use of org.keycloak.testsuite.util.TempFileResource in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcAdmSessionTest method test.
public void test() throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
// login as admin
loginAsUser(configFile.getFile(), serverUrl, "master", "admin", "admin");
// create realm
KcAdmExec exe = execute("create realms --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s realm=demorealm -s enabled=true");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 1);
Assert.assertTrue(exe.stderrLines().get(0).startsWith("Created "));
// create user
exe = execute("create users --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -r demorealm -s username=testuser -s enabled=true -i");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 1, 0);
String userId = exe.stdoutLines().get(0);
// add realm admin capabilities to user
exe = execute("add-roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -r demorealm --uusername testuser --cclientid realm-management --rolename realm-admin");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// set password for the user
exe = execute("set-password --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -r demorealm --username testuser -p password");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
// login as testuser
loginAsUser(configFile.getFile(), serverUrl, "demorealm", "testuser", "password");
// get realm roles
exe = execute("get-roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
List<ObjectNode> roles = loadJson(exe.stdout(), LIST_OF_JSON);
Assert.assertThat("expected three realm roles available", roles.size(), equalTo(3));
// create realm role
exe = execute("create roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s name=testrole -s 'description=Test role' -o");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
ObjectNode role = loadJson(exe.stdout(), ObjectNode.class);
Assert.assertEquals("testrole", role.get("name").asText());
String roleId = role.get("id").asText();
// get realm roles again
exe = execute("get-roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
roles = loadJson(exe.stdout(), LIST_OF_JSON);
Assert.assertThat("expected four realm roles available", roles.size(), equalTo(4));
// create client
exe = execute("create clients --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s clientId=testclient -i");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 1, 0);
String idOfClient = exe.stdoutLines().get(0);
// create client role
exe = execute("create clients/" + idOfClient + "/roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s name=clientrole -s 'description=Test client role'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 1);
Assert.assertTrue(exe.stderrLines().get(0).startsWith("Created "));
// make sure client role has been created
exe = execute("get-roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --cclientid testclient");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
roles = loadJson(exe.stdout(), LIST_OF_JSON);
Assert.assertThat("expected one role", roles.size(), equalTo(1));
Assert.assertEquals("clientrole", roles.get(0).get("name").asText());
// add created role to user - we are realm admin so we can add role to ourself
exe = execute("add-roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --uusername testuser --cclientid testclient --rolename clientrole");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// make sure the roles have been added
exe = execute("get-roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --uusername testuser --all");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
ObjectNode node = loadJson(exe.stdout(), ObjectNode.class);
List<String> realmMappings ="realmMappings").spliterator(), false).map(o -> o.get("name").asText()).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("default-roles-demorealm"), realmMappings);
ObjectNode clientRoles = (ObjectNode) node.get("clientMappings");
// List<String> fields = asSortedList(clientRoles.fieldNames());
List<String> fields =, false).map(o -> o.get("client").asText()).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("realm-management", "testclient"), fields);
realmMappings ="realm-management").get("mappings").spliterator(), false).map(o -> o.get("name").asText()).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("realm-admin"), realmMappings);
realmMappings ="testclient").get("mappings").spliterator(), false).map(o -> o.get("name").asText()).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("clientrole"), realmMappings);
// add a realm role to the user
exe = execute("add-roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --uusername testuser --rolename testrole");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// get all roles for the user again
exe = execute("get-roles --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --uusername testuser --all");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
node = loadJson(exe.stdout(), ObjectNode.class);
realmMappings ="realmMappings").spliterator(), false).map(o -> o.get("name").asText()).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("default-roles-demorealm", "testrole"), realmMappings);
// create a group
exe = execute("create groups --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s name=TestUsers -i");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
String groupId = exe.stdoutLines().get(0);
// create a sub-group
exe = execute("create groups/" + groupId + "/children --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s name=TestPowerUsers -i");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
String subGroupId = exe.stdoutLines().get(0);
// add testuser to TestPowerUsers
exe = execute("update users/" + userId + "/groups/" + subGroupId + " --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s realm=demorealm -s userId=" + userId + " -s groupId=" + subGroupId + " -n");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// delete everything
exe = execute("delete groups/" + subGroupId + " --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
exe = execute("delete groups/" + groupId + " --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
exe = execute("delete clients/" + idOfClient + " --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
exe = execute("delete roles/testrole --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
exe = execute("delete users/" + userId + " --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// delete realm as well - using initial master realm session still saved in config file
exe = execute("delete realms/demorealm --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --realm master");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
use of org.keycloak.testsuite.util.TempFileResource in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegCreateTest method testCreateWithRealmOverride.
