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Example 1 with TaskGraphBuilder

use of org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class PluginManager method initTasks.

     * Called immediately after the construction.
     * This is a separate method so that code executed from here will see a valid value in
     * {@link Hudson#pluginManager}. 
public TaskBuilder initTasks(final InitStrategy initStrategy) {
    TaskBuilder builder;
    if (!pluginListed) {
        builder = new TaskGraphBuilder() {

            List<File> archives;

            Collection<String> bundledPlugins;

                Handle loadBundledPlugins = add("Loading bundled plugins", new Executable() {

                    public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
                        bundledPlugins = loadBundledPlugins();
                Handle listUpPlugins = requires(loadBundledPlugins).add("Listing up plugins", new Executable() {

                    public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
                        archives = initStrategy.listPluginArchives(PluginManager.this);
                requires(listUpPlugins).attains(PLUGINS_LISTED).add("Preparing plugins", new Executable() {

                    public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
                        // once we've listed plugins, we can fill in the reactor with plugin-specific initialization tasks
                        TaskGraphBuilder g = new TaskGraphBuilder();
                        final Map<String, File> inspectedShortNames = new HashMap<String, File>();
                        for (final File arc : archives) {
                            g.followedBy().notFatal().attains(PLUGINS_LISTED).add("Inspecting plugin " + arc, new Executable() {

                                public void run(Reactor session1) throws Exception {
                                    try {
                                        PluginWrapper p = strategy.createPluginWrapper(arc);
                                        if (isDuplicate(p))
                                        p.isBundled = bundledPlugins.contains(arc.getName());
                                        if (p.isActive())
                                    } catch (IOException e) {
                                        failedPlugins.add(new FailedPlugin(arc.getName(), e));
                                        throw e;

                                     * Inspects duplication. this happens when you run hpi:run on a bundled plugin,
                                     * as well as putting numbered hpi files, like "cobertura-1.0.hpi" and "cobertura-1.1.hpi"
                                private boolean isDuplicate(PluginWrapper p) {
                                    String shortName = p.getShortName();
                                    if (inspectedShortNames.containsKey(shortName)) {
                              "Ignoring " + arc + " because " + inspectedShortNames.get(shortName) + " is already loaded");
                                        return true;
                                    inspectedShortNames.put(shortName, arc);
                                    return false;
                        g.requires(PLUGINS_PREPARED).add("Checking cyclic dependencies", new Executable() {

                                 * Makes sure there's no cycle in dependencies.
                            public void run(Reactor reactor) throws Exception {
                                try {
                                    new CyclicGraphDetector<PluginWrapper>() {

                                        protected List<PluginWrapper> getEdges(PluginWrapper p) {
                                            List<PluginWrapper> next = new ArrayList<PluginWrapper>();
                                            addTo(p.getDependencies(), next);
                                            addTo(p.getOptionalDependencies(), next);
                                            return next;

                                        private void addTo(List<Dependency> dependencies, List<PluginWrapper> r) {
                                            for (Dependency d : dependencies) {
                                                PluginWrapper p = getPlugin(d.shortName);
                                                if (p != null)
                                } catch (CycleDetectedException e) {
                                    // disable all plugins since classloading from them can lead to StackOverflow
                                    // let Hudson fail
                                    throw e;
                        // technically speaking this is still too early, as at this point tasks are merely scheduled, not necessarily executed.
                        pluginListed = true;
    } else {
        builder = TaskBuilder.EMPTY_BUILDER;
    // misc. stuff
    final InitializerFinder initializerFinder = new InitializerFinder(uberClassLoader);
    // lists up initialization tasks about loading plugins.
    return // this scans @Initializer in the core once
    TaskBuilder.union(// this scans @Initializer in the core once
    initializerFinder, builder, new TaskGraphBuilder() {

            requires(PLUGINS_LISTED).attains(PLUGINS_PREPARED).add("Loading plugins", new Executable() {

                 * Once the plugins are listed, schedule their initialization.
                public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
                    Hudson.getInstance().lookup.set(PluginInstanceStore.class, new PluginInstanceStore());
                    TaskGraphBuilder g = new TaskGraphBuilder();
                    // schedule execution of loading plugins
                    for (final PluginWrapper p : activePlugins.toArray(new PluginWrapper[activePlugins.size()])) {
                        g.followedBy().notFatal().attains(PLUGINS_PREPARED).add("Loading plugin " + p.getShortName(), new Executable() {

                            public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
                                try {
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    failedPlugins.add(new FailedPlugin(p.getShortName(), e));
                                    throw e;
                    // schedule execution of initializing plugins
                    for (final PluginWrapper p : activePlugins.toArray(new PluginWrapper[activePlugins.size()])) {
                        g.followedBy().notFatal().attains(PLUGINS_STARTED).add("Initializing plugin " + p.getShortName(), new Executable() {

                            public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    failedPlugins.add(new FailedPlugin(p.getShortName(), e));
                                    throw e;
                    g.followedBy().attains(PLUGINS_STARTED).add("Discovering plugin initialization tasks", new Executable() {

