use of org.kie.api.event.rule.DebugAgendaEventListener in project drools by kiegroup.
the class TraitTest method testTraitDonLegacyClassWithoutEmptyConstructor.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testTraitDonLegacyClassWithoutEmptyConstructor() {
String drl = "package org.drools.compiler.trait.test;\n" + "\n" + "import org.drools.compiler.factmodel.traits.TraitTest.TraitableFoo;\n" + "import org.drools.core.factmodel.traits.Traitable;\n" + "\n" + "" + "declare trait Bar\n" + "end\n" + "\n" + "rule \"Don\"\n" + "no-loop \n" + "when\n" + " $f : TraitableFoo( )\n" + "then\n" + " Bar b = don( $f, Bar.class );\n" + "end";
KieSession ksession = getSessionFromString(drl);
TraitFactory.setMode(mode, ksession.getKieBase());
ksession.addEventListener(new DebugAgendaEventListener());
ksession.insert(new TraitableFoo("xx", 0, null));
for (Object o : ksession.getObjects()) {
assertEquals(2, ksession.getObjects().size());
use of org.kie.api.event.rule.DebugAgendaEventListener in project drools by kiegroup.
the class HelloWorldExample method execute.
public static void execute(KieContainer kc) {
// From the container, a session is created based on
// its definition and configuration in the META-INF/kmodule.xml file
KieSession ksession = kc.newKieSession("HelloWorldKS");
// Once the session is created, the application can interact with it
// In this case it is setting a global as defined in the
// org/drools/examples/helloworld/HelloWorld.drl file
ksession.setGlobal("list", new ArrayList<Object>());
// The application can also setup listeners
ksession.addEventListener(new DebugAgendaEventListener());
ksession.addEventListener(new DebugRuleRuntimeEventListener());
// To setup a file based audit logger, uncomment the next line
// KieRuntimeLogger logger = ks.getLoggers().newFileLogger( ksession, "./helloworld" );
// To setup a ThreadedFileLogger, so that the audit view reflects events whilst debugging,
// uncomment the next line
// KieRuntimeLogger logger = ks.getLoggers().newThreadedFileLogger( ksession, "./helloworld", 1000 );
// The application can insert facts into the session
final Message message = new Message();
message.setMessage("Hello World");
// and fire the rules
// Remove comment if using logging
// logger.close();
// and then dispose the session
use of org.kie.api.event.rule.DebugAgendaEventListener in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class AgendaFilterTest method testActivationCancelled.
public void testActivationCancelled() {
// JBRULES-3376
String drl = "package\n" + "declare CancelFact\n" + " cancel : boolean = true\n" + "end\n" + "rule NoCancel\n" + " ruleflow-group \"rfg\"\n" + " when\n" + " $fact : CancelFact ( cancel == false )\n" + " then\n" + " System.out.println(\"No cancel...\");\n" + " modify ($fact) {\n" + " setCancel(true);\n" + " }\n" + "end\n" + "rule PresenceOfBothFacts\n" + " ruleflow-group \"rfg\"\n" + " salience -1\n" + " when\n" + " $fact1 : CancelFact( cancel == false )\n" + " $fact2 : CancelFact( cancel == true )\n" + " then\n" + " System.out.println(\"Both facts!\");\n" + "end\n" + "rule PresenceOfFact\n" + " ruleflow-group \"rfg\"\n" + " when\n" + " $fact : CancelFact( )\n" + " then\n" + " System.out.println(\"We have a \" + ($fact.isCancel() ? \"\" : \"non-\") + \"cancelling fact!\");\n" + "end\n" + "rule Cancel\n" + " ruleflow-group \"rfg\"\n" + " when\n" + " $fact : CancelFact ( cancel == true )\n" + " then\n" + " System.out.println(\"Cancel!\");\n" + "end";
