use of org.keycloak.client.registration.cli.config.FileConfigHandler in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegUpdateTest method testUpdateThoroughly.
public void testUpdateThoroughly() throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
final String realm = "test";
loginAsUser(configFile.getFile(), serverUrl, realm, "user1", "userpass");
// create an object so we can update it
KcRegExec exe = execute("create --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -s clientId=my_client");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
ClientRepresentation client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("enabled", true, client.isEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("publicClient", false, client.isPublicClient());
Assert.assertEquals("bearerOnly", false, client.isBearerOnly());
Assert.assertTrue("redirectUris is empty", client.getRedirectUris().isEmpty());
// Merge update
exe = execute("update my_client --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o " + " -s enabled=false -s 'redirectUris=[\"http://localhost:8980/myapp/*\"]'");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("enabled", false, client.isEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("redirectUris", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp/*"), client.getRedirectUris());
// Another merge update - test deleting an attribute, deleting a list item and adding a list item
exe = execute("update my_client --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -d redirectUris -s webOrigins+=http://localhost:8980/myapp -s webOrigins+=http://localhost:8981/myapp -d webOrigins[0]");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertTrue("redirectUris is empty", client.getRedirectUris().isEmpty());
Assert.assertEquals("webOrigins", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8981/myapp"), client.getWebOrigins());
// Another merge update - test nested attributes and setting an attribute using json format
// TODO KEYCLOAK-3705 Updating protocolMapper config via client registration endpoint has no effect
exe = execute("update my_client --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -s 'protocolMappers[0].config.\"id.token.claim\"=false' " +
"-s 'protocolMappers[4].config={\"single\": \"true\", \"attribute.nameformat\": \"Basic\", \"\": \"Role\"}'");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("protocolMapper[0].config.\"id.token.claim\"", "false", client.getProtocolMappers().get(0).getConfig().get("id.token.claim"));
Assert.assertEquals("protocolMappers[4].config.single", "true", client.getProtocolMappers().get(4).getConfig().get("single"));
Assert.assertEquals("protocolMappers[4].config.\"attribute.nameformat\"", "Basic", client.getProtocolMappers().get(4).getConfig().get("attribute.nameformat"));
Assert.assertEquals("protocolMappers[4].config.\"\"", "Role", client.getProtocolMappers().get(4).getConfig().get(""));
// update using oidc format
// check that using an invalid attribute key is not ignored
exe = execute("update my_client --nonexisting --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Unsupported option: --nonexisting", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help update' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
// try use incompatible endpoint
exe = execute("update my_client --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -s enabled=true -e oidc");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 1);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Failed to set attribute 'enabled' on document type 'oidc'", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
// test overwrite from file
exe = KcRegExec.newBuilder().argsLine("update my_client --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -s clientId=my_client -s 'redirectUris=[\"http://localhost:8980/myapp/*\"]' -f -").stdin(new ByteArrayInputStream("{ \"enabled\": false }".getBytes())).execute();
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
// web origin is not sent to the server, thus it retains the current value
Assert.assertEquals("webOrigins", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8981/myapp"), client.getWebOrigins());
Assert.assertFalse("enabled is false", client.isEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("redirectUris", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp/*"), client.getRedirectUris());
// test using merge with file
exe = KcRegExec.newBuilder().argsLine("update my_client --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -s enabled=true -m -f -").stdin(new ByteArrayInputStream("{ \"webOrigins\": [\"http://localhost:8980/myapp\"] }".getBytes())).execute();
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("webOrigins", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp"), client.getWebOrigins());
Assert.assertTrue("enabled is true", client.isEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("redirectUris", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp/*"), client.getRedirectUris());
// remove registration access token
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server " + serverUrl + " --realm " + realm + " --client my_client -d");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
Assert.assertNull("my_client registration token", handler.loadConfig().ensureRealmConfigData(serverUrl, realm).getClients().get("my_client"));
use of org.keycloak.client.registration.cli.config.FileConfigHandler in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegConfigTest method testRegistrationToken.
public void testRegistrationToken() throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
// without --server
KcRegExec exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' ");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Required option not specified: --server", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help config registration-token' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
// without --realm
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Required option not specified: --realm", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help config registration-token' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
// without --client
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Required option not specified: --client", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help config registration-token' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
// specify token on cmdline
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test --client my_client NEWTOKEN");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
if (runIntermittentlyFailingTests()) {
// don't specify token - must be prompted for it
exe = KcRegExec.newBuilder().argsLine("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test --client my_client").executeAsync();
exe.waitForStdout("Enter Registration Access Token:");
exe.sendToStdin("NEWTOKEN" + EOL);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 1, 0);
} else {
System.out.println("TEST SKIPPED PARTIALLY - This test currently suffers from intermittent failures. Use -Dtest.intermittent=true to run it in full.");
// delete non-existent token
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test --client nonexistent --delete");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// delete token
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test --client my_client --delete");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
use of org.keycloak.client.registration.cli.config.FileConfigHandler in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegUpdateTokenTest method testUpdateToken.
public void testUpdateToken() throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
KcRegExec exe = execute("config credentials --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server " + serverUrl + " --realm master --user admin --password admin");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 1);
// read current registration access token
ConfigData data = ConfigUtil.loadConfig();
RealmConfigData rdata = data.getRealmConfigData(serverUrl, "test");
Assert.assertNull("realm info set", rdata);
// update registration access token
exe = execute("update-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' reg-cli-secret-direct --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test --user user1 --password userpass");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 1);
// read current registration token
data = ConfigUtil.loadConfig();
rdata = data.getRealmConfigData(serverUrl, "test");
Assert.assertEquals("current session realm unchanged", "master", data.getRealm());
Assert.assertNotNull("realm info set", rdata);
Assert.assertNull("on the fly login was transient", rdata.getToken());
Assert.assertNotNull("client info has registration access token", rdata.getClients().get("reg-cli-secret-direct"));
// use --no-config and on-the-fly auth
exe = execute("update-token reg-cli-secret-direct --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test --user user1 --password userpass");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 1, 1);
// save the token
String token = exe.stdoutLines().get(0);
// test that the token works
exe = execute("get reg-cli-secret-direct --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test -t " + token);
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
ClientRepresentation client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("client representation returned", "reg-cli-secret-direct", client.getClientId());
use of org.keycloak.client.registration.cli.config.FileConfigHandler in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class AbstractRegCliTest method initCustomConfigFile.
FileConfigHandler initCustomConfigFile() {
String filename = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".config";
File cfgFile = new File(WORK_DIR + "/" + filename);
FileConfigHandler handler = new FileConfigHandler();
return handler;
use of org.keycloak.client.registration.cli.config.FileConfigHandler in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegTest method testCreateWithAllowedHostsWithoutAuthentication.
private void testCreateWithAllowedHostsWithoutAuthentication(String realm, boolean useConfig) throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
KcRegExec exe = execute("create " + (useConfig ? ("--config '" + configFile.getAbsolutePath()) + "'" : "--no-config") + " --server " + serverUrl + " --realm " + realm + " -s clientId=test-client -o");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
ClientRepresentation client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "test-client", client.getClientId());
Assert.assertNotNull("registrationAccessToken", client.getRegistrationAccessToken());
exe = execute("delete test-client " + (useConfig ? ("--config '" + configFile.getAbsolutePath()) + "'" : "--no-config") + " --server " + serverUrl + " --realm " + realm + " -t " + client.getRegistrationAccessToken());
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);