use of org.jparsec.Parser in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class XParser method superSoed.
private static Parser<?> superSoed() {
Parser<?> es = Parsers.tuple(ident(), term(":"), ident().sepBy(term(",")), term("->"), ident());
// bulb
// bulb . path
// path
Parser bulb = Parsers.tuple(term("@"), ident(), Parsers.tuple(term("("), path().sepBy(term(",")), term(")")));
Parser bulbpath = Parsers.tuple(bulb, term("."), path());
Parser superPath = Parsers.or(new Parser[] { bulbpath, bulb, path() });
Parser<?> x = Parsers.tuple(superPath, term("="), superPath);
Parser<?> y = Parsers.tuple(x.sepBy(term(",")), term("->"), x.sepBy(term(",")));
Parser<?> a = Parsers.tuple(term("forall"), Parsers.tuple(ident(), term(":"), ident()).sepBy(term(",")), term(","), y);
Parser<?> foo = Parsers.tuple(term("exists"), es.sepBy(term(",")), term(";"), a.followedBy(term(";")).many());
Parser<?> p = Parsers.between(term("supersoed").followedBy(term("{")), foo, term("}"));
Parser<?> q = Parsers.tuple(term(":"), ident().followedBy(term("->")), ident().followedBy(term("on")), ident());
return Parsers.tuple(p, q);
use of org.jparsec.Parser in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class XParser method where.
private static Parser where() {
Reference ref = Parser.newReference();
Parser p1 = Parsers.tuple(term("("), ref.lazy(), term("and"), ref.lazy(), term(")"));
Parser p2 = Parsers.tuple(term("("), ref.lazy(), term("or"), ref.lazy(), term(")"));
Parser p3 = Parsers.tuple(path(), term("="), path());
Parser p4 = Parsers.tuple(term("not"), ref.lazy());
Parser p = Parsers.or(p1, p2, p3, p4, term("true"), term("false"));
return p;
use of org.jparsec.Parser in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class XParser method path.
// @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public static FunctorExp toInstConst(Object decl) {
Tuple3 y = (Tuple3) decl;
org.jparsec.functors.Pair x = (org.jparsec.functors.Pair) y.a;
Tuple3 nodes = (Tuple3) x.a;
Tuple3 arrows = (Tuple3) x.b;
List nodes0 = (List) nodes.b;
List arrows0 = (List) arrows.b;
Map<String, SetExp> nodesX = new HashMap<>();
for (Object o : nodes0) {
if (nodesX.containsKey(o)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate object: " + o + " in " + decl);
Tuple3 u = (Tuple3) o;
String n = (String) u.a;
SetExp l = toSet(u.c);
nodesX.put(n, l);
Map<String, Chc<FnExp,SetExp>> arrowsX = new HashMap<>();
for (Object o : arrows0) {
if (arrowsX.containsKey(o)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate arrow: " + o + " in " + decl);
Tuple3 u = (Tuple3) o;
String n = (String) u.a;
try {
FnExp l = toFn(u.c);
arrowsX.put(n, Chc.inLeft(l));
} catch (Exception eee) {
SetExp l = toSet(u.c);
arrowsX.put(n, Chc.inRight(l));
InstConst ret = new InstConst(toCat(y.c), nodesX, arrowsX);
return ret;
public static FunctorExp toCatFtrConst(Object decl) {
Tuple5 y = (Tuple5) decl;
org.jparsec.functors.Pair x = (org.jparsec.functors.Pair) y.a;
Tuple3 nodes = (Tuple3) x.a;
Tuple3 arrows = (Tuple3) x.b;
List nodes0 = (List) nodes.b;
List arrows0 = (List) arrows.b;
Map<String, CatExp> nodesX = new HashMap<>();
for (Object o : nodes0) {
if (nodesX.containsKey(o)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate object: " + o + " in " + decl);
Tuple3 u = (Tuple3) o;
String n = (String) u.a;
