use of org.jivesoftware.smackx.disco.packet.DiscoverInfoBuilder in project Smack by igniterealtime.
the class EntityCapsManager method updateLocalEntityCaps.
* Updates the local user Entity Caps information with the data provided
* If we are connected and there was already a presence send, another
* presence is send to inform others about your new Entity Caps node string.
private void updateLocalEntityCaps(DiscoverInfo synthesizedDiscoveryInfo) {
XMPPConnection connection = connection();
DiscoverInfoBuilder discoverInfoBuilder = synthesizedDiscoveryInfo.asBuilder("synthesized-disco-info-result");
// getLocalNodeVer() will return a result only after currentCapsVersion is set. Therefore
// set it first and then call getLocalNodeVer()
currentCapsVersion = generateVerificationString(discoverInfoBuilder);
final String localNodeVer = getLocalNodeVer();
final DiscoverInfo discoverInfo =;
addDiscoverInfoByNode(localNodeVer, discoverInfo);
if (lastLocalCapsVersions.size() > 10) {
CapsVersionAndHash oldCapsVersion = lastLocalCapsVersions.poll();
sdm.removeNodeInformationProvider(entityNode + '#' + oldCapsVersion.version);
if (connection != null)
JID_TO_NODEVER_CACHE.put(connection.getUser(), new NodeVerHash(entityNode, currentCapsVersion));
final List<Identity> identities = new LinkedList<>(ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor(connection).getIdentities());
sdm.setNodeInformationProvider(localNodeVer, new AbstractNodeInformationProvider() {
List<String> features = sdm.getFeatures();
List<DataForm> packetExtensions = sdm.getExtendedInfo();
public List<String> getNodeFeatures() {
return features;
public List<Identity> getNodeIdentities() {
return identities;
public List<DataForm> getNodePacketExtensions() {
return packetExtensions;
use of org.jivesoftware.smackx.disco.packet.DiscoverInfoBuilder in project Smack by igniterealtime.
the class Socks5ByteStreamManagerTest method shouldFailIfTargetDoesNotAcceptSocks5Bytestream.
* Invoking {@link Socks5BytestreamManager#establishSession(org.jxmpp.jid.Jid, String)} should fail if the
* target does not accept a SOCKS5 Bytestream. See <a
* href="">XEP-0065 Section 5.2 A2</a>
* @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted.
* @throws SmackException if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
* @throws XMPPException if an XMPP protocol error was received.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred.
public void shouldFailIfTargetDoesNotAcceptSocks5Bytestream() throws SmackException, InterruptedException, IOException, XMPPException {
final Protocol protocol = new Protocol();
final XMPPConnection connection = ConnectionUtils.createMockedConnection(protocol, initiatorJID);
final String sessionID = "session_id_shouldFailIfTargetDoesNotAcceptSocks5Bytestream";
// get Socks5ByteStreamManager for connection
Socks5BytestreamManager byteStreamManager = Socks5BytestreamManager.getBytestreamManager(connection);
* create responses in the order they should be queried specified by the XEP-0065
* specification
// build discover info that supports the SOCKS5 feature
DiscoverInfoBuilder discoverInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverInfo(targetJID, initiatorJID);
// return that SOCKS5 is supported if target is queried
protocol.addResponse(, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build discover items containing a proxy item
DiscoverItems discoverItems = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverItems(xmppServer, initiatorJID);
Item item = new Item(proxyJID);
// return the proxy item if XMPP server is queried
protocol.addResponse(discoverItems, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build discover info for proxy containing information about being a SOCKS5 proxy
DiscoverInfoBuilder proxyInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverInfo(proxyJID, initiatorJID);
Identity identity = new Identity("proxy", proxyJID.toString(), "bytestreams");
// return the socks5 bytestream proxy identity if proxy is queried
protocol.addResponse(, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build a socks5 stream host info containing the address and the port of the
// proxy
Bytestream streamHostInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createBytestreamResponse(proxyJID, initiatorJID);
streamHostInfo.addStreamHost(proxyJID, proxyAddress, 7778);
// return stream host info if it is queried
protocol.addResponse(streamHostInfo, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build error packet to reject SOCKS5 Bytestream
StanzaError stanzaError = StanzaError.getBuilder(StanzaError.Condition.not_acceptable).build();
IQ rejectPacket = new ErrorIQ(stanzaError);
// return error packet as response to the bytestream initiation
protocol.addResponse(rejectPacket, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeSET);
XMPPErrorException e = assertThrows(XMPPErrorException.class, () -> {
// start SOCKS5 Bytestream
byteStreamManager.establishSession(targetJID, sessionID);
assertEquals(rejectPacket.getError(), e.getStanzaError());
use of org.jivesoftware.smackx.disco.packet.DiscoverInfoBuilder in project Smack by igniterealtime.
the class Socks5ByteStreamManagerTest method shouldFailIfTargetUsesInvalidSocks5Proxy.
