use of org.jsonschema2pojo.exception.GenerationException in project jsonschema2pojo by joelittlejohn.
the class SchemaGenerator method simpleTypeSchema.
private ObjectNode simpleTypeSchema(JsonNode exampleValue) {
try {
Object valueAsJavaType = this.objectMapper.treeToValue(exampleValue, Object.class);
SerializerProvider serializerProvider = new DefaultSerializerProvider.Impl().createInstance(this.objectMapper.getSerializationConfig(), BeanSerializerFactory.instance);
if (valueAsJavaType == null) {
SchemaAware valueSerializer = NullSerializer.instance;
return (ObjectNode) valueSerializer.getSchema(serializerProvider, null);
} else if (valueAsJavaType instanceof Long) {
// longs are 'integers' in schema terms
SchemaAware valueSerializer = (SchemaAware) serializerProvider.findValueSerializer(Integer.class, null);
ObjectNode schema = (ObjectNode) valueSerializer.getSchema(serializerProvider, null);
schema.put("minimum", Long.MAX_VALUE);
return schema;
} else {
Class<? extends Object> javaTypeForValue = valueAsJavaType.getClass();
SchemaAware valueSerializer = (SchemaAware) serializerProvider.findValueSerializer(javaTypeForValue, null);
return (ObjectNode) valueSerializer.getSchema(serializerProvider, null);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new GenerationException("Unable to generate a schema for this json example: " + exampleValue, e);
use of org.jsonschema2pojo.exception.GenerationException in project jsonschema2pojo by joelittlejohn.
the class ObjectRule method createClass.
* Creates a new Java class that will be generated.
* @param nodeName
* the node name which may be used to dictate the new class name
* @param node
* the node representing the schema that caused the need for a
* new class. This node may include a 'javaType' property which
* if present will override the fully qualified name of the newly
* generated class.
* @param _package
* the package which may contain a new class after this method
* call
* @return a reference to a newly created class
* @throws ClassAlreadyExistsException
* if the given arguments cause an attempt to create a class
* that already exists, either on the classpath or in the
* current map of classes to be generated.
private JDefinedClass createClass(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JPackage _package) throws ClassAlreadyExistsException {
JDefinedClass newType;
Annotator annotator = ruleFactory.getAnnotator();
try {
if (node.has("existingJavaType")) {
String fqn = substringBefore(node.get("existingJavaType").asText(), "<");
if (isPrimitive(fqn, _package.owner())) {
throw new ClassAlreadyExistsException(primitiveType(fqn, _package.owner()));
JClass existingClass = resolveType(_package, fqn + (node.get("existingJavaType").asText().contains("<") ? "<" + substringAfter(node.get("existingJavaType").asText(), "<") : ""));
throw new ClassAlreadyExistsException(existingClass);
boolean usePolymorphicDeserialization = annotator.isPolymorphicDeserializationSupported(node);
if (node.has("javaType")) {
String fqn = node.path("javaType").asText();
if (isPrimitive(fqn, _package.owner())) {
throw new GenerationException("javaType cannot refer to a primitive type (" + fqn + "), did you mean to use existingJavaType?");
if (fqn.contains("<")) {
throw new GenerationException("javaType does not support generic args (" + fqn + "), did you mean to use existingJavaType?");
int index = fqn.lastIndexOf(".") + 1;
if (index == 0) {
// Actually not a fully qualified name
fqn = + "." + fqn;
index = fqn.lastIndexOf(".") + 1;
if (index >= 0 && index < fqn.length()) {
fqn = fqn.substring(0, index) + ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig().getClassNamePrefix() + fqn.substring(index) + ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig().getClassNameSuffix();
if (usePolymorphicDeserialization) {
newType = _package.owner()._class(JMod.PUBLIC, fqn, ClassType.CLASS);
} else {
newType = _package.owner()._class(fqn);
} else {
if (usePolymorphicDeserialization) {
newType = _package._class(JMod.PUBLIC, ruleFactory.getNameHelper().getUniqueClassName(nodeName, node, _package), ClassType.CLASS);
} else {
newType = _package._class(ruleFactory.getNameHelper().getUniqueClassName(nodeName, node, _package));
} catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new ClassAlreadyExistsException(e.getExistingClass());
annotator.typeInfo(newType, node);
annotator.propertyInclusion(newType, node);
return newType;
use of org.jsonschema2pojo.exception.GenerationException in project jsonschema2pojo by joelittlejohn.
the class SchemaRule method nameFromRef.
private String nameFromRef(String ref) {
if ("#".equals(ref)) {
return null;
String nameFromRef;
if (!contains(ref, "#")) {
nameFromRef = Jsonschema2Pojo.getNodeName(ref, ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
} else {
String[] nameParts = split(ref, "/\\#");
nameFromRef = nameParts[nameParts.length - 1];
try {
return URLDecoder.decode(nameFromRef, "utf-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new GenerationException("Failed to decode ref: " + ref, e);
use of org.jsonschema2pojo.exception.GenerationException in project jsonschema2pojo by joelittlejohn.
the class Jsonschema2Pojo method generate.
* Reads the contents of the given source and initiates schema generation.
* @param config
* the configuration options (including source and target paths,
* and other behavioural options) that will control code
* generation
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* if the source path is not found
* @throws IOException
* if the application is unable to read data from the source
public static void generate(GenerationConfig config) throws IOException {
Annotator annotator = getAnnotator(config);
RuleFactory ruleFactory = createRuleFactory(config);
SchemaMapper mapper = new SchemaMapper(ruleFactory, new SchemaGenerator());
JCodeModel codeModel = new JCodeModel();
if (config.isRemoveOldOutput()) {
for (Iterator<URL> sources = config.getSource(); sources.hasNext(); ) {
URL source =;
if (URLUtil.parseProtocol(source.toString()) == URLProtocol.FILE && URLUtil.getFileFromURL(source).isDirectory()) {
generateRecursive(config, mapper, codeModel, defaultString(config.getTargetPackage()), Arrays.asList(URLUtil.getFileFromURL(source).listFiles(config.getFileFilter())));
} else {
mapper.generate(codeModel, getNodeName(source, config), defaultString(config.getTargetPackage()), source);
if (config.getTargetDirectory().exists() || config.getTargetDirectory().mkdirs()) {
CodeWriter sourcesWriter = new FileCodeWriterWithEncoding(config.getTargetDirectory(), config.getOutputEncoding());
CodeWriter resourcesWriter = new FileCodeWriterWithEncoding(config.getTargetDirectory(), config.getOutputEncoding());, resourcesWriter);
} else {
throw new GenerationException("Could not create or access target directory " + config.getTargetDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
use of org.jsonschema2pojo.exception.GenerationException in project jsonschema2pojo by joelittlejohn.
the class TypeUtil method resolveType.
public static JClass resolveType(JClassContainer _package, String typeDefinition) {
try {
FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = (FieldDeclaration) JavaParser.parseBodyDeclaration(typeDefinition + " foo;");
ClassOrInterfaceType c = (ClassOrInterfaceType) ((ReferenceType) fieldDeclaration.getType()).getType();
return buildClass(_package, c, 0);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new GenerationException("Couldn't parse type: " + typeDefinition, e);