use of org.keycloak.testsuite.cli.KcRegExec in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class AbstractRegCliTest method loginAsUser.
void loginAsUser(File configFile, String server, String realm, String user, String password) {
KcRegExec exe = execute("config credentials --server " + server + " --realm " + realm + " --user " + user + " --password " + password + " --config " + configFile.getAbsolutePath());
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 1);
use of org.keycloak.testsuite.cli.KcRegExec in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class AbstractRegCliTest method testCRUDWithOnTheFlyAuth.
void testCRUDWithOnTheFlyAuth(String serverUrl, String credentials, String extraOptions, String loginMessage) throws IOException {
File configFile = getDefaultConfigFilePath();
long lastModified = configFile.exists() ? configFile.lastModified() : 0;
// This test assumes it is the only user of any instance of on the system
KcRegExec exe = execute("create --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test " + credentials + " " + extraOptions + " -s clientId=test-client -o");
Assert.assertEquals("exitCode == 0", 0, exe.exitCode());
Assert.assertEquals("login message", loginMessage, exe.stderrLines().get(0));
ClientRepresentation client = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "test-client", client.getClientId());
Assert.assertNotNull("registrationAccessToken not null", client.getRegistrationAccessToken());
long lastModified2 = configFile.exists() ? configFile.lastModified() : 0;
Assert.assertEquals("config file not modified", lastModified, lastModified2);
exe = execute("get test-client --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test " + credentials + " " + extraOptions);
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 1);
ClientRepresentation client2 = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "test-client", client2.getClientId());
// we did not provide a token, thus no registrationAccessToken is present
Assert.assertNull("registrationAccessToken is null", client2.getRegistrationAccessToken());
lastModified2 = configFile.exists() ? configFile.lastModified() : 0;
Assert.assertEquals("config file not modified", lastModified, lastModified2);
// the token works even though an intermediary invocation was performed,
// because the previous invocation didn't use a registration access token
exe = execute("get test-client --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test " + extraOptions + " -t " + client.getRegistrationAccessToken());
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
ClientRepresentation client3 = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "test-client", client3.getClientId());
Assert.assertEquals("registrationAccessToken in returned json is different than one returned by create", client.getRegistrationAccessToken(), client3.getRegistrationAccessToken());
lastModified2 = configFile.exists() ? configFile.lastModified() : 0;
Assert.assertEquals("config file not modified", lastModified, lastModified2);
exe = execute("update test-client --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test " + credentials + " " + extraOptions + " -s enabled=false -o");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 1);
ClientRepresentation client4 = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "test-client", client4.getClientId());
Assert.assertFalse("enabled", client4.isEnabled());
Assert.assertNull("registrationAccessToken in null", client4.getRegistrationAccessToken());
lastModified2 = configFile.exists() ? configFile.lastModified() : 0;
Assert.assertEquals("config file not modified", lastModified, lastModified2);
exe = execute("update test-client --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test " + extraOptions + " -s enabled=true -o -t " + client3.getRegistrationAccessToken());
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
ClientRepresentation client5 = JsonSerialization.readValue(exe.stdout(), ClientRepresentation.class);
Assert.assertEquals("clientId", "test-client", client5.getClientId());
Assert.assertTrue("enabled", client5.isEnabled());
Assert.assertNotEquals("registrationAccessToken in returned json is different than one returned by get", client3.getRegistrationAccessToken(), client5.getRegistrationAccessToken());
lastModified2 = configFile.exists() ? configFile.lastModified() : 0;
Assert.assertEquals("config file not modified", lastModified, lastModified2);
exe = execute("delete test-client --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test " + credentials + " " + extraOptions);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 1);
lastModified2 = configFile.exists() ? configFile.lastModified() : 0;
Assert.assertEquals("config file not modified", lastModified, lastModified2);
// subsequent delete should fail
exe = execute("delete test-client --no-config --server " + serverUrl + " --realm test " + credentials + " " + extraOptions);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Client not found [invalid_request]", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
lastModified2 = configFile.exists() ? configFile.lastModified() : 0;
Assert.assertEquals("config file not modified", lastModified, lastModified2);
use of org.keycloak.testsuite.cli.KcRegExec in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegConfigTest method testRegistrationToken.
