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Example 1 with MappedCatalog

use of org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog in project jOOQ by jOOQ.

the class SchemaMapping method map.

 * Apply mapping to a given table
 * @param table The generated table to be mapped
 * @return The configured table
public <R extends Record> Table<R> map(Table<R> table) {
    Table<R> result = table;
    // [#4652] Don't initialise table mapping if not necessary
    if (result != null && (!mapping().getSchemata().isEmpty() || !mapping().getCatalogs().isEmpty())) {
        Catalog catalog = result.getCatalog();
        Schema schema = result.getSchema();
        // [#1186] TODO: replace this by calling table.getQualifiedName()
        if (catalog == null)
            catalog = DSL.catalog(name(""));
        if (schema == null)
            schema = schema(name(""));
        String catalogName = catalog.getName();
        String schemaName = schema.getName();
        String tableName = result.getName();
        String key = StringUtils.isEmpty(catalogName) ? (StringUtils.isEmpty(schemaName) ? tableName : (schemaName + "." + tableName)) : (catalogName + '.' + schemaName + '.' + tableName);
        // Lazy initialise table mapping
        if (!getTables().containsKey(key)) {
            // want to use Configuration and dependent objects in a "thread-safe" manner
            synchronized (this) {
                if (!getTables().containsKey(key)) {
                    catalogLoop: for (MappedCatalog c : mapping().getCatalogs()) {
                        if (matches(c, catalogName)) {
                            for (MappedSchema s : c.getSchemata()) {
                                if (matches(s, schemaName)) {
                                    for (MappedTable t : s.getTables()) {
                                        // A configured mapping was found, add a renamed table
                                        if (matches(t, tableName)) {
                                            // Ignore self-mappings and void-mappings
                                            if (!isBlank(t.getOutput()))
                                                if (t.getInput() != null && !t.getOutput().equals(tableName))
                                                    result = new RenamedTable<>(map(schema), result, t.getOutput());
                                                else if (t.getInputExpression() != null)
                                                    result = new RenamedTable<>(map(schema), result, t.getInputExpression().matcher(tableName).replaceAll(t.getOutput()));
                                            break catalogLoop;
                            // [#7498] Even without table mapping configuration, we may still need to map the schema
                            result = new RenamedTable<>(map(schema), result, tableName);
                            break catalogLoop;
                    if (!(result instanceof RenamedTable))
                        schemaLoop: for (MappedSchema s : mapping().getSchemata()) {
                            if (matches(s, schemaName)) {
                                for (MappedTable t : s.getTables()) {
                                    // A configured mapping was found, add a renamed table
                                    if (matches(t, tableName)) {
                                        // Ignore self-mappings and void-mappings
                                        if (!isBlank(t.getOutput()))
                                            if (t.getInput() != null && !t.getOutput().equals(tableName))
                                                result = new RenamedTable<>(map(schema), result, t.getOutput());
                                            else if (t.getInputExpression() != null)
                                                result = new RenamedTable<>(map(schema), result, t.getInputExpression().matcher(tableName).replaceAll(t.getOutput()));
                                        break schemaLoop;
                                // [#7498] Even without table mapping configuration, we may still need to map the schema
                                result = new RenamedTable<>(map(schema), result, tableName);
                                break schemaLoop;
                    // Add mapped table or self if no mapping was found
                    getTables().put(key, result);
        result = (Table<R>) getTables().get(key);
    return result;
Also used : MappedSchema(org.jooq.conf.MappedSchema) MappedTable(org.jooq.conf.MappedTable) MappedCatalog(org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog) MappedSchema(org.jooq.conf.MappedSchema) MappedCatalog(org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 2 with MappedCatalog

use of org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog in project jOOQ by jOOQ.

the class SchemaMapping method map.

