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Example 1 with SLCImage

use of org.jlinda.core.SLCImage in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class CoherenceOp method computePartialTile.

private void computePartialTile(final int subSwathIndex, final int burstIndex, final int firstLineIdx, final Rectangle targetRectangle, final Map<Band, Tile> targetTileMap) throws OperatorException {
    try {
        final BorderExtender border = BorderExtender.createInstance(BorderExtender.BORDER_ZERO);
        final int y0 = targetRectangle.y;
        final int yN = y0 + targetRectangle.height - 1;
        final int x0 = targetRectangle.x;
        final int xN = x0 + targetRectangle.width - 1;
        final int cohx0 = targetRectangle.x - (cohWinRg - 1) / 2;
        final int cohy0 = targetRectangle.y - (cohWinAz - 1) / 2;
        final int cohw = targetRectangle.width + cohWinRg - 1;
        final int cohh = targetRectangle.height + cohWinAz - 1;
        final Rectangle extRect = new Rectangle(cohx0, cohy0, cohw, cohh);
        final org.jlinda.core.Window tileWindow = new org.jlinda.core.Window(cohy0 - firstLineIdx, cohy0 + cohh - 1 - firstLineIdx, cohx0, cohx0 + cohw - 1);
        final SLCImage mstMeta = targetMap.values().iterator().next().sourceMaster.metaData.clone();
        updateMstMetaData(burstIndex, mstMeta);
        final Orbit mstOrbit = targetMap.values().iterator().next().sourceMaster.orbit;
        DemTile demTile = null;
        if (subtractTopographicPhase) {
            demTile = TopoPhase.getDEMTile(tileWindow, mstMeta, mstOrbit, dem, demNoDataValue, demSamplingLat, demSamplingLon, tileExtensionPercent);
            if (demTile == null) {
                throw new OperatorException("The selected DEM has no overlap with the image or is invalid.");
            if (demTile.getData().length < 3 || demTile.getData()[0].length < 3) {
                throw new OperatorException("The resolution of the selected DEM is too low, " + "please select DEM with higher resolution.");
        final int minLine = 0;
        final int maxLine = subSwath[subSwathIndex - 1].linesPerBurst - 1;
        final int minPixel = 0;
        final int maxPixel = subSwath[subSwathIndex - 1].samplesPerBurst - 1;
        for (String cohKey : targetMap.keySet()) {
            final ProductContainer product = targetMap.get(cohKey);
            final SLCImage slvMeta = product.sourceSlave.metaData.clone();
            updateSlvMetaData(product, burstIndex, slvMeta);
            final Orbit slvOrbit = product.sourceSlave.orbit;
            final Tile mstTileReal = getSourceTile(product.sourceMaster.realBand, extRect, border);
            final Tile mstTileImag = getSourceTile(product.sourceMaster.imagBand, extRect, border);
            final ComplexDoubleMatrix dataMaster = TileUtilsDoris.pullComplexDoubleMatrix(mstTileReal, mstTileImag);
            final Tile slvTileReal = getSourceTile(product.sourceSlave.realBand, extRect, border);
            final Tile slvTileImag = getSourceTile(product.sourceSlave.imagBand, extRect, border);
            final ComplexDoubleMatrix dataSlave = TileUtilsDoris.pullComplexDoubleMatrix(slvTileReal, slvTileImag);
            final String polynomialName = + '_' + (subSwathIndex - 1) + '_' + burstIndex;
            if (subtractFlatEarthPhase) {
                final DoubleMatrix flatEarthPhase = computeFlatEarthPhase(cohx0, cohx0 + cohw - 1, cohw, cohy0 - firstLineIdx, cohy0 + cohh - 1 - firstLineIdx, cohh, minPixel, maxPixel, minLine, maxLine, polynomialName);
                final ComplexDoubleMatrix complexReferencePhase = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(MatrixFunctions.cos(flatEarthPhase), MatrixFunctions.sin(flatEarthPhase));
                if (OUTPUT_PHASE) {
                    saveFlatEarthPhase(x0, xN, y0, yN, flatEarthPhase, product, targetTileMap);
            if (subtractTopographicPhase) {
                TopoPhase topoPhase = TopoPhase.computeTopoPhase(mstMeta, mstOrbit, slvMeta, slvOrbit, tileWindow, demTile, false);
                final ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexTopoPhase = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(MatrixFunctions.cos(new DoubleMatrix(topoPhase.demPhase)), MatrixFunctions.sin(new DoubleMatrix(topoPhase.demPhase)));
                if (OUTPUT_PHASE) {
                    saveTopoPhase(x0, xN, y0, yN, topoPhase.demPhase, product, targetTileMap);
            for (int i = 0; i < dataMaster.length; i++) {
                double tmp = norm(dataMaster.get(i));
                dataMaster.put(i, dataMaster.get(i).mul(dataSlave.get(i).conj()));
                dataSlave.put(i, new ComplexDouble(norm(dataSlave.get(i)), tmp));
            DoubleMatrix cohMatrix = SarUtils.coherence2(dataMaster, dataSlave, cohWinAz, cohWinRg);
            saveCoherence(cohMatrix, product, targetTileMap, targetRectangle);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException(getId(), e);
Also used : Orbit(org.jlinda.core.Orbit) BorderExtender( DemTile(org.jlinda.core.geom.DemTile) Tile(org.esa.snap.core.gpf.Tile) Point(org.jlinda.core.Point) GeoPoint(org.jlinda.core.GeoPoint) DoubleMatrix(org.jblas.DoubleMatrix) ComplexDoubleMatrix(org.jblas.ComplexDoubleMatrix) ComplexDouble(org.jblas.ComplexDouble) DemTile(org.jlinda.core.geom.DemTile) TopoPhase(org.jlinda.core.geom.TopoPhase) SLCImage(org.jlinda.core.SLCImage) OperatorException(org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException) ComplexDoubleMatrix(org.jblas.ComplexDoubleMatrix)

