use of org.keycloak.scripting.EvaluatableScriptAdapter in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class JSPolicyProvider method evaluate.
public void evaluate(Evaluation evaluation) {
Policy policy = evaluation.getPolicy();
AuthorizationProvider authorization = evaluation.getAuthorizationProvider();
EvaluatableScriptAdapter adapter = evaluatableScript.apply(authorization, policy);
try {
SimpleScriptContext context = new SimpleScriptContext();
context.setAttribute("$evaluation", evaluation, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error evaluating JS Policy [" + policy.getName() + "].", e);
use of org.keycloak.scripting.EvaluatableScriptAdapter in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class ScriptBasedMapper method transformAttributeStatement.
* This method attaches one or many attributes to the passed attribute statement.
* To obtain the attribute values, it executes the mapper's script and returns attaches the returned value to the
* attribute.
* If the returned attribute is an Array or is iterable, the mapper will either return multiple attributes, or an
* attribute with multiple values. The variant chosen depends on the configuration of the mapper
* @param attributeStatement The attribute statements to be added to a token
* @param mappingModel The mapping model reflects the values that are actually input in the GUI
* @param session The current session
* @param userSession The current user session
* @param clientSession The current client session
public void transformAttributeStatement(AttributeStatementType attributeStatement, ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel, KeycloakSession session, UserSessionModel userSession, AuthenticatedClientSessionModel clientSession) {
UserModel user = userSession.getUser();
String scriptSource = mappingModel.getConfig().get(ProviderConfigProperty.SCRIPT_TYPE);
RealmModel realm = userSession.getRealm();
String single = mappingModel.getConfig().get(SINGLE_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);
boolean singleAttribute = Boolean.parseBoolean(single);
ScriptingProvider scripting = session.getProvider(ScriptingProvider.class);
ScriptModel scriptModel = scripting.createScript(realm.getId(), ScriptModel.TEXT_JAVASCRIPT, "attribute-mapper-script_" + mappingModel.getName(), scriptSource, null);
EvaluatableScriptAdapter script = scripting.prepareEvaluatableScript(scriptModel);
Object attributeValue;
try {
attributeValue = script.eval((bindings) -> {
bindings.put("user", user);
bindings.put("realm", realm);
bindings.put("clientSession", clientSession);
bindings.put("userSession", userSession);
bindings.put("keycloakSession", session);
// If the result is a an array or is iterable, get all values
if (attributeValue.getClass().isArray()) {
attributeValue = Arrays.asList((Object[]) attributeValue);
if (attributeValue instanceof Iterable) {
if (singleAttribute) {
AttributeType singleAttributeType = AttributeStatementHelper.createAttributeType(mappingModel);
attributeStatement.addAttribute(new AttributeStatementType.ASTChoiceType(singleAttributeType));
for (Object value : (Iterable) attributeValue) {
} else {
for (Object value : (Iterable) attributeValue) {
AttributeStatementHelper.addAttribute(attributeStatement, mappingModel, value.toString());
} else {
// single value case
AttributeStatementHelper.addAttribute(attributeStatement, mappingModel, attributeValue.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error("Error during execution of ProtocolMapper script", ex);
AttributeStatementHelper.addAttribute(attributeStatement, mappingModel, null);
use of org.keycloak.scripting.EvaluatableScriptAdapter in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class ScriptBasedOIDCProtocolMapper method evaluateScript.
private Object evaluateScript(Object tokenBinding, ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel, UserSessionModel userSession, KeycloakSession keycloakSession) {
UserModel user = userSession.getUser();
String scriptSource = getScriptCode(mappingModel);
RealmModel realm = userSession.getRealm();
ScriptingProvider scripting = keycloakSession.getProvider(ScriptingProvider.class);
ScriptModel scriptModel = scripting.createScript(realm.getId(), ScriptModel.TEXT_JAVASCRIPT, "token-mapper-script_" + mappingModel.getName(), scriptSource, null);
EvaluatableScriptAdapter script = scripting.prepareEvaluatableScript(scriptModel);
Object claimValue;
try {
claimValue = script.eval((bindings) -> {
bindings.put("user", user);
bindings.put("realm", realm);
if (tokenBinding instanceof IDToken) {
bindings.put("token", tokenBinding);
} else if (tokenBinding instanceof AccessTokenResponse) {
bindings.put("tokenResponse", tokenBinding);
bindings.put("userSession", userSession);
bindings.put("keycloakSession", keycloakSession);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error("Error during execution of ProtocolMapper script", ex);
claimValue = null;
return claimValue;
use of org.keycloak.scripting.EvaluatableScriptAdapter in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class ScriptCache method computeIfAbsent.
public EvaluatableScriptAdapter computeIfAbsent(String id, Function<String, EvaluatableScriptAdapter> function) {
try {
EvaluatableScriptAdapter adapter = removeIfExpired(cache.get(id));
if (adapter != null) {
return adapter;
if (parkForWriteAndCheckInterrupt()) {
return null;
CacheEntry entry = cache.computeIfAbsent(id, key -> new CacheEntry(key, function.apply(id), maxAge));
if (entry != null) {
return entry.value();
return null;
} finally {