use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class ConfigureJMSCluster method execute.
* Executes the command with the command parameters passed as Properties
* where the keys are the paramter names and the values the parameter values
* @param context information
public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
final ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
// Server targetServer = domain.getServerNamed(target);
// String configRef = targetServer.getConfigRef();
Cluster cluster = domain.getClusterNamed(clusterName);
if (cluster == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.invalidClusterName", "No Cluster by this name has been configured"));
List instances = cluster.getInstances();
String warning = null;
if (instances.size() > 0) {
ActionReport listReport = habitat.getService(ActionReport.class);
ParameterMap parameters = new ParameterMap();
parameters.set("DEFAULT", clusterName);
commandRunner.getCommandInvocation("list-instances", listReport, context.getSubject()).parameters(parameters).execute();
if (ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE.equals(listReport.getActionExitCode())) {
warning = localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.clusterWithInstances", "Warning: Please make sure running this command with all cluster instances stopped, otherwise it may lead to inconsistent JMS behavior and corruption of configuration and message stores.");
} else {
String result = listReport.getMessage();
String fixedResult = result.replaceAll("not running", "stopped");
if (fixedResult.indexOf("running") > -1) {
warning = localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.clusterWithInstances", "Warning: Please make sure running this command with all cluster instances stopped, otherwise it may lead to inconsistent JMS behavior and corruption of configuration and message stores.");
warning = warning + "\r\n" + result + "\r\n";
Config config = domain.getConfigNamed(cluster.getConfigRef());
JmsService jmsService = config.getExtensionByType(JmsService.class);
if (jmsService == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.nojmsservice", "No JMS Service element in config"));
if (!CONVENTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType) && !ENHANCED.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType)) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.wrongClusterType", "Invalid option sepecified for clustertype. Valid options are conventional and enhanced"));
if (CONVENTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType) && !MASTER_BROKER.equalsIgnoreCase(configStoreType) && !SHARED_DB.equalsIgnoreCase(configStoreType)) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.wrongConfigStoreType", "Invalid option sepecified for configstoretype. Valid options are masterbroker and shareddb"));
if (ENHANCED.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType) && configStoreType != null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.wrongStoreType", "configstoretype option is not configurable for Enhanced clusters."));
if (CONVENTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType) && !MASTER_BROKER.equalsIgnoreCase(configStoreType) && !FILE.equalsIgnoreCase(messageStoreType) && !JDBC.equalsIgnoreCase(messageStoreType)) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.wrongMessageStoreType", "Invalid option sepecified for messagestoretype. Valid options are file and jdbc"));
if (ENHANCED.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType) && messageStoreType != null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.wrongmsgStoreType", "messagestoretype option is not configurable for Enhanced clusters."));
String integrationMode = jmsService.getType();
if (REMOTE.equalsIgnoreCase(integrationMode)) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.remoteMode", "JMS integration mode should be either EMBEDDED or LOCAL to run this command. Please use the asadmin.set command to change the integration mode"));
String changeIntegrationMode = null;
if (EMBEDDED.equalsIgnoreCase(integrationMode) && ENHANCED.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType)) {
try {
ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<JmsService>() {
public Object run(JmsService param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
return param;
}, jmsService);
changeIntegrationMode = localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.integrationModeChanged", "WARNING: JMS integration mode has been changed from EMBEDDED to LOCAL automatically.");
} catch (TransactionFailure tfe) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.cannotChangeIntegrationMode", "Unable to change the JMS integration mode to LOCAL for Enhanced cluster {0}.", clusterName) + " " + tfe.getLocalizedMessage());
if (MASTER_BROKER.equalsIgnoreCase(configStoreType) && FILE.equals(messageStoreType)) {
if (dbvendor != null || dburl != null || dbuser != null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.invalidDboptions", "Database options should not be specified for this configuration"));
if (!MASTER_BROKER.equalsIgnoreCase(configStoreType) || ENHANCED.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType) || JDBC.equalsIgnoreCase(messageStoreType)) {
if (dbvendor == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.nodbvendor", "No DataBase vendor specified"));
} else if (dburl == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.nojdbcurl", "No JDBC URL specified"));
} else if (!isSupportedDbVendor()) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.invaliddbvendor", "Invalid DB Vednor specified"));
if (CONVENTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType) && configStoreType == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.noConfigStoreType", "No configstoretype specified. Using the default value - masterbroker"));
configStoreType = "masterbroker";
if (CONVENTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType) && messageStoreType == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.noMessagetoreType", "No messagestoretype specified. Using the default value - file"));
messageStoreType = "file";
config = domain.getConfigNamed(cluster.getConfigRef());
JmsAvailability jmsAvailability = config.getAvailabilityService().getExtensionByType(JmsAvailability.class);
final Boolean availabilityEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(ENHANCED.equalsIgnoreCase(clusterType));
try {
ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<JmsAvailability>() {
public Object run(JmsAvailability param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
if (availabilityEnabled.booleanValue()) {
} else {
if (props != null) {
for (Map.Entry e : props.entrySet()) {
Property prop = param.createChild(Property.class);
prop.setName((String) e.getKey());
prop.setValue((String) e.getValue());
return param;
}, jmsAvailability);
/* //update the useMasterBroker flag on the JmsService only if availabiltyEnabled is false
ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<JmsService>() {
public Object run(JmsService param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
return param;
}, jmsservice);
} catch (TransactionFailure tfe) {
report.setMessage((changeIntegrationMode == null ? "" : changeIntegrationMode + "\n") + localStrings.getLocalString("", "Unable to Configure JMS Cluster for cluster {0}.", clusterName) + " " + tfe.getLocalizedMessage());
report.setMessage((warning == null ? "" : warning + "\n") + (changeIntegrationMode == null ? "" : changeIntegrationMode + "\n") + localStrings.getLocalString("configure.jms.cluster.success", "JMS Cluster Configuration updated for Cluster {0}.", clusterName));
use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class ChangeMasterBrokerCommand method execute.
