
        } else {
            // Grab the existing one.
            joinRole = (LocalMUCRole) occupantsByFullJID.get(user.getAddress());
    } finally {
    // Notify other cluster nodes that a new occupant joined the room
    CacheFactory.doClusterTask(new OccupantAddedEvent(this, joinRole));
    // Send presence of existing occupants to new occupant
    // It is assumed that the room is new based on the fact that it's locked and
    // that it was locked when it was created.
    boolean isRoomNew = isLocked() && creationDate.getTime() == lockedTime;
    try {
        // Send the presence of this new occupant to existing occupants
        Presence joinPresence = joinRole.getPresence().createCopy();
        broadcastPresence(joinPresence, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e);
    // confirmed" message
    if (!isRoomNew && isLocked()) {
        Presence presenceItemNotFound = new Presence(Presence.Type.error);
    if (historyRequest == null) {
        Iterator<Message> history = roomHistory.getMessageHistory();
        while (history.hasNext()) {
    } else {
        historyRequest.sendHistory(joinRole, roomHistory);
    Message roomSubject = roomHistory.getChangedSubject();
    if (roomSubject != null) {
    if (!clientOnlyJoin) {
        // Update the date when the last occupant left the room
        // Fire event that occupant joined the room
        MUCEventDispatcher.occupantJoined(getRole().getRoleAddress(), user.getAddress(), joinRole.getNickname());
    return joinRole;
Also used : ForbiddenException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.ForbiddenException) GroupJID( JID(org.xmpp.packet.JID) Message(org.xmpp.packet.Message) ConflictException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.ConflictException) OccupantAddedEvent(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster.OccupantAddedEvent) ServiceUnavailableException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.ServiceUnavailableException) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException) ForbiddenException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.ForbiddenException) GroupNotFoundException( RoomLockedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.RoomLockedException) CannotBeInvitedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.CannotBeInvitedException) NotAllowedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.NotAllowedException) UnauthorizedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException) NotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.util.NotFoundException) ConflictException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.ConflictException) RegistrationRequiredException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.RegistrationRequiredException) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException) IOException( UserNotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException) NotAcceptableException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.NotAcceptableException) ServiceUnavailableException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.ServiceUnavailableException) MUCRole(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.MUCRole) NotAcceptableException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.NotAcceptableException) RoomLockedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.RoomLockedException) UnauthorizedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException) Presence(org.xmpp.packet.Presence) UpdatePresence(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.cluster.UpdatePresence) RegistrationRequiredException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.RegistrationRequiredException)

Example 5 with UserAlreadyExistsException

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class LocalMUCUser method process.