public void testCreateWithRealmOverride() throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
// authenticate as a regular user against one realm
KcRegExec exe = execute("config credentials -x --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --insecure --server " + oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT + " --realm master --user admin --password admin");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 3);
// use initial token of another realm with server, and realm override
String token = issueInitialAccessToken("test");
exe = execute("create --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --insecure --server " + oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT + " --realm test -s clientId=my_first_client -t " + token);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 3);
use of org.keycloak.testsuite.util.TempFileResource in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegCreateTest method testCreateWithAuthorizationServices.
public void testCreateWithAuthorizationServices() throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
KcRegExec exe = execute("config credentials -x --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --insecure --server " + oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT + " --realm master --user admin --password admin");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 3);
String token = issueInitialAccessToken("test");
exe = execute("create --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --insecure --server " + oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT + " --realm test -s clientId=authz-client -s authorizationServicesEnabled=true -t " + token);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 3);
RealmResource realm = adminClient.realm("test");
ClientsResource clients = realm.clients();
ClientRepresentation clientRep = clients.findByClientId("authz-client").get(0);
ClientResource client = clients.get(clientRep.getId());
clientRep = client.toRepresentation();
ResourceServerRepresentation settings = client.authorization().getSettings();
Assert.assertEquals(PolicyEnforcementMode.ENFORCING, settings.getPolicyEnforcementMode());
List<RoleRepresentation> roles = client.roles().list();
Assert.assertEquals(1, roles.size());
Assert.assertEquals("uma_protection", roles.get(0).getName());
// create using oidc endpoint - autodetect format
String content = " {\n" + " \"redirect_uris\" : [ \"http://localhost:8980/myapp/*\" ],\n" + " \"grant_types\" : [ \"authorization_code\", \"client_credentials\", \"refresh_token\", \"" + OAuth2Constants.UMA_GRANT_TYPE + "\" ],\n" + " \"response_types\" : [ \"code\", \"none\" ],\n" + " \"client_name\" : \"My Reg Authz\",\n" + " \"client_uri\" : \"http://localhost:8980/myapp\"\n" + " }";
try (TempFileResource tmpFile = new TempFileResource(initTempFile(".json", content))) {
exe = execute("create --insecure --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s 'client_name=My Reg Authz' --realm test -t " + token + " -s 'redirect_uris=[\"http://localhost:8980/myapp5/*\"]' -s client_uri=http://localhost:8980/myapp5" + " -o -f - < '" + tmpFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 2);
OIDCClientRepresentation oidcClient = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), OIDCClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertNotNull("clientId", oidcClient.getClientId());
Assert.assertEquals("redirect_uris", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp5/*"), oidcClient.getRedirectUris());
Assert.assertThat("grant_types", oidcClient.getGrantTypes(), Matchers.containsInAnyOrder("authorization_code", "client_credentials", "refresh_token", OAuth2Constants.UMA_GRANT_TYPE));
Assert.assertEquals("response_types", Arrays.asList("code", "none"), oidcClient.getResponseTypes());
Assert.assertEquals("client_name", "My Reg Authz", oidcClient.getClientName());
Assert.assertEquals("client_uri", "http://localhost:8980/myapp5", oidcClient.getClientUri());
client = clients.get(oidcClient.getClientId());
clientRep = client.toRepresentation();
settings = client.authorization().getSettings();
Assert.assertEquals(PolicyEnforcementMode.ENFORCING, settings.getPolicyEnforcementMode());
roles = client.roles().list();
Assert.assertEquals(1, roles.size());
Assert.assertEquals("uma_protection", roles.get(0).getName());
UserRepresentation serviceAccount = realm.users().search(ServiceAccountConstants.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USER_PREFIX + clientRep.getClientId()).get(0);
List<RoleRepresentation> serviceAccountRoles = realm.users().get(serviceAccount.getId()).roles().clientLevel(clientRep.getId()).listAll();
Assert.assertTrue( -> "uma_protection".equals(roleRepresentation.getName())));
use of org.keycloak.testsuite.util.TempFileResource in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegCreateTest method testCreateThoroughly.
