use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class EmailSenderUtility method sendEmail.
public void sendEmail() {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
String host = JiveGlobals.getProperty("", "localhost");
String port = JiveGlobals.getProperty("mail.smtp.port", "25");
String username = JiveGlobals.getProperty("mail.smtp.username");
String password = JiveGlobals.getProperty("mail.smtp.password");
String debugEnabled = JiveGlobals.getProperty("mail.debug");
boolean sslEnabled = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("mail.smtp.ssl", true);
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", host);
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", port);
props.setProperty("mail.smtp.sendpartial", "true");
props.setProperty("mail.debug", debugEnabled);
if (sslEnabled) {
// Register with security provider.
Security.setProperty("ssl.SocketFactory.provider", SSL_FACTORY);
props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY);
props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "true");
if (username != null) {
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
Session session = Session.getInstance(props);
outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] bytes = outputStream.toByteArray();
ByteArrayDataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(bytes, "application/pdf");
MimeBodyPart pdfBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
pdfBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(dataSource));
MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
DefaultAdminProvider defaultAdminProvider = new DefaultAdminProvider();
java.util.List<JID> adminList = defaultAdminProvider.getAdmins();
java.util.List<String> adminListEmails = new ArrayList<String>();
UserManager manager = UserManager.getInstance();"Number of Admins " + adminList.size());
for (int i = 0; i < adminList.size(); i++) {
User user;
try {
user = manager.getUser(adminList.get(i).getNode().toString());"Admin Emails: " + user.getEmail());
} catch (Exception ex) {
// java.util.List<String> recipientsList=Arrays.asList("", "", "");
InternetAddress[] recipients = new InternetAddress[adminListEmails.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < adminListEmails.size(); i++) {
recipients[i] = new InternetAddress(adminListEmails.get(i).toString());
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("", "Openfire Admin"));
msg.setRecipients(javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, recipients);
msg.setSubject("MONITORING REPORT - " + new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));
if (username != null) {
URLName url = new URLName("smtp", host, Integer.parseInt(port), "", username, password);
Transport transport = new com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport(session, url);
transport.connect(host, Integer.parseInt(port), username, password);
transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.TO));
} else
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Could not send email");
use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class JustMarriedPlugin method addNewUserToOthersRoster.
private static void addNewUserToOthersRoster(User newUser, RosterItem otherItem, String currentUser) {
UserManager userManager = UserManager.getInstance();
// Is this user registered with our OF server?
String username = otherItem.getJid().getNode();
if (username != null && username.length() > 0 && userManager.isRegisteredUser(username) && XMPPServer.getInstance().isLocal(XMPPServer.getInstance().createJID(currentUser, null))) {
try {
User otherUser = userManager.getUser(username);
Roster otherRoster = otherUser.getRoster();
RosterItem oldUserOnOthersRoster = otherRoster.getRosterItem(XMPPServer.getInstance().createJID(currentUser, null));
try {
if (!oldUserOnOthersRoster.isOnlyShared()) {
RosterItem justCreated = otherRoster.createRosterItem(XMPPServer.getInstance().createJID(newUser.getUsername(), null), oldUserOnOthersRoster.getNickname(), oldUserOnOthersRoster.getGroups(), true, true);
} catch (UserAlreadyExistsException e) {
Log.error("Could not create roster item for user " + newUser.getUsername(), e);
} catch (SharedGroupException e) {
} catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
Log.error("Could not create roster item for user " + newUser.getUsername() + " because it is a contact from a shared group", e);
use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class JustMarriedPlugin method changeName.
public static boolean changeName(String currentUserName, String newUserName, boolean deleteOldUser, String newEmail, String newRealName) {
UserManager userManager = UserManager.getInstance();
try {
User currentUser = userManager.getUser(currentUserName);
// Old user found, create new one
String password = AuthFactory.getPassword(currentUserName);
String newName = (newRealName == null || newRealName.length() == 0) ? currentUser.getName() : newRealName;
String newMail = (newEmail == null || newEmail.length() == 0) ? currentUser.getEmail() : newEmail;
User newUser = userManager.createUser(newUserName, password, currentUser.getName(), newMail);
copyRoster(currentUser, newUser, currentUserName);
copyProperties(currentUser, newUser);
copyToGroups(currentUserName, newUserName);
copyVCard(currentUserName, newUserName);
if (deleteOldUser) {
} catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
Log.error("Could not find user " + currentUserName, e);
return false;
} catch (UserAlreadyExistsException e) {
Log.error("Could not create user " + newUserName, e);
return false;
return true;
use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class JustMarriedController method changeName.
* Change name.
* @param currentUserName
* the current user name
* @param newUserName
* the new user name
* @param deleteOldUser
* the delete old user
* @param newEmail
* the new email
* @param newRealName
* the new real name
* @return true, if successful
* @throws ServiceException
* the service exception
public static boolean changeName(String currentUserName, String newUserName, boolean deleteOldUser, String newEmail, String newRealName) throws ServiceException {
UserManager userManager = UserManager.getInstance();
try {
User currentUser = userManager.getUser(currentUserName);
// Old user found, create new one
String password = AuthFactory.getPassword(currentUserName);
String newName = (newRealName == null || newRealName.length() == 0) ? currentUser.getName() : newRealName;
String newMail = (newEmail == null || newEmail.length() == 0) ? currentUser.getEmail() : newEmail;
User newUser = userManager.createUser(newUserName, password, currentUser.getName(), newMail);
copyRoster(currentUser, newUser, currentUserName);
copyProperties(currentUser, newUser);
copyToGroups(currentUserName, newUserName);
copyVCard(currentUserName, newUserName);
if (deleteOldUser) {
} catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
throw new ServiceException("Could not find user", currentUserName, ExceptionType.USER_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, e);
} catch (UserAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new ServiceException("Could not create new user", newUserName, ExceptionType.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS_EXCEPTION, Response.Status.CONFLICT, e);
return true;
use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class JustMarriedController method addNewUserToOthersRoster.
* Adds the new user to others roster.
* @param newUser
* the new user
* @param otherItem
* the other item
* @param currentUser
* the current user
* @throws ServiceException
* the service exception
private static void addNewUserToOthersRoster(User newUser, RosterItem otherItem, String currentUser) throws ServiceException {
UserManager userManager = UserManager.getInstance();
// Is this user registered with our OF server?
String username = otherItem.getJid().getNode();
if (username != null && username.length() > 0 && userManager.isRegisteredUser(username) && XMPPServer.getInstance().isLocal(XMPPServer.getInstance().createJID(currentUser, null))) {
try {
User otherUser = userManager.getUser(username);
Roster otherRoster = otherUser.getRoster();
RosterItem oldUserOnOthersRoster = otherRoster.getRosterItem(XMPPServer.getInstance().createJID(currentUser, null));
try {
if (!oldUserOnOthersRoster.isOnlyShared()) {
RosterItem justCreated = otherRoster.createRosterItem(XMPPServer.getInstance().createJID(newUser.getUsername(), null), oldUserOnOthersRoster.getNickname(), oldUserOnOthersRoster.getGroups(), true, true);
} catch (UserAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new ServiceException("Could not create roster item for user ", newUser.getUsername(), ExceptionType.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS_EXCEPTION, Response.Status.CONFLICT, e);
} catch (SharedGroupException e) {
throw new ServiceException("Could not create roster item, because it is a contact from a shared group", newUser.getUsername(), ExceptionType.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS_EXCEPTION, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, e);
} catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
throw new ServiceException("Could not create roster item for user " + newUser.getUsername() + " because it is a contact from a shared group.", newUser.getUsername(), ExceptionType.USER_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, e);