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Example 1 with ReflectiveCallable

use of org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable in project junit4 by junit-team.

the class BlockJUnit4ClassRunner method methodBlock.

     * Returns a Statement that, when executed, either returns normally if
     * {@code method} passes, or throws an exception if {@code method} fails.
     * Here is an outline of the default implementation:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Invoke {@code method} on the result of {@link #createTest(org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod)}, and
     * throw any exceptions thrown by either operation.
     * <li>HOWEVER, if {@code method}'s {@code @Test} annotation has the {@link Test#expected()}
     * attribute, return normally only if the previous step threw an
     * exception of the correct type, and throw an exception otherwise.
     * <li>HOWEVER, if {@code method}'s {@code @Test} annotation has the {@code
     * timeout} attribute, throw an exception if the previous step takes more
     * than the specified number of milliseconds.
     * <li>ALWAYS run all non-overridden {@code @Before} methods on this class
     * and superclasses before any of the previous steps; if any throws an
     * Exception, stop execution and pass the exception on.
     * <li>ALWAYS run all non-overridden {@code @After} methods on this class
     * and superclasses after any of the previous steps; all After methods are
     * always executed: exceptions thrown by previous steps are combined, if
     * necessary, with exceptions from After methods into a
     * {@link MultipleFailureException}.
     * <li>ALWAYS allow {@code @Rule} fields to modify the execution of the
     * above steps. A {@code Rule} may prevent all execution of the above steps,
     * or add additional behavior before and after, or modify thrown exceptions.
     * For more information, see {@link TestRule}
     * </ul>
     * This can be overridden in subclasses, either by overriding this method,
     * or the implementations creating each sub-statement.
protected Statement methodBlock(final FrameworkMethod method) {
    Object test;
    try {
        test = new ReflectiveCallable() {

            protected Object runReflectiveCall() throws Throwable {
                return createTest(method);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        return new Fail(e);
    Statement statement = methodInvoker(method, test);
    statement = possiblyExpectingExceptions(method, test, statement);
    statement = withPotentialTimeout(method, test, statement);
    statement = withBefores(method, test, statement);
    statement = withAfters(method, test, statement);
    statement = withRules(method, test, statement);
    return statement;
Also used : ReflectiveCallable(org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable) Statement(org.junit.runners.model.Statement) Fail(org.junit.internal.runners.statements.Fail)

Example 2 with ReflectiveCallable

use of org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable in project spring-framework by spring-projects.

the class SpringJUnit4ClassRunner method methodBlock.

	 * Augment the default JUnit behavior
	 * {@linkplain #withPotentialRepeat with potential repeats} of the entire
	 * execution chain.
	 * <p>Furthermore, support for timeouts has been moved down the execution
	 * chain in order to include execution of {@link org.junit.Before @Before}
	 * and {@link org.junit.After @After} methods within the timed execution.
	 * Note that this differs from the default JUnit behavior of executing
	 * {@code @Before} and {@code @After} methods in the main thread while
	 * executing the actual test method in a separate thread. Thus, the net
	 * effect is that {@code @Before} and {@code @After} methods will be
	 * executed in the same thread as the test method. As a consequence,
	 * JUnit-specified timeouts will work fine in combination with Spring
	 * transactions. However, JUnit-specific timeouts still differ from
	 * Spring-specific timeouts in that the former execute in a separate
	 * thread while the latter simply execute in the main thread (like regular
	 * tests).
	 * @see #methodInvoker(FrameworkMethod, Object)
	 * @see #withBeforeTestExecutionCallbacks(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement)
	 * @see #withAfterTestExecutionCallbacks(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement)
	 * @see #possiblyExpectingExceptions(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement)
	 * @see #withBefores(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement)
	 * @see #withAfters(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement)
	 * @see #withRulesReflectively(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement)
	 * @see #withPotentialRepeat(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement)
	 * @see #withPotentialTimeout(FrameworkMethod, Object, Statement)
protected Statement methodBlock(FrameworkMethod frameworkMethod) {
    Object testInstance;
    try {
        testInstance = new ReflectiveCallable() {

            protected Object runReflectiveCall() throws Throwable {
                return createTest();
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        return new Fail(ex);
    Statement statement = methodInvoker(frameworkMethod, testInstance);
    statement = withBeforeTestExecutionCallbacks(frameworkMethod, testInstance, statement);
    statement = withAfterTestExecutionCallbacks(frameworkMethod, testInstance, statement);
    statement = possiblyExpectingExceptions(frameworkMethod, testInstance, statement);
    statement = withBefores(frameworkMethod, testInstance, statement);
    statement = withAfters(frameworkMethod, testInstance, statement);
    statement = withRulesReflectively(frameworkMethod, testInstance, statement);
    statement = withPotentialRepeat(frameworkMethod, testInstance, statement);
    statement = withPotentialTimeout(frameworkMethod, testInstance, statement);
    return statement;
Also used : ReflectiveCallable(org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable) Statement(org.junit.runners.model.Statement) Fail(org.junit.internal.runners.statements.Fail)