public void testCreateThoroughly() throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
// set initial access token in config
String token = issueInitialAccessToken("test");
final String realm = "test";
KcRegExec exe = execute("config initial-token -x --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --insecure --server " + oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT + " --realm " + realm + " " + token);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// check that current server, realm, and initial token are saved in the file
ConfigData config = handler.loadConfig();
Assert.assertEquals("Config serverUrl", oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT, config.getServerUrl());
Assert.assertEquals("Config realm", realm, config.getRealm());
Assert.assertEquals("Config initial access token", token, config.ensureRealmConfigData(oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT, realm).getInitialToken());
// create configuration from file using stdin redirect ... output an object
String content = "{\n" + " \"clientId\": \"my_client\",\n" + " \"enabled\": true,\n" + " \"redirectUris\": [\"http://localhost:8980/myapp/*\"],\n" + " \"serviceAccountsEnabled\": true,\n" + " \"name\": \"My Client App\",\n" + " \"implicitFlowEnabled\": false,\n" + " \"publicClient\": true,\n" + " \"protocol\": \"openid-connect\",\n" + " \"webOrigins\": [\"http://localhost:8980/myapp\"],\n" + " \"consentRequired\": false,\n" + " \"baseUrl\": \"http://localhost:8980/myapp\",\n" + " \"rootUrl\": \"http://localhost:8980/myapp\",\n" + " \"bearerOnly\": true,\n" + " \"standardFlowEnabled\": true\n" + "}";
try (TempFileResource tmpFile = new TempFileResource(initTempFile(".json", content))) {
exe = execute("create --insecure --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -f - < '" + tmpFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 2);
ClientRepresentation client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertNotNull("id", client.getId());
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "my_client", client.getClientId());
Assert.assertEquals("enabled", true, client.isEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("redirectUris", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp/*"), client.getRedirectUris());
Assert.assertEquals("serviceAccountsEnabled", true, client.isServiceAccountsEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("name", "My Client App", client.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("implicitFlowEnabled", false, client.isImplicitFlowEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("publicClient", true, client.isPublicClient());
// note there is no server-side check if protocol is supported
Assert.assertEquals("protocol", "openid-connect", client.getProtocol());
Assert.assertEquals("webOrigins", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp"), client.getWebOrigins());
Assert.assertEquals("consentRequired", false, client.isConsentRequired());
Assert.assertEquals("baseUrl", "http://localhost:8980/myapp", client.getBaseUrl());
Assert.assertEquals("rootUrl", "http://localhost:8980/myapp", client.getRootUrl());
Assert.assertEquals("bearerOnly", true, client.isStandardFlowEnabled());
Assert.assertNull("mappers are null", client.getProtocolMappers());
// create configuration from file as a template and override clientId and other attributes ... output an object
exe = execute("create --insecure --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -f '" + tmpFile.getName() + "' -s clientId=my_client2 -s enabled=false -s 'redirectUris=[\"http://localhost:8980/myapp2/*\"]'" + " -s 'name=My Client App II' -s protocol=openid-connect -s 'webOrigins=[\"http://localhost:8980/myapp2\"]'" + " -s baseUrl=http://localhost:8980/myapp2 -s rootUrl=http://localhost:8980/myapp2");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 2);
ClientRepresentation client2 = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertNotNull("id", client2.getId());
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "my_client2", client2.getClientId());
Assert.assertEquals("enabled", false, client2.isEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("redirectUris", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp2/*"), client2.getRedirectUris());
Assert.assertEquals("serviceAccountsEnabled", true, client2.isServiceAccountsEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("name", "My Client App II", client2.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("implicitFlowEnabled", false, client2.isImplicitFlowEnabled());
Assert.assertEquals("publicClient", true, client2.isPublicClient());
Assert.assertEquals("protocol", "openid-connect", client2.getProtocol());
Assert.assertEquals("webOrigins", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp2"), client2.getWebOrigins());
Assert.assertEquals("consentRequired", false, client2.isConsentRequired());
Assert.assertEquals("baseUrl", "http://localhost:8980/myapp2", client2.getBaseUrl());
