use of org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter in project registry by hortonworks.
the class CustomParameterizedBlockJUnit4Runner method validateFields.
protected void validateFields(List<Throwable> errors) {
if (getInjectionType() == InjectionType.FIELD) {
List<FrameworkField> annotatedFieldsByParameter = getAnnotatedFieldsByParameter();
int[] usedIndices = new int[annotatedFieldsByParameter.size()];
for (FrameworkField each : annotatedFieldsByParameter) {
int index = each.getField().getAnnotation(Parameter.class).value();
if (index < 0 || index > annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() - 1) {
errors.add(new Exception("Invalid @Parameter value: " + index + ". @Parameter fields counted: " + annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() + ". Please use an index between 0 and " + (annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() - 1) + "."));
} else {
for (int index = 0; index < usedIndices.length; index++) {
int numberOfUse = usedIndices[index];
if (numberOfUse == 0) {
errors.add(new Exception("@Parameter(" + index + ") is never used."));
} else if (numberOfUse > 1) {
errors.add(new Exception("@Parameter(" + index + ") is used more than once (" + numberOfUse + ")."));
use of org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter in project registry by hortonworks.
the class CustomParameterizedBlockJUnit4Runner method createTestUsingFieldInjection.
private Object createTestUsingFieldInjection() throws Exception {
List<FrameworkField> annotatedFieldsByParameter = getAnnotatedFieldsByParameter();
if (annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() != parameters.length) {
throw new Exception("Wrong number of parameters and @Parameter fields." + " @Parameter fields counted: " + annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() + ", available parameters: " + parameters.length + ".");
Object testClassInstance = getTestClass().getJavaClass().newInstance();
for (FrameworkField each : annotatedFieldsByParameter) {
Field field = each.getField();
Parameter annotation = field.getAnnotation(Parameter.class);
int index = annotation.value();
try {
field.set(testClassInstance, parameters[index]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iare) {
throw new Exception(getTestClass().getName() + ": Trying to set " + field.getName() + " with the value " + parameters[index] + " that is not the right type (" + parameters[index].getClass().getSimpleName() + " instead of " + field.getType().getSimpleName() + ").", iare);
return testClassInstance;
use of org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter in project junit4 by junit-team.
the class BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParameters method createTestUsingFieldInjection.
private Object createTestUsingFieldInjection() throws Exception {
List<FrameworkField> annotatedFieldsByParameter = getAnnotatedFieldsByParameter();
if (annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() != parameters.length) {
throw new Exception("Wrong number of parameters and @Parameter fields." + " @Parameter fields counted: " + annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() + ", available parameters: " + parameters.length + ".");
Object testClassInstance = getTestClass().getJavaClass().newInstance();
for (FrameworkField each : annotatedFieldsByParameter) {
Field field = each.getField();
Parameter annotation = field.getAnnotation(Parameter.class);
int index = annotation.value();
try {
field.set(testClassInstance, parameters[index]);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
IllegalAccessException wrappedException = new IllegalAccessException("Cannot set parameter '" + field.getName() + "'. Ensure that the field '" + field.getName() + "' is public.");
throw wrappedException;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iare) {
throw new Exception(getTestClass().getName() + ": Trying to set " + field.getName() + " with the value " + parameters[index] + " that is not the right type (" + parameters[index].getClass().getSimpleName() + " instead of " + field.getType().getSimpleName() + ").", iare);
return testClassInstance;
use of org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter in project junit4 by junit-team.
the class BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParameters method validateFields.
protected void validateFields(List<Throwable> errors) {
if (getInjectionType() == InjectionType.FIELD) {
List<FrameworkField> annotatedFieldsByParameter = getAnnotatedFieldsByParameter();
int[] usedIndices = new int[annotatedFieldsByParameter.size()];
for (FrameworkField each : annotatedFieldsByParameter) {
int index = each.getField().getAnnotation(Parameter.class).value();
if (index < 0 || index > annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() - 1) {
errors.add(new Exception("Invalid @Parameter value: " + index + ". @Parameter fields counted: " + annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() + ". Please use an index between 0 and " + (annotatedFieldsByParameter.size() - 1) + "."));
} else {
for (int index = 0; index < usedIndices.length; index++) {
int numberOfUse = usedIndices[index];
if (numberOfUse == 0) {
errors.add(new Exception("@Parameter(" + index + ") is never used."));
} else if (numberOfUse > 1) {
errors.add(new Exception("@Parameter(" + index + ") is used more than once (" + numberOfUse + ")."));