use of org.jooq.exception.DataChangedException in project jOOQ by jOOQ.
the class UpdatableRecordImpl method checkIfChanged.
* Perform an additional SELECT .. FOR UPDATE to check if the underlying
* database record has been changed compared to this record.
private final void checkIfChanged(TableField<R, ?>[] keys) {
SelectQuery<R> select = create().selectQuery(getTable());
Tools.addConditions(select, this, keys);
// can emulate it, though!
if (!NO_SUPPORT_FOR_UPDATE.contains(create().dialect()))
R record = select.fetchOne();
if (record == null)
throw new DataChangedException("Database record no longer exists");
for (Field<?> field : fields.fields.fields) {
Object thisObject = original(field);
Object thatObject = record.original(field);
if (!StringUtils.equals(thisObject, thatObject))
throw new DataChangedException("Database record has been changed");
use of org.jooq.exception.DataChangedException in project jOOQ by jOOQ.
the class Example_2_2_OptimisticLocking method run.
public void run() throws SQLException {
Connection connection = connection();
DSLContext dsl = DSL.using(connection, new Settings().withExecuteWithOptimisticLocking(true));
try {
Tools.title("Applying optimistic locking");
BookRecord book1 = dsl.selectFrom(BOOK).where(BOOK.ID.eq(1)).fetchOne();
BookRecord book2 = dsl.selectFrom(BOOK).where(BOOK.ID.eq(1)).fetchOne();
book1.setTitle("New Title");;
book2.setTitle("Another Title");;
} catch (DataChangedException expected) {
} finally // Don't store the changes