Example 2 with SLCImage

use of org.jlinda.core.SLCImage in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class InSARStackOverview method calculateInSAROverview.

public static InSARStackOverview.IfgStack[] calculateInSAROverview(final Product[] products) throws Exception {
    final List<SLCImage> imgList = new ArrayList<>(products.length);
    final List<Orbit> orbList = new ArrayList<>(products.length);
    for (Product product : products) {
        final MetadataElement absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(product);
        imgList.add(new SLCImage(absRoot, product));
        orbList.add(new Orbit(absRoot, 3));
    final InSARStackOverview dataStack = new InSARStackOverview();
    dataStack.setInput(imgList.toArray(new SLCImage[imgList.size()]), orbList.toArray(new Orbit[orbList.size()]));
    return dataStack.getCoherenceScores(ProgressMonitor.NULL);
Also used : Orbit(org.jlinda.core.Orbit) SLCImage(org.jlinda.core.SLCImage) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Product(org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Product) MetadataElement(org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.MetadataElement)

Example 3 with SLCImage

use of org.jlinda.core.SLCImage in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class AzimuthShiftEstimationUsingESDOp method metaMapPut.

private void metaMapPut(final String tag, final MetadataElement root, final Product product, final Map<String, CplxContainer> map) throws Exception {
    for (String swath : subSwathNames) {
        final String subswath = swath.isEmpty() ? "" : '_' + swath.toUpperCase();
        for (String polarisation : polarizations) {
            final String pol = polarisation.isEmpty() ? "" : '_' + polarisation.toUpperCase();
            String mapKey = root.getAttributeInt(AbstractMetadata.ABS_ORBIT) + subswath + pol;
            final String date = OperatorUtils.getAcquisitionDate(root);
            final SLCImage meta = new SLCImage(root, product);
            Band bandReal = null;
            Band bandImag = null;
            for (String bandName : product.getBandNames()) {
                if (bandName.contains(tag) && bandName.contains(date)) {
                    if (subswath.isEmpty() || bandName.contains(subswath)) {
                        if (pol.isEmpty() || bandName.contains(pol)) {
                            final Band band = product.getBand(bandName);
                            if (BandUtilsDoris.isBandReal(band)) {
                                bandReal = band;
                            } else if (BandUtilsDoris.isBandImag(band)) {
                                bandImag = band;
            if (bandReal != null && bandImag != null) {
                map.put(mapKey, new CplxContainer(date, meta, null, bandReal, bandImag));
Also used : SLCImage(org.jlinda.core.SLCImage) CplxContainer(org.jlinda.core.utils.CplxContainer)

Example 4 with SLCImage

use of org.jlinda.core.SLCImage in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class SpectralDiversityOp method metadataMapPut.

