use of org.jivesoftware.smackx.jingle.JingleSession in project Smack by igniterealtime.
the class STUNResolverTest method testSTUNJingleSession.
* This is a simple test where the user_2 rejects the Jingle session.
public void testSTUNJingleSession() {
try {
TransportResolver tr1 = new STUNResolver() {
TransportResolver tr2 = new STUNResolver() {
// Explicit resolution
STUNTransportManager stm0 = new STUNTransportManager();
TestMediaManager tmm0 = new TestMediaManager(stm0);
List<JingleMediaManager> trl0 = new ArrayList<JingleMediaManager>();
STUNTransportManager stm1 = new STUNTransportManager();
TestMediaManager tmm1 = new TestMediaManager(stm1);
List<JingleMediaManager> trl1 = new ArrayList<JingleMediaManager>();
final JingleManager man0 = new JingleManager(getConnection(0), trl0);
final JingleManager man1 = new JingleManager(getConnection(1), trl1);
man1.addJingleSessionRequestListener(new JingleSessionRequestListener() {
* Called when a new session request is detected
public void sessionRequested(final JingleSessionRequest request) {
System.out.println("Session request detected, from " + request.getFrom() + ": accepting.");
// We accept the request
JingleSession session1;
try {
session1 = request.accept();
session1.addListener(new JingleSessionListener() {
public void sessionClosed(String reason, JingleSession jingleSession) {
public void sessionClosedOnError(XMPPException e, JingleSession jingleSession) {
public void sessionDeclined(String reason, JingleSession jingleSession) {
public void sessionEstablished(PayloadType pt, TransportCandidate rc, TransportCandidate lc, JingleSession jingleSession) {
System.out.println("Responder: the session is fully established.");
System.out.println("+ Payload Type: " + pt.getId());
System.out.println("+ Local IP/port: " + lc.getIp() + ":" + lc.getPort());
System.out.println("+ Remote IP/port: " + rc.getIp() + ":" + rc.getPort());
public void sessionRedirected(String redirection, JingleSession jingleSession) {
public void sessionMediaReceived(JingleSession jingleSession, String participant) {
// Do Nothing
} catch (XMPPException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "exception", e);
// Session 0 starts a request
System.out.println("Starting session request, to " + getFullJID(1) + "...");
JingleSession session0 = man0.createOutgoingJingleSession(getFullJID(1));
session0.addListener(new JingleSessionListener() {
public void sessionClosed(String reason, JingleSession jingleSession) {
public void sessionClosedOnError(XMPPException e, JingleSession jingleSession) {
public void sessionDeclined(String reason, JingleSession jingleSession) {
public void sessionEstablished(PayloadType pt, TransportCandidate rc, TransportCandidate lc, JingleSession jingleSession) {
System.out.println("Initiator: the session is fully established.");
System.out.println("+ Payload Type: " + pt.getId());
System.out.println("+ Local IP/port: " + lc.getIp() + ":" + lc.getPort());
System.out.println("+ Remote IP/port: " + rc.getIp() + ":" + rc.getPort());
public void sessionMediaReceived(JingleSession jingleSession, String participant) {
// Do Nothing
public void sessionRedirected(String redirection, JingleSession jingleSession) {
assertTrue(valCounter() == 2);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "exception", e);
fail("An error occured with Jingle");