Assert.assertEquals("rootUrl", "http://localhost:8980/myapp2", client2.getRootUrl());
Assert.assertEquals("bearerOnly", true, client2.isStandardFlowEnabled());
Assert.assertNull("mappers are null", client2.getProtocolMappers());
// check that using an invalid attribute key is not ignored
exe = execute("create --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -f '" + tmpFile.getName() + "' -s client_id=my_client3");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 1);
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to set attribute 'client_id' on document type 'default'", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
// simple create, output an id
exe = execute("create --insecure --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -i -s clientId=my_client3");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 1, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("only clientId returned", "my_client3", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
// simple create, default output
exe = execute("create --insecure --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s clientId=my_client4");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 3);
Assert.assertEquals("only clientId returned", "Registered new client with client_id 'my_client4'", exe.stderrLines().get(2));
// create using oidc endpoint - autodetect format
content = " {\n" + " \"redirect_uris\" : [ \"http://localhost:8980/myapp/*\" ],\n" + " \"grant_types\" : [ \"authorization_code\", \"client_credentials\", \"refresh_token\" ],\n" + " \"response_types\" : [ \"code\", \"none\" ],\n" + " \"client_name\" : \"My Client App\",\n" + " \"client_uri\" : \"http://localhost:8980/myapp\"\n" + " }";
try (TempFileResource tmpFile = new TempFileResource(initTempFile(".json", content))) {
exe = execute("create --insecure --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -s 'client_name=My Client App V' " + " -s 'redirect_uris=[\"http://localhost:8980/myapp5/*\"]' -s client_uri=http://localhost:8980/myapp5" + " -o -f - < '" + tmpFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 2);
OIDCClientRepresentation client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), OIDCClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertNotNull("clientId", client.getClientId());
Assert.assertEquals("redirect_uris", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8980/myapp5/*"), client.getRedirectUris());
Assert.assertEquals("grant_types", Arrays.asList("authorization_code", "client_credentials", "refresh_token"), client.getGrantTypes());
Assert.assertEquals("response_types", Arrays.asList("code", "none"), client.getResponseTypes());
Assert.assertEquals("client_name", "My Client App V", client.getClientName());
Assert.assertEquals("client_uri", "http://localhost:8980/myapp5", client.getClientUri());
// try use incompatible endpoint override
exe = execute("create --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -e default -f '" + tmpFile.getName() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 1);
Assert.assertEquals("Error message", "Attribute 'redirect_uris' not supported on document type 'default'", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
// test create saml formated xml - format autodetection
File samlSpMetaFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/test/resources/cli/kcreg/saml-sp-metadata.xml");
Assert.assertTrue("saml-sp-metadata.xml exists", samlSpMetaFile.isFile());
exe = execute("create --insecure --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' -o -f - < '" + samlSpMetaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 2);
ClientRepresentation client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertNotNull("id", client.getId());
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "http://localhost:8080/sales-post-enc/", client.getClientId());
Assert.assertEquals("redirectUris", Arrays.asList("http://localhost:8081/sales-post-enc/saml"), client.getRedirectUris());
Assert.assertEquals("attributes.saml_name_id_format", "username", client.getAttributes().get("saml_name_id_format"));
Assert.assertEquals("attributes.saml_assertion_consumer_url_post", "http://localhost:8081/sales-post-enc/saml", client.getAttributes().get("saml_assertion_consumer_url_post"));
Assert.assertEquals("attributes.saml.signature.algorithm", "RSA_SHA256", client.getAttributes().get("saml.signature.algorithm"));
// delete initial token
exe = execute("config initial-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --insecure --server " + serverUrl + " --realm " + realm + " --delete");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
config = handler.loadConfig();
Assert.assertNull("initial token == null", config.ensureRealmConfigData(serverUrl, realm).getInitialToken());
use of org.keycloak.testsuite.util.TempFileResource in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegTruststoreTest method testTruststore.
