use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.DirectSegmentAccess in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerKeyIndex method validateConditionalUpdateFailures.
private CompletableFuture<Void> validateConditionalUpdateFailures(DirectSegmentAccess segment, Map<TableKey, Long> expectedVersions, TimeoutTimer timer) {
assert !expectedVersions.isEmpty();
val bucketReader = TableBucketReader.key(segment, this::getBackpointerOffset, this.executor);
val searches = expectedVersions.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> findBucketEntry(segment, bucketReader, e.getKey().getKey(), e.getValue(), timer)));
return Futures.allOf(searches.values()).thenRun(() -> {
val failed = new HashMap<TableKey, Long>();
for (val e : searches.entrySet()) {
val actual = e.getValue().join();
boolean isValid = actual == null ? e.getKey().getVersion() == TableKey.NOT_EXISTS : e.getKey().getVersion() == actual.getVersion();
if (!isValid) {
failed.put(e.getKey(), actual == null ? TableKey.NOT_EXISTS : actual.getVersion());
if (!failed.isEmpty()) {
throw new CompletionException(new BadKeyVersionException(segment.getInfo().getName(), failed));
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.DirectSegmentAccess in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerKeyIndex method update.
* Performs a Batch Update or Removal.
* If {@link TableKeyBatch#isConditional()} returns true, this will execute an atomic Conditional Update/Removal based
* on the condition items in the batch ({@link TableKeyBatch#getVersionedItems}. The entire TableKeyBatch will be
* conditioned on those items, including those items that do not have a condition set. The entire TableKeyBatch will
* either all be committed as one unit or not at all.
* Otherwise this will perform an Unconditional Update/Removal, where all the {@link TableKeyBatch.Item}s in
* {@link TableKeyBatch#getItems()} will be applied regardless of whether they already exist or what their versions are.
* @param segment The Segment to perform the update/removal on.
* @param batch The {@link TableKeyBatch} to apply.
* @param persist A Supplier that, when invoked, will persist the contents of the batch to the Segment and return
* a CompletableFuture to indicate when the operation is done, containing the offset at which the
* batch has been written to the Segment. This Future must complete successfully before the effects
* of the {@link TableKeyBatch} are applied to the in-memory Index or before downstream conditional
* updates on the affected keys are initiated.
* @param timer Timer for the operation.
* @return A CompletableFuture that, when completed, will contain a list of offsets (within the Segment) where each
* of the items in the batch has been persisted. If the update failed, it will be failed with the appropriate exception.
* Notable exceptions:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link KeyNotExistsException} If a Key in the TableKeyBatch does not exist and was conditioned as having to exist.
* <li>{@link BadKeyVersionException} If a Key does exist but had a version mismatch.
* </ul>
CompletableFuture<List<Long>> update(DirectSegmentAccess segment, TableKeyBatch batch, Supplier<CompletableFuture<Long>> persist, TimeoutTimer timer) {
Exceptions.checkNotClosed(this.closed.get(), this);
Supplier<CompletableFuture<List<Long>>> update;
if (batch.isConditional()) {
// Conditional update.
// Collect all Cache Keys for the Update Items that have a condition on them; we need this on order to
// serialize execution across them.
val keys = batch.getVersionedItems().stream().map(item -> Maps.immutableEntry(segment.getSegmentId(), item.getHash())).collect(Collectors.toList());
// Serialize the execution (queue it up to run only after all other currently queued up conditional updates
// for touched keys have finished).
update = () -> this.conditionalUpdateProcessor.add(keys, () -> validateConditionalUpdate(segment, batch, timer).thenComposeAsync(v -> persist.get(), this.executor).thenApplyAsync(batchOffset -> updateCache(segment, batch, batchOffset), this.executor));
} else {
// Unconditional update: persist the entries and update the cache.
update = () -> persist.get().thenApplyAsync(batchOffset -> updateCache(segment, batch, batchOffset), this.executor);
// Throttle any requests, if needed.
return this.segmentTracker.throttleIfNeeded(segment, update, batch.getLength());
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.DirectSegmentAccess in project pravega by pravega.
the class HashTableSegmentLayout method newIterator.
private <T> CompletableFuture<AsyncIterator<IteratorItem<T>>> newIterator(@NonNull DirectSegmentAccess segment, @NonNull IteratorArgs args, @NonNull GetBucketReader<T> createBucketReader) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(args.getFrom() == null && args.getTo() == null, "Range Iterators not supported for HashTableSegments.");
UUID fromHash;
BufferView serializedState = args.getContinuationToken();
try {
fromHash = KeyHasher.getNextHash(serializedState == null ? null : IteratorStateImpl.deserialize(serializedState).getKeyHash());
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Bad IteratorState serialization.
throw new IllegalDataFormatException("Unable to deserialize `serializedState`.", ex);
if (fromHash == null) {
// Nothing to iterate on.
