use of org.junit.rules.Timeout in project pravega by pravega.
the class IndexReaderWriterTests method checkIndex.
private void checkIndex(Collection<BufferView> allKeys, Map<Long, BufferView> existingKeysByOffset, IndexWriter w, KeyHasher hasher, SegmentMock segment) {
val timer = new TimeoutTimer(TIMEOUT);
// Group all keys by their full hash (each hash should translate to a bucket), and make sure they're ordered by
// offset (in descending order - so we can verify backpointer ordering).
val existingKeys = existingKeysByOffset.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getValue, Map.Entry::getKey));
val keysByHash = -> new BucketUpdate.KeyInfo(key, existingKeys.getOrDefault(key, NO_OFFSET), existingKeys.getOrDefault(key, NO_OFFSET))).sorted(// Reverse order.
(k1, k2) ->, k1.getOffset())).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(keyInfo -> hasher.hash(keyInfo.getKey())));
int existentBucketCount = 0;
val buckets = w.locateBuckets(segment, keysByHash.keySet(), timer).join();
for (val e : keysByHash.entrySet()) {
val hash = e.getKey();
val keys = e.getValue();
val bucket = buckets.get(hash);
Assert.assertNotNull("No bucket found for hash " + hash, bucket);
boolean allDeleted = -> k.getOffset() == NO_OFFSET);
Assert.assertNotEquals("Only expecting inexistent bucket when all its keys are deleted " + hash, allDeleted, bucket.exists());
val bucketOffsets = w.getBucketOffsets(segment, bucket, timer).join();
// Verify that we didn't return too many or too few keys.
if (allDeleted) {
Assert.assertEquals("Not expecting any offsets to be returned for bucket: " + hash, 0, bucketOffsets.size());
} else {
AssertExtensions.assertGreaterThan("Expected at least one offset to be returned for bucket: " + hash, 0, bucketOffsets.size());
AssertExtensions.assertLessThanOrEqual("Too many offsets returned for bucket: " + hash, keys.size(), bucketOffsets.size());
// Verify returned keys are as expected.
for (int i = 0; i < bucketOffsets.size(); i++) {
long actualOffset = bucketOffsets.get(i);
long expectedOffset = keys.get(i).getOffset();
String id = String.format("{%s[%s]}", hash, i);
// In this loop, we do not expect to have Deleted Keys. If our Expected Offset indicates this key should
// have been deleted, then getBucketOffsets() should not have returned this.
Assert.assertNotEquals("Expecting a deleted key but found existing one: " + id, NO_OFFSET, expectedOffset);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected key offset in bucket " + id, expectedOffset, actualOffset);
if (bucketOffsets.size() < keys.size()) {
val prevKeyOffset = keys.get(bucketOffsets.size()).getOffset();
Assert.assertEquals("Missing key from bucket " + hash, NO_OFFSET, prevKeyOffset);
checkEntryCount(existingKeysByOffset.size(), segment);
checkBucketCount(existentBucketCount, segment);
use of org.junit.rules.Timeout in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerKeyIndexTests method testRecoveryTimeout.
* Checks the ability for the {@link ContainerKeyIndex} class to cancel recovery-bound tasks if recovery took too long.
public void testRecoveryTimeout() throws Exception {
val spyExecutor = Mockito.spy(executorService());
@Cleanup val context = new TestContext();
@Cleanup val index = context.createIndex(context.defaultConfig, spyExecutor);
// Setup the segment with initial attributes.
val iw = new IndexWriter(HASHER, executorService());
// Generate initial set of keys.
val keys = generateUnversionedKeys(BATCH_SIZE, context);
long offset = 0;
val hashes = new ArrayList<UUID>();
val keysWithOffsets = new HashMap<UUID, KeyWithOffset>();
for (val k : keys) {
val hash = HASHER.hash(k.getKey());
keysWithOffsets.put(hash, new KeyWithOffset(k.getKey(), offset));
offset += k.getKey().getLength();
// Write some garbage data to the segment, but make it longer than the threshold to trigger pre-caching; we don't
// want to deal with that now since we can't control its runtime.
context.segment.append(new ByteArraySegment(new byte[TEST_MAX_TAIL_CACHE_PRE_INDEX_LENGTH + 1]), null, TIMEOUT).join();
// Update the index, but keep the LastIndexedOffset at 0.