 * Apply mapping to a given schema
 * @param schema The schema to be mapped
 * @return The configured schema
public Schema map(Schema schema) {
    // The DefaultConfiguration's ignoreMapping flag!
    if (!renderSchema())
        return null;
    else // [#9708] Don't map an already mapped schema again
    if (schema instanceof RenamedSchema)
        return schema;
    Schema result = schema;
    RenderMapping m = mapping();
    // [#4642] Don't initialise schema mapping if not necessary
    if (!m.getSchemata().isEmpty() || !m.getCatalogs().isEmpty() || !isEmpty(m.getDefaultSchema()) || !isEmpty(m.getDefaultCatalog())) {
        if (result == null)
            result = schema(name(""));
        Catalog catalog = result.getCatalog();
        if (catalog == null)
            catalog = DSL.catalog(name(""));
        // [#2089] DefaultSchema has an empty schema name
        // [#7498] But we're mapping those names as well
        String catalogName = catalog.getName();
        String schemaName = result.getName();
        String key = StringUtils.isEmpty(catalogName) ? schemaName : catalogName + '.' + schemaName;
        // Lazy initialise schema mapping
        if (!getSchemata().containsKey(key)) {
            // want to use a Configuration and dependent objects in a "thread-safe" manner
            synchronized (this) {
                if (!getSchemata().containsKey(key)) {
                    catalogLoop: for (MappedCatalog c : m.getCatalogs()) {
                        if (matches(c, catalogName)) {
                            for (MappedSchema s : c.getSchemata()) {
                                if (matches(s, schemaName)) {
                                    // Ignore self-mappings and void-mappings
                                    if (!isBlank(s.getOutput()))
                                        if (s.getInput() != null && !s.getOutput().equals(schemaName))
                                            result = new RenamedSchema(map(catalog), result, s.getOutput());
                                        else if (s.getInputExpression() != null)
                                            result = new RenamedSchema(map(catalog), result, s.getInputExpression().matcher(schemaName).replaceAll(s.getOutput()));
                                    break catalogLoop;
                            // [#7498] Even without schema mapping configuration, we may still need to map the catalog
                            result = new RenamedSchema(map(catalog), result, schemaName);
                            break catalogLoop;
                    if (!(result instanceof RenamedSchema)) {
                        for (MappedSchema s : m.getSchemata()) {
                            // A configured mapping was found, add a renamed schema
                            if (matches(s, schemaName)) {
                                // Ignore self-mappings and void-mappings
                                if (!isBlank(s.getOutput()))
                                    if (s.getInput() != null && !s.getOutput().equals(schemaName))
                                        result = new RenamedSchema(map(catalog), result, s.getOutput());
                                    else if (s.getInputExpression() != null)
                                        result = new RenamedSchema(map(catalog), result, s.getInputExpression().matcher(schemaName).replaceAll(s.getOutput()));
                    // [#13034] Apply defaultCatalog irrespective of defaultSchema and the above mappings
                    if (result.getCatalog() != null && map(result.getCatalog()) == null)
                        result = new RenamedSchema(null, result, result.getName());
                    // [#13035] Cache the application of the defaultSchema
                    if ("".equals(result.getName()))
                        result = null;
                    else if (result.getName().equals(m.getDefaultSchema()) && (result.getCatalog() == null || "".equals(result.getCatalog().getName()) || result.getCatalog().getName().equals(m.getDefaultCatalog())))
                        result = null;
                    // Add mapped schema or self if no mapping was found
                    getSchemata().put(key, result);
        result = getSchemata().get(key);
    return result;
Also used : MappedSchema(org.jooq.conf.MappedSchema) MappedCatalog(org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog) RenderMapping(org.jooq.conf.RenderMapping) MappedSchema(org.jooq.conf.MappedSchema) MappedCatalog(org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 3 with MappedCatalog

use of org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog in project jOOQ by jOOQ.

the class SchemaMapping method map.

public Catalog map(Catalog catalog) {
    // precedence over the DefaultConfiguration's ignoreMapping flag!
    if (!renderCatalog())
        return null;
    else // Don't map an already mapped catalog again
    if (catalog instanceof RenamedCatalog)
        return catalog;
    Catalog result = catalog;
    if (result == null)
        result = DSL.catalog(name(""));
    // [#2089] DefaultCatalog has an empty schema name
    // But we're mapping those names as well
    String catalogName = result.getName();
    // [#4642] Don't initialise catalog mapping if not necessary
    RenderMapping m = mapping();
    if (!m.getCatalogs().isEmpty() || !isEmpty(m.getDefaultCatalog())) {
        // Lazy initialise catalog mapping
        if (!getCatalogs().containsKey(catalogName)) {
            // want to use a Configuration and dependent objects in a "thread-safe" manner
            synchronized (this) {
                if (!getCatalogs().containsKey(catalogName)) {
                    for (MappedCatalog c : m.getCatalogs()) {
                        // A configured mapping was found, add a renamed catalog
                        if (matches(c, catalogName)) {
                            // Ignore self-mappings and void-mappings
                            if (!isBlank(c.getOutput()))
                                if (c.getInput() != null && !c.getOutput().equals(catalogName))
                                    result = new RenamedCatalog(result, c.getOutput());
                                else if (c.getInputExpression() != null)
                                    result = new RenamedCatalog(result, c.getInputExpression().matcher(catalogName).replaceAll(c.getOutput()));
                    // [#13035] Cache the application of the defaultCatalog
                    if ("".equals(result.getName()) || result.getName().equals(m.getDefaultCatalog()))
                        result = null;
                    // Add mapped catalog or self if no mapping was found
                    getCatalogs().put(catalogName, result);
        result = getCatalogs().get(catalogName);
    return result;
Also used : MappedCatalog(org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog) RenderMapping(org.jooq.conf.RenderMapping) MappedCatalog(org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)


Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)3 MappedCatalog (org.jooq.conf.MappedCatalog)3 MappedSchema (org.jooq.conf.MappedSchema)2 RenderMapping (org.jooq.conf.RenderMapping)2 MappedTable (org.jooq.conf.MappedTable)1