use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class ListFileUser method execute.
* Executes the command with the command parameters passed as Properties
* where the keys are the paramter names and the values the parameter values
* @param context information
public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
final ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
// Get FileRealm class name, match it with what is expected.
String fileRealmClassName = fileAuthRealm.getClassname();
// Report error if provided impl is not the one expected
if (fileRealmClassName != null && !fileRealmClassName.equals("")) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("list.file.user.realmnotsupported", "Configured file realm {0} is not supported.", fileRealmClassName));
// ensure we have the file associated with the authrealm
String keyFile = null;
for (Property fileProp : fileAuthRealm.getProperty()) {
if (fileProp.getName().equals("file"))
keyFile = fileProp.getValue();
if (keyFile == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("list.file.user.keyfilenotfound", "There is no physical file associated with this file realm {0} ", authRealmName));
boolean exists = (new File(keyFile)).exists();
if (!exists) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("file.realm.keyfilenonexistent", "The specified physical file {0} associated with the file realm {1} does not exist.", new Object[] { keyFile, authRealmName }));
// We have the right impl so let's try to remove one
FileRealm fr = null;
try {
// account for updates to realms from outside this config sharing
// same keyfile
CreateFileUser.refreshRealm(config.getName(), authRealmName);
fr = (FileRealm) realmsManager.getFromLoadedRealms(config.getName(), authRealmName);
if (fr == null) {
throw new NoSuchRealmException(authRealmName);
} catch (NoSuchRealmException e) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("list.file.user.realmnotsupported", "Configured file realm {0} is not supported.", authRealmName) + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
try {
Enumeration users = fr.getUserNames();
List userList = new ArrayList();
while (users.hasMoreElements()) {
final ActionReport.MessagePart part = report.getTopMessagePart().addChild();
String userName = (String) users.nextElement();
Map userMap = new HashMap();
userMap.put("name", userName);
try {
userMap.put("groups", Collections.list(fr.getGroupNames(userName)));
} catch (NoSuchUserException ex) {
// This should never be thrown since we just got the user name from the realm
Properties extraProperties = new Properties();
extraProperties.put("users", userList);
} catch (BadRealmException e) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("list.file.user.realmcorrupted", "Configured file realm {0} is corrupted.", authRealmName) + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class RealmConfig method createRealms.
public static void createRealms(String defaultRealm, List<AuthRealm> realms, String configName) {
// need at least one good realm
String goodRealm = null;
for (AuthRealm realm : realms) {
String realmName = realm.getName();
String realmClass = realm.getClassname();
try {
List<Property> realmProperties = realm.getProperty();
Properties properties = new Properties();
for (Property realmProperty : realmProperties) {
properties.setProperty(realmProperty.getName(), realmProperty.getValue());
Realm.instantiate(realmName, realmClass, properties, configName);
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(FINE, "Configured realm: {0}", realmName);
if (goodRealm == null) {
goodRealm = realmName;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(WARNING, realmConfigDisabledError, realmName);
LOGGER.log(WARNING, securityExceptionError, e);
if (goodRealm == null) {
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
defaultRealm = goodRealm;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(FINE, "Default realm is set to: {0}", defaultRealm);
use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class ManagedExecutorServiceBaseManager method delete.