val buckets = iw.locateBuckets(context.segment, keysWithOffsets.keySet(), context.timer).join();
Collection<BucketUpdate> bucketUpdates = buckets.entrySet().stream().map(e -> {
val builder = BucketUpdate.forBucket(e.getValue());
val ko = keysWithOffsets.get(e.getKey());
builder.withKeyUpdate(new BucketUpdate.KeyUpdate(ko.key, ko.offset, ko.offset, false));
iw.updateBuckets(context.segment, bucketUpdates, 0L, 0, keysWithOffsets.size(), TIMEOUT).join();
// Setup a mock Executor.schedule call that returns a future over which we have full control. This will save us
// from having to wait for the recovery timeout to actually expire.
val timeoutFuture = new AtomicReference<ScheduledFuture<?>>();
val timeoutCallback = new AtomicReference<Callable<?>>();
Mockito.doAnswer(arg -> {
timeoutFuture.set((ScheduledFuture<?>) arg.callRealMethod());
return timeoutFuture.get();
}).when(spyExecutor).schedule(Mockito.<Callable<Boolean>>any(), Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.any());
// Issue the first request. We intend to time it out.
val getBucketOffset1 = index.getBucketOffsets(context.segment, hashes, context.timer);
TestUtils.await(() -> timeoutFuture.get() != null, 5, TIMEOUT.toMillis());
// Time-out the call.
AssertExtensions.assertSuppliedFutureThrows("Request did not fail when recovery timed out.", () -> getBucketOffset1, ex -> ex instanceof TimeoutException);
// Wait for the future to be unregistered before continuing.
TestUtils.await(timeoutFuture.get()::isDone, 5, TIMEOUT.toMillis());
// Verify that a new operation will be unblocked if we notify that the recovery completed successfully.
val getBucketOffset2 = index.getBucketOffsets(context.segment, hashes, context.timer);
// Wait for the timeout future to be registered. We'll verify if it gets cancelled next.
TestUtils.await(() -> timeoutFuture.get() != null, 5, TIMEOUT.toMillis());
index.notifyIndexOffsetChanged(context.segment.getSegmentId(), context.segment.getInfo().getLength(), 0);
val result1 = getBucketOffset2.get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
val expected1 = new HashMap<UUID, Long>();
keysWithOffsets.forEach((k, o) -> expected1.put(k, o.offset));
AssertExtensions.assertMapEquals("Unexpected result from getBucketOffsets() after a retry.", expected1, result1);
AssertExtensions.assertEventuallyEquals("Expected the internal timeout future to be cancelled after a successful recovery.", true, timeoutFuture.get()::isCancelled, 5, TIMEOUT.toMillis());
use of org.junit.rules.Timeout in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerKeyIndexTests method checkBackpointers.
private void checkBackpointers(List<UpdateItem> updates, TestContext context) {
val sortedUpdates = -> u.offset.get())).collect(Collectors.toList());
val highestUpdate = sortedUpdates.get(sortedUpdates.size() - 1);
val highestUpdateHashes = highestUpdate.batch.getItems().stream().map(TableKeyBatch.Item::getHash).collect(Collectors.toList());
Map<UUID, Long> backpointerSources = context.index.getBucketOffsets(context.segment, highestUpdateHashes, context.timer).join();
for (int updateId = sortedUpdates.size() - 1; updateId >= 0; updateId--) {
// Generate the expected backpointers.
Map<UUID, Long> expectedBackpointers = new HashMap<>();
if (updateId == 0) {
// For the first update, we do not expect any.
backpointerSources.keySet().forEach(k -> expectedBackpointers.put(k, -1L));
} else {
// For any other updates, it's whatever got executed before this one.
val previousUpdate = sortedUpdates.get(updateId - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < previousUpdate.batch.getItems().size(); i++) {
expectedBackpointers.put(previousUpdate.batch.getItems().get(i).getHash(), previousUpdate.update.join().get(i));
// Fetch the actual values.
Map<UUID, Long> actualBackpointers = backpointerSources.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> context.index.getBackpointerOffset(context.segment, e.getValue(), TIMEOUT).join()));
// Check and move on.
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected backpointer count for update " + updateId, expectedBackpointers.size(), actualBackpointers.size());
for (val e : expectedBackpointers.entrySet()) {
val a = actualBackpointers.get(e.getKey());
Assert.assertNotNull("No backpointer for update " + updateId, a);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected backpointer for update " + updateId, e.getValue(), a);
backpointerSources = expectedBackpointers;
// Check unindexed key hashes.
val unindexedHashes = context.index.getUnindexedKeyHashes(context.segment).join().entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue().getSegmentOffset()));
val expectedHashes = highestUpdate.batch.getItems().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(TableKeyBatch.Item::getHash, i -> highestUpdate.offset.get() + i.getOffset()));
AssertExtensions.assertMapEquals("Unexpected result from getUnindexedKeyHashes", expectedHashes, unindexedHashes);
use of org.junit.rules.Timeout in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerKeyIndexTests method testGetBucketOffsetDirect.