* Invoking {@link Socks5BytestreamManager#establishSession(org.jxmpp.jid.Jid, String)} should fail if the
* proxy used by target is invalid.
* @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted.
* @throws SmackException if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
* @throws XMPPException if an XMPP protocol error was received.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred.
public void shouldFailIfTargetUsesInvalidSocks5Proxy() throws SmackException, InterruptedException, IOException, XMPPException {
final Protocol protocol = new Protocol();
final XMPPConnection connection = ConnectionUtils.createMockedConnection(protocol, initiatorJID);
final String sessionID = "session_id_shouldFailIfTargetUsesInvalidSocks5Proxy";
// get Socks5ByteStreamManager for connection
Socks5BytestreamManager byteStreamManager = Socks5BytestreamManager.getBytestreamManager(connection);
// TODO: It appears that it is not required to disable the local stream host for this unit test.
* create responses in the order they should be queried specified by the XEP-0065
* specification
// build discover info that supports the SOCKS5 feature
DiscoverInfoBuilder discoverInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverInfo(targetJID, initiatorJID);
// return that SOCKS5 is supported if target is queried
protocol.addResponse(, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build discover items containing a proxy item
DiscoverItems discoverItems = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverItems(xmppServer, initiatorJID);
Item item = new Item(proxyJID);
// return the proxy item if XMPP server is queried
protocol.addResponse(discoverItems, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build discover info for proxy containing information about being a SOCKS5 proxy
DiscoverInfoBuilder proxyInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverInfo(proxyJID, initiatorJID);
Identity identity = new Identity("proxy", proxyJID.toString(), "bytestreams");
// return the socks5 bytestream proxy identity if proxy is queried
protocol.addResponse(, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build a socks5 stream host info containing the address and the port of the
// proxy
Bytestream streamHostInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createBytestreamResponse(proxyJID, initiatorJID);
streamHostInfo.addStreamHost(proxyJID, proxyAddress, 7778);
// return stream host info if it is queried
protocol.addResponse(streamHostInfo, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build used stream host response with unknown proxy
Bytestream streamHostUsedPacket = Socks5PacketUtils.createBytestreamResponse(targetJID, initiatorJID);
// return used stream host info as response to the bytestream initiation
protocol.addResponse(streamHostUsedPacket, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeSET);
SmackException e = assertThrows(SmackException.class, () -> {
// start SOCKS5 Bytestream
byteStreamManager.establishSession(targetJID, sessionID);
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Remote user responded with unknown host"));
use of org.jivesoftware.smackx.disco.packet.DiscoverInfoBuilder in project Smack by igniterealtime.
the class Socks5ByteStreamManagerTest method shouldBlacklistNonSocks5Proxies.
* Invoking {@link Socks5BytestreamManager#establishSession(org.jxmpp.jid.Jid, String)} should fail if no
* SOCKS5 proxy can be found. If it turns out that a proxy is not a SOCKS5 proxy it should not
* be queried again.
* @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted.
* @throws SmackException if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
* @throws XMPPException if an XMPP protocol error was received.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred.
public void shouldBlacklistNonSocks5Proxies() throws SmackException, InterruptedException, IOException, XMPPException {
final Protocol protocol = new Protocol();
final XMPPConnection connection = ConnectionUtils.createMockedConnection(protocol, initiatorJID);
final String sessionID = "session_id_shouldBlacklistNonSocks5Proxies";
// get Socks5ByteStreamManager for connection
Socks5BytestreamManager byteStreamManager = Socks5BytestreamManager.getBytestreamManager(connection);
* create responses in the order they should be queried specified by the XEP-0065
* specification
// build discover info that supports the SOCKS5 feature
DiscoverInfoBuilder discoverInfoBuilder = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverInfo(targetJID, initiatorJID);
DiscoverInfo discoverInfo =;
// return that SOCKS5 is supported if target is queried
protocol.addResponse(discoverInfo, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build discover items containing a proxy item
DiscoverItems discoverItems = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverItems(xmppServer, initiatorJID);
Item item = new Item(proxyJID);
// return the proxy item if XMPP server is queried
protocol.addResponse(discoverItems, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build discover info for proxy containing information about NOT being a Socks5
// proxy
DiscoverInfoBuilder proxyInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverInfo(proxyJID, initiatorJID);
Identity identity = new Identity("noproxy", proxyJID.toString(), "bytestreams");
// return the proxy identity if proxy is queried
protocol.addResponse(, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
SmackException e = assertThrows(SmackException.class, () -> {
// start SOCKS5 Bytestream
byteStreamManager.establishSession(targetJID, sessionID);
fail("exception should be thrown");
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("no SOCKS5 proxies available"));
/* retry to establish SOCKS5 Bytestream */
// add responses for service discovery again
protocol.addResponse(discoverInfo, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
protocol.addResponse(discoverItems, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
e = assertThrows(SmackException.class, () -> {
// start SOCKS5 Bytestream
byteStreamManager.establishSession(targetJID, sessionID);
* #verifyAll() tests if the number of requests and responses corresponds and should
* fail if the invalid proxy is queried again
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("no SOCKS5 proxies available"));
use of org.jivesoftware.smackx.disco.packet.DiscoverInfoBuilder in project Smack by igniterealtime.