public void testRegistrationToken() throws IOException {
FileConfigHandler handler = initCustomConfigFile();
try (TempFileResource configFile = new TempFileResource(handler.getConfigFile())) {
// without --server
KcRegExec exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' ");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Required option not specified: --server", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help config registration-token' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
// without --realm
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Required option not specified: --realm", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help config registration-token' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
// without --client
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 2);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Required option not specified: --client", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("try help", "Try '" + CMD + " help config registration-token' for more information", exe.stderrLines().get(1));
// specify token on cmdline
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test --client my_client NEWTOKEN");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
if (runIntermittentlyFailingTests()) {
// don't specify token - must be prompted for it
exe = KcRegExec.newBuilder().argsLine("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test --client my_client").executeAsync();
exe.waitForStdout("Enter Registration Access Token:");
exe.sendToStdin("NEWTOKEN" + EOL);
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 1, 0);
} else {
System.out.println("TEST SKIPPED PARTIALLY - This test currently suffers from intermittent failures. Use -Dtest.intermittent=true to run it in full.");
// delete non-existent token
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test --client nonexistent --delete");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
// delete token
exe = execute("config registration-token --config '" + configFile.getName() + "' --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm test --client my_client --delete");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 0, 0, 0);
use of org.keycloak.testsuite.cli.KcRegExec in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegTest method testNoArgs.
public void testNoArgs() {
* Test (sub)commands without any arguments
KcRegExec exe = execute("");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
List<String> lines = exe.stdoutLines();
Assert.assertTrue("stdout output not empty", lines.size() > 0);
Assert.assertEquals("stdout first line", "Keycloak Client Registration CLI", lines.get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("stdout one but last line", "Use '" + KcRegExec.CMD + " help <command>' for more information about a given command.", lines.get(lines.size() - 2));
Assert.assertEquals("stdout last line", "", lines.get(lines.size() - 1));
* Test commands without arguments
exe = execute("config");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 1);
Assert.assertEquals("error message", "Sub-command required by '" + CMD + " config' - one of: 'credentials', 'truststore', 'initial-token', 'registration-token'", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
exe = execute("config credentials");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " config credentials --server SERVER_URL --realm REALM [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
exe = execute("config initial-token");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " config initial-token --server SERVER --realm REALM [--delete | TOKEN] [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
exe = execute("config registration-token");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " config registration-token --server SERVER --realm REALM --client CLIENT [--delete | TOKEN] [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
exe = execute("config truststore");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " config truststore [TRUSTSTORE | --delete] [--trustpass PASSWORD] [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
exe = execute("create");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " create [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
// Assert.assertEquals("error message", "No file nor attribute values specified", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
exe = execute("get");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " get CLIENT [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
// Assert.assertEquals("error message", "CLIENT not specified", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
exe = execute("update");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " update CLIENT [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
// Assert.assertEquals("error message", "No file nor attribute values specified", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
exe = execute("delete");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " delete CLIENT [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
// Assert.assertEquals("error message", "CLIENT not specified", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
exe = execute("attrs");
Assert.assertEquals("exit code", 0, exe.exitCode());
Assert.assertTrue("stdout has response", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("first line", "Attributes for default format:", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
exe = execute("update-token");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 1, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("help message returned", exe.stdoutLines().size() > 10);
Assert.assertEquals("help message", "Usage: " + CMD + " update-token CLIENT [ARGUMENTS]", exe.stdoutLines().get(0));
// Assert.assertEquals("error message", "CLIENT not specified", exe.stderrLines().get(0));
exe = execute("help");
assertExitCodeAndStdErrSize(exe, 0, 0);
lines = exe.stdoutLines();
Assert.assertTrue("stdout output not empty", lines.size() > 0);
Assert.assertEquals("stdout first line", "Keycloak Client Registration CLI", lines.get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("stdout one but last line", "Use '" + KcRegExec.CMD + " help <command>' for more information about a given command.", lines.get(lines.size() - 2));
Assert.assertEquals("stdout last line", "", lines.get(lines.size() - 1));
use of org.keycloak.testsuite.cli.KcRegExec in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class KcRegTest method testBadCommand.
public void testBadCommand() {
* Test most basic execution with non-existent command
KcRegExec exe = execute("nonexistent");
assertExitCodeAndStreamSizes(exe, 1, 0, 1);
Assert.assertEquals("stderr first line", "Unknown command: nonexistent", exe.stderrLines().get(0));