* Executes the command with the command parameters passed as Properties
* where the keys are the paramter names and the values the parameter values
* @param context information
public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
final ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
final String newMB = newMasterBroker;
Server newMBServer = domain.getServerNamed(newMasterBroker);
if (newMBServer == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "Invalid server name specified. There is no server by this name"));
// domain.getClusterNamed(clusterName);
Cluster cluster = newMBServer.getCluster();
if (cluster == null) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "The server specified is not associated with a cluster. The server assocaited with the master broker has to be a part of the cluster"));
"{0} does not belong to the specified cluster", newMasterBroker));
} */
Nodes nodes = domain.getNodes();
config = domain.getConfigNamed(cluster.getConfigRef());
JmsService jmsservice = config.getExtensionByType(JmsService.class);
Server oldMBServer = null;
// Else use the first configured instance in the cluster list
if (jmsservice.getMasterBroker() != null) {
oldMBServer = domain.getServerNamed(jmsservice.getMasterBroker());
} else {
List<Server> serverList = cluster.getInstances();
// if(serverList == null || serverList.size() == 0){
// report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("",
// "No servers configured in cluster {0}", clusterName));
// report.setActionExitCode(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE);
// return;
// }
oldMBServer = serverList.get(0);
String oldMasterBrokerPort = JmsRaUtil.getJMSPropertyValue(oldMBServer);
if (oldMasterBrokerPort == null) {
SystemProperty sp = config.getSystemProperty("JMS_PROVIDER_PORT");
if (sp != null)
oldMasterBrokerPort = sp.getValue();
if (oldMasterBrokerPort == null)
oldMasterBrokerPort = getDefaultJmsHost(jmsservice).getPort();
String oldMasterBrokerHost = nodes.getNode(oldMBServer.getNodeRef()).getNodeHost();
String newMasterBrokerPort = JmsRaUtil.getJMSPropertyValue(newMBServer);
if (newMasterBrokerPort == null)
newMasterBrokerPort = getDefaultJmsHost(jmsservice).getPort();
String newMasterBrokerHost = nodes.getNode(newMBServer.getNodeRef()).getNodeHost();
String oldMasterBroker = oldMasterBrokerHost + ":" + oldMasterBrokerPort;
String newMasterBroker = newMasterBrokerHost + ":" + newMasterBrokerPort;
// System.out.println("1: IN deleteinstanceCheck supplimental oldMasterBroker = " + oldMasterBroker + " newmasterBroker " + newMasterBroker);
try {
CompositeData result = updateMasterBroker(oldMBServer.getName(), oldMasterBroker, newMasterBroker);
boolean success = ((Boolean) result.get("Success")).booleanValue();
if (!success) {
int statusCode = ((Integer) result.get("StatusCode")).intValue();
String detailMessage = (String) result.get("DetailMessage");
String msg = " " + detailMessage;
if (BrokerStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST.getCode() == statusCode || BrokerStatusCode.NOT_ALLOWED.getCode() == statusCode || BrokerStatusCode.UNAVAILABLE.getCode() == statusCode || BrokerStatusCode.PRECONDITION_FAILED.getCode() == statusCode) {
msg = localStrings.getLocalString("", "{0}. But it didn't affect current master broker configuration.", msg);
} else {
msg = msg + ". " + localStrings.getLocalString("", "The cluster should be shutdown and configured with the new master broker then restarts.");
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "Unable to change master broker.{0}", msg));
} catch (Exception e) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "Unable to change master broker.{0}", ""));
try {
/*String setCommandStr = cluster.getConfigRef() + "." + "jms-service" + "." +"master-Broker";
ParameterMap parameters = new ParameterMap();
parameters.set(setCommandStr, newMB );
ActionReport subReport = report.addSubActionsReport();
commandRunner.getCommandInvocation("set", subReport, context.getSubject()).parameters(parameters).execute();
if (ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE.equals(subReport.getActionExitCode())){
"Unable to create connection pool."));
ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<JmsService>() {
public Object run(JmsService param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
return param;
}, jmsservice);
} catch (Exception tfe) {
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "Unable to update the domain.xml with the new master broker") + " " + tfe.getLocalizedMessage());
report.setMessage(localStrings.getLocalString("", "Master broker change has executed successfully for Cluster {0}.", cluster.getName()));
use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class ManagedThreadFactoryManager method delete.