 * Fills the map with the product's metadata and adds the complex image(s) to a list.
 * @param tag           either  "_mst" or "_slv". For differentiating master and slave bands in the product.
 * @param root          Abstracted_Metadata for tag "_mst" and one of the slave meta data under Slave_Metadata for tag "_slv".
 * @param product       source product.
 * @param map           map of complex images.
 * @param complexImages list of complex images for each polarization-swath combination.
 * @throws Exception
private void metadataMapPut(final String tag, final MetadataElement root, final Product product, final Map<String, CplxContainer> map, final Map<String, List<CplxContainer>> complexImages) throws Exception {
    // N*M elements in the slaveMap?
    for (String swath : subSwathNames) {
        // Can swath ever be empty??
        final String subswath = swath.isEmpty() ? "" : '_' + swath.toUpperCase();
        for (String polarization : polarizations) {
            final String pol = polarization.isEmpty() ? "" : '_' + polarization.toUpperCase();
            // String mapKey = root.getAttributeInt(AbstractMetadata.ABS_ORBIT) + subswath + pol;
            final String date = OperatorUtils.getAcquisitionDate(root);
            String mapKey = date + subswath + pol;
            // System.out.println("SpectralDiversity.metadataMapPut: tag = " + tag + "; mapKey = " + mapKey);
            // final String date = OperatorUtils.getAcquisitionDate(root);
            final SLCImage meta = new SLCImage(root, product);
            // Set Multilook factor
            Band bandReal = null;
            Band bandImag = null;
            for (String bandName : product.getBandNames()) {
                // date is needed to pick the correct slave band
                if (bandName.contains(tag) && bandName.contains(date)) {
                    if (subswath.isEmpty() || bandName.contains(subswath)) {
                        if (pol.isEmpty() || bandName.contains(pol)) {
                            final Band band = product.getBand(bandName);
                            if (BandUtilsDoris.isBandReal(band)) {
                                bandReal = band;
                            } else if (BandUtilsDoris.isBandImag(band)) {
                                bandImag = band;
            if (bandReal != null && bandImag != null) {
                // System.out.println("SpectralDiversity.metadataMapPut: tag = " + tag + "; mapKey = " + mapKey + " add to map");
                // map.put(mapKey, new CplxContainer(date, meta, null, bandReal, bandImag));
                // add to map
                CplxContainer container = new CplxContainer(date, meta, null, bandReal, bandImag);
                map.put(mapKey, container);
                // add to images list
                String imagesKey = polarization.toUpperCase() + "_" + swath.toUpperCase();
                List<CplxContainer> imagesList = complexImages.get(imagesKey);
                if (imagesList == null) {
                    imagesList = new ArrayList<>();
                    complexImages.put(imagesKey, imagesList);
Also used : SLCImage(org.jlinda.core.SLCImage) CplxContainer(org.jlinda.core.utils.CplxContainer) VirtualBand(org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.VirtualBand) Band(org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Band)

Example 5 with SLCImage

use of org.jlinda.core.SLCImage in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class DInSAROp method metaMapPut.

private void metaMapPut(final String tag, final MetadataElement root, final Product product, final HashMap<Integer, CplxContainer> map) throws Exception {
    // pull out band names for this product
    final String[] bandNames = product.getBandNames();
    final int numOfBands = bandNames.length;
    // map key: ORBIT NUMBER
    int mapKey = root.getAttributeInt(AbstractMetadata.ABS_ORBIT);
    // metadata: construct classes and define bands
    final String date = OperatorUtils.getAcquisitionDate(root);
    final SLCImage meta = new SLCImage(root, product);
    final Orbit orbit = new Orbit(root, orbitDegree);
    // TODO: mlook factores are hard-coded for now
    Band bandReal = null;
    Band bandImag = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < numOfBands; i++) {
        String bandName = bandNames[i];
        if (bandName.contains(tag) && bandName.contains(date)) {
            final Band band = product.getBandAt(i);
            if (BandUtilsDoris.isBandReal(band)) {
                bandReal = band;
            } else if (BandUtilsDoris.isBandImag(band)) {
                bandImag = band;
    try {
        map.put(mapKey, new CplxContainer(date, meta, orbit, bandReal, bandImag));
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Orbit(org.jlinda.core.Orbit) SLCImage(org.jlinda.core.SLCImage) CplxContainer(org.jlinda.core.utils.CplxContainer) Band(org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Band) OperatorException(org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException)


SLCImage (org.jlinda.core.SLCImage)34 Orbit (org.jlinda.core.Orbit)27 File ( OperatorException (org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException)10 CplxContainer (org.jlinda.core.utils.CplxContainer)7 Band (org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Band)6 ComplexDoubleMatrix (org.jblas.ComplexDoubleMatrix)6 Window (org.jlinda.core.Window)6 MetadataElement (org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.MetadataElement)5 Point (org.jlinda.core.Point)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Product (org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Product)4 IOException ( RandomAccessFile ( Tile (org.esa.snap.core.gpf.Tile)2 DoubleMatrix (org.jblas.DoubleMatrix)2 Before (org.junit.Before)2 ProgressMonitorSwingWorker (com.bc.ceres.swing.progress.ProgressMonitorSwingWorker)1 BorderExtender (