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Example 1 with Tag

use of org.jnbt.Tag in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class RespawnPlayer method respawnPlayer.

public static void respawnPlayer(File levelDatFile) throws IOException {
    CompoundTag outerTag;
    try (NBTInputStream in = new NBTInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(levelDatFile)))) {
        outerTag = (CompoundTag) in.readTag();
    CompoundTag dataTag = (CompoundTag) outerTag.getTag(TAG_DATA);
    int spawnX = ((IntTag) dataTag.getTag(TAG_SPAWN_X)).getValue();
    int spawnY = ((IntTag) dataTag.getTag(TAG_SPAWN_Y)).getValue();
    int spawnZ = ((IntTag) dataTag.getTag(TAG_SPAWN_Z)).getValue();
    CompoundTag playerTag = (CompoundTag) dataTag.getTag(TAG_PLAYER);
    playerTag.setTag(TAG_DEATH_TIME, new ShortTag(TAG_DEATH_TIME, (short) 0));
    playerTag.setTag(TAG_HEALTH, new ShortTag(TAG_HEALTH, (short) 20));
    List<Tag> motionList = new ArrayList<>(3);
    motionList.add(new DoubleTag(null, 0));
    motionList.add(new DoubleTag(null, 0));
    motionList.add(new DoubleTag(null, 0));
    playerTag.setTag(TAG_MOTION, new ListTag(TAG_MOTION, DoubleTag.class, motionList));
    List<Tag> posList = new ArrayList<>(3);
    posList.add(new DoubleTag(null, spawnX + 0.5));
    posList.add(new DoubleTag(null, spawnY + 3));
    posList.add(new DoubleTag(null, spawnZ + 0.5));
    playerTag.setTag(TAG_POS, new ListTag(TAG_POS, DoubleTag.class, posList));
    try (NBTOutputStream out = new NBTOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(levelDatFile)))) {
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DoubleTag(org.jnbt.DoubleTag) ListTag(org.jnbt.ListTag) NBTOutputStream(org.jnbt.NBTOutputStream) FileInputStream( ShortTag(org.jnbt.ShortTag) GZIPInputStream( GZIPOutputStream( FileOutputStream( NBTInputStream(org.jnbt.NBTInputStream) IntTag(org.jnbt.IntTag) DoubleTag(org.jnbt.DoubleTag) ShortTag(org.jnbt.ShortTag) CompoundTag(org.jnbt.CompoundTag) Tag(org.jnbt.Tag) ListTag(org.jnbt.ListTag) CompoundTag(org.jnbt.CompoundTag) IntTag(org.jnbt.IntTag)

Example 2 with Tag

use of org.jnbt.Tag in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class JavaWorldMerger method copyAllChunks.

private String copyAllChunks(MinecraftWorld minecraftWorld, File oldRegionDir, Dimension dimension, Point regionCoords, ProgressReceiver progressReceiver) throws IOException, ProgressReceiver.OperationCancelled {
    if (progressReceiver != null) {
        progressReceiver.setMessage("Copying chunks unchanged");
    int lowestChunkX = regionCoords.x << 5;
    int highestChunkX = (regionCoords.x << 5) + 31;
    int lowestChunkY = regionCoords.y << 5;
    int highestChunkY = (regionCoords.y << 5) + 31;
    Platform platform = dimension.getWorld().getPlatform();
    int maxHeight = dimension.getMaxHeight();
    Map<Point, RegionFile> regionFiles = new HashMap<>();
    Set<Point> damagedRegions = new HashSet<>();
    StringBuilder reportBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    try {
        int chunkNo = 0;
        for (int chunkX = lowestChunkX; chunkX <= highestChunkX; chunkX++) {
            for (int chunkY = lowestChunkY; chunkY <= highestChunkY; chunkY++) {
                if (progressReceiver != null) {
                    progressReceiver.setProgress((float) chunkNo / 1024);
                int regionX = chunkX >> 5;
                int regionY = chunkY >> 5;
                Point coords = new Point(regionX, regionY);
                if (damagedRegions.contains(coords)) {
                    // reported and logged earlier
                RegionFile regionFile = regionFiles.get(coords);
                if (regionFile == null) {
                    File file = new File(oldRegionDir, "r." + regionX + "." + regionY + (platform.equals(DefaultPlugin.JAVA_ANVIL) ? ".mca" : ".mcr"));
                    try {
                        regionFile = new RegionFile(file);
                        regionFiles.put(coords, regionFile);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        reportBuilder.append("I/O error while opening region file " + file + " (message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\"); skipping region" + EOL);
                        logger.error("I/O error while opening region file " + file + "; skipping region", e);
                int chunkXInRegion = chunkX & 0x1f;
                int chunkYInRegion = chunkY & 0x1f;
                if (regionFile.containsChunk(chunkXInRegion, chunkYInRegion)) {
                    Tag tag;
                    try {
                        InputStream chunkData = regionFile.getChunkDataInputStream(chunkXInRegion, chunkYInRegion);
                        if (chunkData == null) {
                            // This should never happen, since we checked
                            // with isChunkPresent(), but in practice it
                            // does. Perhaps corrupted data?
                            reportBuilder.append("Missing chunk data for chunk " + chunkXInRegion + ", " + chunkYInRegion + " in " + regionFile + "; skipping chunk" + EOL);
                            logger.warn("Missing chunk data for chunk " + chunkXInRegion + ", " + chunkYInRegion + " in " + regionFile + "; skipping chunk");
                        try (NBTInputStream in = new NBTInputStream(chunkData)) {
                            tag = in.readTag();
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        reportBuilder.append("I/O error while reading chunk " + chunkXInRegion + ", " + chunkYInRegion + " from file " + regionFile + " (message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\"); skipping chunk" + EOL);
                        logger.error("I/O error while reading chunk " + chunkXInRegion + ", " + chunkYInRegion + " from file " + regionFile + "; skipping chunk", e);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        reportBuilder.append("Illegal argument exception while reading chunk " + chunkXInRegion + ", " + chunkYInRegion + " from file " + regionFile + " (message: \"" + e.getMessage() + "\"); skipping chunk" + EOL);
                        logger.error("Illegal argument exception while reading chunk " + chunkXInRegion + ", " + chunkYInRegion + " from file " + regionFile + "; skipping chunk", e);
                    Chunk existingChunk = platform.equals(DefaultPlugin.JAVA_MCREGION) ? new ChunkImpl((CompoundTag) tag, maxHeight) : new ChunkImpl2((CompoundTag) tag, maxHeight);
    } finally {
        for (RegionFile regionFile : regionFiles.values()) {
    if (progressReceiver != null) {
    return reportBuilder.length() != 0 ? reportBuilder.toString() : null;
Also used : NBTInputStream(org.jnbt.NBTInputStream) NBTInputStream(org.jnbt.NBTInputStream) CompoundTag(org.jnbt.CompoundTag) Tag(org.jnbt.Tag) CompoundTag(org.jnbt.CompoundTag)

