use of org.jivesoftware.xmpp.workgroup.request.TransferRequest in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class WorkgroupIQHandler method handleIQSet.
private void handleIQSet(IQ packet) {
IQ reply;
// TODO: verify namespace and send error if wrong
Element iq = packet.getChildElement();
JID sender = packet.getFrom();
reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
String queryName = iq.getName();
String queryNamespace = iq.getNamespace().toString();
if ("join-queue".equals(queryName)) {
InterceptorManager interceptorManager = QueueInterceptorManager.getInstance();
try {
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(workgroup.getJID().toBareJID(), packet, true, false);
// Received a Join Queue request from a visitor, create a new request.
UserRequest request = new UserRequest(packet, workgroup);
// Let the workgroup process the new request
if (!workgroup.queueRequest(request)) {
// It was not possible to add the request to a queue so answer that the
// workgroup is not accepting new join-queue requests
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.service_unavailable));
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(workgroup.getJID().toBareJID(), packet, true, true);
} catch (PacketRejectedException e) {
workgroup.rejectPacket(packet, e);
reply = null;
} else if ("depart-queue".equals(queryName)) {
// Visitor is departing queue
try {
Request request = UserRequest.getRequest(workgroup, sender);
InterceptorManager interceptorManager = QueueInterceptorManager.getInstance();
try {
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(workgroup.getJID().toBareJID(), packet, true, false);
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(workgroup.getJID().toBareJID(), packet, true, true);
} catch (PacketRejectedException e) {
workgroup.rejectPacket(packet, e);
reply = null;
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
Log.debug("Request not found" + " while departing queue:", e);
} else if ("offer-accept".equals(queryName)) {
try {
InterceptorManager interceptorManager = OfferInterceptorManager.getInstance();
String id = iq.attributeValue("id");
String jid = iq.attributeValue("jid");
if (id != null || jid != null) {
Request request;
if (id != null) {
// Search request by its unique ID
request = Request.getRequest(id);
} else {
// Old version of FP refers to requests by the user's jid. This old version
// implements transfers and invitations on the client and not the server side.
// Therefore, for each user's jid there is always a unique Request
request = UserRequest.getRequest(workgroup, new JID(jid));
Offer offer = request.getOffer();
if (offer != null && offer.isOutstanding()) {
AgentSession agentSession = agentManager.getAgentSession(packet.getFrom());
if (agentSession == null) {
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
Log.debug("Agent not found while accepting offer");
} else {
try {
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(workgroup.getJID().toBareJID(), packet, true, false);
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(workgroup.getJID().toBareJID(), packet, true, true);
} catch (PacketRejectedException e) {
workgroup.rejectPacket(packet, e);
reply = null;
} else {
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.not_acceptable));
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
Log.debug("Request not found " + "while accepting offer: ", e);
} catch (AgentNotFoundException e) {
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
Log.debug("Agent not found " + "while accepting offer: ", e);
} else if ("offer-reject".equals(queryName)) {
try {
InterceptorManager interceptorManager = OfferInterceptorManager.getInstance();
String id = iq.attributeValue("id");
String jid = iq.attributeValue("jid");
if (id != null || jid != null) {
Request request;
if (id != null) {
// Search request by its unique ID
request = Request.getRequest(id);
} else {
// Old version of FP refers to requests by the user's jid. This old version
// implements transfers and invitations on the client and not the server side.
// Therefore, for each user's jid there is always a unique Request
request = UserRequest.getRequest(workgroup, new JID(jid));
Offer offer = request.getOffer();
if (offer != null) {
AgentSession agentSession = agentManager.getAgentSession(packet.getFrom());
if (agentSession == null) {
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
Log.debug("Agent not found while accepting offer");
} else {
try {
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(workgroup.getJID().toBareJID(), packet, true, false);
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(workgroup.getJID().toBareJID(), packet, true, true);
} catch (PacketRejectedException e) {
workgroup.rejectPacket(packet, e);
reply = null;
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
Log.debug("Request not found " + "while rejecting offer: ", e);
} catch (AgentNotFoundException e) {
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
Log.debug("Agent not found " + "while accepting offer: ", e);
} else if ("invite".equals(queryName)) {
// Get the type of inviation (i.e. entity type is being invited)
InvitationRequest request = new InvitationRequest(packet, workgroup);
workgroup.processInvitation(request, packet);
reply = null;
} else if ("transfer".equals(queryName)) {
// Get the type of transfer (i.e. entity type is going to get the transfer offer)
TransferRequest request = new TransferRequest(packet, workgroup);
workgroup.processTransfer(request, packet);
reply = null;
} else if ("jabber:iq:private".equals(queryNamespace)) {
// IQ private for agents global macro storage
} else if ("agent-info".equals(queryName)) {
if (!JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("", true)) {
// Answer that agents are not allowed to change their properties (feature disabled)
reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.service_unavailable));
} else {
try {
AgentSession agentSession = agentManager.getAgentSession(packet.getFrom());
if (agentSession == null) {
reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
} else {
String allowsToChange = agentSession.getAgent().getProperties().getProperty("change-properties");
if (!"false".equals(allowsToChange)) {
// Set the new agent's info
} else {
// Answer that this agent is not allowed to change his properties
reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.service_unavailable));
} catch (AgentNotFoundException e) {
reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found));
} else {
// none are found, send bad request error.
for (WorkgroupProvider provider : providerManager.getWorkgroupProviders()) {
// Handle packet?
if (provider.handleSet(packet)) {
// If provider accepts responsibility, hand off packet.
provider.executeSet(packet, workgroup);
reply.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request));
if (reply != null) {