String rf = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" + "<process xmlns=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:xs=\"\"\n" + " xs:schemaLocation=\" drools-processes-5.0.xsd\"\n" + " type=\"RuleFlow\" name=\"flow\" id=\"bz761715\" package-name=\"\" >\n" + " <header>\n" + " </header>\n" + " <nodes>\n" + " <start id=\"1\" name=\"Start\" x=\"16\" y=\"16\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" />\n" + " <ruleSet id=\"2\" name=\"Rule\" x=\"208\" y=\"16\" width=\"80\" height=\"48\" ruleFlowGroup=\"rfg\" />\n" + " <actionNode id=\"3\" name=\"Script\" x=\"320\" y=\"16\" width=\"80\" height=\"48\" >\n" + " <action type=\"expression\" dialect=\"java\" >System.out.println(\"Finishing process...\");</action>\n" + " </actionNode>\n" + " <end id=\"4\" name=\"End\" x=\"432\" y=\"16\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" />\n" + " <actionNode id=\"5\" name=\"Script\" x=\"96\" y=\"16\" width=\"80\" height=\"48\" >\n" + " <action type=\"expression\" dialect=\"java\" >System.out.println(\"Starting process...\");</action>\n" + " </actionNode>\n" + " </nodes>\n" + " <connections>\n" + " <connection from=\"5\" to=\"2\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"2\" to=\"3\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"3\" to=\"4\" />\n" + " <connection from=\"1\" to=\"5\" />\n" + " </connections>\n" + "</process>";
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(drl.getBytes()), ResourceType.DRL);
kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(rf.getBytes()), ResourceType.DRF);
if (kbuilder.hasErrors()) {
InternalKnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
KieSession ksession = kbase.newKieSession();
ksession.addEventListener(new DebugAgendaEventListener());
ksession.addEventListener(new DebugProcessEventListener());
List<Command<?>> commands = new ArrayList<Command<?>>();
commands.add(CommandFactory.newInsert(newCancelFact(ksession, false)));
commands.add(CommandFactory.newInsert(newCancelFact(ksession, true)));
commands.add(new FireAllRulesCommand(new CancelAgendaFilter()));
commands.add(new FireAllRulesCommand(new CancelAgendaFilter()));
commands.add(new FireAllRulesCommand(new CancelAgendaFilter()));
use of org.kie.api.event.rule.DebugAgendaEventListener in project drools by kiegroup.
the class UseOfRuleFlowGroupPlusLockOnTest method test.
public void test() {
KieHelper kieHelper = new KieHelper().addContent(drl, ResourceType.DRL);
KieBase kbase =;
KieSession ksession = kbase.newKieSession();
ksession.addEventListener(new DebugAgendaEventListener());
try {
ksession.insert(new Person());
ksession.insert(new Cheese("eidam"));
((DefaultAgenda) ksession.getAgenda()).activateRuleFlowGroup("group1");
int rulesFired = ksession.fireAllRules();
Assert.assertEquals(1, rulesFired);
} finally {
use of org.kie.api.event.rule.DebugAgendaEventListener in project drools by kiegroup.
the class Misc2Test method testLockOnActiveWithModifyNoEager.
public void testLockOnActiveWithModifyNoEager() {
// DROOLS-280
String drl = "" + "package org.drools.test; \n" + "import org.drools.mvel.compiler.Person; \n" + "" + "rule \"Rule1\" \n" + "salience 1 \n" + "lock-on-active true\n" + "when\n" + " $p: Person()\n" + "then\n" + " System.out.println( \"Rule1\" ); \n" + " modify( $p ) { setAge( 44 ); }\n" + "end;\n" + "\n" + "rule \"Rule2\"\n" + "lock-on-active true\n" + "when\n" + " $p: Person() \n" + " String() from $p.getName() \n" + "then\n" + " System.out.println( \"Rule2\" + $p ); " + " modify ( $p ) { setName( \"john\" ); } \n" + "end";
KieBase kb = KieBaseUtil.getKieBaseFromKieModuleFromDrl("test", kieBaseTestConfiguration, drl);
KieSession ks = kb.newKieSession();
ks.addEventListener(new DebugAgendaEventListener());
Person p = new Person("mark", 76);
assertEquals(44, p.getAge());
assertEquals("john", p.getName());