use of org.jumpmind.symmetric.service.RegistrationNotOpenException in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.
the class RegistrationService method attemptToRegisterWithServer.
public synchronized boolean attemptToRegisterWithServer(int maxNumberOfAttempts) {
List<INodeRegistrationListener> registrationListeners = extensionService.getExtensionPointList(INodeRegistrationListener.class);
boolean registered = isRegisteredWithServer();
if (!registered) {
try {
for (INodeRegistrationListener l : registrationListeners) {
}"This node is unregistered. It will attempt to register using the registration.url");
String channelId = null;
registered = dataLoaderService.loadDataFromPull(null, channelId).getStatus() == Status.DATA_PROCESSED;
} catch (ConnectException e) {
log.warn("The request to register failed because the client failed to connect to the server. The connection error message was: {}", e.getMessage());
for (INodeRegistrationListener l : registrationListeners) {
l.registrationFailed("The request to register failed because the client failed to connect to the server. The connection error message was: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
log.warn("The request to register failed because the host was unknown. The unknown host exception was: {}", e.getMessage());
for (INodeRegistrationListener l : registrationListeners) {
l.registrationFailed("The request to register failed because the host was unknown. The unknown host exception was: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (ConnectionRejectedException e) {
log.warn("The request to register was rejected by the server. Either the server node is not started, the server is not configured properly or the registration url is incorrect");
for (INodeRegistrationListener l : registrationListeners) {
l.registrationFailed("The request to register was rejected by the server. Either the server node is not started, the server is not configured properly or the registration url is incorrect");
} catch (RegistrationNotOpenException e) {
log.warn("Unable to register with server because registration is not open.");
for (INodeRegistrationListener l : registrationListeners) {
l.registrationFailed("Unable to register with server because registration is not open.");
} catch (ServiceUnavailableException e) {
log.warn("Unable to register with server because the service is not available. It may be starting up.");
for (INodeRegistrationListener l : registrationListeners) {
l.registrationFailed("Unable to register with server because the service is not available. It may be starting up.");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Unexpected error during registration: " + (StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getMessage()) ? e.getMessage() : e.getClass().getName()), e);
for (INodeRegistrationListener l : registrationListeners) {
l.registrationFailed("Unexpected error during registration: " + (StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getMessage()) ? e.getMessage() : e.getClass().getName()));
registered = checkRegistrationSuccessful(registered, maxNumberOfAttempts);
return registered;
use of org.jumpmind.symmetric.service.RegistrationNotOpenException in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.
the class RegistrationService method processRegistration.
protected Node processRegistration(Node nodePriorToRegistration, String remoteHost, String remoteAddress, boolean isRequestedRegistration, String deploymentType) throws IOException {
Node processedNode = new Node();
Node identity = nodeService.findIdentity();
if (identity == null) {
RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(nodePriorToRegistration, RegistrationStatus.ER, remoteHost, remoteAddress);
req.setErrorMessage("Cannot register a client node until this node is registered");
return processedNode;
try {
if (!nodeService.isRegistrationServer()) {
* registration is not allowed until this node has an identity
* and an initial load
NodeSecurity security = nodeService.findNodeSecurity(identity.getNodeId());
if (security == null || security.getInitialLoadTime() == null) {
RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(nodePriorToRegistration, RegistrationStatus.ER, remoteHost, remoteAddress);
req.setErrorMessage("Cannot register a client node until this node has an initial load (ie. node_security.initial_load_time is a non null value)");
return processedNode;
String redirectUrl = getRedirectionUrlFor(nodePriorToRegistration.getExternalId());
if (redirectUrl != null) {"Redirecting {} to {} for registration.", nodePriorToRegistration.getExternalId(), redirectUrl);
saveRegistrationRequest(new RegistrationRequest(nodePriorToRegistration, RegistrationStatus.RR, remoteHost, remoteAddress));
throw new RegistrationRedirectException(redirectUrl);
* Check to see if there is a link that exists to service the node
* that is requesting registration
NodeGroupLink link = configurationService.getNodeGroupLinkFor(identity.getNodeGroupId(), nodePriorToRegistration.getNodeGroupId(), false);
if (link == null &&, true)) {
RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(nodePriorToRegistration, RegistrationStatus.ER, remoteHost, remoteAddress);
req.setErrorMessage(String.format("Cannot register a client node unless a node group link exists so the registering node can receive configuration updates. Please add a group link where the source group id is %s and the target group id is %s", identity.getNodeGroupId(), nodePriorToRegistration.getNodeGroupId()));
return processedNode;
String nodeId = StringUtils.isBlank(nodePriorToRegistration.getNodeId()) ? extensionService.getExtensionPoint(INodeIdCreator.class).selectNodeId(nodePriorToRegistration, remoteHost, remoteAddress) : nodePriorToRegistration.getNodeId();
Node foundNode = nodeService.findNode(nodeId);
NodeSecurity security = nodeService.findNodeSecurity(nodeId);
if ((foundNode == null || security == null || !security.isRegistrationEnabled()) && {
openRegistration(nodePriorToRegistration, remoteHost, remoteAddress);
nodeId = StringUtils.isBlank(nodePriorToRegistration.getNodeId()) ? extensionService.getExtensionPoint(INodeIdCreator.class).selectNodeId(nodePriorToRegistration, remoteHost, remoteAddress) : nodePriorToRegistration.getNodeId();
security = nodeService.findNodeSecurity(nodeId);
foundNode = nodeService.findNode(nodeId);
} else if (foundNode == null || security == null || !security.isRegistrationEnabled()) {
saveRegistrationRequest(new RegistrationRequest(nodePriorToRegistration, RegistrationStatus.RQ, remoteHost, remoteAddress));
return processedNode;
if (Constants.DEPLOYMENT_TYPE_REST.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType)) {
* Only send automatic initial load once or if the client is really
* re-registering
if ((security != null && security.getInitialLoadTime() == null) || isRequestedRegistration) {
if ( {
nodeService.setInitialLoadEnabled(nodeId, true, false, -1, "registration");
if ( {
nodeService.setReverseInitialLoadEnabled(nodeId, true, false, -1, "registration");
saveRegistrationRequest(new RegistrationRequest(foundNode, RegistrationStatus.OK, remoteHost, remoteAddress));
return foundNode;
} catch (RegistrationNotOpenException ex) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ex.getMessage())) {
log.warn("Registration not allowed for {} because {}", nodePriorToRegistration.toString(), ex.getMessage());
return processedNode;