use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.reading.AsyncReadResultProcessor in project pravega by pravega.
the class StreamSegmentContainerTests method testFutureReads.
* Tests the ability to perform future (tail) reads. Scenarios tested include:
* * Regular appends
* * Segment sealing
* * Transaction merging.
public void testFutureReads() throws Exception {
final int nonSealReadLimit = 100;
@Cleanup TestContext context = new TestContext();
// 1. Create the StreamSegments.
ArrayList<String> segmentNames = createSegments(context);
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> transactionsBySegment = createTransactions(segmentNames, context);
activateAllSegments(segmentNames, context);
transactionsBySegment.values().forEach(s -> activateAllSegments(s, context));
HashMap<String, ReadResult> readsBySegment = new HashMap<>();
ArrayList<AsyncReadResultProcessor> readProcessors = new ArrayList<>();
HashSet<String> segmentsToSeal = new HashSet<>();
HashMap<String, ByteArrayOutputStream> readContents = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, TestReadResultHandler> entryHandlers = new HashMap<>();
// should stop upon reaching the limit).
for (int i = 0; i < segmentNames.size(); i++) {
String segmentName = segmentNames.get(i);
ByteArrayOutputStream readContentsStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
readContents.put(segmentName, readContentsStream);
ReadResult readResult;
if (i < segmentNames.size() / 2) {
// We're going to seal this one at one point.
readResult =, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, TIMEOUT).join();
} else {
// Just a regular one, nothing special.
readResult =, 0, nonSealReadLimit, TIMEOUT).join();
// The Read callback is only accumulating data in this test; we will then compare it against the real data.
TestReadResultHandler entryHandler = new TestReadResultHandler(readContentsStream, TIMEOUT);
entryHandlers.put(segmentName, entryHandler);
readsBySegment.put(segmentName, readResult);
readProcessors.add(AsyncReadResultProcessor.process(readResult, entryHandler, executorService()));
// 3. Add some appends.
HashMap<String, Long> lengths = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, ByteArrayOutputStream> segmentContents = new HashMap<>();
appendToParentsAndTransactions(segmentNames, transactionsBySegment, lengths, segmentContents, context);
// 4. Merge all the Transactions.
mergeTransactions(transactionsBySegment, lengths, segmentContents, context);
// 5. Add more appends (to the parent segments)
ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Void>> operationFutures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (String segmentName : segmentNames) {
byte[] appendData = getAppendData(segmentName, APPENDS_PER_SEGMENT + i);
operationFutures.add(context.container.append(segmentName, appendData, null, TIMEOUT));
lengths.put(segmentName, lengths.getOrDefault(segmentName, 0L) + appendData.length);
recordAppend(segmentName, appendData, segmentContents);
segmentsToSeal.forEach(segmentName -> operationFutures.add(Futures.toVoid(context.container.sealStreamSegment(segmentName, TIMEOUT))));
Futures.allOf(operationFutures).get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Now wait for all the reads to complete, and verify their results against the expected output.
Futures.allOf(entryHandlers.values().stream().map(h -> h.getCompleted()).collect(Collectors.toList())).get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Check to see if any errors got thrown (and caught) during the reading process).
for (Map.Entry<String, TestReadResultHandler> e : entryHandlers.entrySet()) {
Throwable err = e.getValue().getError().get();
if (err != null) {
// The next check (see below) will verify if the segments were properly read).
if (!(err instanceof StreamSegmentSealedException && segmentsToSeal.contains(e.getKey()))) {"Unexpected error happened while processing Segment " + e.getKey() + ": " + e.getValue().getError().get());
// Check that all the ReadResults are closed
for (Map.Entry<String, ReadResult> e : readsBySegment.entrySet()) {
Assert.assertTrue("Read result is not closed for segment " + e.getKey(), e.getValue().isClosed());
// Compare, byte-by-byte, the outcome of the tail reads.
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of segments were read.", segmentContents.size(), readContents.size());
for (String segmentName : segmentNames) {
boolean isSealed = segmentsToSeal.contains(segmentName);
byte[] expectedData = segmentContents.get(segmentName).toByteArray();
byte[] actualData = readContents.get(segmentName).toByteArray();
int expectedLength = isSealed ? (int) (long) lengths.get(segmentName) : nonSealReadLimit;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected read length for segment " + segmentName, expectedLength, actualData.length);
AssertExtensions.assertArrayEquals("Unexpected read contents for segment " + segmentName, expectedData, 0, actualData, 0, actualData.length);
// 6. Writer moving data to Storage.
waitForSegmentsInStorage(segmentNames, context).get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
checkStorage(segmentContents, lengths, context);