* Tests the {@link ContainerKeyIndex#getBucketOffsetDirect} method.
public void testGetBucketOffsetDirect() {
final int segmentLength = 1;
final long updateBatchLength = 100000;
final long noCacheOffset = updateBatchLength;
final long lowerCacheOffset = noCacheOffset + updateBatchLength;
final long higherCacheOffset = lowerCacheOffset + updateBatchLength;
@Cleanup val context = new TestContext();
context.segment.append(new ByteArraySegment(new byte[segmentLength]), null, TIMEOUT).join();
// Setup the segment with initial attributes.
val iw = new IndexWriter(HASHER, executorService());
// Generate keys.
// First 1/3 of the keys do not exist in the cache.
// Second 1/3 of the keys exist in the cache, but have an offset lower than in the Index.
// Last 1/3 of the keys exist in the cache and have an offset higher than in the Index.
val keys = generateUnversionedKeys(BATCH_SIZE, context);
val keysWithOffsets = new HashMap<UUID, KeyWithOffset>();
val noCacheKeys = new ArrayList<TableKey>();
val lowerCacheOffsetKeys = new ArrayList<TableKey>();
val higherCacheOffsetKeys = new ArrayList<TableKey>();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
val k = keys.get(i);
val hash = HASHER.hash(k.getKey());
if (i < keys.size() / 3) {
// Does not exist in the cache.
keysWithOffsets.put(hash, new KeyWithOffset(k.getKey(), noCacheOffset));
} else if (i < keys.size() * 2 / 3) {
// Exists in the cache, but with a lower offset than in the index.
keysWithOffsets.put(hash, new KeyWithOffset(k.getKey(), lowerCacheOffset));
} else {
// Exists in the cache with a higher offset than in the index.
keysWithOffsets.put(hash, new KeyWithOffset(k.getKey(), higherCacheOffset));
// Update everything in the underlying index.
val buckets = iw.locateBuckets(context.segment, keysWithOffsets.keySet(), context.timer).join();
Collection<BucketUpdate> bucketUpdates = buckets.entrySet().stream().map(e -> {
val builder = BucketUpdate.forBucket(e.getValue());
val ko = keysWithOffsets.get(e.getKey());
builder.withKeyUpdate(new BucketUpdate.KeyUpdate(ko.key, ko.offset, ko.offset, false));
iw.updateBuckets(context.segment, bucketUpdates, 0L, segmentLength, 0, TIMEOUT).join();
// Update cache, and immediately clear out the tail section as we want to simulate a case where the values are already
// thought to be indexed already.
context.index.update(context.segment, toUpdateBatch(lowerCacheOffsetKeys), () -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(lowerCacheOffset - updateBatchLength), context.timer).join();
context.index.update(context.segment, toUpdateBatch(higherCacheOffsetKeys), () -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(higherCacheOffset + BATCH_SIZE), context.timer).join();
context.index.notifyIndexOffsetChanged(context.segment.getSegmentId(), higherCacheOffset + updateBatchLength, 0);
// Check results. The expected offsets should already be stored in keysWithOffsets.
for (val k : keys) {
val hash = HASHER.hash(k.getKey());
val actualOffset = context.index.getBucketOffsetDirect(context.segment, hash, context.timer).join();
val expectedOffset = keysWithOffsets.get(hash).offset;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected result from getBucketOffsetDirect.", expectedOffset, (long) actualOffset);
val cachedOffset = context.index.getBucketOffsets(context.segment, Collections.singleton(hash), context.timer).join().get(hash);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected result from getBucketOffsets.", expectedOffset, (long) cachedOffset);
use of org.junit.rules.Timeout in project pravega by pravega.
the class WriterTableProcessorTests method getRemovalLengths.
private long getRemovalLengths(long truncationOffset, List<TestBatchData> batches, TestContext context) throws Exception {
val candidates = -> -> op.getStreamSegmentOffset() >= truncationOffset).iterator();
val expectedEntries = batches.get(batches.size() - 1).expectedEntries;
long result = 0;
while (candidates.hasNext()) {
val op =;
val opData = new byte[(int) op.getLength()];
val bytesRead =, (int) op.getLength(), TIMEOUT).readRemaining(opData, TIMEOUT);
assert bytesRead == opData.length;
val entryHeader = context.serializer.readHeader(new ByteArraySegment(opData).getBufferViewReader());
if (!expectedEntries.containsKey(new ByteArraySegment(opData, entryHeader.getKeyOffset(), entryHeader.getKeyLength()))) {
result += op.getLength();
} else {
return result;