                        public void run(Reactor reactor) throws Exception {
                            // rescan to find plugin-contributed @Initializer
                    // register them all
Also used : TaskBuilder(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskBuilder) InitializerFinder(hudson.init.InitializerFinder) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CycleDetectedException(hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException) CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( Dependency(hudson.PluginWrapper.Dependency) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) CycleDetectedException(hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException) IOException( TaskGraphBuilder(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder) List(java.util.List) PersistedList(hudson.util.PersistedList) CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Executable(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Executable) Reactor(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor) CyclicGraphDetector(hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector) File(

Example 2 with TaskGraphBuilder

use of org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder in project hudson-2.x by hudson.

the class Hudson method loadTasks.

private synchronized TaskBuilder loadTasks() throws IOException {
    File projectsDir = new File(root, "jobs");
    if (!projectsDir.isDirectory() && !projectsDir.mkdirs()) {
        if (projectsDir.exists()) {
            throw new IOException(projectsDir + " is not a directory");
        throw new IOException("Unable to create " + projectsDir + "\nPermission issue? Please create this directory manually.");
    File[] subdirs = projectsDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {

        public boolean accept(File child) {
            return child.isDirectory() && Items.getConfigFile(child).exists();
    TaskGraphBuilder g = new TaskGraphBuilder();
    Handle loadHudson = g.requires(InitMilestone.EXTENSIONS_AUGMENTED).attains(InitMilestone.JOB_LOADED).add("Loading global config", new Executable() {

        public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
            XmlFile cfg = getConfigFile();
            if (cfg.exists()) {
                // reset some data that may not exist in the disk file
                // so that we can take a proper compensation action later.
                primaryView = null;
                // load from disk
            // if we are loading old data that doesn't have this field
            if (slaves == null) {
                slaves = new NodeList();
    for (final File subdir : subdirs) {
        g.requires(loadHudson).attains(InitMilestone.JOB_LOADED).notFatal().add("Loading job " + subdir.getName(), new Executable() {

            public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
                TopLevelItem item = (TopLevelItem) Items.load(Hudson.this, subdir);
                items.put(item.getName(), item);
    g.requires(InitMilestone.JOB_LOADED).add("Finalizing set up", new Executable() {

        public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
                // recompute label objects - populates the labels mapping.
                for (// Note that not all labels are visible until the slaves have connected.
                Node slave : // Note that not all labels are visible until the slaves have connected.
                slaves) {
            // this is both for clean Hudson and for backward compatibility.
            if (views.size() == 0 || primaryView == null) {
                View v = new AllView(Messages.Hudson_ViewName());
                v.owner = Hudson.this;
                views.add(0, v);
                primaryView = v.getViewName();
            // read in old data that doesn't have the security field set
            if (authorizationStrategy == null) {
                if (useSecurity == null || !useSecurity) {
                    authorizationStrategy = AuthorizationStrategy.UNSECURED;
                } else {
                    authorizationStrategy = new FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy();
            if (securityRealm == null) {
                if (useSecurity == null || !useSecurity) {
                } else {
                    setSecurityRealm(new LegacySecurityRealm());
            } else {
                // force the set to proxy
            if (useSecurity != null && !useSecurity) {
                // forced reset to the unsecure mode.
                // this works as an escape hatch for people who locked themselves out.
                authorizationStrategy = AuthorizationStrategy.UNSECURED;
            // Initialize the filter with the crumb issuer
            // auto register root actions
            for (Action a : getExtensionList(RootAction.class)) {
                if (!actions.contains(a)) {
    return g;
Also used : FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy( XmlFile(hudson.XmlFile) NodeList(hudson.slaves.NodeList) IOException( ExtensionListView(hudson.ExtensionListView) FormException(hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException) RestartNotSupportedException(hudson.lifecycle.RestartNotSupportedException) IOException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) ReactorException(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) JellyException(org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyException) ANTLRException(antlr.ANTLRException) AcegiSecurityException(org.acegisecurity.AcegiSecurityException) BindException( AccessDeniedException(org.acegisecurity.AccessDeniedException) TaskGraphBuilder(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder) Handle(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder.Handle) LegacySecurityRealm( FileFilter( Executable(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Executable) Reactor(org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor) TextFile(hudson.util.TextFile) XmlFile(hudson.XmlFile) File(


File ( IOException ( ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)2 Executable (org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Executable)2 Reactor (org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.Reactor)2 TaskGraphBuilder (org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskGraphBuilder)2 ANTLRException (antlr.ANTLRException)1 ExtensionListView (hudson.ExtensionListView)1 Dependency (hudson.PluginWrapper.Dependency)1 XmlFile (hudson.XmlFile)1 InitializerFinder (hudson.init.InitializerFinder)1 RestartNotSupportedException (hudson.lifecycle.RestartNotSupportedException)1 FormException (hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException)1 FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy ( LegacySecurityRealm ( NodeList (hudson.slaves.NodeList)1 CyclicGraphDetector (hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector)1 CycleDetectedException (hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException)1 PersistedList (hudson.util.PersistedList)1 TextFile (hudson.util.TextFile)1