use of org.kie.api.executor.ExecutorService in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class JPASignalManager method signalEvent.
public void signalEvent(String type, Object event) {
String actualSignalType = type.replaceFirst(ASYNC_SIGNAL_PREFIX, "");
ProcessPersistenceContextManager contextManager = (ProcessPersistenceContextManager) getKnowledgeRuntime().getEnvironment().get(EnvironmentName.PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_MANAGER);
ProcessPersistenceContext context = contextManager.getProcessPersistenceContext();
List<Long> processInstancesToSignalList = context.getProcessInstancesWaitingForEvent(actualSignalType);
// handle signal asynchronously
if (type.startsWith(ASYNC_SIGNAL_PREFIX)) {
RuntimeManager runtimeManager = ((RuntimeManager) getKnowledgeRuntime().getEnvironment().get("RuntimeManager"));
ExecutorService executorService = (ExecutorService) getKnowledgeRuntime().getEnvironment().get("ExecutorService");
if (runtimeManager != null && executorService != null) {
for (Long processInstanceId : processInstancesToSignalList) {
CommandContext ctx = new CommandContext();
ctx.setData("deploymentId", runtimeManager.getIdentifier());
ctx.setData("processInstanceId", processInstanceId);
ctx.setData("Signal", actualSignalType);
ctx.setData("Event", event);
executorService.scheduleRequest(AsyncSignalEventCommand.class.getName(), ctx);
} else {
logger.warn("Signal should be sent asynchronously but there is no executor service available, continuing sync...");
for (long id : processInstancesToSignalList) {
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// IllegalStateException can be thrown when using RuntimeManager
// and invalid ksession was used for given context
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
logger.warn("Exception when loading process instance for signal '{}', instance with id {} will not be signaled", e.getMessage(), id);
super.signalEvent(actualSignalType, event);
use of org.kie.api.executor.ExecutorService in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class AsyncHandlerProducer method getWorkItemHandlers.
public Map<String, WorkItemHandler> getWorkItemHandlers(String identifier, Map<String, Object> params) {
Map<String, WorkItemHandler> handlers = new HashMap<String, WorkItemHandler>();
ExecutorService executorService = (ExecutorService) params.get("executorService");
if (executorService != null) {
handlers.put("async", new AsyncWorkItemHandler(executorService, PrintOutCommand.class.getName()));
return handlers;
use of org.kie.api.executor.ExecutorService in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class RequeueRunningJobsCommand method execute.
public ExecutionResults execute(CommandContext ctx) {
Long olderThan = (Long) ctx.getData("MaxRunningTime");
Long requestId = (Long) ctx.getData("RequestId");
try {
ExecutorService executorService = ExecutorServiceFactory.newExecutorService(null);
if (executorService instanceof RequeueAware) {
if (requestId != null) {"Requeue jobs by id {}", requestId);
((RequeueAware) executorService).requeueById(requestId);
} else {"Requeue jobs older than {}", olderThan);
((RequeueAware) executorService).requeue(olderThan);
} else {"Executor Service is not capable of jobs requeue");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while creating CDI bean from jbpm executor", e);
}"Command executed on executor with data {}", ctx.getData());
ExecutionResults executionResults = new ExecutionResults();
return executionResults;
use of org.kie.api.executor.ExecutorService in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class AsyncEventNodeInstance method internalTrigger.
public void internalTrigger(final NodeInstance from, String type) {
super.internalTrigger(from, type);
ExecutorService executorService = (ExecutorService) getProcessInstance().getKnowledgeRuntime().getEnvironment().get("ExecutorService");
if (executorService != null) {
RuntimeManager runtimeManager = ((RuntimeManager) getProcessInstance().getKnowledgeRuntime().getEnvironment().get("RuntimeManager"));
CommandContext ctx = new CommandContext();
ctx.setData("deploymentId", runtimeManager.getIdentifier());
ctx.setData("processInstanceId", getProcessInstance().getId());
ctx.setData("Signal", getEventType());
ctx.setData("Event", null);
executorService.scheduleRequest(AsyncSignalEventCommand.class.getName(), ctx);
Node node = getNode();
if (node != null) {
String uniqueId = (String) node.getMetaData().get("UniqueId");
if (uniqueId == null) {
uniqueId = ((NodeImpl) node).getUniqueId();
((WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl) getProcessInstance()).getIterationLevels().remove(getNode().getMetaData().get("UniqueId"));
} else {
logger.warn("No async executor service found continuing as sync operation...");
// if there is no executor service available move as sync node
use of org.kie.api.executor.ExecutorService in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class ParallelAsyncJobsTest method testRunBasicAsync.
* The tests verifies that async. jobs will be executed in parallel.
* JobExecutor configuration:
* - Thread pool size = 4
* - Pending task scan interval = 1 second
* The process in this test will create 4 long running tasks (8 seconds) one after another. Then
* the test will sleep for 4 seconds giving the JobExecutor time to pick up at least 2 tasks.
* The JobExecutor should be able to pick up all the tasks because one task takes 8 seconds to
* complete and the scan interval is 1 second. On the other hand a task should not complete in
* the 4 seconds so pending task count should not be lower than 3 if parallelism does not work.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testRunBasicAsync() throws Exception {
ExecutorService executorService = getExecutorService();
final Set<String> threadExeuctingJobs = new HashSet<>();
CountDownAsyncJobListener countDownListener = new CountDownAsyncJobListener(4) {
public void afterJobExecuted(AsynchronousJobEvent event) {
((ExecutorServiceImpl) executorService).addAsyncJobListener(countDownListener);
KieSession ks = createKSession(PARENT, SUBPROCESS);
ks.getWorkItemManager().registerWorkItemHandler("async", new AsyncWorkItemHandler(executorService, "org.jbpm.test.command.LongRunningCommand"));
List<String> exceptions = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, Object> pm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
pm.put("exceptions", exceptions);
ProcessInstance pi = ks.startProcess(PARENT_ID, pm);
// assert that the main process was completed as tasks are executed asynchronously
// assert that all jobs have where completed.
Assertions.assertThat(executorService.getCompletedRequests(new QueryContext())).as("All async jobs should have been executed").hasSize(4);
Assertions.assertThat(threadExeuctingJobs).as("There should be 4 distinct threads as jobs where executed in parallel").hasSize(4);