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(TableIterator.empty());
// Create a converter that will use a TableBucketReader to fetch all requested items in the iterated Buckets.
val bucketReader = createBucketReader.apply(segment, this.keyIndex::getBackpointerOffset, this.executor);
TableIterator.ConvertResult<IteratorItem<T>> converter = bucket -> bucketReader.findAllExisting(bucket.getSegmentOffset(), new TimeoutTimer(args.getFetchTimeout())).thenApply(result -> new IteratorItemImpl<>(new IteratorStateImpl(bucket.getHash()).serialize(), result));
// Fetch the Tail (Unindexed) Hashes, then create the TableIterator.
return this.keyIndex.getUnindexedKeyHashes(segment).thenComposeAsync(cacheHashes -> TableIterator.<IteratorItem<T>>builder().segment(segment).cacheHashes(cacheHashes).firstHash(fromHash).executor(executor).resultConverter(converter).fetchTimeout(args.getFetchTimeout()).build(), this.executor);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.DirectSegmentAccess in project pravega by pravega.
the class IndexWriter method groupByBucket.
// endregion
// region Updating Table Buckets
* Groups the given {@link BucketUpdate.KeyUpdate} instances by their associated buckets.
* @param segment The Segment to read from.
* @param keyUpdates A Collection of {@link BucketUpdate.KeyUpdate} instances to index.
* @param timer Timer for the operation.
* @return A CompletableFuture that, when completed, will contain the a collection of {@link BucketUpdate.Builder}s.
CompletableFuture<Collection<BucketUpdate.Builder>> groupByBucket(DirectSegmentAccess segment, Collection<BucketUpdate.KeyUpdate> keyUpdates, TimeoutTimer timer) {
val updatesByHash = -> this.hasher.hash(k.getKey())));
return locateBuckets(segment, updatesByHash.keySet(), timer).thenApplyAsync(buckets -> {
val result = new HashMap<TableBucket, BucketUpdate.Builder>();
buckets.forEach((keyHash, bucket) -> {
// Add the bucket to the result and record this Key as a "new" key in it.
BucketUpdate.Builder bu = result.computeIfAbsent(bucket, BucketUpdate::forBucket);
return result.values();
}, this.executor);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.DirectSegmentAccess in project pravega by pravega.
the class WriterTableProcessor method flushOnce.
* Performs a single flush attempt.
* @param segment A {@link DirectSegmentAccess} representing the Segment to flush on.
* @param timer Timer for the operation.
* @return A CompletableFuture that, when completed, will indicate the flush has completed successfully. If the
* operation failed, it will be failed with the appropriate exception. Notable exceptions:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link BadAttributeUpdateException} If a conditional update on the {@link TableAttributes#INDEX_OFFSET} attribute failed.
* </ul>
private CompletableFuture<TableWriterFlushResult> flushOnce(DirectSegmentAccess segment, TimeoutTimer timer) {
// Index all the keys in the segment range pointed to by the aggregator.
long lastOffset = this.aggregator.getLastIndexToProcessAtOnce(this.connector.getMaxFlushSize());
assert lastOffset - this.aggregator.getFirstOffset() <= this.connector.getMaxFlushSize();
if (lastOffset < this.aggregator.getLastOffset()) {"{}: Partial flush initiated up to offset {}. State: {}.", this.traceObjectId, lastOffset, this.aggregator);
KeyUpdateCollection keyUpdates = readKeysFromSegment(segment, this.aggregator.getFirstOffset(), lastOffset, timer);
log.debug("{}: Flush.ReadFromSegment KeyCount={}, UpdateCount={}, HighestCopiedOffset={}, LastIndexedOffset={}.", this.traceObjectId, keyUpdates.getUpdates().size(), keyUpdates.getTotalUpdateCount(), keyUpdates.getHighestCopiedOffset(), keyUpdates.getLastIndexedOffset());
// for each such bucket and finally (reindex) update the bucket.
return this.indexWriter.groupByBucket(segment, keyUpdates.getUpdates(), timer).thenComposeAsync(builders -> fetchExistingKeys(builders, segment, timer).thenComposeAsync(v -> {
val bucketUpdates =;
return this.indexWriter.updateBuckets(segment, bucketUpdates, this.aggregator.getLastIndexedOffset(), keyUpdates.getLastIndexedOffset(), keyUpdates.getTotalUpdateCount(), timer.getRemaining());
}, this.executor), this.executor).thenApply(updateCount -> new TableWriterFlushResult(keyUpdates, updateCount));