use of org.keycloak.testsuite.arquillian.jetty.saml.util.RestSamlApplicationConfig in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class JettyAppServer method addRestEasyServlet.
private void addRestEasyServlet(WebArchive archive, WebAppContext webAppContext) {
log.debug("Starting Resteasy deployment");
boolean addServlet = true;
ServletHolder resteasyServlet = new ServletHolder("", new HttpServlet30Dispatcher());
String jaxrsApplication = getJaxRsApplication(archive);
Set<Class<?>> pathAnnotatedClasses = getPathAnnotatedClasses(archive);
if (jaxrsApplication != null) {
log.debug("App has an Application.class: " + jaxrsApplication);
resteasyServlet.setInitParameter("", jaxrsApplication);
} else if (!pathAnnotatedClasses.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("App has @Path annotated classes: " + pathAnnotatedClasses);
ResteasyDeployment deployment = new ResteasyDeployment();
deployment.setApplication(new RestSamlApplicationConfig(pathAnnotatedClasses));
webAppContext.setAttribute(ResteasyDeployment.class.getName(), deployment);
} else {
log.debug("An application doesn't have Application.class, nor @Path annotated classes. Skipping Resteasy initialization.");
addServlet = false;
if (addServlet) {
// this should be /* in general. However Jetty 9.2 (this is bug specific to this version),
// can not merge two instances of together (one from web.xml
// and the other one added here). In 9.1 and 9.4 this works fine.
// Once we stop supporting 9.2, this should replaced with /* and this comment should be removed.
webAppContext.addServlet(resteasyServlet, "/");
log.debug("Finished Resteasy deployment");