public void process(Presence packet) {
    // Ignore presences of type ERROR sent to a room
    if (Presence.Type.error == packet.getType()) {
    lastPacketTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    JID recipient = packet.getTo();
    String group = recipient.getNode();
    if (group != null) {
        MUCRole role = roles.get(group);
        Element mucInfo = packet.getChildElement("x", "");
        if (role == null || mucInfo != null) {
            // Alternative is that mucInfo is not null, in which case the client thinks it isn't in the room, so we should join anyway.
            if (recipient.getResource() != null && recipient.getResource().trim().length() > 0) {
                if (packet.isAvailable()) {
                    try {
                        // Get or create the room
                        MUCRoom room = server.getChatRoom(group, packet.getFrom());
                        // User must support MUC in order to create a room
                        HistoryRequest historyRequest = null;
                        String password = null;
                        // Check for password & requested history if client supports MUC
                        if (mucInfo != null) {
                            password = mucInfo.elementTextTrim("password");
                            if (mucInfo.element("history") != null) {
                                historyRequest = new HistoryRequest(mucInfo);
                        // The user joins the room
                        role = room.joinRoom(recipient.getResource().trim(), password, historyRequest, this, packet.createCopy());
                        // unlock the room thus creating an "instant" room
                        if (mucInfo == null && room.isLocked() && !room.isManuallyLocked()) {
                    } catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
                        sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.not_authorized);
                    } catch (ServiceUnavailableException e) {
                        sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.service_unavailable);
                    } catch (UserAlreadyExistsException | ConflictException e) {
                        sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.conflict);
                    } catch (RoomLockedException e) {
                        // If a user attempts to enter a room while it is "locked" (i.e., before the room creator provides an initial configuration and therefore before the room officially exists), the service MUST refuse entry and return an <item-not-found/> error to the user
                        sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.item_not_found);
                    } catch (ForbiddenException e) {
                        sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.forbidden);
                    } catch (RegistrationRequiredException e) {
                        sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.registration_required);
                    } catch (NotAcceptableException e) {
                        sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.not_acceptable);
                    } catch (NotAllowedException e) {
                        sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.not_allowed);
                } else {
                // TODO: send error message to user (can't send presence to group you
                // haven't joined)
            } else {
                if (packet.isAvailable()) {
                    // A resource is required in order to join a room
                    // If the user does not specify a room nickname (note the bare JID on the 'from' address in the following example), the service MUST return a <jid-malformed/> error
                    sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.jid_malformed);
            // TODO: send error message to user (can't send packets to group you haven't
            // joined)
        } else {
            // In other words, another user already has this nickname
            if (!role.getUserAddress().equals(packet.getFrom())) {
                sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.conflict);
            } else {
                if (Presence.Type.unavailable == packet.getType()) {
                    try {
                        // TODO Consider that different nodes can be creating and processing this presence at the same time (when remote node went down)
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                } else {
                    try {
                        String resource = (recipient.getResource() == null || recipient.getResource().trim().length() == 0 ? null : recipient.getResource().trim());
                        if (resource == null || role.getNickname().equalsIgnoreCase(resource)) {
                            // Occupant has changed his availability status
                            role.getChatRoom().presenceUpdated(role, packet);
                        } else {
                            // Check if occupants are allowed to change their nicknames
                            if (!role.getChatRoom().canChangeNickname()) {
                                sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.not_acceptable);
                            } else // Answer a conflic error if the new nickname is taken
                            if (role.getChatRoom().hasOccupant(resource)) {
                                sendErrorPacket(packet, PacketError.Condition.conflict);
                            } else {
                                // Send "unavailable" presence for the old nickname
                                Presence presence = role.getPresence().createCopy();
                                // Switch the presence to OFFLINE
                                // Add the new nickname and status 303 as properties
                                Element frag = presence.getChildElement("x", "");
                                frag.element("item").addAttribute("nick", resource);
                                frag.addElement("status").addAttribute("code", "303");
                                // Send availability presence for the new nickname
                                String oldNick = role.getNickname();
                                role.getChatRoom().nicknameChanged(role, packet, oldNick, resource);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e);
    } else {
        // Packets to the groupchat server. This should not occur (should be handled by MultiUserChatServiceImpl instead)
        Log.warn(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("muc.error.not-supported") + " " + packet.toString());
Also used : Element(org.dom4j.Element) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException) UserAlreadyExistsException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException) PacketException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.PacketException) UnauthorizedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException) NotFoundException(org.jivesoftware.util.NotFoundException) UnauthorizedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException)


UserAlreadyExistsException (org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException)24 UserNotFoundException (org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException)19 RosterItem (org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.RosterItem)10 Roster (org.jivesoftware.openfire.roster.Roster)9 UserManager (org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager)7 JID (org.xmpp.packet.JID)7 Element (org.dom4j.Element)6 SharedGroupException (org.jivesoftware.openfire.SharedGroupException)6 UnauthorizedException (org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException)5 User (org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.User)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 ServiceException ( StringprepException (gnu.inet.encoding.StringprepException)3 IOException ( NotFoundException (org.jivesoftware.util.NotFoundException)3 PrintWriter ( List (java.util.List)2 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)2 GET ( Path (