use of org.joml.Matrix3d in project Valkyrien-Warfare-Revamped by ValkyrienWarfare.
the class BasicCenterOfMassProvider method addMassAt.
* Updates the center of mass and rotation inertia tensor matrix of the ShipInertiaData, using the rigid body
* inertia tensor equations. Reference eqs. 13 & 14.
private void addMassAt(ShipInertiaData inertiaData, double x, double y, double z, double addedMass) {
double[] gameMoITensor = new double[9];
Matrix3d transposed = inertiaData.getGameMoITensor().transpose(new Matrix3d());
double gameTickMass = inertiaData.getGameTickMass();
Vector3d prevCenterOfMass = new Vector3d(inertiaData.getGameTickCenterOfMass());
if (gameTickMass > .0001D) {
Vector3d newCenterOfMass = inertiaData.getGameTickCenterOfMass().mul(gameTickMass, new Vector3d());
newCenterOfMass.add(x * addedMass, y * addedMass, z * addedMass);
newCenterOfMass.mul(1.0 / (gameTickMass + addedMass));
} else {
inertiaData.setGameTickCenterOfMass(new Vector3d(x, y, z));
inertiaData.setGameMoITensor(new Matrix3d().zero());
// This code is pretty awful in hindsight, but it gets the job done.
double cmShiftX = prevCenterOfMass.x - inertiaData.getGameTickCenterOfMass().x();
double cmShiftY = prevCenterOfMass.y - inertiaData.getGameTickCenterOfMass().y();
double cmShiftZ = prevCenterOfMass.z - inertiaData.getGameTickCenterOfMass().z();
double rx = x - inertiaData.getGameTickCenterOfMass().x();
double ry = y - inertiaData.getGameTickCenterOfMass().y();
double rz = z - inertiaData.getGameTickCenterOfMass().z();
gameMoITensor[0] = gameMoITensor[0] + (cmShiftY * cmShiftY + cmShiftZ * cmShiftZ) * gameTickMass + (ry * ry + rz * rz) * addedMass;
gameMoITensor[1] = gameMoITensor[1] - cmShiftX * cmShiftY * gameTickMass - rx * ry * addedMass;
gameMoITensor[2] = gameMoITensor[2] - cmShiftX * cmShiftZ * gameTickMass - rx * rz * addedMass;
gameMoITensor[3] = gameMoITensor[1];
gameMoITensor[4] = gameMoITensor[4] + (cmShiftX * cmShiftX + cmShiftZ * cmShiftZ) * gameTickMass + (rx * rx + rz * rz) * addedMass;
gameMoITensor[5] = gameMoITensor[5] - cmShiftY * cmShiftZ * gameTickMass - ry * rz * addedMass;
gameMoITensor[6] = gameMoITensor[2];
gameMoITensor[7] = gameMoITensor[5];
gameMoITensor[8] = gameMoITensor[8] + (cmShiftX * cmShiftX + cmShiftY * cmShiftY) * gameTickMass + (rx * rx + ry * ry) * addedMass;
inertiaData.setGameMoITensor(new Matrix3d().set(gameMoITensor).transpose());
// crashing the program.
if (inertiaData.getGameTickMass() + addedMass < .0001) {
} else {
inertiaData.setGameTickMass(inertiaData.getGameTickMass() + addedMass);
use of org.joml.Matrix3d in project Valkyrien-Warfare-Revamped by ValkyrienWarfare.
the class TileEntityCaptainsChair method processCalculationsForControlMessageAndApplyCalculations.
private void processCalculationsForControlMessageAndApplyCalculations(PhysicsObject controlledShip, PilotControlsMessage message, IBlockState state) {
BlockPos chairPosition = getPos();
if (controlledShip.isShipAligningToGrid()) {
double pilotPitch = 0D;
double pilotYaw = ((BlockCaptainsChair) state.getBlock()).getChairYaw(state, chairPosition);
double pilotRoll = 0D;
Matrix3d pilotRotationMatrix = new Matrix3d();
pilotRotationMatrix.rotateXYZ(Math.toRadians(pilotPitch), Math.toRadians(pilotYaw), Math.toRadians(pilotRoll));
Vector3d playerDirection = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0);
Vector3d upDirection = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
Vector3d downDirection = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);
Vector3d idealAngularDirection = new Vector3d();
Vector3d idealLinearVelocity = new Vector3d();
Vector3d shipUp = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
Vector3d shipUpPosIdeal = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
if (message.airshipForward_KeyDown) {
if (message.airshipBackward_KeyDown) {
controlledShip.getShipTransformationManager().getCurrentTickTransform().transformDirection(idealLinearVelocity, TransformType.SUBSPACE_TO_GLOBAL);
controlledShip.getShipTransformationManager().getCurrentTickTransform().transformDirection(shipUp, TransformType.SUBSPACE_TO_GLOBAL);
if (message.airshipUp_KeyDown) {
idealLinearVelocity.add(upDirection.mul(.5, new Vector3d()));
if (message.airshipDown_KeyDown) {
idealLinearVelocity.add(downDirection.mul(.5, new Vector3d()));
double sidePitch = 0;
if (message.airshipRight_KeyDown) {
sidePitch -= 10;
if (message.airshipLeft_KeyDown) {
sidePitch += 10;
Vector3d sidesRotationAxis = new Vector3d(playerDirection);
controlledShip.getShipTransformationManager().getCurrentTickTransform().transformDirection(sidesRotationAxis, TransformType.SUBSPACE_TO_GLOBAL);
AxisAngle4d rotationSidesTransform = new AxisAngle4d(Math.toRadians(sidePitch), sidesRotationAxis.x, sidesRotationAxis.y, sidesRotationAxis.z);
// The vector that points in the direction of the normal of the plane that
// contains shipUp and shipUpPos. This is our axis of rotation.
Vector3d shipUpRotationVector = shipUp.cross(shipUpPosIdeal, new Vector3d());
// This isnt quite right, but it handles the cases quite well.
double shipUpTheta = shipUp.angle(shipUpPosIdeal) + Math.PI;
// Move the ship faster if the player holds the sprint key.
if (message.airshipSprinting) {
double lerpFactor = .2;
Vector3d linearMomentumDif = controlledShip.getPhysicsCalculations().getLinearVelocity().sub(idealLinearVelocity, new Vector3d());
Vector3d angularVelocityDif = controlledShip.getPhysicsCalculations().getAngularVelocity().sub(idealAngularDirection, new Vector3d());
use of org.joml.Matrix3d in project Valkyrien-Warfare-Revamped by ValkyrienWarfare.
the class PhysicsCalculations method calculateFramedMOITensor.
* Generates the rotated moment of inertia tensor with the body; uses the following formula: I'
* = R * I * R-transpose; where I' is the rotated inertia, I is un-rotated interim, and R is the
* rotation matrix.
* Reference:
private void calculateFramedMOITensor() {
// physCenterOfMass = new Vector(parent.getCenterCoord());
physTickMass = parent.getInertiaData().getGameTickMass();
// Copy the rotation matrix, ignore the translation and scaling parts.
Matrix3dc rotationMatrix = getParent().getShipTransformationManager().getCurrentPhysicsTransform().createRotationMatrix(TransformType.SUBSPACE_TO_GLOBAL);
Matrix3dc inertiaBodyFrame = parent.getInertiaData().getGameMoITensor();
Matrix3d rotationMatrixTranspose = rotationMatrix.transpose(new Matrix3d());
Matrix3d finalInertia = new Matrix3d(rotationMatrix);
physMOITensor = finalInertia;
physInvMOITensor = physMOITensor.invert(new Matrix3d());