use of org.junit.jupiter.api.TestTemplate in project java-cloudant by cloudant.
the class HttpProxyTest method proxiedRequest.
* This test validates that a request can successfully traverse a proxy to our mock server.
public void proxiedRequest(final boolean okUsable, final boolean useSecureProxy, final boolean useHttpsServer, final boolean useProxyAuth) throws Exception {
// mock a 200 OK
server.setDispatcher(new Dispatcher() {
public MockResponse dispatch(RecordedRequest request) throws InterruptedException {
return new MockResponse();
InetSocketAddress address = proxy.getListenAddress();
URL proxyUrl = new URL((useSecureProxy) ? "https" : "http", address.getHostName(), address.getPort(), "/");
ClientBuilder builder = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(server).proxyURL(proxyUrl);
if (useProxyAuth) {
// We don't use SSL authentication for this test
CloudantClient client = builder.disableSSLAuthentication().build();
String response = client.executeRequest(Http.GET(client.getBaseUri())).responseAsString();
assertTrue(response.isEmpty(), "There should be no response body on the mock response");
// if it wasn't a 20x then an exception should have been thrown by now
RecordedRequest request = server.takeRequest(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
use of org.junit.jupiter.api.TestTemplate in project java-cloudant by cloudant.
the class HttpTest method badCredsDisablesCookie.
* Test that cookie authentication is stopped if the credentials were bad.
* @throws Exception
public void badCredsDisablesCookie() throws Exception {
mockWebServer.setDispatcher(new Dispatcher() {
private int counter = 0;
public MockResponse dispatch(RecordedRequest request) throws InterruptedException {
// Return a 401 for the first _session request, after that return 200 OKs
if (counter == 1) {
return new MockResponse().setResponseCode(401);
} else {
return new MockResponse().setBody("TEST");
CloudantClient c = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(mockWebServer).username("bad").password("worse").build();
String response = c.executeRequest(Http.GET(c.getBaseUri())).responseAsString();
assertEquals("TEST", response, "The expected response body should be received");
// There should only be two requests: an initial auth failure followed by an ok response.
// If the cookie interceptor keeps trying then there will be more _session requests.
assertEquals(2, mockWebServer.getRequestCount(), "There should be 2 requests");
assertEquals("/_session", MockWebServerResources.takeRequestWithTimeout(mockWebServer).getPath(), "The " + "first request should have been for a cookie");
assertEquals("/", MockWebServerResources.takeRequestWithTimeout(mockWebServer).getPath(), "The " + "second request should have been for /");
response = c.executeRequest(Http.GET(c.getBaseUri())).responseAsString();
assertEquals("TEST", response, "The expected response body should be received");
// Make another request, the cookie interceptor should not try again so there should only be
// one more request.
assertEquals(3, mockWebServer.getRequestCount(), "There should be 3 requests");
assertEquals("/", MockWebServerResources.takeRequestWithTimeout(mockWebServer).getPath(), "The third request should have been for /");
use of org.junit.jupiter.api.TestTemplate in project java-cloudant by cloudant.
the class HttpTest method testCookieAuthWithoutRetry.
// NOTE: This test doesn't work with specified couch servers,
// the URL will always include the creds specified for the test
// A couchdb server needs to be set and running with the correct
// security settings, the database *must* not be public, it *must*
// be named cookie_test
public void testCookieAuthWithoutRetry() throws IOException {
CookieInterceptor interceptor = new CookieInterceptor(CloudantClientHelper.COUCH_USERNAME, CloudantClientHelper.COUCH_PASSWORD, clientResource.get().getBaseUri().toString());
HttpConnection conn = new HttpConnection("POST", dbResource.get().getDBUri().toURL(), "application/json");
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes());
// nothing read from stream
assertEquals(data.getBytes().length, bis.available());
HttpConnection responseConn = conn.execute();
// stream was read to end
assertEquals(0, bis.available());
assertEquals(2, responseConn.getConnection().getResponseCode() / 100);
// check the json
Gson gson = new Gson();
InputStream is = responseConn.responseAsInputStream();
try {
JsonObject response = gson.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(is), JsonObject.class);
} finally {
use of org.junit.jupiter.api.TestTemplate in project java-cloudant by cloudant.
the class HttpTest method testChunking.
* Test that chunking is used when input stream length is not known.
* @throws Exception
public void testChunking() throws Exception {
mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse());
final int chunkSize = 1024 * 8;
final int chunks = 50 * 4;
CloudantClient client = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(mockWebServer).build();
// POST some large random data
String response = client.executeRequest(Http.POST(mockWebServer.url("/").url(), "text/plain").setRequestBody(new RandomInputStreamGenerator(chunks * chunkSize))).responseAsString();
assertTrue(response.isEmpty(), "There should be no response body on the mock response");
assertEquals(1, mockWebServer.getRequestCount(), "There should have been 1 request");
RecordedRequest request = MockWebServerResources.takeRequestWithTimeout(mockWebServer);
assertNotNull(request, "The recorded request should not be null");
assertNull(request.getHeader("Content-Length"), "There should be no Content-Length header");
assertEquals("chunked", request.getHeader("Transfer-Encoding"), "The Transfer-Encoding should be chunked");
// It would be nice to assert that we got the chunk sizes we were expecting, but sadly the
// HttpURLConnection and ChunkedOutputStream only use the chunkSize as a suggestion and seem
// to use the buffer size instead. The best assertion we can make is that we did receive
// multiple chunks.
assertTrue(request.getChunkSizes().size() > 1, "There should have been at least 2 chunks");
use of org.junit.jupiter.api.TestTemplate in project java-cloudant by cloudant.
the class HttpTest method inputStreamRetryBytes.
public void inputStreamRetryBytes() throws Exception {
HttpConnection request = Http.POST(mockWebServer.url("/").url(), "application/json");
byte[] content = "abcde".getBytes("UTF-8");
testInputStreamRetry(request, content);