public ResourceStatus delete(final Resources resources, final String jndiName, final String target) throws Exception {
if (jndiName == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("managed.thread.factory.noJndiName", "No JNDI name defined for managed thread factory.");
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
Resource resource = ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, ManagedThreadFactory.class, jndiName);
// ensure we already have this resource
if (resource == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.thread.factory.notfound", "A managed thread factory named {0} does not exist.", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
if (SYSTEM_ALL_REQ.equals(resource.getObjectType())) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.concurrent.resource.notAllowed", "The {0} resource cannot be deleted as it is required to be configured in the system.", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
if (environment.isDas()) {
if ("domain".equals(target)) {
if (resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).size() > 0) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.thread.factory.resource-ref.exist", "This managed thread factory [ {0} ] is referenced in an instance/cluster target, use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
} else {
if (!resourceUtil.isResourceRefInTarget(jndiName, target)) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("", "This managed thread factory [ {0} ] is not referenced in target [ {1} ]", jndiName, target);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
if (resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).size() > 1) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.thread.factory.multiple.resource-refs", "This managed thread factory [ {0} ] is referenced in multiple instance/cluster targets, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
try {
// delete resource-ref
resourceUtil.deleteResourceRef(jndiName, target);
// delete managed-thread-factory
if (ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<Resources>() {
public Object run(Resources param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
ManagedThreadFactory resource = (ManagedThreadFactory) ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, ManagedThreadFactory.class, jndiName);
return param.getResources().remove(resource);
}, resources) == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.thread.factory.failed", "Managed thread factory {0} deletion failed", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
} catch (TransactionFailure tfe) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.thread.factory.failed", "Managed thread factory {0} deletion failed ", jndiName);
ResourceStatus status = new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
return status;
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.managed.thread.factory.success", "Managed thread factory {0} deleted successfully", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.SUCCESS, msg);
use of org.jvnet.hk2.config.Configured in project Payara by payara.
the class JDBCResourceManager method delete.
public ResourceStatus delete(final Resources resources, final String jndiName, final String target) throws Exception {
if (jndiName == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("jdbc.resource.noJndiName", "No JNDI name defined for JDBC resource.");
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
// ensure we already have this resource
if (ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, JdbcResource.class, jndiName) == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.jdbc.resource.notfound", "A JDBC resource named {0} does not exist.", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
if (environment.isDas()) {
if ("domain".equals(target)) {
if (resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).size() > 0) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.jdbc.resource.resource-ref.exist", "jdbc-resource [ {0} ] is referenced in an" + "instance/cluster target, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
} else {
if (!resourceUtil.isResourceRefInTarget(jndiName, target)) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("", "jdbc-resource [ {0} ] is not referenced in target [ {1} ]", jndiName, target);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
if (resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).size() > 1) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.jdbc.resource.multiple.resource-refs", "jdbc resource [ {0} ] is referenced in multiple " + "instance/cluster targets, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
try {
JdbcResource jdbcResource = (JdbcResource) ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, JdbcResource.class, jndiName);
if (ResourceConstants.SYSTEM_ALL_REQ.equals(jdbcResource.getObjectType())) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("delete.jdbc.resource.system-all-req.object-type", "The jdbc resource [ {0} ] cannot be deleted as it is required to be configured in the system.", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
// delete resource-ref
resourceUtil.deleteResourceRef(jndiName, target);
// delete jdbc-resource
if (ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<Resources>() {
public Object run(Resources param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
JdbcResource resource = (JdbcResource) ConnectorsUtil.getResourceByName(resources, JdbcResource.class, jndiName);
return param.getResources().remove(resource);
}, resources) == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("jdbc.resource.deletionFailed", "JDBC resource {0} delete failed ", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
} catch (TransactionFailure tfe) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("jdbc.resource.deletionFailed", "JDBC resource {0} delete failed ", jndiName);
ResourceStatus status = new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg);
return status;
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString("jdbc.resource.deleteSuccess", "JDBC resource {0} deleted successfully", jndiName);
return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.SUCCESS, msg);