CatExp l = toCat(u.c);
nodesX.put(n, l);
Map<String, FunctorExp> arrowsX = new HashMap<>();
for (Object o : arrows0) {
if (arrowsX.containsKey(o)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate arrow: " + o + " in " + decl);
Tuple3 u = (Tuple3) o;
String n = (String) u.a;
FunctorExp l = toFtr(u.c);
arrowsX.put(n, l);
CatConst ret = new CatConst(toCat(y.c), nodesX, arrowsX);
return ret;
/*public static FunctorExp toMapConst(Object decl) {
Tuple5 y = (Tuple5) decl;
org.jparsec.functors.Pair x = (org.jparsec.functors.Pair) y.a;
Tuple3 nodes = (Tuple3) x.a;
Tuple3 arrows = (Tuple3) x.b;
List nodes0 = (List) nodes.b;
List arrows0 = (List) arrows.b;
Map<String, String> nodesX = new HashMap<>();
for (Object o : nodes0) {
if (nodesX.containsKey(o)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate object: " + o + " in " + decl);
Tuple3 u = (Tuple3) o;
String n = (String) u.a;
String l = u.c.toString();
nodesX.put(n, l);
Map<String, Pair<String, List<String>>> arrowsX = new HashMap<>();
for (Object o : arrows0) {
if (arrowsX.containsKey(o)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate arrow: " + o + " in " + decl);
Tuple3 u = (Tuple3) o;
String n = (String) u.a;
List<String> l = (List<String>) u.c;
String ll = l.remove(0);
arrowsX.put(n, new Pair<>(ll, l));
MapConst ret = new MapConst(toCat(y.c), toCat(y.e), nodesX, arrowsX);
return ret;
} */
public static List path(String s) {
Parser p = Parsers.or(StringLiteral.PARSER, IntegerLiteral.PARSER, Identifier.PARSER);
Parser e = Parsers.tuple(p, term(","), p);
Parser q = Parsers.between(term("("), e, term(")"));
Parser a = Parsers.or(q, p).sepBy1(term("."));
List l = (List) a.from(TOKENIZER, IGNORED).parse(s);
List ret = new LinkedList();
for (Object o : l) {
if (o instanceof Tuple3) {
Tuple3 z = (Tuple3) o;
ret.add(new Pair(z.a, z.c));
} else {
return ret;
use of org.jparsec.Parser in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class XRaToFpql method ed.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static Parser<?> ed() {
Parser tuple = Parsers.tuple(ident(), term("."), ident());
Parser<?> from0 = Parsers.tuple(ident(), term("AS"), ident()).sepBy1(term(","));
Parser<?> from1 = Parsers.tuple(term("FORALL"), from0);
Parser<?> from2 = Parsers.tuple(term("EXISTS"), from0);
Parser<?> where0 = Parsers.tuple(tuple, term("="), tuple.or(string())).sepBy(term("AND"));
// Parser<?> where0 = Parsers.tuple(tuple, term("="), tuple).sepBy(term("AND"));
Parser<?> where = Parsers.tuple(term("WHERE"), where0).optional();
return Parsers.tuple(from1, where, from2, where);
use of org.jparsec.Parser in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class XRaToFpql method flower.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static Parser<?> flower() {
Parser tuple = Parsers.tuple(ident(), term("."), ident());
Parser<?> from0 = Parsers.tuple(ident(), term("AS"), ident()).sepBy(term(","));
Parser<?> from = Parsers.tuple(term("FROM"), from0);
Parser<?> where0 = Parsers.tuple(tuple, term("="), tuple.or(string())).sepBy(term("AND"));
Parser<?> where = Parsers.tuple(term("WHERE"), where0);
Parser<?> select0 = Parsers.tuple(tuple, term("AS"), ident()).sepBy1(term(","));
Parser<?> select = Parsers.tuple(term("SELECT"), term("DISTINCT").optional(), select0);
return Parsers.tuple(select, from, where);