public void testTruststore() throws IOException {
File truststore = new File("src/test/resources/keystore/keycloak.truststore");
KcRegExec exe = execute("config truststore --no-config '" + truststore.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("stderr first line", "Unsupported option: --no-config", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + OsUtil.CMD + " help config truststore' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
// only run the rest of this test if ssl protected keycloak server is available
System.out.println("TEST SKIPPED - This test requires HTTPS. Run with '-Pauth-server-wildfly -Dauth.server.ssl.required=true'");
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
if (runIntermittentlyFailingTests()) {
// configure truststore
exe = execute("config truststore --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' '" + truststore.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// perform authentication against server - asks for password, then for truststore password
exe = KcRegExec.newBuilder().argsLine("config credentials --server " + oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT + " --realm test --user user1" + " --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'").executeAsync();
exe.waitForStdout("Enter password: ");
exe.sendToStdin("userpass" + EOL);
exe.waitForStdout("Enter truststore password: ");
exe.sendToStdin("secret" + EOL);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 2, 1);
// configure truststore with password
exe = execute("config truststore --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --trustpass secret '" + truststore.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// perform authentication against server - asks for password, then for truststore password
exe = KcRegExec.newBuilder().argsLine("config credentials --server " + oauth.AUTH_SERVER_ROOT + " --realm test --user user1" + " --config '" + configFile.getName() + "'").executeAsync();
exe.waitForStdout("Enter password: ");
exe.sendToStdin("userpass" + EOL);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 1, 1);
} else {
System.out.println("TEST SKIPPED PARTIALLY - This test currently suffers from intermittent failures. Use -Dtest.intermittent=true to run it in full.");
// configure truststore with password
exe = execute("config truststore --trustpass secret '" + truststore.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// perform authentication against server - asks for password, then for truststore password
exe = execute("config credentials --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test --user user1 --password userpass");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 1);
exe = execute("config truststore --delete");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
exe = execute("config truststore --delete '" + truststore.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("incompatible", "Option --delete is mutually exclusive with specifying a TRUSTSTORE", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help config truststore' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
exe = execute("config truststore --delete --trustpass secret");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("no truststore error", "Options --trustpass and --delete are mutually exclusive", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help config truststore' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
FileConfigHandler cfghandler = new FileConfigHandler();
ConfigData config = cfghandler.loadConfig();
Assert.assertNull("truststore null", config.getTruststore());
Assert.assertNull("trustpass null", config.getTrustpass());
// perform no-config CRUD test against ssl protected endpoint
testCRUDWithOnTheFlyAuth(serverUrl, "--user user1 --password userpass", " --truststore '" + truststore.getAbsolutePath() + "' --trustpass secret", "Logging into " + serverUrl + " as user user1 of realm test");