public ResourceStatus delete(final Resources resources, final String jndiName, final String target) throws Exception {
if (jndiName == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("managed.executor.service.noJndiName", "No JNDI name defined for managed executor service.");
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("managed.scheduled.executor.service.noJndiName", "No JNDI name defined for managed scheduled executor service.");
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
Resource resource = null;
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
resource = ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, ManagedExecutorService.class, jndiName);
} else if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
resource = ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, ManagedScheduledExecutorService.class, jndiName);
// ensure we already have this resource
if (resource == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.executor.service.notfound", "A managed executor service named {0} does not exist.", jndiName);
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.scheduled.executor.service.notfound", "A managed scheduled executor service named {0} does not exist.", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
if (SYSTEM_ALL_REQ.equals(resource.getObjectType())) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.concurrent.resource.notAllowed", "The {0} resource cannot be deleted as it is required to be configured in the system.", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
if (environment.isDas()) {
if ("domain".equals(target)) {
if (resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).size() > 0) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.executor.service.resource-ref.exist", "This managed executor service [ {0} ] is referenced in an instance/cluster target, use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName);
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.scheduled.executor.service.resource-ref.exist", "This managed scheduled executor service [ {0} ] is referenced in an instance/cluster target, use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
} else {
if (!resourceUtil.isResourceRefInTarget(jndiName, target)) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("", "This managed executor service [ {0} ] is not referenced in target [ {1} ]", jndiName, target);
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("", "This managed scheduled executor service [ {0} ] is not referenced in target [ {1} ]", jndiName, target);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
if (resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).size() > 1) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.executor.service.multiple.resource-refs", "This managed executor service [ {0} ] is referenced in multiple instance/cluster targets, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName);
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.scheduled.executor.service.multiple.resource-refs", "This managed scheduled executor service [ {0} ] is referenced in multiple instance/cluster targets, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
try {
// delete resource-ref
resourceUtil.deleteResourceRef(jndiName, target);
// delete managed executor service
if (ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<Resources>() {
public Object run(Resources param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
ManagedExecutorServiceBase resource = null;
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
resource = (ManagedExecutorService) ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, ManagedExecutorService.class, jndiName);
} else {
resource = (ManagedScheduledExecutorService) ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, ManagedScheduledExecutorService.class, jndiName);
return param.getResources().remove(resource);
}, resources) == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.executor.service.failed", "Managed executor service {0} deletion failed", jndiName);
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.scheduled.executor.service.failed", "Managed scheduled executor service {0} deletion failed", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
} catch (TransactionFailure tfe) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.executor.service.failed", "Managed executor service {0} deletion failed ", jndiName);
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.scheduled.executor.service.failed", "Managed scheduled executor service {0} deletion failed ", jndiName);
ResourceStatus status = new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
return status;
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.executor.service.success", "Managed executor service {0} deleted successfully", jndiName);
if (getResourceType().equals(ServerTags.MANAGED_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE)) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.scheduled.executor.service.success", "Managed scheduled executor service {0} deleted successfully", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.SUCCESS, msg);
use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class DeleteConnectorResource method execute.
* Executes the command with the command parameters passed as Properties
* where the keys are the parameter names and the values the parameter values
* @param context information
public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
final ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
if (jndiName == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("delete.connector.resource.noJndiName", "No JNDI name defined for connector resource."));
// ensure we already have this resource
Resource r = ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(domain.getResources(), ConnectorResource.class, jndiName);
if (r == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("delete.connector.resource.notfound", "A connector resource named {0} does not exist.", jndiName));
if ("system-all-req".equals(r.getObjectType())) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("delete.connector.resource.notAllowed", "The {0} resource cannot be deleted as it is required to be configured in the system.", jndiName));
if (environment.isDas()) {
if ("domain".equals(target)) {
if (resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).size() > 0) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("delete.connector.resource.resource-ref.exist", "connector-resource [ {0} ] is referenced in an" + "instance/cluster target, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName));
} else {
if (!resourceUtil.isResourceRefInTarget(jndiName, target)) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "connector-resource [ {0} ] is not referenced in target [ {1} ]", jndiName, target));
if (resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).size() > 1) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("delete.connector.resource.multiple.resource-refs", "connector resource [ {0} ] is referenced in multiple " + "instance/cluster targets, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName));
try {
// delete resource-ref
resourceUtil.deleteResourceRef(jndiName, target);
// delete connector-resource
if (ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<Resources>() {
public Object run(Resources param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
ConnectorResource resource = (ConnectorResource) ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(domain.getResources(), ConnectorResource.class, jndiName);
return param.getResources().remove(resource);
}, domain.getResources()) == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "Connector resource {0} delete failed ", jndiName));
} catch (TransactionFailure tfe) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "Connector resource {0} delete failed ", jndiName) + " " + tfe.getLocalizedMessage());
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("delete.connector.resource.success", "Connector resource {0} deleted successfully", jndiName));
use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class IiopServiceSslConfigHandler method create.
public void create(final CreateSsl command, ActionReport report) {
IiopService iiopSvc = command.config.getExtensionByType(IiopService.class);
if (iiopSvc.getSslClientConfig() != null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("create.ssl.iiopsvc.alreadyExists", "IIOP Service " + "already has been configured with SSL configuration."));
try {
ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<IiopService>() {
public Object run(IiopService param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
SslClientConfig newSslClientCfg = param.createChild(SslClientConfig.class);
Ssl newSsl = newSslClientCfg.createChild(Ssl.class);
return newSsl;
}, iiopSvc);
} catch (TransactionFailure e) {
command.reportError(report, e);