the class Socks5ByteStreamManagerTest method shouldFailIfInitiatorCannotConnectToSocks5Proxy.
* Invoking {@link Socks5BytestreamManager#establishSession(org.jxmpp.jid.Jid, String)} should fail if
* initiator can not connect to the SOCKS5 proxy used by target.
* @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted.
* @throws SmackException if Smack detected an exceptional situation.
* @throws XMPPException if an XMPP protocol error was received.
* @throws XmppStringprepException if the provided string is invalid.
public void shouldFailIfInitiatorCannotConnectToSocks5Proxy() throws SmackException, InterruptedException, XMPPException, XmppStringprepException {
final Protocol protocol = new Protocol();
final XMPPConnection connection = ConnectionUtils.createMockedConnection(protocol, initiatorJID);
final String sessionID = "session_id_shouldFailIfInitiatorCannotConnectToSocks5Proxy";
// TODO: The following two variables should be named initatorProxyJid and initiatorProxyAddress.
final DomainBareJid proxyJID = JidCreate.domainBareFrom("");
// Use an TEST-NET-1 address from RFC 5737 to act as black hole.
final String proxyAddress = "";
// get Socks5ByteStreamManager for connection
Socks5BytestreamManager byteStreamManager = Socks5BytestreamManager.getBytestreamManager(connection);
* create responses in the order they should be queried specified by the XEP-0065
* specification
// build discover info that supports the SOCKS5 feature
DiscoverInfoBuilder discoverInfoBuilder = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverInfo(targetJID, initiatorJID);
// return that SOCKS5 is supported if target is queried
protocol.addResponse(, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build discover items containing a proxy item
DiscoverItems discoverItems = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverItems(xmppServer, initiatorJID);
Item item = new Item(proxyJID);
// return the proxy item if XMPP server is queried
protocol.addResponse(discoverItems, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build discover info for proxy containing information about being a SOCKS5 proxy
DiscoverInfoBuilder proxyInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createDiscoverInfo(proxyJID, initiatorJID);
Identity identity = new Identity("proxy", proxyJID.toString(), "bytestreams");
// return the socks5 bytestream proxy identity if proxy is queried
protocol.addResponse(, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build a socks5 stream host info containing the address and the port of the
// proxy
Bytestream streamHostInfo = Socks5PacketUtils.createBytestreamResponse(proxyJID, initiatorJID);
streamHostInfo.addStreamHost(proxyJID, proxyAddress, 7778);
// return stream host info if it is queried
protocol.addResponse(streamHostInfo, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeGET);
// build used stream host response
Bytestream streamHostUsedPacket = Socks5PacketUtils.createBytestreamResponse(targetJID, initiatorJID);
// return used stream host info as response to the bytestream initiation
protocol.addResponse(streamHostUsedPacket, new Verification<Bytestream, Bytestream>() {
public void verify(Bytestream request, Bytestream response) {
// verify SOCKS5 Bytestream request
assertEquals(response.getSessionID(), request.getSessionID());
assertEquals(1, request.getStreamHosts().size());
StreamHost streamHost = (StreamHost) request.getStreamHosts().toArray()[0];
assertEquals(response.getUsedHost().getJID(), streamHost.getJID());
}, Verification.correspondingSenderReceiver, Verification.requestTypeSET);
IOException e = assertThrows(IOException.class, () -> {
// start SOCKS5 Bytestream
byteStreamManager.establishSession(targetJID, sessionID);
// initiator can't connect to proxy because it is not running
Throwable actualCause = e.getCause();
assertEquals(TimeoutException.class, actualCause.getClass(), "Unexpected throwable: " + actualCause + '.' + ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace(actualCause));