Example 3 with Tag

use of org.jnbt.Tag in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class NBTFileNode method loadChildren.

protected Node[] loadChildren() {
    try (InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))) {
        Tag tag;
        if (( == 0x1f) && ( == 0x8b)) {
            // Gzip signature
            tag = new NBTInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(in)).readTag();
        } else {
            tag = new NBTInputStream(in).readTag();
        return new Node[] { new TagNode(tag) };
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("I/O error while reading level.dat file", e);
Also used : GZIPInputStream( NBTInputStream(org.jnbt.NBTInputStream) GZIPInputStream( Node(org.pepsoft.worldpainter.mapexplorer.Node) NBTInputStream(org.jnbt.NBTInputStream) Tag(org.jnbt.Tag)

Example 4 with Tag

use of org.jnbt.Tag in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class AbstractNBTItem method setDoubleList.

protected final void setDoubleList(String name, double[] values) {
    List<Tag> list = new ArrayList<>(values.length);
    for (double value : values) {
        list.add(new DoubleTag(null, value));
    tag.setTag(name, new ListTag(name, DoubleTag.class, list));
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IntTag(org.jnbt.IntTag) DoubleTag(org.jnbt.DoubleTag) ByteTag(org.jnbt.ByteTag) ShortTag(org.jnbt.ShortTag) FloatTag(org.jnbt.FloatTag) CompoundTag(org.jnbt.CompoundTag) LongTag(org.jnbt.LongTag) IntArrayTag(org.jnbt.IntArrayTag) StringTag(org.jnbt.StringTag) Tag(org.jnbt.Tag) ListTag(org.jnbt.ListTag) ByteArrayTag(org.jnbt.ByteArrayTag) DoubleTag(org.jnbt.DoubleTag) ListTag(org.jnbt.ListTag)

Example 5 with Tag

use of org.jnbt.Tag in project WorldPainter by Captain-Chaos.

the class AbstractNBTItem method setFloatList.

protected final void setFloatList(String name, float[] values) {
    List<Tag> list = new ArrayList<>(values.length);
    for (float value : values) {
        list.add(new FloatTag(null, value));
    tag.setTag(name, new ListTag(name, FloatTag.class, list));
Also used : FloatTag(org.jnbt.FloatTag) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IntTag(org.jnbt.IntTag) DoubleTag(org.jnbt.DoubleTag) ByteTag(org.jnbt.ByteTag) ShortTag(org.jnbt.ShortTag) FloatTag(org.jnbt.FloatTag) CompoundTag(org.jnbt.CompoundTag) LongTag(org.jnbt.LongTag) IntArrayTag(org.jnbt.IntArrayTag) StringTag(org.jnbt.StringTag) Tag(org.jnbt.Tag) ListTag(org.jnbt.ListTag) ByteArrayTag(org.jnbt.ByteArrayTag) ListTag(org.jnbt.ListTag)


Tag (org.jnbt.Tag)10 CompoundTag (org.jnbt.CompoundTag)9 NBTInputStream (org.jnbt.NBTInputStream)8 File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)3 GZIPInputStream ( DoubleTag (org.jnbt.DoubleTag)3 IntTag (org.jnbt.IntTag)3 ListTag (org.jnbt.ListTag)3 ShortTag (org.jnbt.ShortTag)3 ByteArrayTag (org.jnbt.ByteArrayTag)2 ByteTag (org.jnbt.ByteTag)2 FloatTag (org.jnbt.FloatTag)2 IntArrayTag (org.jnbt.IntArrayTag)2 LongTag (org.jnbt.LongTag)2 StringTag (org.jnbt.StringTag)2 FileInputStream ( FileOutputStream ( IOException (