use of org.jparsec.Parser in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class CombinatorParser method transExp.
// TODO aql revisit parser type safety
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static void transExp() {
Parser<TransExp<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> var =, id = Parsers.tuple(token("identity"), inst_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new TransExpId<>(x.b)), sigma = Parsers.tuple(token("sigma"), map_ref.lazy(), trans_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new TransExpSigma(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.d), x.e == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.e))), delta = Parsers.tuple(token("delta"), map_ref.lazy(), trans_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new TransExpDelta(x.b, x.c)), unit = Parsers.tuple(token("unit"), map_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new TransExpSigmaDeltaUnit(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.d))), counit = Parsers.tuple(token("counit"), map_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new TransExpSigmaDeltaCounit(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.d))), distinct = Parsers.tuple(token("distinct"), trans_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new TransExpDistinct(x.b)), eval = Parsers.tuple(token("eval"), query_ref.lazy(), trans_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new TransExpEval(x.b, x.c)), coeval = Parsers.tuple(token("coeval"), query_ref.lazy(), trans_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new TransExpCoEval(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new LinkedList<>() : x.d, x.e == null ? new LinkedList<>() : x.e)), unitq = Parsers.tuple(token("unit_query"), query_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), // token("}")).optional(),
options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new TransExpCoEvalEvalUnit(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.d))), counitq = Parsers.tuple(token("counit_query"), query_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), // token("}")).optional(),
options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new TransExpCoEvalEvalCoUnit(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.d))), comp = Parsers.tuple(token("["), trans_ref.lazy(), token(";"), trans_ref.lazy(), token("]")).map(x -> new TransExpCompose(x.b, x.d));
Parser ret = Parsers.or(id, transExpRaw(), var, sigma, delta, unit, counit, distinct, eval, coeval, transExpCsv(), unitq, counitq, transExpJdbc(), comp, parens(trans_ref));
use of org.jparsec.Parser in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class CombinatorParser method mapExpRaw.
// TODO: aql reverse order on arguments env
private static Parser<MapExpRaw> mapExpRaw() {
Parser<List<catdata.Pair<LocStr, List<String>>>> fks = Parsers.tuple(token("foreign_keys"), env(ident.sepBy1(token(".")), "->")).map(x -> x.b);
Parser<Tuple5<Token, String, Pair<Token, String>, Token, RawTerm>> lp0 = Parsers.tuple(token("lambda"), ident, Parsers.tuple(token(":"), ident).optional(), token("."), term());
Parser<Tuple5<Token, String, Pair<Token, String>, Token, RawTerm>> lq = ident.sepBy1(token(".")).map(x -> {
// TODO aql
RawTerm term = RawTerm.fold(x, "_x");
return new Tuple5<>(null, "_x", new Pair<>(null, null), null, term);
Parser<Tuple5<Token, String, Pair<Token, String>, Token, RawTerm>> lp = Parsers.or(lp0, lq);
Parser<List<catdata.Pair<LocStr, Triple<String, String, RawTerm>>>> envp = env( -> new Triple<>(x.b, x.c == null ? null : x.c.b, x.e)), "->");
Parser<List<catdata.Pair<LocStr, Triple<String, String, RawTerm>>>> atts = Parsers.tuple(token("attributes"), envp).map(x -> x.b);
// List<Pair<LocStr, Triple<String, List<Pair<LocStr, List<String>>>,
// List<Pair<LocStr, Triple<String, String, RawTerm>>>>>> list,
Parser<List<catdata.Pair<LocStr, String>>> ens = Parsers.tuple(token("entities"), env(ident, "->")).map(x -> x.b);
Parser<Tuple3<List<LocStr>, List<catdata.Pair<LocStr, Triple<String, List<catdata.Pair<LocStr, List<String>>>, List<catdata.Pair<LocStr, Triple<String, String, RawTerm>>>>>>, List<catdata.Pair<String, String>>>> pa = Parsers.tuple(imports, Parsers.tuple(token("entity"), locstr.followedBy(token("->")), ident, fks.optional(), atts.optional()).map(x -> new catdata.Pair<>(x.b, new Triple<>(x.c, Util.newIfNull(x.d), Util.newIfNull(x.e)))).many(), options);
Parser<Tuple5<Token, Token, SchExp<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, SchExp<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Token>> l = Parsers.tuple(token("literal"), token(":"), sch_ref.lazy().followedBy(token("->")), sch_ref.lazy(), token("{"));
// List<Pair<LocStr, Triple<String, List<Pair<LocStr, List<String>>>,
// List<Pair<LocStr, Triple<String, String, RawTerm>>>>>> list,
Parser<MapExpRaw> ret = Parsers.tuple(l, pa, token("}")).map(x -> new MapExpRaw(x.a.c, x.a.d, x.b.a, x.b.b, x.b.c));
return ret;
use of org.jparsec.Parser in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class CombinatorParser method instExp.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private static void instExp() {
Parser<InstExpCoProdFull> l2 = Parsers.tuple(token("coproduct"), ident.sepBy(token("+")), token(":"), sch_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new InstExpCoProdFull(x.b, x.d, Util.newIfNull(x.e)));
Parser<InstExp<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> var =, empty = Parsers.tuple(token("empty"), token(":"), sch_ref.get()).map(x -> new InstExpEmpty<>(x.c)), pi = Parsers.tuple(token("pi"), map_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new InstExpPi(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.d))), sigma = Parsers.tuple(token("sigma"), map_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new InstExpSigma(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.d))), sigma_chase = Parsers.tuple(token("sigma_chase"), map_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new InstExpSigmaChase(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new HashMap<>() : Util.toMapSafely(x.d))), frozen = Parsers.tuple(token("frozen"), query_ref.lazy(), ident).map(x -> new InstExpFrozen(x.b, new En(x.c))), delta = Parsers.tuple(token("delta"), map_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new InstExpDelta(x.b, x.c)), distinct = Parsers.tuple(token("distinct"), inst_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new InstExpDistinct(x.b)), anon = Parsers.tuple(token("anonymize"), inst_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new InstExpAnonymize(x.b)), eval = Parsers.tuple(token("eval"), query_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new InstExpEval(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new LinkedList<>() : x.d)), dom = Parsers.tuple(token("src"), trans_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new InstExpDom(x.b)), cod = Parsers.tuple(token("dst"), trans_ref.lazy()).map(x -> new InstExpCod(x.b)), chase = Parsers.tuple(token("chase"), edsExp(), inst_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new InstExpChase(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new LinkedList<>() : x.d)), coeval = Parsers.tuple(token("coeval"), query_ref.lazy(), inst_ref.lazy(), options.between(token("{"), token("}")).optional()).map(x -> new InstExpCoEval(x.b, x.c, x.d == null ? new LinkedList<>() : x.d));
Parser ret = Parsers.or(sigma_chase, l2, pi, frozen, instExpCsvQuot(), instExpJdbcQuot(), instExpCoProd(), instExpRand(), instExpCoEq(), instExpJdbcAll(), chase, instExpJdbc(), empty, instExpRaw(), var, sigma, delta, distinct, eval, colimInstExp(), dom, anon, cod, instExpCsv(), coeval, parens(inst_ref), instExpQuotient());