use of org.keycloak.testsuite.model.HotRodServerRule in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class UserSessionInitializerTest method testUserSessionPropagationBetweenSites.
@RequireProvider(value = UserSessionProvider.class, only = InfinispanUserSessionProviderFactory.PROVIDER_ID)
public void testUserSessionPropagationBetweenSites() throws InterruptedException {
AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicReference<String> userSessionId = new AtomicReference<>();
AtomicReference<List<Boolean>> containsSession = new AtomicReference<>(new LinkedList<>());
Object lock = new Object();
Optional<HotRodServerRule> hotRodServer = getParameters(HotRodServerRule.class).findFirst();
inIndependentFactories(4, 300, () -> {
synchronized (lock) {
if (index.incrementAndGet() == 1) {
// create a user session in the first node
UserSessionModel userSessionModel = withRealm(realmId, (session, realm) -> {
final UserModel user = session.users().getUserByUsername(realm, "user1");
return session.sessions().createUserSession(realm, user, "un1", "ip1", "auth", false, null, null);
} else {
// try to get the user session at other nodes and also at different sites
inComittedTransaction(session -> {
InfinispanConnectionProvider provider = session.getProvider(InfinispanConnectionProvider.class);
Cache<String, Object> localSessions = provider.getCache(USER_SESSION_CACHE_NAME);
if (hotRodServer.isPresent()) {
RemoteCache<String, Object> remoteSessions = provider.getRemoteCache(USER_SESSION_CACHE_NAME);
assertThat(containsSession.get(), everyItem(is(true)));
// 3 nodes (first node just creates the session), with Hot Rod server we have local + remote cache, without just local cache
int size = hotRodServer.isPresent() ? 6 : 3;
assertThat(containsSession.get().size(), is(size));