Example 3 with ReflectiveCallable

use of org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class GuiTestRunner method methodBlock.

protected Statement methodBlock(FrameworkMethod method) {
    FrameworkMethod newMethod;
    try {
        if ( -> annotation instanceof ParentPlugin)) {
        } else {
        Method methodFromClassLoader = myTestClass.getJavaClass().getMethod(method.getName());
        newMethod = new FrameworkMethod(methodFromClassLoader);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return new Fail(e);
    Object test;
    try {
        test = new ReflectiveCallable() {

            protected Object runReflectiveCall() throws Throwable {
                return createTest();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        return new Fail(e);
    Statement statement = methodInvoker(newMethod, test);
    List<FrameworkMethod> beforeMethods = myTestClass.getAnnotatedMethods(Before.class);
    if (!beforeMethods.isEmpty()) {
        statement = new RunBefores(statement, beforeMethods, test);
    List<FrameworkMethod> afterMethods = myTestClass.getAnnotatedMethods(After.class);
    if (!afterMethods.isEmpty()) {
        statement = new RunAfters(statement, afterMethods, test);
    return statement;
Also used : RunAfters(org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters) ReflectiveCallable(org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable) Statement(org.junit.runners.model.Statement) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) FrameworkMethod(org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod) RunBefores(org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores) FrameworkMethod(org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod) AssumptionViolatedException(org.junit.internal.AssumptionViolatedException) Fail(org.junit.internal.runners.statements.Fail)

Example 4 with ReflectiveCallable

use of org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable in project pact-jvm by DiUS.

the class InteractionRunner method interactionBlock.

protected Statement interactionBlock(final Interaction interaction) {
    //1. prepare object
    //2. get Target
    //3. run Rule`s
    //4. run Before`s
    //5. run OnStateChange`s
    //6. run test
    //7. run After`s
    final Object test;
    try {
        test = new ReflectiveCallable() {

            protected Object runReflectiveCall() throws Throwable {
                return createTest();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        return new Fail(e);
    final Target target = testClass.getAnnotatedFieldValues(test, TestTarget.class, Target.class).get(0);
    if (target instanceof TestClassAwareTarget) {
        ((TestClassAwareTarget) target).setTestClass(testClass, test);
    Statement statement = new Statement() {

        public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
            target.testInteraction(pact.getConsumer().getName(), interaction);
    statement = withStateChanges(interaction, test, statement);
    statement = withBefores(interaction, test, statement);
    statement = withRules(interaction, test, statement);
    statement = withAfters(interaction, test, statement);
    return statement;
Also used : TestClassAwareTarget( TestTarget( Target( ReflectiveCallable(org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable) TestTarget( Statement(org.junit.runners.model.Statement) Fail(org.junit.internal.runners.statements.Fail) TestClassAwareTarget(

Example 5 with ReflectiveCallable

use of org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable in project tomee by apache.

the class MetaRunner method methodBlock.

protected Statement methodBlock(final FrameworkMethod method) {
    final Object test;
    try {
        test = new ReflectiveCallable() {

            protected Object runReflectiveCall() throws Throwable {
                return createTest();
    } catch (final Throwable e) {
        return new Fail(e);
    Statement statement = new MetaTest.$(method, test);
    statement = withBefores(method, test, statement);
    statement = withAfters(method, test, statement);
    return statement;
Also used : ReflectiveCallable(org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable) Statement(org.junit.runners.model.Statement) Fail(org.junit.internal.runners.statements.Fail)


ReflectiveCallable (org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable)6 Fail (org.junit.internal.runners.statements.Fail)6 Statement (org.junit.runners.model.Statement)6 Target ( TestClassAwareTarget ( TestTarget ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 AssumptionViolatedException (org.junit.internal.AssumptionViolatedException)1 RunAfters (org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters)1 RunBefores (org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores)1 FrameworkMethod (org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod)1